Sitecore 8 - Adding images, callouts and videos in RTF field - sitecore

I am working on a requirement in Sitecore 8 according to which there is a Rich text field and the content author can not only add html data but can also add predefined call outs/renderings/images directly in page editor mode.
Is there any way I can achieve this ? Please help.

We achieve this using Components in Experience Editor. As you create pages, we created components for Image, Video, Text and any Callouts. You will be able to drop components on the page based on specified placeholder settings. In my opinion it is the cleanest approach.

It sounds like 'snippets' is the way to go for you. There are some posts on the web about how to add snippets to RTF fields:


Sitecore page components aren't versioned with page

For a website we're working on, we had a pretty complex design to support. So, we chose the strategy where all content on each page is made up of components. Authors can insert various components such as a heading, rich text block, images, etc, allowing them flexibility in laying out pages. This was the only away we could support the complex design that was created.
This set up is working well except when it comes to versioning and search. When pages are versioned, the components on the page are not. When items are indexed for search, the components on the pages are not being indexed as part of the page. We think we may be able to solve the search issue with a custom search index, but the versioning issue seems much more complex.
Has anyone else faced these issues or have thoughts on solutions? We're on Sitecore 7.5.
A simple answer would be to upgrade to version 8 as soon as its released as version 8 will add versioning to the renderings field.
My Guess is that you are setting the content of the fields on the rendering parameters of each item? If that is the case I would suggest taking a slightly different approach. Use DataSources. You could have a few templates that hold the data, e.g. RichTextTemplate, SingleLineTextTemplate, ImageTemplate - all with a single field in, then when you add a heading or rich text block to the page, setup the rendering to all the editor to create the data source.
This way all the content can be versioned properly and you are still separating your content and presentation.
To keep the tree un-cluttered, we use an "Assets" folder under the item for all content:
Example Tree:
Page 1
Rich Text Block
Page 2
Rich Text Block
Image Block
The search problem sounds similar to this post: How to index sub-content in Sitecore with Lucene?
That suggests a computed field. In your computed field, check that your template is a page and then get all the renderings for that page. Once you have those, get the renderings DataSource items and you can build a big search field using the content from the DataSource item's fields.
This would save having an extra index with a custom access layer. It all stays within the Sitecore API.

Date Picker Styling Sitecore

I'm working on a sitecore project where i'm using WFFM (Web Forms For Marketers), I have a form and would like to change the styling of a date picker. By default it appears with -'s. I ant /'s.
One way would be:
Theres no option to change the styles? that I know of? Any help guidance would be grateful.
When using WFFM as your forms builder i think it is not possible to style the dateformat.
When adding a date field, it always shows up as three droplists:
see this image:
If you want to change styles (display) assign different css class. if your date is displayed with -'s in stead of /'s then i think you are using a custom form, you should be able configure the output of the date via the code behind file.
if this does not help, please provide sitecore version, WFFM version and type of form used.

Sitecore Create a custom control for content editor

I need to create a custom composite control for Sitecore content editor.
(I m using Sitecore 6.5)
I do not have any experience with IFrame or Custom controls
e.g.I want to implement two drop down controls, lable etc. where content authors can store values and save.
What is the best approach?
I could not find a good example which explains my scenario.
In IFrame, can we populate a layout or a sublayout? We can give external links, but it does not work for internal layouts. (If this is possible it solves half of the problem)
Or else, How can I create a custom control and integrate it with Sitecore?
Or are there any better options to achive this, Please help!
I have figured out the way to tackle this scenario,It's "IFrame".
I need to set the URL of my custom aspx page as the "source", good news is that Sitecore passes few parameters (itemid, language and version) to the IFrame (aspx page), so that I can use those parameters and handle data.

Customized Rich Text Editor in Sitecore to generate BBCode tags instead of HTML

I am currently creating a mobile site using Sitecore, where I cannot use HTML as markup instead need to use BML as markup language for mobile. Please let me know the following in this regard:
We have a field called Description and its of type RICH TEXT. Here we cannot use the normal Rich Text Editor given by the Sitecore as it generates HTML. So can anyone tell me if I can create a customized RICH TEXT Editor with a button Say "Mobile Bold" and which should generate tags for mobile instead of normal HTML <b></b> tags .
As you all know we can change the RICH TEXT Editor from Default to FULL by setting the source attribute of the field to /sitecore/system/Settings/Html Editor Profiles/Rich Text Full. So in the similar way can I create one more item in the Core DB as /sitecore/system/Settings/Html Editor Profiles/MobileRichTextFull and include customized buttons to it so as to generate BML tags as described above. If this is possible let me know what are all the settings need to be done and steps to be followed for the same.
do you want the users to edit BML directly, or are you able to transform HTML to BML?
For the latter, you'd better solve this in the presentation layer/pipeline.
HTML Agility Pack will be your friend when going for this last solution.
Otherwise, look at Teleriks resources about the editor.

Is there a good WikiField for django models?

Is there a simple way I can add a "WikiField" to a model I have in my application?
I think the most important requirements are:
A text field that can be added to any model.
simple wiki markup or editor widget that enables text formatting and easy insertion of links and images.
saves revision history with author information, and easily allows reverting back to any previous version.
Just to explain what I'm trying to do: Imagine you have a bookstore app. Most of the Book model's data come from the store's catalog. Now we would like to add a block of text that is a community wiki, so that users can write the plot summary for example.
How about a combination of django-reversion and django-tinymce, or Markdown if you prefer writing markdown?
I've not come across any field types specifically for Wikis, but with those components writing one really shouldn't take too long.