cakephp 2.6 controller test case throwing MissingActionException on duplicate testAction()-call - unit-testing

I hope anyone can help me out with my testing environment.
my setup
I am implementing unit tests based on phpunit 3.7.22 with the cake release 2.6.9. Running on ubuntu 12.04 LTS with PHP 5.4.43-1 and postgresql 9.1.
I immplemented controller tests mocking cakes Auth Component to have a user in the session, since my tests depent on that. My controllers return json results, since its an API for a JS-based frontend. I call my controller methods using the testAction() call of a generated controller.
App::uses('RequesttypesController', 'Svc.Controller');
class RequesttypesWithResultControllerTest extends ControllerTestCase
public $fixtures = array(
* Mock the requesttype object so that it can return results depending on the desired outcome
* #see CakeTestCase::setUp()
public function setUp()
$this->controller = $this->generate('Svc.Requesttypes', array(
'models' => array(
'components' => array(
'Auth' => array(
'id' => 123,
'username' => 'myTestUser',
'company' => 'myTestCompany',
'usertype_id' => '456',
$authResult = $this->controller->Auth->user();
public function tearDown()
* A logged in user produces a number of requesttypes
public function testLoggedInUser()
$result = $this->testAction('/svc/requesttypes/getMyRequesttypes', array('return' => 'vars'));
$this->assertNotEmpty($this->vars, 'Did not receive webservice response');
$this->assertTrue(isset($this->vars['data']['code']), 'Received invalid webservice response');
$this->assertEqual($this->vars['data']['code'], SvcAppController::RESPONSE_CODE_SUCCESS);
This test passes without errors. Now I want to test my controller-action with different setups, for example users with a different usertype, from a different company, and so on. If I now create a second test-method in my RequesttypesWithResultControllerTest-class, calling the same testAction-url, i get a MissingActionException saying:
"Action RequesttypesController::() could not be found."
It seems that the testAction calls an empty controller-action, even if the action-url is passed as a parameter. I tried reinitializing the controller by nulling it and calling $this->generate() again, but this does not help either.
Of course I can help myself out by creating an own test-controller for every test ending up in a bunch of duplicate test-code, but this somehow seems not right to me.
Am I misusing the test-environment or how can this exception be explained? Any ideas?
Thanks in advance for sharing my headache!

After some further code debugging we finally found the error. We accidently changed the require statement of the last line of the /Config/routes.php file to a require_once because of some "Class already defined Exceptions" thrown in the test-environment.
Wrong routes.php:
require_once CAKE . 'Config' . DS . 'routes.php';
For the application itself that made no difference, since the routes are only needed to be initialized once per request. But in a test-environment, the routes are reinitialized several times, which was not possible anymore with the require_once include.
This is how the line is supposed to look like, which it does by default:
Correct routes.php:
require CAKE . 'Config' . DS . 'routes.php';


Symfony 3.2 - set environment variables in runtime [duplicate]

In my config.yml I have this:
gitek.centro_por_defecto: 1
Now, I want to change this value from my controller using a form, like this:
public function seleccionAction(Request $request)
$entity = new Centro();
$form = $this->createForm(new SeleccionType(), $entity);
$centro = $this->container->getParameter('gitek.centro_por_defecto');
if ($this->getRequest()->getMethod() == 'POST') {
if ($form->isValid()) {
$miseleccion = $request->request->get('selecciontype');
$this->container->setParameter('gitek.centro_por_defecto', $miseleccion['nombre']);
// return $this->redirect($this->generateUrl('admin_centro'));
return $this->render('BackendBundle:Centro:seleccion.html.twig', array(
'entity' => $entity,
'form' => $form->createView(),
I´m getting Impossible to call set() on a frozen ParameterBag. error all the time.
Any help or clue?
You can't modify Container once it has been compiled, which is done before invoking the controller.
The DIC parameters are intended for configuration purposes - not a replacement for global variables. In addition it seems you want to persist some kind of permanent modification. In that case consider using session if it's a per-user modification or persisting it (e.g. into DB) if it's supposed to be application-wide.
If you need to modify DIC parameters or services, you can do so using a compiler pass. More info on how to write custom compiler passes can be found at:
You can set $_ENV variables and get that after
And to get

InvalidArgumentException: Unknown formatter while writing unit tests

I am writing phpUnit tests for our application, So for this I wrote a model factory, after that when I try to run the unit test then I am getting an error like " InvalidArgumentException: Unknown formatter 'publicId' ". I have declared table's all column names in my Model factory. Is it required to mention all columns in the factory?
$factory->define(App\Campaign::class, function (Faker\Generator $faker) {
return [
'public_id' => $faker->publicId,
'client_id' => $faker->clientID,
'name' => $faker->name,
'criteria_age' => $faker->criteriaAge,
'criteria_state' => $faker->criteriaState,
'criteria_postcode' => $faker->criteriaPostcode,
'dncr_required' => $faker->dncrRequired,
'criteria_state' => $faker->criteriaState,
'active' => $faker->active,
'method' => $faker->method,
'server_parameters' => $faker->serverParameters,
'parameter_mapping' => $faker->parameterMapping,
namespace Tests\Unit\Campaign;
use App\Campaign;
use Tests\TestCase;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\WithoutMiddleware;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\DatabaseMigrations;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\DatabaseTransactions;
class CampaignTest extends TestCase
use DatabaseTransactions;
public function testCampaignCreation()
factory(\App\Campaign::class)->create(['name' => 'tinku']);
$this->seeInDatabase('campaigns', ['name' => 'tinku']);
after running "phpunit tests/Unit/Campaign/CampaignTest.php" I got this error "InvalidArgumentException: Unknown formatter 'publicId'". I am new to Laravel I know there is a procedure to create factories but I couldn't figure out. Hope someone helps. Thanks.
The formatter is from Faker not Laravel and you can only use Faker formatters Faker ships with.
The error message just tells you that there is no such formatter named publicId. For a list of all Faker formatters please see:
If you compare that list with the formatters you've used in your example it becomes more and more obvious that you confused the formatters with some database properties, most likely a translation failure from an existing example? But I think you will know better and this hopefully gives you the information you need to continue setting up your test-case.

Test JSON-returning controller method without MissingViewError

I am testing a Controller method that has only a JSON view. My method runs as expected, but the test method only returns "MissingViewException". Is there a solution to avoiding this exception in the unit test (besides inserting an empty file at View/People/map_leads.ctp)?
public function mapLeads($territory_id = null) {
$leads = $this->Person->getPeople([
'territory_id' => $territory_id
$this->set('leads', $leads);
public $components = ['RequestHandler'];
public function testMapLeads() {
$id = 40;
$result = $this->testAction('/people/mapLeads/' . $id, array('return' => 'vars'));
View/People/json/map_leads.ctp exists and is properly utilized by CakePHP; it is only the test that wants to see View/People/map_leads.ctp.
I checked at CakePHP: calling testAction to a json-returning method causes missing view exception reminding about adding RequestHandler to $components. This does not resolve the exception.
You aren't issuing a JSON request/accessing a JSON endpoint, as neither your request URL does contain the .json extension, nor does your request send an appropriate Accept header (I don't remember whether the latter is possible with the 2.x controller test case class at all).
Use the .json extension and you should be good.
$this->testAction('/people/mapLeads/' . $id . '.json', array('return' => 'vars'));
Write this code inside your action.
$this->autoLayout = false;
$this->autoRender = false;

ZF2 model unit test, class not found

Eh, this one makes my hair fall out...
I did some usefull stuff in zf1 and now I'm struggling to switch to zf2, and to do the thing right, I want to get stuff done TDD-style.
I've set up the Skeleton application, then made two additional modules, called "Weather" and "Airport". I than made a test case for WeatherController which works fine. Than I made a test case for models within Airport module and it fails with :
Fatal error: Class 'Airport\Model\Airport' not found in C:\xampp\htdocs...
, and the error is triggered here (AirportTableTest.php) :
namespace AirportTest\Model;
use Airport\Model\Airport;
use Airport\Model\AirportTable;
use PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase;
class AirportTableTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
public function testExample() {
$airport = new Airport(); // - this is not getting loaded and throws the fatal error :(
The code is based on the Album module example in ZF2 tutorial. The AirportTable model is supposed to interface a SQL table in the DB and the Airport model is written just like the Album model was written in the tutorial. The directory structure is (abbrevated) :
bootstrap.php from tests directory :
error_reporting(E_ALL | E_STRICT);
include __DIR__.'/../init_autoloader.php';
The Airport.php with the class that is not being loaded :
namespace Airport\Model;
class Airport
public $icao;
public $lat;
public $lng;
public $metar;
public function exchangeArray($data){
$this->icao = (isset($data['id'])) ? $data['icao'] : null;
$this->lat = (isset($data['lat'])) ? $data['lat'] : null;
$this->lng = (isset($data['lng'])) ? $data['lng'] : null;
$this->metar = (isset($data['metar'])) ? $data['metar'] : null;
The Module.php for Airport module :
namespace Airport;
use Airport\Model\Airport;
use Airport\Model\AirportTable;
use Zend\Db\ResultSet\ResultSet;
use Zend\Db\TableGateway\TableGateway;
class Module
public function getConfig()
return include __DIR__ . '/config/module.config.php';
public function getAutoloaderConfig()
return array(
'Zend\Loader\StandardAutoloader' => array(
'namespaces' => array(
__NAMESPACE__ => __DIR__ . '/src/' . __NAMESPACE__,
public function getServiceConfig()
return array(
'factories' => array(
'Airport\Model\AirportTable' => function($sm) {
$tableGateway = $sm->get('AirportTableGateway');
$table = new AirportTable($tableGateway);
return $table;
'AirportTableGateway' => function ($sm) {
$dbAdapter = $sm->get('Zend\Db\Adapter\Adapter');
$resultSetPrototype = new ResultSet();
$resultSetPrototype->setArrayObjectPrototype(new Airport());
return new TableGateway('airport', $dbAdapter, null, $resultSetPrototype);
So I'm probably missing something pretty obvious, like autoloader things related perhaps ? So, uhm... help maybe (pretty please) ?
Sooo, I came up with a working solution, although I'm not quite sure whether its smart or completly retarded.
Based on PHPUnit with a Zend Framework 2 module I added the line
Zend\Mvc\Application::init(include '/../config/application.config.php');
to the bootstrap.php of the test suite, and now everything works as expected, however I have no idea whatsoever why it would work without this line for the "Weather" module and not for "Airport" module...
You may want to have a look at the way the ZF2 getting started tutorial lays out tests. I have completed the tutorial and committed the changes to my own fork of the ZF2 Skeleton Application source.
Basically, each module has it's own test suite, with a dedicated Bootstrap file with configuration and a phpunit.xml that will tell PHPUnit to load all this when you run your test (so long as you're in the tests directory when running phpunit). This helps keep the tests modular.

Unit-testing scripts in CakePHP application

I have developed a deal application using CakePHP. Now I want to write the unit-scripts using PHPUnit. I have installed PHPUnit on my server and test core tests is working fine. Installed Xdebug also for code analyze. When I am going to scripts for existing application then it is not working. I am able to write the unit-script for login menthod in model. But can't write the scripts for remaining methods.
App::uses('User', 'Model');
class UserTest extends CakeTestCase {
public $fixtures = array('app.user');
public $dropTables = false;
public function setUp() {
$this->User = ClassRegistry::init('User');
public function testLogin() {
$result = $this->User->find('count', array(
'conditions' => array(
// making some assumptions about the test data here
'email' => '',
'password' => 'f1054da373ace628dc73b8ec52eb28072b074940',
$expected = 1;
$this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
it is working well. But I am not able to write scripts for the remaining methods.
Try using bake and bake the tests to get started with the correct testing structure:
cake bake test
This might help push you in the write direction with the way Cake expects the test to be structured. It will also create the empty methods to test all of the methods in the controller.
Can you be more specific about what is not working?