c++ String copying error to struct pointer data fields - c++

I'm currently writing a program that uses a binary search tree to store names and phone numbers (phonebook basically). I've done this before with an AVL tree, and it works fine. I have decided to switch my methods up for this implementation and not just copy/paste the logic and format of the last one. In doing so I've run into a weird error and I have no idea why it's happening. At first I thought my problem was in the way I returned a struct pointer, but it is actually in my string copying.
I've written a very basic program that only shows the copy function that returns the structure, which are then used to recursively fill the BST with the data (which is read in from a file).
Here is the shortened example:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
struct Node
std::string first;
std::string last;
std::string phone;
Node* copyfunc(std::string first, std::string last, std::string phone)
Node* temp = NULL;
temp->first = first;
temp->last = last;
temp->phone = phone;
return temp;
int main()
std::string first, last, phone;
first = "Jenny";
last = "Something";
phone = "8675309";
Node* newStruct = NULL;
newStruct = copyfunc(first, last, phone);
cout << newStruct->first << endl;
cout << newStruct->last << endl;
cout << newStruct->phone << endl;
cout << "Never to be seen again..." << endl;
return 0;
Now, I've tried using VS2013 debugger to find out where the issue is, and it happens on the first copy: "temp->first = first;". It breaks with an access violation warning and then opens the xstrings (header?) and points to the section: (line 2245)
if (this->_Myres < _Newsize)
_Copy(_Newsize, this->_Mysize); // reallocate to grow"
I'm just guessing, but from what I can gather it seems to me that it's failing in creating the new string to fit the old strings length.
The program (both the example and real one) will compile, they just hang at the point of reaching the copy function.
All input is appreciated, thanks!
EDIT: The reason I use pointers for my structures is due to the way the algorithms I'm using are written. The functions that actually link the nodes together in the BST accept a Node* type rather than a Node object.
Ex: recursiveInsert(Node* root, Node* newNodeToAdd);

You are not initializing temp to anything useful before you attempt to use it.
Node* temp = NULL;
temp->first = first; // oops! temp is NULL!
It would be easier to drop the pointers entirely:
Node copyfunc(std::string first, std::string last, std::string phone)
Node temp = {first, last, phone};
return temp;
You should also consider passing the parameters by const reference instead of value. Or just drop the function completely and initialize the Node where needed:
Node newStruct = {first, last, phone};
cout << newStruct.first << endl;


geany returning strange results in the basis for my binary search tree results C++

I began to write a project today to learn more about binary search trees but while writing the class definitions and checking them my accessor was returning false
results returning 2 and then on the next line 4196704 in the terminal.
heres the code:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class node
int data;
node *right,*left;
node(int d,node *r,node *l)
d= data;
int nodedata() ;
int node::nodedata()
return data;
int main()
node root(30,0,0);
node root2(77,0,0);
cout<< root.nodedata() << endl;
cout<< root2.nodedata() << endl;
return 0;
You are not writing c++ much I guess.
your definition of variable is wrong:
d= data;
should be
data = d;
And as for why it shows some werid data in output, those are digits in the actual memory location that your system has put there before you assign this chunck of memory, which you have not yet rewrite, to this object,
and for assigning pointers:
should be
right= r;
and if you wanna access them, put them public or create method to access it
cout<<(root.right)-> nodedata() << endl; //if you make right && left public

Deleting nodes that are outside of a specific numeric range in a singly linked list

I am working on this program that reads a text file and grabs the data out of the text file and inserts it into nodes of a linked list.
I have the whole program running and working fine besides node deletion. I am filtering the data from the text file so I only need to print out the data that have values within a certain range. I can do this with an if() statement and it works fine but that's not the result I want.
I want to delete the nodes that are outside of the specified range and free up the memory that they are using. I have a few lines of code that I wrote that try to do this but it just ends up deleting the entire list. So if anyone could point me in the right direction and tell me what I'm doing wrong that would be great!
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
struct Employee
string firstN;
string lastN;
float salary;
float bonus;
float deduction;
Employee *link;
typedef Employee* EmployPtr;
void insertAtHead( EmployPtr&, string, string, float, float,float );
void insert( EmployPtr&, string, string, float, float,float );
float netSalary( EmployPtr& );
int main()
//Open file
fstream in( "payroll.txt", ios::in );
//Read lines
string first, last;
float salary, bonus, deduction;
EmployPtr head = new Employee;
//Inserts all the data into a new node in the linked list, creating a new node each time the loop executes.
while( in >> first >> last >> salary >> bonus >> deduction)
insertAtHead (head, first, last, salary, bonus, deduction);
//Close file
cout << "-Salary in the range of ($45,000 - $60,000)-\n" << "Printed in format: First Name, Last Name, Salary, Bonus, Deduction, Net Salary.\n";
EmployPtr iter, temp;
for(iter = head; iter!= NULL; iter = iter->link)
temp = head;
//Deletes nodes outside of range.
while(netSalary(iter)<45000 || netSalary(iter)>60000)
EmployPtr nodeToDelete = temp;
temp = temp->link;
delete nodeToDelete;
cout << iter->firstN << ", " << iter->lastN << ", " << iter->salary << ", " << iter->bonus << ", " << iter->deduction << ", " << netSalary(iter) <<endl;
return 0;
//Based off of the input values, this function will create a new node and insert it at the beginning of the linked list. This function ONLY allows insertion at the beginning of the list and no where else.
void insertAtHead(EmployPtr& head, string firstValue, string lastValue,
float salaryValue, float bonusValue,float deductionValue)
EmployPtr tempPtr= new Employee;
tempPtr->firstN = firstValue;
tempPtr->lastN = lastValue;
tempPtr->salary = salaryValue;
tempPtr->bonus = bonusValue;
tempPtr->deduction = deductionValue;
tempPtr->link = head;
head = tempPtr;
//Based off of the input values, this function creates a new node and inserts it AFTER the node provided in the argument.
void insert(EmployPtr& afterNode, string firstValue, string lastValue,
float salaryValue, float bonusValue,float deductionValue)
EmployPtr tempPtr= new Employee;
tempPtr->firstN = firstValue;
tempPtr->lastN = lastValue;
tempPtr->salary = salaryValue;
tempPtr->bonus = bonusValue;
tempPtr->deduction = deductionValue;
tempPtr->link = afterNode->link;
afterNode->link = tempPtr;
//This function calculates a net salary based off of the salary, bonus, and deduction variables of the input node.
float netSalary(EmployPtr& node)
float netSalary, newDeduction;
newDeduction = ((node->salary) + (node->bonus)) * (node->deduction);
netSalary = (node->salary + node->bonus) - newDeduction;
return netSalary;
EDIT: Changed && back to || still having issue.
EDIT #2: Solution
while(netSalary(iter)<45000 || netSalary(iter)>60000)
EmployPtr nodeToDelete = new Employee;
nodeToDelete = iter;
iter = iter->link;
delete nodeToDelete;
This line right here:
while(netSalary(iter)<45000 && netSalary(iter)>60000)
I believe your conditional should be OR (||). It would not make sense for a value to both be less than 45000 and more than 60000 at the same time.
Given a value 25000, it will be less than 45000, but not more than 60000, therefore nothing will ever get deleted.
Perhaps try something along these lines:
for (iter = head; iter != NULL; iter = iter->link)
cout << iter->salary; // so you can see what node it's looking at
if (netSalary(iter) < 45000 || netSalary(iter) > 60000)
EmployPtr nodeToDelete = iter;
iter = iter->link; // difference here is that you're explicitly moving the iter forward
delete nodeToDelete;
I think you want the condition to be
while(netSalary(iter) >= 45000 && netSalary(iter) <= 60000)
I say think because I don't see a statement of what you actually want to filter out.
You should change the while condition, as a start. The '&&' should be '||' because it doesn't make sense to have '< 45000' while at the same time being greater than 60000. Also, as an alternative, why not skip adding nodes to the list entirely if they don't meet these conditions? In other words, while creating the list, check these conditions and don't add to the list if they aren't met. That way you aren't creating a list and then immediately coming back and modifying it.
Okay, the problem, I believe, is with the while loop using 'iter'. As soon as the iterator matches your condition in the while loop, you do nothing to move the iterator forward after that (because you don't get back out to the for loop) and therefore delete the rest of the list inside the while loop. Try changing the while to an 'if' and see what you get.
The most recent solution should take care of the main issue (deleting the entire list because the loop started with head instead of iter), but you may still run into another issue. If the last element is deleted, the next time the loop conditional is checked, netSalary will be called on a null pointer (as iter will be null once it's advanced to iter->link). Furthermore, attempting to modify that loop to account for the null pointer could instead lead the outside for loop attempting to access the link member of a null pointer.
The simplest solution that I could suggest would be to modify the code to use just one while loop and conditional, as shown in the following code:
EmployPtr iter = head, temp;
while(iter!= NULL)
if(netSalary(iter)<45000 || netSalary(iter)>60000)
// bad node, delete and advance
EmployPtr nodeToDelete = iter;
iter = iter->link;
delete nodeToDelete;
// good node, write and advance
cout << iter->firstN << ", " << iter->lastN << ", " << iter->salary << ", " << iter->bonus << ", " << iter->deduction << ", " << netSalary(iter) <<endl;
iter = iter->link;

c++ linked list storing strings

I am creating a custom linked list class to store strings from a program I created for an assignment. We were given a linked list handout that works for ints and were told to retool it for string storage, however I am running into an error when trying to run it.
I'm getting the error ""terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::logic_error'
what(): basic_string::_S_construct null not valid"" (which I searched around and found it was because of a string being set to null, however I do not know how to fix the error, I'm guessing it is with line 8 but I've toyed around with it to no success.) I've searched around and looked through the similar questions but could not find anything that helped.
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <cstdio>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
struct node {
node(string current) { data=current; next=NULL; }
string data;
node *next;
class list {
list(int N=0, string current);
bool empty() const { return N == 0; }
void clear();
void insert(int, const string &);
void push_front(const string &current);
friend ostream & operator<<(ostream &out, const list &current);
int N;
node *head;
node *findnode(int);
list::list(int M, string current) {
N = M;
head = new node;
for (int i=0; i<N; i++)
insert(0, current);
list::~list() {
delete head;
void list::clear() {
while (!empty()) remove(0);
void list::insert(int i, const string &din) {
node *p = new node(din);
node *pp = findnode(i-1);
p->next = pp->next;
pp->next = p;
node *list::findnode(int i) {
if (i == -1)
return head;
node *p = head->next;
while (i--)
p = p->next;
return p;
void list::push_front(const string &current) {
head = new node;
ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const list& current)
out << current;
return out;
const string rank[] = { "Ace", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7",
"8", "9", "10", "Jack", "Queen", "King" };
const string suit[] = { "Clubs", "Diamonds", "Hearts", "Spades" };
string random_card(bool verbose=false) {
string card;
card = rank[ rand()%13 ];
card += " of ";
card += suit[ rand()%4 ];
if (verbose)
cout << card << "\n";
return card;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
bool verbose = false;
int seedvalue = 0;
string stop_card = "Queen of Hearts";
for (int i=1; i<argc; i++) {
string option = argv[i];
if (option.compare(0,6,"-seed=") == 0) {
seedvalue = atoi(&argv[i][6]);
} else if (option.compare(0,6,"-stop=") == 0) {
stop_card = &argv[i][6];
} else if (option.compare("-verbose") == 0) {
verbose = true;
} else
cout << "option " << argv[i] << " ignored\n";
list deck[4];
while (1) {
string card = random_card(verbose);
char first[10];
char second[10];
sscanf(card.c_str(), "%s of %s", first,second);
// reverse engineer card suit and rank
int index2;
//suit index
for(int i=0; i<4; i++){
if (card.compare(stop_card)==0){
// print formatted table contents to stdout
cout << "Clubs : ";
cout << setw(3) << deck[0];
cout << endl;
cout << "Diamonds : ";
cout << setw(3) << deck[1];
cout << endl;
cout << "Hearts : ";
cout << setw(3) << deck[2];
cout << endl;
cout << "Spades : ";
cout << setw(3) << deck[3];
cout << endl;
The following are significant problems that will either hinder building (read: compile-time bugs) or actual runtime. This makes no claim these are all the bugs, but its certainly worth considering. I should note right off the top that the concept of a "sentinel" head-node allocation is almost- never needed in linked list management, and this code is not one of the exceptions. If the list is "empty" head should be null. If it isn't empty, head should not be null. Its just that simple, and this code would be leaps-and-bounds simpler if that were followed.
With that, read on.
Invalid Code:
list(int N=0, string current);
Reason: C++ requires all arguments following the first argument that is provided a default value to also have default values. This would be valid if N was the second parameter, or if current was also given a default value (or of course ,if neither had default values). All of the following are valid:
list(int N, string current);
list(int N, string current = "");
list(int N=0, string current = "");
As-written, it will fail to compile.
Invalid code: No matching constructor available
head = new node;
Reason: The structure node does not defined a default-compliant constructor (one that either has no parameters, or all parameters with default value provisions) but does specify a non-default constructor (one that requires at least one parameter). As a result, the language-supplied default constructor is not auto-generated and there is no node::node() constructor to be found.
Incorrect Code: Expression result is unused
void list::push_front(const string &current) {
head = new node;
head->next; // THIS LINE
Reason: This code blindly overwrites whatever is currently occupied in the head pointer with a new (invalid, see above for why) node allocation. Anything that was in head prior is leaked forever, and current is unused whatsoever. Fix this by allocating a new node with current as the value, settings its next pointer to head and head to the new node:
void list::push_front(const string &current)
node *p = new node(current);
p->next = head;
head = p;
Infinite Recursion
ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const list& current)
out << current;
return out;
Reason: This code literally invokes itself. Recursively. Forever (well, until you run out of call-stack space).
NULL Pointer Dereference
inline node *list::findnode(int i)
if (i == -1)
return head;
node *p = head->next;
while (i--)
p = p->next;
return p;
Reason: This will walk the list uninhibited by validity checking for i iterations. Now imagine what this does on an empty list (in your case, that means head is non-null, but head->next is null) when passed anything besides -1: It will return NULL for i=0 and is outright undefined behavior for everything else.
NULL Pointer Dereference
void list::insert(int i, const string &din)
node *p = new node(din);
node *pp = findnode(i-1);
p->next = pp->next;
pp->next = p;
This assumes pp will never be null on return, and as we already discussed with the prior item, it most certainly can be when head is the sole node in your list, and is therefore "empty". This makes no attempt at checking pp for NULL prior to using it for dereferencing. This kid-gloves handling and the exceptions that have to be accounted for are directly related to maintaining a "sentinel" head node. The simplest way to fix it is to (a) Don't use sentinel nodes; use the universal sentinel value nullptr, and (b) check your return values before using them.
Ambiguous Reference: rank
card = rank[ rand()%13 ];
Reason: The standard library defines a special struct called std::rank used for determining the number of dimensions in a multi-dimension array. With the using namespace std; at the top of your code, the compiler is now forced to choose which one (the one in namespace std or the array you've defined prior to this code), and it cannot do so unequivocally. Thus it will not compile. Note: this is brought in by implicitly including <type_traits>, which is likely included by <string>, <iostream>, <iomanip> or any of a number of other nested includes. You can solve it a number of ways, including (but not limited to) a creative using clause, renaming the rank array to something that doesn't conflict, using a functional wrapper around a local static rank in the function etc.
Implicit conversion from signed to unsigned type (minor)
Reason: std::srand() takes an unsigned int parameter; you're passing a signed integer. Either static-cast to unsigned int or change the type of seedValue to unsigned int.
Invalid Code
list deck[4];
Reason: Class list does not have a default constructor. Recall the first item in this response. If you fix that, you will fix this as well.
And I didn't even run the code yet. I would strongly advise working on these issues, and give serious consideration to not using a "sentinel" node for your list head. Linked list code practically writes itself once you "know" a null head means the list is empty, a non-null head means it isn't.
I make no claims this is all the bugs. These were just ones I saw while reviewing the code, and all but one of them is significant.
EDIT Sample operator overload
Note: If you fix your linked list to use null as a head value when the list is empty (advised) this will need to change to simply start at head rather than head>next.
std::ostream& operator <<(std::ostream& os, const list& lst)
const node *p = lst.head ? lst.head->next : nullptr;
while (p)
os << p->data;
if ((p = p->next)) // note: assignment intentional
os << ',';
return os;

singly linked chain printing c++

I am trying to pick my chain in the format {1,2,3,4,etc}. You can find the header file below which will have the layout of the nodes. I am just confused on how I should go about cycling through my list to print out Item.
Any guidance would be greatly appreciated!
using namespace std;
#include <iostream>
class Set
struct Node
int Item; // User data item
Node * Succ; // Link to the node's successor
unsigned Num; // Current count of items in the set
Node * Head; // Link to the head of the chain
// Return information about the set
bool is_empty() const { return Num == 0; }
unsigned size() const { return Num; }
// Initialize the set to empty
// Insert a specified item into the set, if possible
bool insert( int );
// Display the set
void display( ostream& ) const;
Here are two recommendations: 1) Sort the list first, then print all nodes; 2) Create another list (indices) to the data and sort those links (don't need data in those nodes).
Sorting List First
An often used technique is to order the nodes in the order you want them printed. This should involve changing the link fields.
Next, start at the head node and print each node in the list (or the data of each node in the list).
Using an Index list
Create another linked list without the data fields. The links in this list point to the data fields in the original list. Order the new list in the order you want the nodes printed.
This technique preserves the order of creation of the first list and allows different ordering schemes.
Changing Links
Since you're writing your own Linked List, the changing of the links is left as an exercise as I'm not getting paid to write your code. There are many examples on SO as well as the web for sorting and traversing linked lists.
You just want to do something like this:
void Set::display(ostream &out) const {
for(int i=0; i<Num; i++) {
out << Pool[i] << " ";
out << endl;
An ostream behaves as cout would.
It's hard to get your question. If you want to print the array to screen you should consider writing a display() like:
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
void Set::display() const {
ostream_iterator<int> out_it (cout," ");
cout << endl;
or if you want to write to a ostream& (as it is pointed out in the answer by #alestanis)
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
void Set::display(ostream &out) const {
ostream_iterator<int> out_it (out," ");
out << endl;
Without testing, I'd do something like this. (Assumes the last node has Succ set to NULL, as I would recommend it does.)
void LoopList(struct Node *head)
for (struct Node *p = head; p != null; p = p->Succ)
// Do whatever with this node
I think I was over thinking it. Anyway here is what I ended up doing. Now I just need to add some formatting for the commas and im all set.
Node * Temp;
Temp = new (nothrow) Node;
Temp = Head;
out << "{";
out << Temp->Item;
Temp = Temp->Succ;
out << '}' << endl;
Suppose your list is cyclical, you can use this:
struct Node *n = begin;
if (n != NULL) {
//do something on it
for (n = begin->Succ; n != begin; n = n->Succ) {
struct Node *n = begin;
if (n != NULL) {
do {
//do something
n = n->Succ;
} while (n != begin)

Linked list issue with insert

The problem appears with the insert function that I wrote.
3 conditions must work, I tested b/w 1 and 2, b/w 2 and 3 and as last element, they worked.
It was my own problem. I did not realize I put MAXINPUT = 3 (instead of 4). I do appreciate all the efforts to help me becoming a better programmer, using more advance and more concise features of C++.
Basically, the problem has been solved.
Efficiency is not my concern here (not yet). Please guide me through this debug process.
Thank you very much.
using namespace std;
struct List // we create a structure called List
string name;
string tele;
List *nextAddr;
void populate(List *);
void display(List *);
void insert(List *);
int main()
const int MAXINPUT = 3;
char ans;
List * data, * current, * point; // create two pointers
data = new List;
current = data;
for (int i = 0; i < (MAXINPUT - 1); i++)
current->nextAddr = new List;
current = current->nextAddr;
// last record we want to do it sepeartely
current->nextAddr = NULL;
cout << "The current list consists of the following data records: " << endl;
// now ask whether user wants to insert new record or not
cout << "Do you want to add a new record (Y/N)?";
cin >> ans;
if (ans == 'Y' || ans == 'y')
To insert b/w first and second, use point as parameter
between second and third uses point->nextAddr
between third and fourth uses point->nextAddr->nextAddr
and insert as last element, uses current instead
point = data;
return 0;
void populate(List *data)
cout << "Enter a name: ";
cin >> data->name;
cout << "Enter a phone number: ";
cin >> data->tele;
void display(List *content)
while (content != NULL)
cout << content->name << " " << content->tele;
content = content->nextAddr;
cout << endl; // we skip to next line
void insert(List *last)
List * temp = last->nextAddr; //save the next address to temp
last->nextAddr = new List; // now modify the address pointed to new allocation
last = last->nextAddr;
last->nextAddr = temp; // now link all three together, eg 1-NEW-2
Your code works fine on my machine (once the insert(()) statement is "filled in" properly as explained in the code comment). The insertion works in all positions.
Something else, though: I initially had a look at your insert function. I thought I'd give you a hint on how to make it a little shorter and easier to understand what's going on:
void insert(List *last)
// create a new item and populate it:
List* new_item = new List;
// insert it between 'last' and the item succeeding 'last':
new_item->nextAddr = last->nextAddr;
last->nextAddr = new_item;
This would be preferable because it first creates a new, separate item, prepare it for insertion, and only then, when this has worked successfully, will the function "mess" with the linked list. That is, the linked list is not affected except in the very last statement, making your function "safer". Contrast this with your version of insert, where you mix code for constructing the new item with the actual insertion. If something goes wrong inside this function, chances are far higher that the linked list is messed up, too.
(What's still missing btw. is a initial check whether the passed argument last is actually valid, ie. not a null pointer.)
P.S.: Of course you could just use a standard C++ std::list container instead of building your own linked list, but seeing that you tagged your question beginner, I assume you want to learn how it actually works.
step one should be to make the list into an object instead of just keeping a bunch of pointers around in main(). you want an object called List that knows about it's own first (and maybe last) elements. it should also have methods like List.append() and List.insert().
your current code is nigh unreadable.
Use a std::list, unless this is homework, in which case it needs tagging as such.
In my experience, I have learned to start small and test, then build up. I'll guide you through these steps.
BTW, a linked list is a container of nodes. So we'll start with the node class first.
Minimally, a node must have a pointer to another node:
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib> // for EXIT_SUCCESS
#include <string>
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
using std::cerr;
using std::cin;
using std::string;
struct Node
// Add a default constructor to set pointer to null.
: p_next(NULL)
{ ; }
Node * p_next;
// And the testing framework
int main(void)
Node * p_list_start(NULL);
// Allocate first node.
p_list_start = new Node;
// Test the allocation.
// ALWAYS test dynamic allocation for success.
if (!p_list_start)
cerr << "Error allocating memory for first node." << endl;
// Validate the constructor
ASSERT(p_list_start->p_next == 0);
// Announce to user that test is successful.
cout << "Test successful." << endl;
// Delete the allocated object.
delete p_list_start;
// Pause if necessary.
cin.ignore(100000, '\n'); // Ignore input chars until limit of 100,000 or '\n'
Compile, and run this simple test. Fix errors until it runs correctly.
Next, modify the tester to link two nodes:
int main(void)
Node * p_list_start(NULL);
Node * p_node(NULL); // <-- This is a new statement for the 2nd node.
// Validate the constructor
ASSERT(p_list_start->p_next == 0);
// Allocate a second node.
p_node = new Node;
if (!p_node)
cerr << "Error allocating memory for 2nd node." << endl;
// Remember to delete the previously allocated objects here.
delete p_list start;
// Link the first node to the second.
// Test the link
ASSERT(p_list_start.p_next == &p_node);
// Delete the allocated object(s)
delete p_list_start;
delete p_node;
Compile with the modifications.
It failed to compile, undefined method: Node::Link_To
Not to worry, this is expected. Show us the compiler is working. :-)
Add the Link_To method to the Node structure:
struct Node
// ...
void Link_To(const Node& n)
p_next = &n;
Compile and run. Test should pass.
At this point the linking process has been validated. Onto adding content to the node.
Since the Node object has been tested, we don't want to touch it. So let's inherit from it to create a node with content:
struct Name_Node
: public Node // Inherit from the tested object.
std::string name;
std::string phone;
If you haven't learned inheritance yet, you can append to the existing node:
struct Node
std::string name;
std::string phone;
At this point you can add functions for setting and displaying content. Add the testing statements. Run and validate.
The next step would be to create two content nodes and link them together. As you build up, keep the testing code. Also, if stuff works you may want to put the functionality into separate functions.
For more information on this process, check out Test Driven Development.