Cortana from Win32 [closed] - c++

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Closed 7 years ago.
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This is a rather directionless post I'm afraid an I apologize. I'm trying to figure out how to use Cortana from win32 (non universal) applications. I found this link but I can't tell if there is a way to access these APIs from non-managed code. That sent me on a rabbit trail to find out what this UniversalApiContract stuff is and how to use it form native code but so far I am coming up very empty.
Could someone please provide me with some direction!! What do I even need to search for to begin to learn how to access these APIs natively? Is there some reading on windows runtime that I should undertake?
Thanks in advance and again I apologize for the general questions - not sure where else to turn.

[Expressed displeasure over how many people voted to close the thread without any useful response or suggestions]
Now, on to science.
After spending some time with this it would seem this is not possible. I was able to call the API from Win32 by using the Visual C++ Component Extensions. This allows you to use windows runtime and CLR like concepts but results in purely native code. As a side note, since I wanted to link this with an application that I did not want to recompile with this extension, I did this in a DLL and delay loaded it.
Unfortunately the call to install the voice command definition file failed with a COMException: The process has no package identity. This means I can successfully call the API, however it requires a package identity - in other words, it must be called from a Modern/Store/Universal App context with an application identity.
The only way remaining to me seems to be to use the Cortana background API to interface with a modern app I write in the background, and use it to broker calls from my Win32 app to Cortana through some sort of custom communication. Icky.
I hope this helps save someone else time.


BlueZ D-Bus C or C++ Sample [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am trying to write an application which searches Bluetooth devices nearby and communicates with them. My application is going to be written in C++, and intended to work under Linux.
4 years ago, I used BlueZ. But now, as I see, the API has been changed a lot and now it's using D-Bus. I was not experienced with D-Bus. I looked at some tutorials related to client/server model. Now, I'm OK with D-Bus.
But I couldn't find any example which explains how to use BlueZ with D-Bus. I need some guidance for using BlueZ and D-Bus together.
Are there any tutorial or sample for working with BlueZ via D-Bus in C or C++?
(note: already googled it)
You might want to check out the main.c file in the client folder of the most recent Bluez source code. It's the source code for the bluetoothctl tool. Run it too. The source code shows exactly how they use GDBus, including proxies, agents, calling methods like described in the API documentation (/doc folder) and all that. It's in C and uses the high level API.
I suggest you step through the code because it took me 2 weeks endlessly trying to understand Bluez in C and the fact that there's no documentation, but when I read that main.c file I was ready in a day. Read up on proper DBus API documentation and more importantly the concepts. Some documents that helped me:
The gdbus tool:
These contain all the calls to gdbus and objects in the main.c file and explain them very well.
D-Feet, an invaluable tool to inspecting and learning about Dbus on your system. Try checking out the /bluez bus.
sudo apt-get install d-feet
Not much of a tutorial, but worth a read to understand some concepts, as the bluetoothctl tool fits into what they're trying to say here.
The bluetoothctl creates an interactive shell though, so it might not be wise to waste time trying to fit in your code, but just pick what you need from it.

Tools for making web applets [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Iv written a program in C++ that takes a set of n points and two double variables as input and output a graph with some special properties. I also wrote some OpenGL codes to visualize this graph. I showed the result to my teacher and he liked it and asked me if I can build an applet so he can put it in his web site so the other students can use it. I almost know nothing about making an applet. What are my options? is it possible to do such thing?
note that the C++ program itself is not simple.
an output of my program looks like this.
You could make your C++ program some specialized web server, using HTTP server libraries like libonion or Wt; you might also use FastCGI (i.e. make your program become a FastCGI server application), or, if your program is quasi-static and produce simple output and if you accept having a crude web interface, perhaps make it use old CGI
Of course you need to learn more about Web technologies (e.g. on w3schools - which is not perfect). You need to learn HTML5 with a bit of HTTP, Javascript (perhaps with JQuery) & Ajax, Html5 Canvas, perhaps WebGL. Google browsers also have Native Client (NaCl).
But all this requires a significant amount of work (weeks or perhaps months; if you do it, please publish your software as free software)
BTW, you might be interested in graphviz ...

Tutorial on how to host VST plugins using JUCE? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I would like to write some code to host VST plugins in my C++ application. It looks like the JUCE library may be helpful for this. Does anyone know where I can find a tutorial on how to host and connect together VST plugins in JUCE?
I've built the JUCE code and got the 'Plugin Host' sample working. It looks like the library will be able to do just what I want. My problem is that I'm finding the sample code hard to follow (not many comments etc). It also uses a lot of JUCE-specific coding for managing the UI and so on. I'm finding it hard to disentangle what I need to do to manage VST plugins from the other code in the sample.
If anyone knows of a tutorial I would be very grateful!
Most of the sample Juce code is indeed very Juce-specific, and if you're going to use that platform I'd encourage you to stick with it and push through the samples, even though they may not be very pretty.
It might be useful for you to know a bit more about VST hosting outside of Juce, though. Here's a tutorial on hosting VST's by hand in a C++ application.
This tutorial walks through the development of audio applications using JUCE, and in part 2 they cover hosting VST plugins.
(edit: I updated the links, also note they have a part 3 to the series)

Cross platform way to create file dialog in C++ [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am writing an application in which I need to be able to browse for an existing file and to create a new one. I need to create user interface for that. Is there any good cross-platform free library to help me do that?
If you're not already using a cross-platform UI library, then it doesn't make a lot of sense to introduce a dependency upon a huge library just to display a file dialog.
Since recommendations for a cross-platform UI library have already been hashed out repeatedly in other questions (use the search feature to find them if you're interested) and are probably off-topic anyway,
I'm going to take the liberty of assuming that such is not your question.
Therefore, the answer is that no, there is no reliable, cross-platform way of creating a file dialog. Each platform provides a different interface/API for this, so you'll need to write code to detect the current platform and then display the dialog as instructed by each platform's documentation.
You can do this either at run-time (if you want to have a single binary), or at compile-time by using conditional compilation (#if statements).
This is basically all that any UI library would be doing, and for such a simple requirement (a single feature) it makes sense to me at least to just do that work yourself.
You can give wxWidgets a try, a GUI library in C++, free, open-source,... and work with the native graphics libraries.

Looking for a portable SOAP Client C++ Library [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'am going to have to interact with a SOAP web service, using a C++ application.
I am looking for a library that could help me do that, knowing that there's a few requirement I need to full fill:
It needs to be portable (Windows/Linux)
It needs to be free and open source (but I don't need to sell/distribute my code)
It needs to support asynchronous handling of requests
It needs to be able to support concurrent request to the server, as I will have to manage a pool of requests
It needs to be easy to integrate
As I am not going to have a lot of different type of interactions with the server, I first thought I could just create a nice wrapper around libcurl that will let me connect to the web service. But I was wondering if parsing the reply and serializing SOAP request was not going to be complicated in this case. Using this method, I will be able to manage myself my pool of request, which is a good thing for what I want to do.
So probably I just need a library that makes it easy to parse SOAP request.
The question is, what would you consider doing ? Is there a good SOAP web client library that I could use, or should I do it myself ?
the library that comes to mind to handle SOAP in C++ is gsoap I think it matches your requirements. If I remember correctly some of their tools are not open-sourced if you use them to produce non open-source code. Check the license ...
Great toolkit. Worked very well for me some times ago ...
EDIT: As said in comment you have tools to generate code from WSDL description. That's those tools that you can not use if you do not want your code to be GPL'ed ^^