How to make the Django light weight server loads quickly - django

When I run my Django Project in my local, Using Python runserver
It takes too long to load, or reload after a change is made in the local *.py files.How Do i make it faster, So I can quickly reload my project when ever a file is changed.

It could be taking a while due to time of database connections opening. Are you running your database locally?
You can also enable things like auto-reload based on code changes by installing the django-extensions and using ./ runserver_plus.
Also look at using the django-debug-toolbar to profile SQL queries and look at what is coming through to your app.


How do I recommit database to Heroku after destroying DB in the Heroku dashboard

I've built an app using Django etc. I ran into a whole bunch of problems with database on Heroku after accidentally pushing to production before running heroku run python makemigrations and heroku run python migrate.
I decided to just completely destroy the database currently on Heroku and want to recommit my app's models to heroku. My hope is to completely start from a clean slate.
I just want to make sure I do this correctly so I'm asking for clear instructions about how to recommit my app's database to Heroku after destroying the database in the dashboard.
Current error I get when I open my app online is:
settings.DATABASES is improperly configured. Please supply the NAME or OPTIONS['service'] value.
If you completely removed your database you'll have to provision another one. Assuming you are using Heroku Postgres¹, you can do that using the Heroku CLI like so:
heroku addons:create heroku-postgresql:hobby-dev
Here we are asking Heroku to provision the heroku-postgresql add-on using the free hobby-dev tier. Modify as needed.
You can also provision add-ons using the Dashboard if you prefer.
As part of the provisioning process, Heroku Postgres will automatically set a new DATABASE_URL for your app. As long as your project was using this variable before you deleted your old database, it should find the new database without requiring any changes.
¹If you were using a different database add-on the solution should be more or less the same. Provision a new instance of the add-on, let it set its environment variable, and if your app was using that variable before it should pick it up on its own.

How to make a Django server portable?

My web server depends on nginx, django, and a lot of python dependencies. I'm wondering if there is a way to create a portable image/script that I can run in a new server and quickly get it up and running.
Is Docker relevant to this?
You should always use git to manage your code. With git you could get your django project in the other server quickly. But just that.
Also you have to migrate your database. Every DB engine have dump options for doing this.
Do not forget to move your static assests. Probably, you've all of them in one directory.
What about your nginx, database installation and configuration? Here is relevant Docker.
With all of this, you should migrate successfully.

How to update database (postgresql) of a deployed django-app, after modifying a model?

I'm having trouble with my Django-app that's been deployed.
It was working fine but I had to do a minor modification (augmented the max_length) of a Charfield of some model. I did migrations and everything was working fine in the local version.
Then I commited the changes without a problem and the mentioned field of the web version now accepts more characters, as expected, but whenever I click the save button a Server Error rises.
I assume I have to do some kind of migration/DB update for the web version but I don't seem to find how.
(I'm working with Django 1.11, postgresql 9.6, and DigitalOcean).
I've just realized that the 'minor modification' also included a field deletion in the model.
Short answer
You have to run
python migrate
on the server, too. Before you do that, make sure all migration scripts you have locally are also present on the server.
After changing the model, you probably locally ran
python makemigrations
This creates migration scripts that'll transform database schema accordingly. Hopefully, you've committed these newly created scripts to Git, together with the changed model. (If not, you can still do so now.)
after running makemigrations (either before or after committing, that shouldn't matter), you've probably locally ran
python migrate
This applies the migration scripts to the database that haven't been applied to it, yet. (The information which ones have already been applied is stored in the database itself.)
You probably (and hopefully) haven't checked in your local database into Git, so when you pushed your tracked changes to a remote repo and pulled them down on your server (or however else the new Git revisions got there), the changes to the server database haven't happened, yet. So you have to repeat the last local step (migrate) on the server.
Further reading
For more information, refer to the Django 1.11 documentation w.r.t. migrations. (You can e.g. limit migration creation or migration application to a single Django app, instead of the whole Django project.) To get the grip of these things, I can recomment the free Django Girls tutorial.

Basic cookiecutter-flask implementation

So I have got my app up and running. However it still runs off the cmd console at the moment. Next steps is for me to build a simple web app interface.
After much research, rather than to setup an entire flask site from scratch. I decided to use cookiecutter-flask from boilerplate to quickly get the boilerplate up and running.
Everything looks good in a sense where I understand:
App function
I still cannot figure out how to get the user registration function working. I keep getting a wsgi error. I know is somewhat related to my database not being installed.
Not specific to that, what I am really looking for is a walk through tutorial on how to get it working by bare minimum and then enhance from there.
I have been looking around for tutorials and walk through but to no avail.
Appreciate any help out there.
After clone you have to do these steps ... These will create the database tables for you...
python db init
python db migrate
python db upgrade
python server

Is it possible to reload the view without restarting Django?

After changing the view function without runserver again, and press F5 to refresh the page, Django will not reload the new view but use the previous one. but if you change the template, Django always uses the new one.
So, Is there a way to make Django reload the view every time the user refresh the page, I think that is very convenient for develop to modify the view function frequently.
If you are running django using the dev server (./ runserver) then it will always reload when it detects any code changes. This is even more efficient than reloading with every request. If you make a change, it reloads when it needs to.
If you are running a production server (nginx, apache, etc) and you want code-reload, then you need to add something to your wsgi module to detect code changes.
Code reloading with apache:
Code reloading with uwsgi:
It is a known issue with PyDev. I would suggest running the server from terminal/cmd.
cd to your project directory where is present and run the server using
python runserver
You don't need to run the project from eclipse menu.
Any changes made in eclipse would be reflected as soon as they are made.
If you are running Django as a WSGI application in daemon mode you just need to touch the for your site and it will reload the application next time there is a request. (So no need for any special options).
I noticed it is a setting in pyDev run configurations. I wonder why but it seems --noreload is configured by default. So I edit arguments of run settings and now the server is reloading also when editing views.
Try using gunicorn or nginx as running server... They dont restart on code change
try typing
gunicorn --bind app.wsgi:application