Need server side endpoints for doing transactions with recurly - server-side

I was trying to integrate recurly with my application after i got my token id, i need to the recurly endpoints so that i can use my token id and complete the transaction.
Can someone help me with the available API operations with recurly. Thank you

Rama - take a look at Under our developer documentation, you'll see the endpoint URLs above api code examples.


How does work and how to integrate it?

I am a bit confused on how does work and how to integrate it, in my project I am using Angular as frontend and node.js as backend and I have installed via npm install authorizenet also cloned the Node.js sample code and I would like to set like so.
Let's say I have a form on my website where the customer needs to enter their details including the credit card details, my question is when submitting (using HTTP Request Method: POST) does my website need to redirect to Authorize or is there a widget that Authorize uses that I can implement in my website or are the details send directly to Authorize and handled there.
On submitting the details from the website do I simply call let's say the function from the sample codes (modified for my site) charge-credit-card.js ?
After that where do I receive the response, do I need to somehow capture it ?
Do I simply use the Production API Endpoint: use my Api login and transaction key to use Authorize, at least that's the way in the documentation from my understanding - After building the XML object for an API request, submit it to the payment gateway as a standard HTTPS POST to an API endpoint. The exact process for doing this will depend upon the development language that you use.
Thank you in advance.
Your server will never know the customer's credit card details.
when user first time registers in your site then you will create one customer for using this code and you will save the customer id returned to your db for future reference.
To Update customer's credit card details:
create one API controller from your node server which will return authenticating token from to your frontend. Get token code
Your front end will make call to above created controller's API and get the token.
Now, your front end will use this token to get the update details form from authorize.
Then you will use authorize webhook facility to know if user has updated theit payment details or not.
Webhooks to be tracked:
On receiving below notifications, your node server will perform the whatever task required.
Refer this doc for more details.

Google API create new User

I'm using Zapier and try to create a new User in Google.
The documentation is pretty unclear.
This is the request I'm making:
Now I understand, that I need to add authorization to the request.
How do I authorize the request? I created an API Token in the Google Cloud but this doesn't work as a GET parameter.
Is the Request right? Do I have to change something?
Thank you for your help.
Posting DalmTo's comment for visibility.
This appears to be using the Directory Admin API for Workspace accounts. You can consult the Admin SDK: Directory API docs for this.
As it's creating Google Workspace users, you may want to try using a service account authorization.
For an example of an API request, selecting the necessary endpoint and method, e.g. asps.get, and use the API Explorer to test your requests.

Authcode for Alexa BDD Tests using LWA

During Accountlinking, Alexa server initiates a Acceptgrant API with its Authcode so that it can be exchanged to Access Token. I want to test my API which accepts the Authcode
(postman or BDD Tests). How can we generate this ? It would be really helpful for automated tests.
I have tried LWA with AWS JS SDK. We need to whitelist the server in security profile. This basically opens a browser instance and appends a Authcode to the redirect_uri. Is there any other way than this? I read about CLI where we can get accesstoken but not authcode.
Also when we create a skill it generates a ClientId. Are there any security profiles for this ClientId ? How can I whitelist my server for this ClientId ? I didnt find a way to link this client ID to security profile.
Some more info:
I will elaborate a bit more. Basically Alexa sends a AcceptGrant directive during account linking when user enables the skill from alexa UI. AcceptGrant consists of Authcode so that User/bussiness(smart device manufacturer cloud) can get accesstoken using LWA. So now the bussiness has API exposed which accepts a Authcode. Now i am trying to test this API. Currently i dont find a way to generate this token.
If i generate authcode with LWA flow , this requires a redirect_uri. But if i use the code which is sent by Alexa (during accountlinking flow) , it doesn't require redirect_uri. From this page
if i use AWS JS SDK it doesnt require a redirect_uri for access_token request. When i tried AWS JS to generate authcode, i get an secuirty error asking user to whitelist the domain. And i dont find a way to whitelist the client_id of Alexa to a security profile.
In skill linking, linking out from a skill to a 3p server, Alexa handles the auth code exchange and retrieves the access token for you. The auth code is never exposed to the skill because you don't need it.
It's only good once. After that, you use the refresh token returned when the auth code was used.
Maybe if you describe the use case you're trying to accomplish and why you believe you need the code, it'll be possible to give you more useful help.

Using AWS Cognito Hosted UI (Code Grant) what do I do with the token once it is verified? Subsequent API Calls do not have the token

MY goal is to setup the Cognito Hosted UI to validate users after login. I have followed the steps laid out in the OAuth2 blog here:
My steps are as follows.
User logs into the AWS provided login screen.
It redirects to my website and I pull down the authorization code in Angular.
I send the code as part of my headers to the backend Nodejs
I use the code to get a token and then validate the token
This stream works but then what? I want to validate the AWS token for each API call but I have no idea how to access the token.
I am guessing that I am either missing the point of this procedure or that the token is somewhere I am unaware of.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Usually you have your own UI that redirects to Cognito to authenticate, after which the UI sends the access token to the API on every request.
All of the code samples on my Quick Start Page work like this and use Cognito.
If it helps, this is what the OAuth Technical Messages look like. Feel free to ask any follow up questions

Google cloud Rest API to retrieve tenant id

I have api_key for my project on google cloud and I am able to generate authorization code via client_id and subsequently auth token using authorization code.
What is the rest api code to retrieve tenant information ? Can anyone please put a curl command for that.
Have a look at the documentation about how to get tenants list using API; even more - yoo can test it yourself using the pane on the right.
Another piece of documentation you might be interested in to help you understand how this particular API works and what kind of reply you might expect.
More genral explanation of how to construct API's requests you can find here.