I am trying to build a 2-dimensional tree based on recursion. I can sum up the algorithm as follows:
> ALGORITHM BuildKDTree(P,depth)
> 1. if P contains only one point
> 2. then return a leaf storing this point
> 3. else if depth is even
> 4. then split P with a vertical line through median x into P1 and P2 (left and right of the line, respectively)
> 5. else split P with a horizontal line through median y into P1 and P2 like before
> 6. RECURSION STEP -> v_left = BuildKDTree(P1,depth+1)
> 7. RECURSION STEP -> v_right = BuildKDTree(P2,depth+1)
> 8. Create a node v storing the line, make v_left the left child and v_right the right child
> 9. return the node v
Since it is the first time I am implementing recursion, I am having quite a lot of problems related to it. The code that I have written so far seems to be in an infinite loop until a segmentation fault is thrown. I was not able to find the bug so far in the code, I would appreciate some help.
// Point
struct Point{
int idx;
double xpos;
double ypos;
// Node in the k-d tree
struct Node{
char type;
Point coord;
Node* leftChild;
Node* rightChild;
double split;
// Function to find the median point
int findMedian( const vector<Point>& P, char line ){
vector<double> positions;
map<double,int> indices;
// Store the corresponding positions (vertical or horizontal splitting)
switch ( line ){
case 'x':
for( auto p: P ){
positions.push_back( p.xpos );
indices.insert( pair<double,int>(p.xpos,p.idx) );
case 'y':
for( auto p: P ){
positions.push_back( p.ypos );
indices.insert( pair<double,int>(p.ypos,p.idx) );
sort( positions.begin(), positions.end() );
cout << positions.size() << endl;
int middle_pt = (int)floor(positions.size()/2);
cout << indices[positions[middle_pt]] << "\t" << middle_pt << "\t" << positions[middle_pt] << endl;
return ( indices[positions[middle_pt]] );
// Function to build a k-d tree
Node buildKDTree( vector<Point> P, int depth ){
Node v;
// if P contains only one point, return a leaf storing this point;
// else if depth is even, split P with a vertical line through the median x ..
// .. into P1 (left of l) and P2 (right of l);
// when the depth is odd, do the vice versa.
if( P.size() == 1 ){
cout << "I am at the leaf!" << endl;
v.coord = P[0];
v.type = 'l';
return v;
else if( P.size() < 1 ){
cout << "Points size smaller than 1 " << P.size() << endl;
v.type = 'n';
return v;
vector<Point> P1; // left of median
vector<Point> P2; // right of median
if( depth % 2 == 0 ) {
// Verical line through median x
char line = 'x';
v.type = line;
int mid_idx = findMedian( P, line );
v.split = P[mid_idx].xpos;
v.coord = P[mid_idx];
for( auto p: P ){
if( p.xpos < v.split ){
//cout << "Through x, left " << "\t" << p.xpos << "\t" << mid_coord << endl;
P1.push_back( p );
//cout << "Through x, right " << "\t" << p.xpos << "\t" << mid_coord << endl;
P2.push_back( p );
// Horizontal line through median y
char line = 'y';
v.type = line;
int mid_idx = findMedian( P, line );
v.split = P[mid_idx].ypos;
v.coord = P[mid_idx];
for( auto p: P ){
if( p.ypos < v.split ){
//cout << "Through y, left " << "\t" << p.ypos << "\t" << mid_coord << endl;
P1.push_back( p );
//cout << "Through y, right " << "\t" << p.ypos << "\t" << mid_coord << endl;
P2.push_back( p );
cout << "depth is before at " << depth << endl;
Node temp1 = buildKDTree( P1, depth+1 );
depth = 2;
cout << "depth is after at " << depth << endl;
Node temp2 = buildKDTree( P2, depth+1 );
v.leftChild = &temp1;
v.rightChild = &temp2;
return v;
// +++++++
int main( int argc, char *argv[] ){
//++ Get the data
// Choose the data to be used
const int nsamp = samplePostData; // Sampling interval
const double dtSamp = nsamp*dt; // Time units between two data points
// Instantiate the data structure
vector<Cell> cells( M );
// Set filenames
char * x_input_file = argv[1]; // Filename for the x data
char * y_input_file = argv[2]; // Filename for the y data
// Read the data to the cells
int sample_cnt = -1;
int sample_data = 1;
char getX = 'x';
readData( cells, x_input_file, getX, sample_cnt, sample_data );
sample_cnt = -1;
char getY = 'y';
readData( cells, y_input_file, getY, sample_cnt, sample_data );
// Set general simulation variables
Data simData;
simData.setNumStep( cells[0].xpos.size() );
simData.setNumDelay( sqrt( cells[0].xpos.size() ) );
const double T = simData.getNumStep(); // Total time
const double D = simData.getNumDelay(); // Last delay time
const double TD = simData.getNumTotalDelay(); // Total time - last delay time
// Set the box
Box box;
box.setWidth( boxSize_x );
box.setHeight( boxSize_y );
const double Lx = box.getWidth();
const double Ly = box.getHeight();
//++ Do the analysis
vector<Point> points;
int i = 1000;
for( int m = 0; m < M; m++ ){
Point point_temp;
point_temp.xpos = (cells[m].xpos[i] - Lx*ifloor(cells[m].xpos[i]/Lx));
point_temp.ypos = (cells[m].ypos[i] - Ly*ifloor(cells[m].ypos[i]/Ly));
point_temp.idx = m;
points.push_back( point_temp );
vector<Node> tree;
int depth = 2;
tree.push_back( buildKDTree( points, depth ) );
cout << tree.size() << endl;
// for( auto j: tree ){
// cout << j.type << " " << j.coord.idx << " " << j.coord.xpos << " " << j.coord.ypos << " " << j.leftChild->coord.idx << " " << j.rightChild->coord.idx << " " << j.leftChild->coord.xpos << " " << j.rightChild->coord.ypos << "\n";
// }
The problem is you don't check for marking the same point twice as the median. It could easily be the case that (especially in dense systems) there are more than one point on the median line. If you don't mark explicitly the points that are used as the median before, then you will just use them again which will create infinite recursion in the tree.
My suggestion is to make a boolean array for each point and as you use these points as the median, just mark them, so that you don't use them again later.
I'm trying to write a program with opencv and C++. I have an image and I am trying to get the saturation value of determined pixel which is in the (x, y) point. I use the next sentence to do it:
saturation_level = hsv_chanels[1].at<uchar>(x, y);
The thing is that the program builds OK, but when I try to run, it sometimes works fine and sometimes terminates with this error:
Segmentation fault: 11
Do someone know why this error is appearing? I read that this error appears because of the my computer memory but I don't know why it only appears sometimes.
This is the function I call to find the homography:
Mat ObtenHomografiaSuelo (vector <KeyPoint> keypoints1, vector <KeyPoint> keypoints2, Mat imagen1, Mat imagen2){
//Find homography mat
vector < Point2f > image_points[2];
int cont = 0;
vector<Mat> chanels_hsv1; //[0]->H, [1]->S, [2]->V
split( image1, chanels_hsv1 );
vector<Mat> chanels_hsv2;
split( image2, chanels_hsv2 );
for(vector<KeyPoint>::const_iterator it = keypoints1.begin(); it!= keypoints1.end(); ++it){
// Get the position of left keypoints
float x = (it->pt.x);
float y = (it->pt.y);
cout << "1" << endl;
float saturation_level = chanels_hsv1[1].at<uchar>(x, y);
cout << "2" << endl;
double max_level = 70.0;
cout << "3" << endl;
if ((y < camSize.height/4) && (saturatio_level < max_level) ){
cout << "1:" << endl;
waitKey (100);
cout << "y: " << y;
cout << " Saturation_Level: " << nivel_saturacion << endl;
cout << "done" << endl;
cont ++;
cont = 0;
for (vector<KeyPoint>::const_iterator it = keypoints2.begin(); it!=keypoints2.end(); ++it) {
// Get the position of left keypoints
float x = (it->pt.x);
float y = (it->pt.y);
float saturation_level = chanels_hsv2[1].at<uchar>(x, y);
double max_level = 70.0;
if ((y < (camSize.height)/4) && (saturation_level < max_level)){
cout << "2" << endl;
waitKey (100);
cout << "y: " << y;
cout << " Saturation_Level: " << nivel_saturacion << endl;
cont ++;
cout << "We are obtain: " << cont << " points to do the homography" << endl;
Mat H;
H = Mat::zeros(4, 4, CV_64F);
if (cont < 4) {
cout << "Few points to do the homography" << endl;
if (image_points[0].size() > image_points[1].size()){
else if (image_points[1].size() > image_points[0].size()){
H = findHomography (image_points[0], image_points[1], CV_RANSAC, 3);
cout << "done_matrix" << endl;
return H;
Before to call the function I detect keypoints using Harris or any other detector and the image I passed to the function is a HSV_image converted by cvtColor function.
The error appears in the line that I mentioned before because in the terminal I can se:
Segmentation Fault: 11
I've just finished to correct the error, I think it was because I wasn't using efficiently my function. I was using two 'for' staments to cross my two vectors of keypoints detected and the errors sometimes appears at first and others at second one. I don't really know why was the error, I just change my code to do the same think more efficiently and finally it works.
I just changed this lines:
for(vector<KeyPoint>::const_iterator it = keypoints1.begin(); it!= keypoints1.end(); ++it){
// Get the position of left keypoints
float x = (it->pt.x);
float y = (it->pt.y);
cout << "1" << endl;
float saturation_level = chanels_hsv1[1].at<uchar>(x, y);
cout << "2" << endl;
double max_level = 70.0;
cout << "3" << endl;
if ((y < camSize.height/4) && (saturatio_level < max_level) ){
cout << "1:" << endl;
waitKey (100);
cout << "y: " << y;
cout << " Saturation_Level: " << nivel_saturacion << endl;
cout << "done" << endl;
cont ++;
cont = 0;
for (vector<KeyPoint>::const_iterator it = keypoints2.begin(); it!=keypoints2.end(); ++it) {
// Get the position of left keypoints
float x = (it->pt.x);
float y = (it->pt.y);
float saturation_level = chanels_hsv2[1].at<uchar>(x, y);
double max_level = 70.0;
if ((y < (camSize.height)/4) && (saturation_level < max_level)){
cout << "2" << endl;
waitKey (100);
cout << "y: " << y;
cout << " Saturation_Level: " << nivel_saturacion << endl;
cont ++;
by this ones:
for (int i = 0; i < good_matches.size(); i++) {
int idx1=good_matches[i].queryIdx;
int idx2=good_matches[i].trainIdx;
if (((keypoints[0][idx1].pt.y < (camSize.height/4)) && (canales_hsv1[1].at<uchar>(keypoints[0][idx1].pt.x, keypoints[0][idx1].pt.y) < nivel_maximo)) || ((keypoints[1][idx2].pt.y < (camSize.height/4)) && (canales_hsv2[1].at<uchar>(keypoints[1][idx1].pt.x, keypoints[1][idx2].pt.y) < nivel_maximo)) ) {
cout << "entro" << endl;
contador ++;
Currently I only cross the matched keypoints instead of all the keypoints, it requires less computers operations and now it works OK.
Background: I am implementing the nearest neighbor algorithm for the Traveling-Salesman-Problem. I need to calculate the distance traveled for the tour as well as keep track of the order of points visited. I have defined a point class with instance variables x and y and a function calcDist for calculating the distance between two points. I start by storing all of the points in a std::unordered_set named points, creating an empty std::vector named path to store the tour path, and assigning the starting point to startPoint, and pass these to my nearestNeighbor() function:
void nearestNeighbor(unordered_set<Point, PointHasher> points, vector<Point> &path, Point startPoint) {
// Declare variables
unordered_set<Point, PointHasher>::iterator it;
Point currentLocation, possibleNeighbor, nearestNeighbor;
double totalDist = 0;
int pointsCount = path.capacity() - 1;
// Set the starting location
it = points.find(startPoint);
currentLocation = *it;
path[0] = currentLocation;
cout << "Start location: " << path[0].x << ", " << path[0].y << endl;
// Create the path
for (int i = 1; points.size() > 0; i++) {
double minDist = -1;
// Find the current location's nearest neighbor
for (it = points.begin(); it != points.end(); it++) {
possibleNeighbor = *it;
int currentDist = currentLocation.calcDist(possibleNeighbor);
if (minDist == -1 || currentDist < minDist) {
minDist = currentDist;
nearestNeighbor = possibleNeighbor;
// Record nearest neighbor data and prepare for the next iteration
currentLocation = nearestNeighbor;
path[i] = currentLocation;
totalDist += minDist;
cout << "Nearest neighbor: " << path[i].x << ", " << path[i].y << endl;
// Return to the starting location
path[pointsCount] = startPoint;
cout << "End location: " << startPoint.x << ", " << startPoint.y << endl;
cout << "Path:" << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < path.size(); i++) {
cout << path[0].x << ", " << path[0].y << endl;
cout << "Total distance: " << totalDist << endl;
The problem is that once the program exits the outer for loop, all the points in path are overwritten somehow. To see what I mean, here is the output:
Start location: 3, 4
Nearest neighbor: 6, 8
Nearest neighbor: 11, 7
Nearest neighbor: 50, 8
End location: 3, 4
3, 4
3, 4
3, 4
3, 4
3, 4
Total distance: 49
Press any key to continue . . .
I am thinking this either has to be a problem with pointers/addresses of the vector elements, or something with scope since the problem happens after exiting the for loop. I have even tried printing the path[1] after each iteration to see when it gets changed, but it is correct throughout the loop, and only changes in the output at the end. Any thoughts? I am stumped. And if you have made it this far, thank you very much for your time.
you are always outputing the coordinates of path[0] man
for (int i = 0; i < path.size(); i++) {
cout << path[0].x << ", " << path[0].y << endl;
You have
for (int i = 0; i < path.size(); i++) {
cout << path[0].x << ", " << path[0].y << endl;
This doesn't iterate through i. Change your 0 to i and you'll likely see something more helpful:
for (int i = 0; i < path.size(); i++) {
cout << path[i].x << ", " << path[i].y << endl;
Edit: Change path[i] = currentLocation; to path.push_back(currentLocation); - this will automatically increase the size of your path vector to fit the new elements.
void nearestNeighbor(
unordered_set<Point, PointHasher> points,
vector<Point> &path,
Point startPoint,
double &totalDist) // note the new variable passed here
// Declare variables
unordered_set<Point, PointHasher>::iterator it;
Point currentLocation, possibleNeighbor, nearestNeighbor;
// double totalDist = 0; Remove this line
// int pointsCount = path.capacity() - 1; And this
// Set the starting location
it = points.find(startPoint);
currentLocation = *it;
path.push_back(currentLocation); // Changed this line
cout << "Start location: " << path[0].x << ", " << path[0].y << endl;
// Create the path
for (int i = 1; points.size() > 0; i++) {
double minDist = -1;
// Find the current location's nearest neighbor
for (it = points.begin(); it != points.end(); it++) {
possibleNeighbor = *it;
int currentDist = currentLocation.calcDist(possibleNeighbor);
if (minDist == -1 || currentDist < minDist) {
minDist = currentDist;
nearestNeighbor = possibleNeighbor;
// Record nearest neighbor data and prepare for the next iteration
currentLocation = nearestNeighbor;
path.push_back(currentLocation); // And this line
totalDist += minDist;
cout << "Nearest neighbor: " << path[i].x << ", " << path[i].y << endl;
// Return to the starting location
path.push_back(startPoint); // And here also!
cout << "End location: " << startPoint.x << ", " << startPoint.y << endl; // This I didn't change,
// but perhaps you should make it reflect the last point in the vector,
// not the start point which is supposed to be the last point in the vector
cout << "Path:" << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < path.size(); i++) {
cout << path[i].x << ", " << path[i].y << endl;
cout << "Total distance: " << totalDist << endl;
I do not see any place which grows the size of the path vector.
I suspect that you're passing an empty std::vector, for the second argument, and as soon as you hit path[0]=currentLocation; ... undefined behavior.
Also, I don't think that capacity() does what you think it does.
That, and, as others have pointed out, you're not outputing the contents of the array correctly, but that's a minor problem. The major problem here is that this program is likely scribbling over and corrupting the heap.
I'm working on a program involving Dijkstra's algorithm.
After searching long and far, I have only found help pertaining to Dijkstra's algorithm using Queues or Heaps, however, I am not using these. I have been tasked to used a vector of pointers to Vertex objects (a custom class I have defined).
I have attempted to convert the Queue pseudo code (from my textbook) to the best of my ability below:
void Dijkstra(vector<Vertex*> & V, int startNum)
vector<Vertex*> sortedVertices = V;
while(sortedVertices.size() != 0)
sortedVertices[sortedVertices.size() - 1]->setKnown(true);
Vertex * v = V[1]; // Will always bring the first element off the list
for(int m = 0; m < sortedVertices->getAdjacentVertices().size(); m++)
int dist = getAdjacentVertices()[m].getWeight();
if((sortedVertices[1].getDV() + dist) < sortedVertices[m+1]->getAdjacentVertices()[m].getDV())
//WE WILL DECREASE THE VALUE HERE by finding the distance between two vertices
cout << "It works so far" << endl;
// BOOK has this, somehow need to change it: w.path = v
However, when I attempt to compile, I keep receiving the following errors:
Main.cpp: In function 'void Dijkstra(std::vector<Vertex*>&, int)':
Main.cpp:154:42: error: base operand of '->' has non-pointer type 'std::vector<Vertex*>'
Main.cpp:156:44: error: 'getAdjacentVertices' was not declared in this scope
Main.cpp:157:35: error: request for member 'getDV' in 'sortedVertices.std::vector<_Tp, _Alloc>::operator[]<Vertex*, std::allocator<Vertex*> >(1ul)', which is of pointer type '__gnu_cxx::__alloc_traits<std::allocator<Vertex*> >::value_type {aka Vertex*}' (maybe you meant to use '->' ?)
Main.cpp:157:99: error: '__gnu_cxx::__alloc_traits<std::allocator<Edge> >::value_type' has no member named 'getDV'
I am trying to reduce the amount of Code in this post, but if need to be, my entire code is below:
#include "Vertex.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
void shortestPath(vector<Vertex> & v);
template <typename Comparable>
void insertionSort(vector<Comparable> & a);
template <typename Comparable>
void insertionSort( vector<Comparable> & a, int left, int right );
///overload the less than operator in order to use the stl sort for vector
///print out the path for each vertex
int main()
ifstream file;
cout << "Opening file..." << endl;
cout << "System failed to open file.";
cout << "File successfully opened" << endl;
int numVertices;
int numEdges;
int num;
int adjacentVertex;
int weight;
file >> numVertices;
cout << "The number of vertices that are being read into the graph from the file: " << numVertices;
cout << endl;
vector<Vertex*> vertices;
//vector<Vertex> vertices(numVertices + 1);
Vertex * newVertex;
cout << "SIZE: " << vertices.size() << endl;
cout << "NUM VERTICES: " << numVertices << endl;
for(int i=1;i < numVertices + 1; i++)
file >> numEdges;
cout << "At vertex " << i << " the number of edges is " << numEdges << endl;
newVertex = new Vertex();
//Using the i counter variable in the outer for loop to identify
//the what vertex what are currently looking at in order to read in the correct adjacent vertex and weight
cout << "LENGTH OF VERTICES[i]: " << vertices.size() << endl;
for(int j=1;j<=numEdges;j++)
file >> adjacentVertex;
cout << "The adjacent vertex is: " << adjacentVertex << endl;
file >> weight;
cout << "The weight is: " << weight << endl;
cout << endl;
newVertex->setAdjacentVertex(adjacentVertex, weight);
//cout << "LENGTH OF VERTICES[i]: " << vertices.size() << endl;
vector<Vertex*> sortedVertices = vertices;
cout << "SIZE: " << vertices.size() << endl;
for(int i=0;i<vertices.size();i++)
cout << "V" << i << ": ";
cout << endl;
if(vertices[i] != NULL)
cout << "DV Value: " << vertices[i]->getDV();
cout << endl;
cout << "Known Value: " << vertices[i]->getKnown();
cout << endl;
cout << "Sorted: " << endl;
for(int i=0;i<sortedVertices.size();i++)
cout << "V" << i << ": ";
cout << endl;
if(vertices[i] != NULL)
cout << "DV Value: " << sortedVertices[i]->getDV();
cout << endl;
cout << "Known Value: " << sortedVertices[i]->getKnown();
cout << endl;
const bool myFunction(const Vertex & x, const Vertex & y)
return (x.getDV() >= y.getDV());
bool operator < (const Vertex & v1, const Vertex & v2)
return v1.getDV() > v2.getDV();
void Dijkstra(vector<Vertex*> & V, int startNum)
vector<Vertex*> sortedVertices = V;
while(sortedVertices.size() != 0)
sortedVertices[sortedVertices.size() - 1]->setKnown(true);
Vertex * v = V[1]; // Will always bring the first element off the list
for(int m = 0; m < sortedVertices->getAdjacentVertices().size(); m++)
int dist = getAdjacentVertices()[m].getWeight();
if((sortedVertices[1].getDV() + dist) < sortedVertices[m+1]->getAdjacentVertices()[m].getDV())
//WE WILL DECREASE THE VALUE HERE by finding the distance between two vertices
cout << "It works so far" << endl;
// BOOK has this, somehow need to change it: w.path = v
////////INSERTION SORT////////////
template <typename Comparable>
void insertionSort( vector<Comparable> & a )
for( int p = 1; p < a.size( ); ++p )
Comparable tmp = std::move( a[ p ] );
int j;
for( j = p; j > 0 && tmp < a[ j - 1 ]; --j )
a[ j ] = std::move( a[ j - 1 ] );
a[ j ] = std::move( tmp );
template <typename Comparable>
void insertionSort( vector<Comparable> & a, int left, int right )
for( int p = left + 1; p <= right; ++p )
Comparable tmp = std::move( a[ p ] );
int j;
for( j = p; j > left && tmp < a[ j - 1 ]; --j )
a[ j ] = std::move( a[ j - 1 ] );
a[ j ] = std::move( tmp );
#include "Edge.h"
#include <vector>
#include <climits>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
class Vertex
int vertexNum; //number of the vertex for identification purposes
int degree;
bool known;
vector<Edge> adjacentVertices; //vector of vertices that are adjacent to the vertex we are currently looking at
int dv; //distance
int pv; //previous vertex
Vertex *vertex;
dv = INT_MAX;
known = false;
void setKnown(bool Known)
known = Known;
bool getKnown()
return known;
void setVertexNum(int VertexNum)
vertexNum = VertexNum;
void setDegree(int Degree)
degree = Degree;
vector<Edge> & getAdjacentVertices()
return adjacentVertices;
int getVertexNum()
return vertexNum;
int getDegree()
return degree;
int getDV() const
return dv;
int setDV(int Dv)
dv = Dv;
void setAdjacentVertex(int AdjacentVertex, int Weight)
Edge newEdge;
friend ostream & operator <<(ostream & outstream, Vertex *vertex)
outstream << vertex->getVertexNum() << endl;
outstream << vertex->getDegree() << endl;
outstream << vertex->getKnown() << endl;
vector<Edge> E = vertex->getAdjacentVertices();
for(int x=0;x<E.size();x++)
outstream << E[x].getAdjVertex() << endl;
outstream << E[x].getWeight() << endl;
return outstream;
friend bool operator < (const Vertex & v1, const Vertex & v2);
#include <cstdlib>
class Edge
int adjVertex; //represents the vertex that the edge leads to
int weight;
adjVertex = 0;
weight = 0;
void setWeight(int Weight)
weight = Weight;
void setAdjVertex(int adjacent)
adjVertex = adjacent;
int getAdjVertex()
return adjVertex;
int getWeight()
return weight;
From g++ to English:
Main.cpp: In function 'void Dijkstra(std::vector<Vertex*>&, int)':
Main.cpp:154:42: error: base operand of '->' has non-pointer type 'std::vector<Vertex*>'
Main.cpp:156:44: error: 'getAdjacentVertices' was not declared in this scope
Main.cpp:157:35: error: request for member 'getDV' in 'sortedVertices.std::vector<_Tp, _Alloc>::operator[]<Vertex*, std::allocator<Vertex*> >(1ul)', which is of pointer type '__gnu_cxx::__alloc_traits<std::allocator<Vertex*> >::value_type {aka Vertex*}' (maybe you meant to use '->' ?)
Main.cpp:157:99: error: '__gnu_cxx::__alloc_traits<std::allocator<Edge> >::value_type' has no member named 'getDV'
for(int m = 0; m < sortedVertices->getAdjacentVertices().size(); m++) <- this is 154. sortedVertices is not a pointer. It is a std::vector of some pointers.
int dist = getAdjacentVertices()[m].getWeight(); <- 156. What is getAdjacentVertices?
sortedVertices[1].getDV() <- 157 sortedVertices[1] is a pointer. Look at operator[]
sortedVertices[m+1]->getAdjacentVertices() is a vector of Edge. Edge does not have a getDV() method defined.
Is this really your code?
As an author you should not have trouble understanding the error messages. Those are simple mistakes, that took 5 minutes for a stranger to understand. You need to put more effort in understanding what you write, and what compiler tells you. Or get some sleep to get some focus.
I would also suggest to spend some time working out what std::vector really is and how to understand std::vector<Vertex*> vector_of_vertices; object.
vector<Vertex*> sortedVertices = V;
Here you create variable of type vector<Vertex*> on the stack. This is not a pointer. This is a container containing pointers of type Vertex* and that's completely different. You use -> operator which is only used on pointers.
I have a method who put some content on my vector, that work with no problem. After that I want to reuse the content on my vector in another part of the program, but the problem is the values are not he good. But I don't know where I miss something
Here is some part of the code
The class where I do the stuff
class MapGenerator
void fillBoard(string level);
void renderBoard();
void initTileset();
vector<Tile*> getTiles();
char **board;
int w;
int h;
int tileW;
int tileH;
vector<Tile*> tiles;
It's on the initTileset I put some stuff on my tiles vector.
After that on another part of my programe I call renderBoard() And there is the problem, I already have the good number of element on my vector but the values are not the good...
Here is the method, maybe my way to itterate is not correct :
Where I put the content on vector
void MapGenerator::initTileset()
XMLDocument doc;
XMLElement* first = doc.FirstChildElement();
for (XMLElement* child = first->FirstChildElement("tile"); child != NULL; child = child->NextSiblingElement())
string texture = child->FirstChildElement( "texture")->GetText();
int x = atoi(child->FirstChildElement("x")->GetText());
int y = atoi(child->FirstChildElement("y")->GetText());
int w = atoi(child->FirstChildElement("w")->GetText());
int h = atoi(child->FirstChildElement("h")->GetText());
bool solid = false;
if (atoi(child->FirstChildElement("solid")->GetText() ) == 1)
solid =true;
char id = child->FirstChildElement("id")->GetText()[0];
cout << "ID " << id << endl;
cout << "create tile : w " << w << " h " << h << endl;
Tile tile(texture.c_str(), x, y, w, h, solid, id);
cout << "Tile ID " << tile.getId()<< endl;
cout << tiles.size() << endl;
// renderBoard();
Where I try to reuse my vector
void MapGenerator::renderBoard()
SDL_Rect rect;
for (int i = 0; i < h; i++)
for (int j = 0;j < w; j++)
vector<Tile *>::iterator it;
for(it = tiles.begin(); it != tiles.end(); ++it) {
cout << " ID :" << (*it)->getId() << " h " <<(*it)->getRect().h << " w " << (*it)->getRect().w << endl;
if ((*it)->getId() == board[i][j])
rect.x = 32 * j;
rect.y = 32 * i;
rect.h = 32;
rect.w = 32;
SDL_RenderCopy( GameEngine::getInstance().getRenderer(), (*it)->getTexture(), NULL, &rect );
cout << " copy something y = " << i * 32<< " x = " << j *32<< " h " <<(*it)->getRect().h << " w " << (*it)->getRect().w <<endl;
cout << endl;
So someone have an idea ?
You have undefined behavior as you store pointers to a local variable in the vector. Once the for loop in the initTileset function iterates the tile variable goes out of scope and is destructed.
You need to allocate it on the heap:
Tile* tile = new Tile(texture.c_str(), x, y, w, h, solid, id);
You should of course not forget to free the allocated memory in the MapGenerator destructor.
Could you have a look at what I've faced: http://sdrv.ms/WgafvN
And another screenshot: http://sdrv.ms/UZIp6H
The text of my function is:
bool print_all_points(POINT** pointer)
if (pointer == NULL||is_array_empty(pointer))
cout << "The array of points is empty." << endl << endl;
return false;
int n = _msize(pointer)/sizeof(pointer[0]);
cout << "The list of points: " << endl<< endl;
cout << "id (x, y)" << endl;
cout << "----------" << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
cout << (*pointer[i]).id << " (" << (*pointer[i]).x << ", " << (*pointer[i]).y << ")" << endl;
return true;
This function is expected to print out all the points in an array. My problem is that it perfectly prints the array of 3 points rather than that of 4 points. At the 4th point it bites the dust.
I can't catch what the trouble is.
From the picture it is visible that:
1. All 4 elements of the array are present.
2. It is correctly determined that there 4 of them.
What is the problem?
Could you give me a kick here?
The function which calls this:
POINT** new_point(POINT** pointer, int occup)
char x;
char y;
cout << "INPUT A NEW POINT" << endl << endl;
cout << "Input x: ";
cin >> x;
cout << "Input y: ";
cin >> y;
size_t m;
if (pointer != NULL)
m = _msize(pointer);
POINT * tmp_point = new POINT();
(*tmp_point).id = occup;
(*tmp_point).x = x-48;
(*tmp_point).y = y-48;
POINT** pn = new POINT * [occup];
int necessary_memory = occup * 4; // ???? 4 is the size of a pointer.
if (occup !=1)
memcpy(pn, pointer, necessary_memory);
POINT ** tmp = new POINT * [occup];
pn[occup - 1] = tmp_point;
memcpy(tmp, pn, occup * sizeof(POINT));
delete[] pn;
pn = tmp;
size_t n = _msize(pn);
cout << endl;
return pn;
several problems:
not copying enough data in 64-bit
int necessary_memory = occup * 4;
should be
int necessary_memory = occup * sizeof(POINT*);
copying too much data
memcpy(tmp, pn, occup * sizeof(POINT));
should be:
memcpy(tmp, pn, occup * sizeof(POINT*));
Someone else can chime in, but I am not sure _msize should be used on memory allocated by new. Is that right? http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/z2s077bc(v=vs.80).aspx
fucntion in the title should be function
You're welcome. You owe me a beer.
Oh yea, I found my shoes... where would you like it?