Virtual method misconception in C++ - c++

I am not experienced in OOP. I am developing an application using C++ and Qt. I have implemented 2 classes, base one and the one that inherits from it. Then I have added virtual methods for both and everything worked. But then I realized that I don't think it should... Here is the example:
This is my base class :
namespace Ui {
class CGenericProject;
class CGenericProject : public QDialog
explicit CGenericProject(QWidget *parent = 0);
EMeasures_t type();
Ui::CGenericProject *ui;
virtual void initPlot();
QCustomPlot* customPlot;
QVector<double> m_x;
QVector<double> m_y;
EMeasures_t m_type;
It has a virtual method called initPlot and it looks like this:
void CGenericProject::initPlot()
customPlot = ui->workPlot;
customPlot->setInteractions(QCP::iRangeDrag | QCP::iRangeZoom | QCP::iSelectAxes );
customPlot->xAxis->setRange(0, 1000);
customPlot->yAxis->setRange(0, 1000);
And then i have a class that derives it:
class CEisProject : public CGenericProject
virtual void initPlot();
void exampleEisMethod();
its initPlot is here:
void CEisProject::initPlot()
// give the axes some labels:
customPlot->xAxis->setLabel("Re [Ohm]");
customPlot->yAxis->setLabel("- Im [Ohm]");
This is how i create the object:
CGenericProject* test = new CEisProject();
Now, when the initPlot() method is called, first the initPlot() from base class CGenericProject is called and then initPlot() from CEisProject is called. I wanted this functionality, where I can predefine some stuff in generic class and then add specific stuff in the childs.
But when I think of it, shouldn't initPlot() be calles exclusevily? I mean, shouldn't the method be called from base class or child class, instead of both, one after another? I have noticed this after reading this answer.
CGenericProject::CGenericProject(QWidget *parent) :
ui(new Ui::CGenericProject)
m_type = EMeasures_t::eEIS;

You did not show the definition of the constructors, just their declaration. But I'm pretty sure the constructor definitions contain the answer to your question.
You may not be aware that the derived class constructor calls the base class constructor before directing virtual functions to the derived class. So a virtual function called in the base class construction (of an object which will soon be derived class) gets the base class definition of that virtual function.

Also, your constructor should be like:
// File .h
CEisProject(QWidget *parent = 0);
// File .cpp
CEisProject::CEisProject(QWidget *parent) : CGenericProject(parent)
or you won't be able to parent your derived widgets.


Get object instance class name with Qt's meta-object system

I have 3 classes:
class Being : public QObject {
explicit Being(QObject *parent = nullptr);
class Animal : public Being {
explicit Animal(QObject *parent = nullptr);
class Dog : public Animal {
explicit Dog(QObject *parent = nullptr);
Being's implementation is the following:
Being::Being(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent) {
qDebug() << staticMetaObject.className();
I have the following code:
Being *pBeing = new Being();
Being *pAnimal = new Animal();
Being *pDog = new Dog();
Question is: is there a way to implement Being's constructor so that I can have access to the actual instance that points to my Being base class so that the log of the above code will be:
My intention is that I want to be able to have a Animal.txt, Being.txt and Doc.txt that will be processed inside the Being base class. And I need to know, based on the instance's type, whether I need to parse Animal.txt, Being.txt or Doc.txt to get more information.
Does Qt support this? Is there a mechanism I can use to achieve this using C++/Qt? If not, could there be any elegant compromise solution for this?
It is not possible in the constructor of Being because the enclosing object is not constructed yet, therefore metadata about it is not available. However, you can write the initialize method that should be called after the object construction, e.g. with print function:
class Being : public QObject {
explicit Being(QObject *parent = nullptr) { qDebug() << this->metaObject()->className(); } // this will always print "Being"
void initialize() { qDebug() << this->metaObject()->className(); } // this will print the actual class name
class Animal : public Being {
explicit Animal(QObject *parent = nullptr) { initialize(); } // you can already use this method in the constructor
TEST(xxx, yyy)
Being* being = new Being();
Being* animal = new Animal();
animal->initialize(); // or you can call it later
In case initialize method is not good solution, you can always hack it through Being constructor: explicit Being(QString name, QObject* parent = nullptr; and then explicit Animal(QObject *parent = nullptr): Being("Animal") {}, but I think it is less elegant.
My intention is that I want to be able to have a Animal.txt, Being.txt and Doc.txt that will be processed inside the Being base class. And I need to know, based on the instance's type, whether I need to parse Animal.txt, Being.txt or Doc.txt to get more information.
Never let a base class know anything about its subclasses. Ever.
No matter how tempting it might look like, do no do it (even if you find out how).
A class might have hundreds of subclasses. Take for example QObject. Should QObject (or could it possible) know about your reimplementation of QMainWindow?
So, whatever the reason for this design decision is, change it!
Possible solutions
If the process algorithm of the text files is the same, regardless of the subclass, create a base class method to do the processing and call it from the subclasses.
If the algorithm depends on the subclass, make the method abstract, i.e. virtual and withouth implementation (=0), and let the implementation to the subclasses.

Parent-Child implementation of CDialog classes

Scenario: I Want to use the Parent methods in child. Is it possible to create a solution with two dialog classes as shown below?
//Parent is created using class wizard(inherited from CDialog)
class CDlgParent : public CDialog
//Child class created using class wizard(inherited from CDialog) and then
//changed the inheritance
class CDlgChild : public CDlgParent
just to exemplify
class A
void privateMethod(){}
void protectedMethod(){}
void publicMethod(){}
class B : public A
void methodB()
just copy this in your code and you will see that it will compile.
If you uncomment the line, it will not compile anymore, giving an error like:
cannot access private member declared in class 'A'
So the only methods that you cannot use from B, that inherits from A, are the private methods, all the others can just be used normally

QMetaObject::invokeMethod: No such method when using inheritance

I have got a super class Common, which inherits from QObject. Then I have got a class Item, which inherits from Common.
class Common : public QObject {
// some methods
class Item : public Common {
// some methods
void test(QString value);
void Item::test(QString value) {
qDebug() << value;
I want to use QMetaObject::invokeMethod to dynamically call a function.
So I implemented a test function in the Item class, which takes exactly one string.
Item* item = new Item();
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(item, "test", Qt::DirectConnection, Q_ARG(QString, "1234"));
This does not work. I get the following error: QMetaObject::invokeMethod: No such method Common::test(QString), which is perfectly okay and fine, because the Common class has no test function.
How can I tell QMetaObject::invokeMethod, that it should call the method from the Item class?
QMetaObject::invokeMethod can only invoke methods known to the Qt meta object system. These are slots and "invokable" functions, the latter being functions with the keyword Q_INVOKABLE before them.
So either write:
class Item : public Common {
public slots:
// ^^^^^
void test(QString value);
class Item : public Common {
Q_INVOKABLE void test(QString value);

Why can not I call virtual function from base class slot Qt

Can someone explain to me why is the overridden method is not being called in base class slot, instead I have a base version of method:
class ThreadsDispatcher : public QObject
explicit ThreadsDispatcher(QObject *parent = 0);
virtual ~ThreadsDispatcher();
virtual void OnThreadFinished(IThreadable *pWorker);
public slots:
void slotThreadFinished(IThreadable *pWorker);
void ThreadsDispatcher::slotThreadFinished(IThreadable *pWorker)
void ThreadsDispatcher::OnThreadFinished(IThreadable *pWorker)
qDebug << "Base method, class" << this->metaObject()->className();
A subclass:
class CommandsQueueDispatcher : public ThreadsDispatcher
explicit CommandsQueueDispatcher(CommandFactory* baseFactory, QObject *parent = 0);
void OnThreadFinished(IThreadable *pWorker);
void CommandsQueueDispatcher::OnThreadFinished(IThreadable *pWorker)
qDebug << "Subclass method, class" << this->metaObject()->className();
After call OnThreadFinished in slot I get:
Base method, class ThreadsDispatcher
If I call method OnThreadFinished from another method, I get normal:
Subclass method, class CommandsQueueDispatcher
I have tried to connect in base class and subclass, but there no changes:
connect(pThreadWorker, SIGNAL(sigFinished(IThreadable*)), this, SLOT(slotThreadFinished(IThreadable*)));
But if I connect from another class, i.e. neither subclass, nor base class:
connect(pThreadWorker, SIGNAL(sigFinished(IThreadable*)), pWorker, SLOT(slotThreadFinished(IThreadable*)));
where I need to replace this with the variable ptr, I get a normal result.
Function where I connect:
bool ThreadsDispatcher::AddThread(IThreadable* pThreadWorker)
connect(pThreadWorker, SIGNAL(sigFinished(IThreadable*)), this, SLOT(slotThreadFinished(IThreadable*)));
I don't instantiate ThreadsDispatcher directly. I create the CommandsQueueDispatcher's object non-static.
A troubleshooting suggestion (too long for a comment):
Try changing the slot to be like this:
void ThreadsDispatcher::OnThreadFinished(IThreadable *pWorker)
qDebug << "Base method, class" << this->metaObject()->className();
And same for derived class. See what is output.
If output is "correct" in the sense that called virtual method is consistent with the class name, then I suspect you somehow do have a base class object, instead of derived class object.
If there's output mismatch, base class virtual method does the print but reports derived class name, then I'd look for any funny compiler flags, and try to create a SSCCE with a fresh project, then perhaps ask again here and/or file a bug report to Qt.
A link for starting to read about this in Qt docs.
A seconds step in troubleshooting: change the base class to be abstract, by making this method abstoract in base class:
virtual void OnThreadFinished(IThreadable *pWorker) = 0;
...and then remove the method definiton. Now compiler should tell you where you try to create an instance of base class.
One more suggestion: the Qt build basics, listed for example in this answer. In particular, make sure QObject subclasses are defined in .h files, which are listed in .pro file HEADERS list.

Connecting (in an unusual way) signals to slots

I've designed some construction like this:
template<class Ui_Class>
class Base_Dialog : virtual public QDialog, protected Ui_Class
QDialog* caller_;
template<class Implementation>
Base_Dialog(Implementation*const & imp,QDialog *caller,QWidget* parent = nullptr);
template<class Ui_Class>
template<class Implementation>
Base_Dialog<Ui_Class>::Base_Dialog(Implementation*const& imp,QDialog *caller,QWidget* parent):
I'm using it like so:
class My_Class : public **Base_Dialog<Ui::My_Class>**
public slots:
void display_me()
explicit My_Class(QDialog* caller = nullptr,QWidget *parent = nullptr);
Line_Counter::Line_Counter(QDialog* caller,QWidget *parent) :
//setupUi(this);//THIS WORKS BUT I'D RATHER CALL IT FROM Base_Dialog
this above construct is suppose to ease and simplify the way of inheriting from QDialog and from Ui class. And this works, except that when slots and signals are introduced in my class the base class for some reason doesn't see them (slots/signals). If I call setupUi in My_Class ctor everything works correctly but I'd prefer to call it in Base_Class. Is there a way to do it?
The constructor for lineCounter should be renamed to My_Class as well, am I right?
The reason for this behavior is that the meta object returned in constructor of Base_Dialog from virtual const QMetaObject * metaObject() const is meta-object for Base_Dialog, as at this stage it is not yet instance of My_Class instance. My_CLass overrides this virtual method (invisibly in Q_OBJECT macro) but only after My_Class constructor code starts to execute - means after Base_Dialog code is finished. Signals and slots internally use meta-objects while connecting, so it seems this way it will not work.
Summarizing - you cannot do it, because constructor of Base_Dialog doesn't know that My_Class instance is being created and therefore cannot have acces to any of it's contents.
Sometimes this problem can be bypassed using CRTP, but in this case I have no idea if it's aplicable. I would rather opt for doing it Qt's way - call setupUi from My_Class constructor.