How to install dxflib [a C++ library] on Windows 8.1? - c++

So I want to install the dxflibn (it allows for the program to read and write .dxf files). You can find the files here. I found, on there site, this Programmer's guide. If you go to page 3, it says how to install the library. It says to use cygwin and MinGW32. I have not used this tools before so need some help.
From what I read (when I was researching these tools), the MinGW32 is used to install the compiler needed and the Cygwin can emulate the Unix system. I do have some experience with Unix command line but limited.
Back to the instruction on page 3, it says to run two commands. The first command is for executable but from the file I downloaded (the dxflib zip) there is no "configure" file to execute. While searching even more, I found the the .pro file that is in the folder of the library can produce a make file but not sure how.
What exactly do I need to do to install the dxflib?
After I install it, for me to run it from my C++ code, what do I need to do? I read here that I need to:
A) put the header files in a location which your compiler is aware of
B) put the dll files in a location which your linker is aware of.
Any help would be amazing, tnx :)

I was able to find a solution after all.
For question 1:
I first went and installed qmake (from the Qt website).
After that, I needed to include in my "system parameters" the qmake.exe so I can run it from the Command Prompt line (like it says here).
And finally, I opened cmd, navigated to the library directory and run the command qmake -spec win32-g++ (as suggested here). This created the make file.
Now run the command MinGW32-make. This will create a "release" folder with with a static library (that will be needed a the next step) and come .o files.
For question 2:
I used the Dev-C++ IDE. After I had created a project, I went to "project>project options".
Under "Directories>Include Directories" I added the path of the source code of the library (path_of_where_you_unziped_the_library\dxflib-3.7.5-src\src).
Also, under "Parameters>Linker" I added the .a file that is under the "release" folder (path_of_where_you_unziped_the_library\dxflib-3.7.5-src\release)
This worked for me :)


Compiling MariaDB C/C++ Connector on Windows

I am trying to use MariaDB in my visual studio project, so after looking at the documentation, I installed MariaDB and downloaded the source code for the C/C++ connector.
I got the include folder linked to the project, so I am able to make calls to the functions there, but it won't build because the linker fails to find the function definitions (obviously). I have looked all over and cannot find any solid directions on building the .lib files I need. I have found two sources that say that I need to just build the mariadb_connector_c.sln, but that file does not exist in the source code that I got, nor does it exist on their Git repo:
The closest thing that I have found is the appveyor.yml file they provided, which contains the following: Contents of YML File
Is there anybody out there who has done this before? I can't find anything online or in the files they provided pertaining to this.
I found the answer thanks to some of the replies. I needed to run the source code through cmake in order to get the .sln that I could then build to get the .lib files I need to link to the project.
The answer is a generic answer for any cmake project
Install CMake. make sure cmake.exe is in PATH (Windows installer offers this option). Install Visual Studio, and make sure C/C++ compiler is installed
start command line prompt
Execute "cmake . && cmake --build ." in the command line prompt.
That#s it.

GDB not a recognized command - Windows command prompt

I am trying to use GDB to debug a C++ program, but my system is not recognizing gdb as a command. I installed it, along with many other tools, via MinGW. I have not had any problem with the other features I have used (gcc, g++), so the issue doesn't seem to be with my general set up. I have added the MinGW\bin directory to my PATH. The gdb.exe is in that folder. But it will not run when invoked from my project directory, it simply errors: "'gdb' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program, or batch file." Is there some step in setup or invocation that I missed for using GDB?
EDIT: Alright, I think I found the problem: there are two MinGW directories in my PATH, one at C:\MinGW, and another in folder that got installed with some Haskell compilers I used a while ago. It appears to be defaulting to the Haskell folder, perhaps because this directory is listed first. However, this folder contains gcc and g++, but NOT gdb. I was able to get the gdb command working by creating the fstab file in the msys directory, a step I apparently forgot when setting up MinGW. I added my C:\MinGW directory to it, and now the gdb command is working properly! Out of curiosity, what does this file do?
Also, ideally I would like it to look in the C:\MinGW directory first, since this is the folder I plan to keep updated, and the one that contains ALL of the various applications. However, the Haskell directory is specified via the system PATH variable, which I've read it's not a good idea to touch. Would switching the order that they appear even fix my problem?
EDIT 2: Not 100% sure what happened, but the gdb command appears to be working now. I have always been using the Windows cmd prompt to run these tools, so per the answer below (that I should not need to mess with msys) I deleted the fstab file, and lo, it still works! However, my second question above still stands: What is the best way to get the compilers to run out of C:\MinGW\bin instead of C:\Program Files (x86)\Haskell Platform\2013.2.0.0\bin? Is moving the Haskell location out of the system PATH and to the end of the user PATH a viable option?
I had to run pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-gdb separately and then gdb showed up in the bin.
You do not have to run gdb (or gcc and all other MinGW tools for that matter) within msys - it is not like Cygwin in that respect. Had you run it from the Windows cmd console, it should work.
The msys shell is useful for running configure scripts generated by Autoconf used by many Linux originated open source projects, but its environment is independent of the Windows environment.

Installing Boost libraries with MinGW and CodeBlocks

I'm having my first fling with the Boost libraries, and I've picked a pretty girl named Regex.
I've installed the libraries (which build automatically?) on my machine, but I'm getting the above error (cannot find -lboost_regex). I'm using Code::Blocks with MinGW, and a C++0X compiler flag.
I have
Pointed the "search directories" to the installation directory
Added the -lboost_regex flag to the linker
but no luck. Can someone help me get this working?
Got things running now. I've added some further notes in an answer below, for newcomers to this problem.
(Also, changed the title of the question since it turned out to be a broader issue than when I started out.)
Here's some links and tips that can help a newcomer, from my first build experience. I built the libraries directly from the zip file. I built on MinGW and I used CodeBlocks for the IDE.
Download Boost zip, unzip somewhere (I'll call that place $boostdir)
Pretty large when unzipped, > 300MB
Add MinGW bin to PATH var
When Boost builds, it will need access to MinGW executables
Build b2.exe and bjam.exe
The documentation for Windows blithely assumes MSVC compiler is available.
If it is, you can apparently use the bootstrap.bat like the docs say.
If it's not (like mine), you'll have to build the exe files yourself, in steps 4 and 5.
In CMD, navigate to $boostdir/tools/build/v2/engine
Run build.bat mingw (will build b2.exe and bjam.exe)
Some aging basic documentation on that
Now you've got b2 and bjam custom-built according to your system spec. Navigate back up to $boostdir and get ready to start building the libraries.
Boost will make a new bin.v2 directory in the current directory.
All the libs will go in bin.v2.
This is an "intermediate" directory, for some reason
Nothing to do in this step, just some extra info :)
Run b2 toolset=gcc --build-type=complete
This takes a long time, in the neighborhood of 1 - 2 hours.
You'll know if it's working. If you think something's wrong, it's not working.
The build can use various flags
Now you're all built. Time to set up CodeBlocks.
Point your compiler to the header files
Right click your project -> Build Options -> Search Directories tab -> Compiler tab -> add $boostdir address
Boost has built a DLL for the library you want according to your current system spec. Look in the stage\lib\ directory of $boostdir
This DLL will be used later in the linker, so don't close its explorer window yet
Mine was in C:\Program Files\Boost_1_52\stage\lib\libboost_regex-mgw44-1_52.dll
I think the documentation had a smart way to do this but I haven't tried it yet
The "intermediate" directory from step #6 can be deleted now that the build is finished
Point your linker to the directory of that DLL
Right click your project -> Build Options -> Search Directories tab -> Linker tab -> add
that directory address (blah\blah\blah\stage\lib\)
Add that DLL flag to your linker settings
Mine was -lboost_regex-mgw44-1_52
Deep breath, prayers to your god, and fire up a test.
Further docs that may either help or confuse:
The Code::Blocks website has a version of this that I didn't find until I neared the end of my search. It was fairly helpful but had a few weird things. This post also is helpful.
Good luck!
I'm not sure what you mean by which build automatically. Most of the Boost libraries are header-only, but a few, such as regex, need to be compiled to a shared / static library. The compilation step is not automatic, you need to invoke the Boost build system (bjam) to do this. Of course, there are sources (BoostPro for instance) that distribute pre-built Boost binaries for various platforms.
Once that's done, you need to add the path where the libraries are present to the linker's search path. For MinGW, this option is -L"path/to/library". Boost does have directives to allow auto-linking of the required libraries, and this seems to work pretty well with MSVC, but I've never gotten it to work with MinGW. So you must also list the libraries to be linked explicitly. The Boost libraries include target and version information in the file name by default, so a typical linker command line option will look like -lboost_regex-mgw47-mt-1_51 for MinGW gcc 4.7 and Boost 1.51

NetBeans with C++ and OpenGL / Freeglut under Windows 7

I recently tried to figure out how to use freeglut with NetBeans 7.
I Google'd a lot and I didn't find a suitable tutorial on how to bind the stuff I need into it.
Currently I have more problem then this:
First one is:
- freeglut 2.8 => in order to compile it I need MinGW and msys.
I have both installed but I can't "configure" or "make all" and "make install" freeglut.
I didn't find an easy-to-read how-to for that task.
Next one:
- once built, where to put what files into a specific folder?
Last one:
- Once put the files into corresponding folder, how to use finally freeglut under NetBeans 7 on a C++ project?
I feel like a lack of information on that.
All I found are always answers like:
download, build, install and done. But I'm already stuck on the "install" and "build".
The solution:
Close NetBeans.
Install and download MinGW from
After installing, add the Path to your SystemEnvironemt (example: C:\MinGW).
go to Start->Computer, right mousebutton, select properties
go to advanced system setting, in the following dialog press "Environment Variables".
in the tab "system variables", find the entry Path (or PATH)
add: C:\MinGW;
get freeglut pre-compiled package:
there is a good tutorial how to set up.
Now have fun (just #include " and you're done.
have fun.
Note #1:
if you have problems finding make, the folder is:
(when installed MinGW on C:\MinGW).
"mingw-get install msys" in command line should get msys...
last but not least dont forget to add msys\bin to path, too. :)
here's a full tutorial, but in german language.
If you need it in english, let me know if you could translate it ;) otherwise i'll think about to translate it myself.
I had a difficult time getting glut working in Netbeans on Windows 7 until I found freeglut, I attributed this to the fact that glut is just very out of date and so are the tutorials I found.
Maybe this will help others looking for instructions on using freeglut in Netbeans. These instructions are like the ones in the link already provided, but help explain how to use it in Netbeans rather than from the command line. This tutorial expects that you've already gotten Netbeans and your compiler working together. IF you have not done so, I found the guide here very helpful:
download and extract freeglut from into an easy to reach folder. (I recommend C:/FrGlut)
either add the bin folder (C:\FrGlut\bin) to your Windows PATH variable, or copy the freeglut.dll from your bin folder into C:\Windows\System32
Open Netbeans and open or create your project
go to: file->project properties
Select your compiler, go to include directories, and add the path to your freeglut include folder (C:\FrGlut\include)
under linker, select add libary, and navigate to the file C:\FrGlut\lib\libfreeglut.a
select options and add the following individually:
-dynamic -lfreeglut -lopengl32 -LC:\FrGlut\lib\libfreeglut.a
Netbeans should now be ready to use with your freeglut library.
To use the glut libary add the following include to your source:
#include <GL/glut.h>
Remember that freeglut.dll will need to be shared along with your executable in order for the program to run, as most users will not already have it.

exploiting poppler in Qt creator - help

I am trying to compile a Qt project that uses poppler library for pdf (linux).
I put #include in the mainwindow.cpp
I put poppler folder in my project folder besides mainwindow.cpp
poppler-qt4.h is in poppler-0.16.7/qt4/src
I do not need to recompile poppler, I just need to link the library through its headers but I do not know how to do. If compilation is necessary I can do it, but I tried ./configure and it said "./configure not found".
I searched for other similar threads but they were not enough useful to me.
I know LIBS is involved but makefile is overwritten by Qt-creator?
I'd prefer to learn how to "officially" inform Qt-creator that I want to add the library.
Please can help?
You have a good example, completed with source code, here: Poppler: Displaying PDF files with Qt
Along with including the header files where apropriate, you need to link to the poppler library.
To do so, you need to edit your .pro file and include something like:
INCLUDEPATH += /usr/include/poppler/qt4
LIBS += -L/usr/lib -lpoppler-qt4
These are the "default" paths, you may need to change them accordingly to your particular install location.
From your comments you seem to be trying to build poppler lib from source. The problem is that you're executing ./configure ( make and make install ) in the wrong directory. You "need" to position yourself in the directory where the file configure is located(*). Then execute the traditional commands:
make install
You run configure (you usually have to type ./configure as most
people don't have the current directory in their search path). This
builds a new Makefile.
Type make This builds the program. That is, make would be
executed, it would look for the first target in Makefile and do what
the instructions said. The expected end result would be to build an
executable program.
Now, as root, type make install. This again invokes make, make
finds the target install in Makefile and files the directions to
install the program.
I extracted this quote from But there are lots of places where you can find more information about these commands. Just google it! :D
(*) You don't really need to be in the same directory as the configure file. But it's easier than writing the full path.