I have a function that is defined like this:
(defn delete-rule [rules rule]
(om/transact! rules
(fn [rules] (into [] (remove #(= rule %) rules)))))
What is the purpose of into here?
Wouldn't that produce exactly the same result as the one on the above:
(defn delete-rule [rules rule]
(om/transact! rules
(fn [rules] (remove #(= rule %) rules))))
From the documentation for remove:
Returns a lazy sequence of the items in coll for which (pred item)
returns false. pred must be free of side-effects. Returns a transducer
when no collection is provided.
From the documentation for into:
Returns a new coll consisting of to-coll with all of the items of
from-coll conjoined. A transducer may be supplied.
So the difference is, the delete-rule version with into returns a non-lazy vector, whereas the version without into returns a lazy sequence.
The particulars with your function is that om doesn't support lists (or lazy sequences) as cursors, only maps and vectors, that's why the output of remove must be converted to vector.
Hope that helps.
There is an example of cat in clojuredocs.com
(into [] (comp cat cat (map inc)) [[[1] [2]] [[3] [4]]])
As I know, comp applies fn left to right but above example seem to be applied right to left. How can I read it?
Short answer: comp-ing transducers runs them basically left-to-right.
From above docs:
Transducers compose with ordinary function composition. A transducer performs its operation before deciding whether and how many times to call the transducer it wraps. The recommended way to compose transducers is with the existing comp function:
(def xf
(filter odd?)
(map inc)
(take 5)))
The transducer xf is a transformation stack that will be applied by a process to a series of input elements. Each function in the stack is performed before the operation it wraps. Composition of the transformer runs right-to-left but builds a transformation stack that runs left-to-right (filtering happens before mapping in this example).
As a mnemonic, remember that the ordering of transducer functions in comp is the same order as sequence transformations in ->>. The transformation above is equivalent to the sequence transformation:
(->> coll
(filter odd?)
(map inc)
(take 5))
The "secret" is in comp function, which applies functions right to left, but for transducers it is left to right.
Since you are transducing, (comp cat cat (map inc)) is kinda like
(fn [xs] (map inc (sequence cat (sequence cat xs)))) (note, there is no version of cat that takes a coll)
Is it possible to remove the let statement / avoid the intermediate 'x' in the following code?:
(let [x (f a)]
(when (pred? x) x))
I bumped into this problem in the following use case:
(let [coll (get-collection-somewhere)]
(when (every? some? coll) ; if the collection doesn't contain nil values
(remove true? coll))) ; remove all true values
So if the collection is free of nil values, only not-true values remain, like numbers, strings, or whatever.
So, I'm looking for something like this:
(defn pass-if-true [x pred?]
(when (pred? x) x))
Assuming that you don't want to define that pass-if-true function, the best you can do is an anonymous function:
(#(when (every? some? %)
(remove true? %))
You could also extract the predicate and transformation into parameters:
(#(when (%1 %3) (%2 %3))
(partial every? some?)
(partial remove true?)
The let form is necessary to prevent your collection-building function from running twice:
(f a) or (get-collection-somewhere)
This is a typical idiom and you are doing it correctly.
Of course, you don't need the let if you already have the collection and are not building inside this expression.
However, you may wish to see when-let:
It can save some keystrokes in some circumstances, but this isn't one of them.
After a while of working with Clojure, I have accumulated some knowledge on its laziness. I know whether a frequently-used API such as map is lazy. However, I still feel dubious when I start using an unfamiliar API such as with-open.
Is there any document that shows a complete list of lazy APIs of Clojure's core module?
You can find functions that return lazy sequences by opening up the Clojure code https://github.com/clojure/clojure/blob/master/src/clj/clojure/core.clj
and searching for "Returns a lazy"
I am not aware of any curated lists of them.
The rule of thumb is: if it returns a sequence, it will be a lazy sequence, if it returns a value, it will force evaluation.
When using a new function, macro or special form, read the docstring. Most development environments have a key to show the docstring, or at least navigate to the source (where you can see the docstring), and there is always http://clojure.org/api/api.
In the case of with-open:
Usage: (with-open bindings & body)
bindings => [name init ...]
Evaluates body in a try expression with names bound to the values
of the inits, and a finally clause that calls (.close name) on each
name in reverse order.
We can see that the result of calling with-open is evaluation of the expression with a final close. So we know that there is nothing lazy about it. However that doesn't mean you don't need to think about laziness inside with-open, quite the opposite!
(with-open [r (io/reader "myfile")]
(line-seq r))
This is a common trap. line-seq returns a lazy sequence! The problem here is that the lazy sequence will be realized after the file is closed, because the file is closed when exiting the scope of with-open. So you need to fully process the lazy sequence before exiting the with-open scope.
My advice is to avoid trying to think about your program as having 'lazy bits' and 'immediate bits', but instead just be mindful that when io or side-effects are involved you need to take care of when things happen as well as what should happen.
digging on a Timothy Pratley's proposal to search in doc:
let's make it fun!
your repl has everything that you need to find out a list of lazy functions.
first of all, there is a clojure.repl/doc macro, which prints documentation to out in repl
user> (doc +)
([] [x] [x y] [x y & more])
Returns the sum of nums. (+) returns 0. Does not auto-promote
longs, will throw on overflow. See also: +'
unfortunately we can't get a string of it simply, but we can always rebind the *out* to be a StringWriter, and then get its string value.
so, whan we want to take all the symbols from clojure.core namespace, get their docs, write them all to string, and find every one that contains "returns a lazy". Here comes the help: clojure.core/ns-publics, returning a map of public names to their vars:
user> (take 10 (ns-publics 'clojure.core))
([primitives-classnames #'clojure.core/primitives-classnames]
[+' #'clojure.core/+']
[decimal? #'clojure.core/decimal?]
[restart-agent #'clojure.core/restart-agent]
[sort-by #'clojure.core/sort-by]
[macroexpand #'clojure.core/macroexpand]
[ensure #'clojure.core/ensure]
[chunk-first #'clojure.core/chunk-first]
[eduction #'clojure.core/eduction]
[tree-seq #'clojure.core/tree-seq])
so we just need to get all the keys from there and lookup for their docs.
Let's make a macro for that:
user> (defmacro all-docs []
(let [names (keys (ns-publics 'clojure.core))]
`(binding [*out* (java.io.StringWriter.)]
(do ~#(map #(list `doc %) names))
(str *out*))))
it does just what i've said, gets all publics' docs to string.
now we simply process it:
user> (def all-doc-items (clojure.string/split
user> (nth all-doc-items 10)
"\nclojure.core/tree-seq\n([branch? children root])\n Returns a lazy sequence of the nodes in a tree, via a depth-first walk.\n branch? must be a fn of one arg that returns true if passed a node\n that can have children (but may not). children must be a fn of one\n arg that returns a sequence of the children. Will only be called on\n nodes for which branch? returns true. Root is the root node of the\n tree.\n"
and now just filter them:
user> (def all-lazy-fns (filter #(re-find #"(?i)returns a lazy" %) all-doc-items))
user> (count all-lazy-fns)
user> (println (take 3 all-lazy-fns))
([branch? children root])
Returns a lazy sequence of the nodes in a tree, via a depth-first walk.
branch? must be a fn of one arg that returns true if passed a node
that can have children (but may not). children must be a fn of one
arg that returns a sequence of the children. Will only be called on
nodes for which branch? returns true. Root is the root node of the tree.
([f] [f coll])
Returns a lazy sequence of the non-nil results of (f index item). Note,
this means false return values will be included. f must be free of
side-effects. Returns a stateful transducer when no collection is
([n] [n coll])
Returns a lazy seq of every nth item in coll. Returns a stateful
transducer when no collection is provided.
And now use these all-lazy-fns however you want.
I have a lazy-seq of maps and I'm attempting to remove maps from that lazy-seq based on the return value from another function. The other function will return true or false depending on whether or not a call of get returns a value equal to the parameter. The problem is the function isn't working correctly and I'm not too sure why.
(defn filter-by-name "Filter by names" [name m]
(if (= name (get m :name_of_person)) true false))
;To be called on each map
(defn remove-nonmatching-values "Remove anything not matching" [filter-val all-maps]
(map #(remove (filter-by-name filter-val %)) all-maps))
;trying to call on the lazy seq
You only need to call remove on the sequence of maps.
(defn remove-nonmatching-values
"Remove anything not matching"
[filter-val all-maps]
(remove #(filter-by-name filter-val %) all-maps))
Check Clojure's remove doc
(remove pred coll)
Returns a lazy sequence of the items in coll for which
(pred item) returns false. pred must be free of side-effects.
Returns a transducer when no collection is provided.
A function that produces the test-function you need for a given name is
(defn name-matcher [name]
(fn [m] (= name (:name_of_person m))))
All you have to do is filter the maps accordingly:
(defn retain-matching-maps [name maps]
(filter (name-matcher name) maps))
For example,
(retain-matching-maps "hello" (list {:name_of_person "hello"} {:name_of_person "bye"}))
;({:name_of_person "hello"})
I have got rid of
the comments (which are implied by the function names)
the if (as noted by Guillermo)
the get (Keywords - or maps - are implicit get functions)
the double negative in the function name remove-nonmatching-values.
You could also use :name instead of :name-of-person. The more succinctly you express your program, the less likely you are to make mistakes.
I have a set of dynamically generated parameters in a form of a map like
(def clauses {:apples 23 :plums 0 :bananas 7})
and I want to have it or'ed in a where statement, so it should become an equivalent of the Korma query:
(select fruit-shop
(where (or {:apples 23}
{:plums 0}
{:bananas 7})))
Generating a list of maps is quite easy:
(map #(apply array-map %)
(into [] clauses))
But one can't use (or statement applied to it, because it's handled at macro expansion time, before the clauses becomes bound to its value.
What statement should be used in such case?
After getting familiar with Korma source code, I have found korma.sql.fns/pred-or function that replaces or statements in where and having. So I wrote the following helper function that takes a map argument
(require '[korma.sql.fns :refer [pred-or]])
(defn or*
(apply pred-or
(map #(apply array-map %)
(into [] m))))
Given that, the intended query will look like this
(select fruit-shop
(where (or* clauses)))