I'm looking for an efficient algorithm to solve the following problem. Let d(n) denote number of positive divisors of n where n is positive integer. We're given some 1 <= a <= b <= 10^18 and the task is to find maximum value of d on segment [a..b] and (may be we need more complex algorithm for this part) to find number which maximizes value of d.
Some time ago i found the following code in free access: http://ideone.com/qvxPj
unsigned long long n, res;
int p, primes[] = {2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 51, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71};
unsigned long long mul(unsigned long long a, unsigned long long b){
unsigned long long res = 0;
while (b){
if (b & 1LL) res = (res + a);
if (res >= n) return 0;
a = (a << 1LL);
b >>= 1LL;
return res;
void backtrack(int i, int lim, unsigned long long val, unsigned long long r){
if (r > res) res = r;
if (i == p) return;
int d;
unsigned long long x = val;
for (d = 1; d <= lim; d++){
x = mul(x, primes[i]);
if (x == 0) return;
backtrack(i + 1, d, x, r * (d + 1));
int main(){
p = sizeof(primes) / sizeof(int);
while (scanf("%llu", &n) != EOF){
res = 0;
backtrack(0, 100, 1, 1);
printf("Maximum number of divisors of any number less than %llu = %llu\n", n, res);
return 0;
I'll be very glad if someone explains me how it works because (as for me) this program runs extremely fast.
Thanks in advance for any help.
It iterates over all numbers like this:
num = P1^D1 * P2^D2 * P3^D3 * ... * Ps^Ds
Pi <= 71
1 <= Di <= 100
sequence (Pi) is a sorted list of first s primes
sequence (Di) is nonincreasing
num <= n
Let's check the first constraint. Suppose that the minimal optimal number has prime factor q > 71. If any prime p <= 71 is not used in this number, then we can replace q with p in same power. Obviously, the number of divisors will stay same, but the number would decrease -> contradiction. Then there is no unused prime less than 71. But product of all primes up to 71 is already so huge, that the number we consider must be larger than 64-bit n. That's not possible.
Now let's explain the second and the third constraints. Suppose that our minimal optimal number has a prime q in its factorization, but doesn't have some prime p, where p < q. Then we can replace q with p in same order, the number would have same number of divisors, but it would become less -> contradiction. It means the all the primes in factorization of the sought-for optimal (minimal) number must be exactly the first s primes. There can be no holes in the set of primes used.
BTW, Di <= 100 is obvious, because even 2^100 does not fit 64-bit integer already.
Now we have to explain the fourth constraint. Suppose that D[i] < D[i+1] for some i. Then we can replace P[i]^D[i] * P[i+1]^D[i+1] with P[i]^D[i+1] * P[i+1]^D[i], and the number would become smaller. For instance, replace 5^2 * 7^3 with 5^3 * 7^2: number of divisors is same, but the result is smaller. Obviously, if we search the minimal optimal number, we can safely assume this condition too.
Now let's consider the code.
mul is a small function that calculates product of a and b. It is calculated by a funny binary procedure. The main reason for this procedure is: if the product is greater than n, then the function returns 0. This procedure is only a guard against overflow that may happen otherwise.
Finally, we got to backtrack. This is a usual recursive search. val is the current number, r is its number of divisors, i shows the index of the prime we are going to add now, lim limits power of each prime to 100. At the very start you see update of current optimal answer (stored in res), and hard stopping condition (all primes used).
Then there is a loop that checks every power for the current prime number. It starts with power 1, since zero powers are forbidden. It maintains current number in x and multiplies it by Pi each iteration to increment power. If x becomes greater than n, it stops immediately. Finally, it calls itself in order to search for the next prime.
As a complement to #stgatilov answer, I will justify the choice to limit primes less to the primes less or equal 71.
I used a slightly modified version of the code to note the biggest number having the max numbers of divisors. For 1000000000000000000 or 999999999999999999, I got:
897612484786617600 = 28 * 34 * 52 * 72 * 11 * 13 * 17 * 19 * 23 * 29 * 31 * 37
with 103680 total divisors.
That means that for all number of 18 decimal digits, no prime greater than 37 is involved is finding the integer with the greatest number of divisors.
In answers to this other question, the following solution is provided, curtesy of OpenBSD, rewritten for brevity,
uint32_t foo( uint32_t limit ) {
uint32_t min = -limit % limit, r = 0;
for(;;) {
r = random_function();
if ( r >= min ) break;
return r % limit;
How exactly does the line uint32_t min = -limit % limit work? What I'd like to know is, is there a mathematical proof that it does indeed calculate some lower limit for the random number and adequately removes the modulo bias?
In -limit % limit, consider that the value produced by -limit is 2w−limit, where w is the width in bits of the unsigned type being used, because unsigned arithmetic is defined to wrap modulo 2w. (The assumes the type of limit is not narrower than int, which would result in it being promoted to int and signed arithmetic being used, and the code could break.) Then recognize that 2w−limit is congruent to 2w modulo limit. So -limit % limit produces the remainder when 2w is divided by limit. Let this be min.
In the set of integers {0, 1, 2, 3,… 2w−1}, a number with remainder r (0 ≤ r < limit) when divided by limit appears at least floor(2w/limit) times. We can identify each of them: For 0 ≤ q < floor(2w/limit), q•limit + r has remainder r and is in the set. If 0 ≤ r < min, then there is one more such number in the set, with q = floor(2w/limit). Those account for all the numbers in the set {0, 1, 2, 3,… 2w−1}, because floor(2w/limit)•limit + min = 2w, so our counts are complete. For r different remainders, there are floor(2w/limit)+1 numbers with that remainder in the set, and for min−r other remainders, there are floor(2w/limit) with that remainder in the set.
Now suppose we randomly draw a number uniformly from this set {0, 1, 2, 3,… 2w−1}. Clearly numbers with the remainders 0 ≤ r < min might occur slightly more often, because there are more of them in the set. By rejecting one instance of each such number, we exclude them from our distribution. Effectively, we are drawing from the set { min, min+1, min+2,… 2w−1}. The result is a distribution that has exactly floor(2w/limit) occurrences of each number with a particular remainder.
Since each remainder is represented an equal number of times in the effective distribution, each remainder has an equal chance of being selected by a uniform draw.
The maximum value of n is 100 000 and k can be anywhere from 0 to 100 000. The problem asks to calculate the value modulo 100 003. So I've used a function to calculate the factorial of n,n-k and k and then print fact(n)/(fact(n-k)*fact(k))% 100 003. What am I doing wrong and what would be the solution?
long long int fact (int z)
long long int r;
if(z<=1)return 1;
return r;
A long long is not big enough to hold fact(n) for interesting n, so you need a smarter algorithm.
applying the mod 100003 as you multiply is an easy way to keep things in range. But modular division is messy and in this case unnecessary.
Think about how to compute fact(n)/( fact(n-k)*fact(k) ) without ever needing to divide any big or modular numbers.
It will overflow for most z (z = 105 already overflows, for example).
Fortunately the integers modulo 100003 form a field (because 100003 is prime), so the entire calculation (even though it includes a division) can be done modulo 100003, thus preventing any overflow.
Most operations will be the same (except the extra modulo operation), but division becomes multiplication by the modular multiplicative inverse, which you can find using the extended Euclidian algorithm.
using fermat little theorem we can compute this
Here fact() means factorial.
nCr % p = (fac[n] modInverse(fac[r]) % p modInverse(fac[n-r]) % p) % p;
Here modInverse() means modular inverse under
modulo p.
calculating ,moduloINverse if p is prime as give
long long modInverse( long long n, int p)
return expo(n, p - 2, p);
long long expo(long long a, long long b, long long mod) {
long long res = 1;
while (b > 0) {
if (b & 1)res = (res * a) % mod;
a = (a * a) % mod;
b = b >> 1;}
return res;}
I have to find nth root of numbers that can be as large as 10^18, with n as large as 10^4.
I know using pow() we can find the nth roots using,
x = (long int)(1e-7 + pow(number, 1.0 / n))
But this is giving wrong answers on online programming judges, but on all the cases i have taken, it is giving correct results. Is there something wrong with this method for the given constraints
Note: nth root here means the largest integer whose nth power is less than or equal to the given number, i.e., largest 'x' for which x^n <= number.
Following the answers, i know this approach is wrong, then what is the way i should do it?
You can just use
x = (long int)pow(number, 1.0 / n)
Given the high value of n, most answers will be 1.
Following the OP comment, this approach is indeed flawed, because in most cases 1/n does not have an exact floating-point representation and the floor of the 1/n-th power can be off by one.
And rounding is not better solution, it can make the root off by one in excess.
Another problem is that values up to 10^18 cannot be represented exactly using double precision, whereas 64 bits ints do.
My proposal:
1) truncate the 11 low order bits of number before the (implicit) cast to double, to avoid rounding up by the FP unit (unsure if this is useful).
2) use the pow function to get an inferior estimate of the n-th root, let r.
3) compute the n-th power of r+1 using integer arithmetic only (by repeated squaring).
4) the solution is r+1 rather than r in case that the n-th power fits.
There remains a possibility that the FP unit rounds up when computing 1/n, leading to a slightly too large result. I doubt that this "too large" can get as large as one unit in the final result, but this should be checked.
I think I finally understood your problem. All you want to do is raise a value, say X, to the reciprocal of a number, say n (i.e., find ⁿ√X̅), and round down. If you then raise that answer to the n-th power, it will never be larger than your original X. The problem is that the computer sometimes runs into rounding error.
#include <cmath>
long find_nth_root(double X, int n)
long nth_root = std::trunc(std::pow(X, 1.0 / n));
// because of rounding error, it's possible that nth_root + 1 is what we actually want; let's check
if (std::pow(nth_root + 1, n) <= X) {
return nth_root + 1;
return nth_root;
Of course, the original question was to find the largest integer, Y, that satisfies the equation X ≤ Yⁿ. That's easy enough to write:
long find_nth_root(double x, int d)
long i = 0;
for (; std::pow(i + 1, d) <= x; ++i) { }
return i;
This will probably run faster than you'd expect. But you can do better with a binary search:
#include <cmath>
long find_nth_root(double x, int d)
long low = 0, high = 1;
while (std::pow(high, d) <= x) {
low = high;
high *= 2;
while (low != high - 1) {
long step = (high - low) / 2;
long candidate = low + step;
double value = std::pow(candidate, d);
if (value == x) {
return candidate;
if (value < x) {
low = candidate;
high = candidate;
return low;
I use this routine I wrote. It's the faster of the ones I've seen here. It also handles up to 64 bits. BTW, n1 is the input number.
for (n3 = 0; ((mnk) < n1) ; n3+=0.015625, nmrk++) {
mk += 0.0073125;
dad += 0.00390625;
mnk = pow(n1, 1.0/(mk+n3+dad));
mnk = pow(mnk, (mk+n3+dad));
Although not always perfect, it does come the closest.
You can try this to get the nth_root with unsigned in C :
// return a number that, when multiplied by itself nth times, makes N.
unsigned nth_root(const unsigned n, const unsigned nth) {
unsigned a = n, c, d, r = nth ? n + (n > 1) : n == 1 ;
for (; a < r; c = a + (nth - 1) * r, a = c / nth)
for (r = a, a = n, d = nth - 1; d && (a /= r); --d);
return r;
Yes it does not include <math.h>, example of output :
24 == (int) pow(15625, 1.0/3)
25 == nth_root(15625, 3)
0 == nth_root(0, 0)
1 == nth_root(1, 0)
4 == nth_root(4096, 6)
13 == nth_root(18446744073709551614, 17) // 64-bit 20 digits
11 == nth_root(340282366920938463463374607431768211454, 37) // 128-bit 39 digits
The default guess is the variable a, set to n.
I want to calculate ab mod n for use in RSA decryption. My code (below) returns incorrect answers. What is wrong with it?
unsigned long int decrypt2(int a,int b,int n)
unsigned long int res = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < (b / 2); i++)
res *= ((a * a) % n);
res %= n;
if (b % n == 1)
res *=a;
res %=n;
return res;
You can try this C++ code. I've used it with 32 and 64-bit integers. I'm sure I got this from SO.
template <typename T>
T modpow(T base, T exp, T modulus) {
base %= modulus;
T result = 1;
while (exp > 0) {
if (exp & 1) result = (result * base) % modulus;
base = (base * base) % modulus;
exp >>= 1;
return result;
You can find this algorithm and related discussion in the literature on p. 244 of
Schneier, Bruce (1996). Applied Cryptography: Protocols, Algorithms, and Source Code in C, Second Edition (2nd ed.). Wiley. ISBN 978-0-471-11709-4.
Note that the multiplications result * base and base * base are subject to overflow in this simplified version. If the modulus is more than half the width of T (i.e. more than the square root of the maximum T value), then one should use a suitable modular multiplication algorithm instead - see the answers to Ways to do modulo multiplication with primitive types.
In order to calculate pow(a,b) % n to be used for RSA decryption, the best algorithm I came across is Primality Testing 1) which is as follows:
int modulo(int a, int b, int n){
long long x=1, y=a;
while (b > 0) {
if (b%2 == 1) {
x = (x*y) % n; // multiplying with base
y = (y*y) % n; // squaring the base
b /= 2;
return x % n;
See below reference for more details.
1) Primality Testing : Non-deterministic Algorithms – topcoder
Usually it's something like this:
while (b)
if (b % 2) { res = (res * a) % n; }
a = (a * a) % n;
b /= 2;
return res;
The only actual logic error that I see is this line:
if (b % n == 1)
which should be this:
if (b % 2 == 1)
But your overall design is problematic: your function performs O(b) multiplications and modulus operations, but your use of b / 2 and a * a implies that you were aiming to perform O(log b) operations (which is usually how modular exponentiation is done).
Doing the raw power operation is very costly, hence you can apply the following logic to simplify the decryption.
From here,
Now say we want to encrypt the message m = 7, c = m^e mod n = 7^3 mod 33
= 343 mod 33 = 13. Hence the ciphertext c = 13.
To check decryption we compute m' = c^d mod n = 13^7 mod 33 = 7. Note
that we don't have to calculate the full value of 13 to the power 7
here. We can make use of the fact that a = bc mod n = (b mod n).(c mod
n) mod n so we can break down a potentially large number into its
components and combine the results of easier, smaller calculations to
calculate the final value.
One way of calculating m' is as follows:- Note that any number can be
expressed as a sum of powers of 2. So first compute values of 13^2,
13^4, 13^8, ... by repeatedly squaring successive values modulo 33. 13^2
= 169 ≡ 4, 13^4 = 4.4 = 16, 13^8 = 16.16 = 256 ≡ 25. Then, since 7 = 4 + 2 + 1, we have m' = 13^7 = 13^(4+2+1) = 13^4.13^2.13^1 ≡ 16 x 4 x 13 = 832
≡ 7 mod 33
Are you trying to calculate (a^b)%n, or a^(b%n) ?
If you want the first one, then your code only works when b is an even number, because of that b/2. The "if b%n==1" is incorrect because you don't care about b%n here, but rather about b%2.
If you want the second one, then the loop is wrong because you're looping b/2 times instead of (b%n)/2 times.
Either way, your function is unnecessarily complex. Why do you loop until b/2 and try to multiply in 2 a's each time? Why not just loop until b and mulitply in one a each time. That would eliminate a lot of unnecessary complexity and thus eliminate potential errors. Are you thinking that you'll make the program faster by cutting the number of times through the loop in half? Frankly, that's a bad programming practice: micro-optimization. It doesn't really help much: You still multiply by a the same number of times, all you do is cut down on the number of times testing the loop. If b is typically small (like one or two digits), it's not worth the trouble. If b is large -- if it can be in the millions -- then this is insufficient, you need a much more radical optimization.
Also, why do the %n each time through the loop? Why not just do it once at the end?
Calculating pow(a,b) mod n
A key problem with OP's code is a * a. This is int overflow (undefined behavior) when a is large enough. The type of res is irrelevant in the multiplication of a * a.
The solution is to ensure either:
the multiplication is done with 2x wide math or
with modulus n, n*n <= type_MAX + 1
There is no reason to return a wider type than the type of the modulus as the result is always represent by that type.
// unsigned long int decrypt2(int a,int b,int n)
int decrypt2(int a,int b,int n)
Using unsigned math is certainly more suitable for OP's RSA goals.
Also see Modular exponentiation without range restriction
// (a^b)%n
// n != 0
// Test if unsigned long long at least 2x values bits as unsigned
unsigned decrypt2(unsigned a, unsigned b, unsigned n) {
unsigned long long result = 1u % n; // Insure result < n, even when n==1
while (b > 0) {
if (b & 1) result = (result * a) % n;
a = (1ULL * a * a) %n;
b >>= 1;
return (unsigned) result;
unsigned decrypt2(unsigned a, unsigned b, unsigned n) {
// Detect if UINT_MAX + 1 < n*n
if (UINT_MAX/n < n-1) {
return TBD_code_with_wider_math(a,b,n);
a %= n;
unsigned result = 1u % n;
while (b > 0) {
if (b & 1) result = (result * a) % n;
a = (a * a) % n;
b >>= 1;
return result;
int's are generally not enough for RSA (unless you are dealing with small simplified examples)
you need a data type that can store integers up to 2256 (for 256-bit RSA keys) or 2512 for 512-bit keys, etc
Here is another way. Remember that when we find modulo multiplicative inverse of a under mod m.
a and m must be coprime with each other.
We can use gcd extended for calculating modulo multiplicative inverse.
For computing ab mod m when a and b can have more than 105 digits then its tricky to compute the result.
Below code will do the computing part :
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
* May this code live long.
long pow(string,string,long long);
long pow(long long ,long long ,long long);
int main() {
string _num,_pow;
long long _mod;
//cout<<_num<<" "<<_pow<<" "<<_mod<<endl;
return 0;
long pow(string n,string p,long long mod){
long long num=0,_pow=0;
for(char c: n){
for(char c: p){
return pow(num,_pow,mod);
long pow(long long a,long long p,long long mod){
long res=1;
if(a==0)return 0;
return res;
This code works because ab mod m can be written as (a mod m)b mod m-1 mod m.
Hope it helped { :)
use fast exponentiation maybe..... gives same o(log n) as that template above
int power(int base, int exp,int mod)
if(exp == 0)
return 1;
int p=power(base, exp/2,mod);
p=(p*p)% mod;
return (exp%2 == 0)?p:(base * p)%mod;
This(encryption) is more of an algorithm design problem than a programming one. The important missing part is familiarity with modern algebra. I suggest that you look for a huge optimizatin in group theory and number theory.
If n is a prime number, pow(a,n-1)%n==1 (assuming infinite digit integers).So, basically you need to calculate pow(a,b%(n-1))%n; According to group theory, you can find e such that every other number is equivalent to a power of e modulo n. Therefore the range [1..n-1] can be represented as a permutation on powers of e. Given the algorithm to find e for n and logarithm of a base e, calculations can be significantly simplified. Cryptography needs a tone of math background; I'd rather be off that ground without enough background.
For my code a^k mod n in php:
function pmod(a, k, n)
if (n==1) return 0;
power = 1;
for(i=1; i<=k; $i++)
power = (power*a) % n;
return power;
#include <cmath>
but my best bet is you are overflowing int (IE: the number is two large for the int) on the power I had the same problem creating the exact same function.
I'm using this function:
int CalculateMod(int base, int exp ,int mod){
int result;
result = (int) pow(base,exp);
result = result % mod;
return result;
I parse the variable result because pow give you back a double, and for using mod you need two variables of type int, anyway, in a RSA decryption, you should just use integer numbers.
I have to check, if given number is divisible by 7, which is usualy done just by doing something like n % 7 == 0, but the problem is, that given number can have up to 100000000, which doesn't fit even in long long.
Another constrain is, that I have only few kilobytes of memory available, so I can't use an array.
I'm expecting the number to be on stdin and output to be 1/0.
This is an example
It should be possible to do using only about 7 integer variables and cin.get(). It should be also done using only standard libraries.
you can use a known rule about division by 7 that says:
group each 3 digits together starting from the right and start subtracting and adding them alternativly, the divisibility of the result by 7 is the same as the original number:
testing 341234612736481253489125349812643761283458123548213541273468213
= 1882 )
% 7 != 0 --> NOK!
there are other alternatives to this rule, all easy to implement.
Think about how you do division on paper. You look at the first digit or two, and write down the nearest multiple of seven, carry down the remainder, and so on. You can do that on any abritrary length number because you don't have to load the whole number into memory.
Most of the divisibility by seven rules work on a digit level, so you should have no problem applying them on your string.
You can compute the value of the number modulo 7.
That is, for each digit d and value n so far compute n = (10 * n + d) % 7.
This has the advantage of working independently of the divisor 7 or the base 10.
You can compute the value of the number modulo 7.
That is, for each digit d and value n so far compute n = (10 * n + d) % 7.
This has the advantage of working independently of the divisor 7 or the base 10.
I solved this problem exactly the same way on one of programming contests. Here is the fragment of code you need:
int sum = 0;
while (true) {
char ch;
if (ch<'0' || ch>'9') break; // Reached the end of stdin
sum = sum*10; // The previous sum we had must be multiplied
sum += (int) ch;
sum -= (int) '0'; // Remove the code to get the value of the digit
sum %= 7;
if (sum==0) cout<<"1";
else cout<<"0";
This code is working thanks to simple rules of modular arithmetics. It also works not just for 7, but for any divisor actually.
I'd start by subtracting some big number which is divisible by 7.
Examples of numbers which are divisible by 7 include 700, 7000, 70000, 140000000, 42000000000, etc.
In the particular example you gave, try subtracting 280000000000(some number of zeros)0000.
Even easier to implement, repeatedly subtract the largest possible number like 70000000000(some number of zeros)0000.
Because I recently did work dealing with breaking up numbers, I will hint that to get specific numbers - which is what you will need with some of the other answers - think about integer division and using the modulus to get digits out of it.
If you had a smaller number, say 123, how would you get the 1, the 2, and the 3 out of it? Especially since you're working in base 10...
N = abc
There is a simple algorithm to verify if a three-digit number is a multiple of 7:
Substitute a by x and add it to bc, being x the tens of a two-digit number multiple of 7 whose hundreds is a.
N = 154; x = 2; 2 + 54 = 56; 7|56 and 7|154
N = 931; x = 4; 4 + 31 = 35; 7|35 and 7|931
N = 665; x = 5; 5 + 65 = 70; 7|70 and 7|665
N = 341; x = 6; 6 + 41 = 47; 7ł47 and 7ł341
If N is formed by various periods the inverse additive of the result of one period must be added to the sum of the next period, this way:
N = 341.234
6 + 41 = 47; - 41 mod 7 ≡ 1; 1 + 4 + 34 = 39; 7ł39 and 7łN
N = 341.234.612.736.481
The result for 341.234 is 39. Continuing from this result we have:
-39 mod 7 ≡ 3; 3 + 5 + 6 + 1 + 2 + 1 = 18; - 18 mod 7 ≡ 3; 3 + 0 + 36 = 39; - 39 mod 7 ≡ 3;
3 + 1 + 81 = 85; 7ł85 and 7łN
This rule may be applied entirely through mental calculation and is very quick.
It was derived from another rule that I created in 2.005. It works for numbers of any magnitude and for divisibility by 13.
At first Take That Big Number in string And then sum every digit of string. at last check if(sum%7==0)
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
int main()
long long int n,i,j,sum,k;
string s;
return 0;