Unable to extract Session ID Jmeter? - regex

Am unable to extract Session ID ? Please find the details below
Response : link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="/dm-web/javax.faces.resource/style.css.xhtml;jsessionid=107A7FE4C426D95B24A9094AE4E801DE?ln=css"
Regular Expression :
Refrence Name : Corr_sessionID
jsessionid="(.+?)"?ln=css" />
Template: $1$
match No: 1
Default Value: EAE8FABC3D2560786752A48AC890D1D0
Passing In the URL :- /dm-web/javax.faces.resource/style.css.xhtml;jsessionid=${Corr_sessionID}

Your regex should look like this jsessionid=([0-9A-Z]+)\?ln=css, since you need to escape the ? character and should not add the " characters between your expression.

You can use HTTP Cookie Manager to automatically take care of the JSESSIONID cookie.
If you need the cookie value for some reason, you could do the following:
add CookieManager.save.cookies=true line to user.properties file
restart JMeter
Now cookies which live in the HTTP Cookie Manager are available as JMeter Variables so you can refer to JSESSIONID Cookie value as simple as:


Extract a value from actionlink html response body - JMeter

I have a response body from one http request and I have to extract all the values and as input to another http request
<a class="action-link"
regionName="region name"
jName="a country"
onclick="showDetail(this)"> Snapshot- v4 (Active)
i tried with regex like
created a post processors -> regular expression extractors
Apply to -> Main Sample Only
Field to check -> Body
Name of created variable -> regionNameVariable
Regular Expression -> <a class="action-link" regionName=(.*?)
and passed the value as ${regionNameVariable} in the next request.
But It is not working.
Can someone suggest the correct way of doing this.
Be aware that using regular expressions for parsing HTML is not a very good idea, consider using CSS Selector Extractor instead, the relevant configuration would be:
Name of created variable: regionNameVariable
CSS Selector Expression: a[class=action-link]
Attribute: regionName
More information:
CSS Selector Reference
How to Use the CSS/JQuery Extractor in JMeter
Add multiple Regular expression extractor to extract each values
For example to extract the 3rd group in regex of Region Name(You can write better Regx if you have better idea)
Like Wise Add Regex for jName and alertID
Then Pass on the Reference name as user variable in your next http request.as ${regionName} and so on.
If you want to do it in the same Regex post Processor. Please refer How to extract multiple values with a regular expression in Jmeter

Need a regexr to fetch the multiple data

I need a regrex to get the value in the below format
This is a sample code is attached in the below screenshot
but however the regrex which i have created fetches data for one value but i need the same in the above format, for example below are the regrex.
name="cellNo" type="hidden" value="(.+?)" value="(.+?)
name="transmission" type="hidden" value="(.+?)"
Don't use regular expressions to parse HTML. JMeter offers CSS/JQuery Extractor for fetching data from the HTML pages so you should be able to extract the required values using the following configurations:
Reference Name: anything meaningful, i.e. transmission
CSS/JQuery Expression: input[id=transmission]
Attribute: value
For 314
Reference Name: anything meaningful, i.e. CellNo
CSS/JQuery Expression: input[id=CellNo]
Attribute: value
See How to Use the CSS/JQuery Extractor in JMeter article for more information.
I think response markup is a little bit flaky as HTML input cannot have 2 name and 2 value tags, I would recommend using JMeter's HTML Assertion or online HTML Validator to check response data and raise issues on validation errors.

Extracting PostBack value in Jmeter

I want to extract the PostBack password value in Jmeter but all my efforts so far are returning null.
The value needs to be extracted after clicking a button that sends this request:
A dialog appears with the password.
Using google developer tools, I can see the full response with the info I need:
<span id="txtPassword" TextMode="Password">Rq0&t*Y32H</span>
When I run the script in Jmeter, the response only contains:
I tried the following to extract the password value:
regular expression extractor:
reference name: password
regular expression = <span id="txtPassword" TextMode="Password">(.+?)</span>
template: $1$
match no: 1
default value: null
xpath extractor:
reference name:password
xpath query: .//*[#id='txtPassword']
default value: null
How do I have to change my extractor query to get the password value?
You problem comes from the request that precedes the one you're trying to extract data from.
So investigate what is missing in it (headers, cookies, request parameter) that explain why you don't get the correct content.

Check if a URL is still active or Permanently Moved

Is there a way to check if a URL still active or it returns a 301 Redirect code using chhttp?
You've answered your own question - use CFHTTP.
<cfhttp method="head" url="http://www.google.com" result="myResult">
<cfdump var="#myResult#">
You'll see that myResult struct contains "Responseheader" struct with "Status_Code" field in it. It will contain the numeric status code.
If you don't need numeric you can just use myResult.Statuscode - returns something like "200 OK".
If the url will be incorrect or there will be some issues with reaching the target, the "Responseheader" will be empty.
Addendum after the comment:
If you want to know the redirect location after 301 use CFHTTP with trace or options as method.
<cfhttp method="trace" url="http://www.google.com" result="myResult">
The result should contain the "Status_Code" as above as well as "Location" - the url to redirect to.
You have to use the redirect attribute (e.g. redirect="false") in cfhttp tag. Then you get the original response and can figure out what http code was sent back to your request.

Parse request URL in JSTL

I want to display a specific message based on the URL request on a JSP.
the request URL can be:
On my messages.properties I've got:
events.action.cars=My car {0} event
events.action.people=My person {1} event
Finally, on my JSP page I want to have the following code:
<spring:message code="events.${element.cause}.${?????}"
I need help figuring out which expression I could use to parse the request URL and obtain the word before the ID.
You can access the request URI in JSTL (actually: EL) as follows:
(which thus returns HttpServletRequest#getRequestURI())
Then, to determine it, you'll have to play a bit round with JSTL functions taglib. It offers several string manipulation methods like split(), indexOf(), substringAfter(), etc. No, no one supports regex. Just parse it.
Kickoff example:
<c:set var="pathinfo" value="${fn:split(pageContext.request.requestURI, '/')}" />
<c:set var="id" value="${pathinfo[pathinfo.length - 1]}" />
And use it as ${id}.
will put cars or people in backreference \1, depending on the match, and whatever is left right of the last slash in backreference \2.
My solution so far is to have a RequestUtils class that match the regex ".?/jsp/(\w+)/..jsp" and return the group(1).
in my Jsp I got:
<% request.setAttribute("entity", RequestUtils.getEntityURI(request)); %>
<spring:message code="events.${element.cause}.${entity}"
this of course did the trick. But still it would be better not to have any Java code within the JSP.
If I understand you correctly, I think you need to do something like this:
#RequestMapping(value="/owners/{ownerId}", method=RequestMethod.GET)
public String findOwner(#PathVariable String ownerId, Model model) {
model.addAttribute("ownerId", ownerId);
return "myview";
As you can see, here the ownerId is read from the URL by Spring MVC. After that, you simply put the variable in the Model map so you can use it in your JSP.