Initialize C++ Thread and Run Later - c++

I'm assuming there's an easy answer to this question. I want to first define a thread as a member variable of a class, and then later start this thread in a different function.
For example:
The header file:
class Foo{
void threaded_method();
void start_thread();
std::thread m_thread;
Cpp file:
void Foo::start_thread(){
m_thread = std::thread(threaded_method);
Although the above does not work, thoughts?

To pass a member function to a thread, you must also pass an instance on which to execute that function.
void Foo::start_thread(){
m_thread = std::thread(&Foo::threaded_method, this);

Found a good example in these pages:
Start thread with member function
I forgot to pass in a valid reference to the member function.
void Foo::start_thread(){
m_thread = std::thread(&Foo::threaded_method, this);
Should work. Love finding the answer right after I post a question...

You might also simply change your architecture. For example, have a list and which would contain the functions you want to perform. Then multithread your way through all the functions you want to run.


c++ class method thread [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Start thread with member function
(5 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
i have a class that has a method that needs to be running continuously but also be able to receive input from user. So i thought i would make the method run separately using a thread.
the code looks something like this(just the backbone):
class SystemManager
int command;
bool commandAcK;
bool running;
//other vars
void runningAlgorithm()
while (running)
if (commandAcK)
//solve command
//run algorithm
//print results
void readCmd()
cin >> command;
commandAcK = true;
int main()
SystemManager *SM = new SystemManager;
thread tRunning = SM->runningAlgorithm();
now the errors look like this:
no suitable constructor exists to convert from "void" to "std::thread"
Error C2440 'initializing': cannot convert from 'void' to 'std::thread'
i have found a new method and it doesn't give me any errors
std::thread tRunning(&SystemManager::runningAlgorithm, SystemManager());
the first thing i don't understand is that this method doesn't use an instance of the class just the generic function. How can i link it to a specific instance? I need it so it can read the values of the variables.
Secondly what does "&" in front of SystemManager do?
Thirdly is there a better way of doing it? Do you have any ideas?
Thank you in advance.
std::thread tRunning(&SystemManager::runningAlgorithm, SystemManager()); does use an instance of your class. The instance it uses is SystemManager() which is a temporary and only available to the thread. If you need to share the instance then you need to create one yourself and pass it by reference to the thread like
SystemManager sys_manager;
std::thread tRunning([&](){sys_manager.runningAlgorithm();});
And now your call site and your thread have the same instance.
Also note that command and commandAck need to be protected by some sort of synchronization since you can write to them while reading causing a data race and subsequently undefined behavior. Using std::atmoic should work for you.
The constructor for std::thread accepts a functor, and optionally it's arguments. A functor is anything that can be "called" using operator().
Then it starts a thread and inside that thread calls your functor.
std::thread tRunning(&SystemManager::runningAlgorithm, SystemManager());
This will call the member function SystemManager::runningAlgorithm, passing in the only argument being this (SystemManager() creates a temporary instance).
Remember that member functions always accept this as the first argument.
&SystemManager::runningAlgorithm returns the address of the member function runningAlgorithm from the class SystemManager.
In modern C++ this code can be simplified (i.e. made more readable) with a lambda:
std::thread tRunning([]{ SystemManager().runningAlgorithm(); });
The line
thread tRunning = SM->runningAlgorithm();
takes the result of running SM->runningAlgorithm() (a void), and tries to construct a thread from it. If you look at the relevant constructor, though, you can see it needs a function-like argument (with possibly arguments).
One way of running it is through a lambda function:
thread tRunning(
Two other things to note:
You should join the thread before its destructor is called, in this case:
You have a (short lived) memory leak. Why not just create it on the stack?
SystemManager SM;
thread tRunning(
Uhm... I guesss you need to study some of the basic concepts of c++, before going multithread.
However... In your code,
thread tRunning = SM->runningAlgorithm();
tries to put the result of your function (that is void... ) inside a variable of type thread... Non likely to be right.
Instead, your second code takes 2 arguments:
std::thread tRunning(
&SystemManager::runningAlgorithm, //a pointer to a method (a pointer to the code of your function, and that is why you use the "&", even though you could have left that out)
SystemManager()); // An instance of the value, built on the stack.
I guest that you are confused by the lack of the word "new" (coming from higher level language?), but that's how it works here:
SystemManager sm = SystemManager(); // <- variable created on the stack, will be automatically destroyed when out of scope
SystemManager *psm = new SystemManager(); // Created in the heap, while in the stack remains just a pointer to it.
//You will need to delete it when done with :
delete psm;
To answer the question
How can i link it to a specific instance? I need it so it can read the values of the variables.
You can do:
int main()
SystemManager SM; // = SystemManager(); // <- this is not needed
std::thread tRunning(SystemManager::runningAlgorithm, SM);
// Access SM as you need
I still think you should first get used to the underlying concepts or it will be really difficult to go on.

Alternative to postThreadMessage/peekmessage?

There's a (static) thread in my C++ application, frequently doing something. To exchange information between the thread and my application I use methods PostThreadMessage and PeekMessage.
Due to some reason I can't use these methods anymore but don't know a good alternative. Does anybody have an advice? I just want to exchange simple parameters.
There's no reason why you can't "exchange simple object with the main thread" as you said in a comment. A common pattern for sharing an instance of a class between threads is to do something like this:-
Declare your class with a static function that can be targeted by _beginthread and an instance function that does the work:
class CMyClass
// ... other class declarations ...
static void __cdecl _ThreadInit(void *pParam); // thread initial function
void ThreadFunction(); // thread instance function
void StartThread(); // function to spawn a thread
// ... other class declarations ...
Define the functions something like this:
void CMyClass::StartThread()
// function to spawn a thread (pass a pointer to this instance)
_beginthread(CMyClass::_ThreadInit, 0, this);
void __cdecl CMyClass:_ThreadInit(void *pParam)
// thread initial function - delegate to instance
CMyClass *pInstance = (CMyClass*)pParam;
void CMyClass:ThreadFunction()
// thread instance function is running on another
// thread but has (hopefully synchronised) access
// to all of the member variables of the CMyClass
// that spawned it ....
Makes sense? The general idea is just to use the static function with a passed this pointer to connect back to a specific instance of the class.

how to run a static function in a new thread?

After searching trough the forum, i came across some answers nevertheles I could not get a clear answer to how to run a static method in a new thread in c++. My main concern is what is the best way to start a thread?(Is it working also from inside of another thread?)
which header is better to use? thread.h, pthread.h?
I would like to create a new thread(when a given method is called) and call inside this thread another function...
Any hints how I could approach this issue?
Thank you guys very much in advance!
There is no problem to run static member function in thread. Just use std::thread the same way as for free function:
#include <thread>
class Threaded
static void thread_func() {}
int main()
std::thread t(Threaded::thread_func);
return 0;
Of course, starting thread will work from any other thread as well. With C++11 standard compliant compiler you shall use #include <thread>. Otherwise take a look at boost::thread. It's usage is similar.
Assuming for example your static function has two parameters:
#include <boost/thread/thread.hpp>
void launchThread()
boost::thread t( &MyClass::MyStaticFunction, arg1, arg2 );
This will require linking to the Boost.Thread library.
The best OOPs way of doing this would be:
Define an entry point (entryPoint()) which will call a member function(myThreadproc()). The entry point will start the thread and call myThreadproc. Then you can access all the member variables and methods.
class A
static void *entryPoint(void *arg);
void myThreadproc();
void myfoo1();
void myfoo2();
void *A::entryPoint(void *arg)
A *thisClass = (A *)arg;
thisClass-> myThreadproc();
void A::myThreadproc()
//Now this function is running in the thread..
Now you can create the thread like this:
int main()
pthread_t thread_id;
pthread_create(&thread_id,NULL,(A::entryPoint),new A());
//Wait for the thread
return 0;

How to maintain a list of functions in C++/STL?

Before asking you my question directly, I'm going to describe the nature of my prolem.
I'm coding a 2D simulation using C++/OpenGL with the GLFW library. And I need to manage a lot of threads properly. In GLFW we have to call the function:
thread = glfwCreateThread(ThreadFunc, NULL); (the first parameter is the function that'll execute the thread, and the second represents the parameters of this function).
And glfwCreateThread, has to be called every time! (ie: in each cycle). This way of working, doesn't really help me, because it breaks the way i'm building my code because i need to create threads out of the main loop scope. So I'm creating a ThreadManager class, that'll have the following prototype :
class ThreadManager {
void AddThread(void*, void GLFWCALL (*pt2Func)(void*));
void DeleteThread(void GLFWCALL (*pt2Func)(void*));
void ExecuteAllThreads();
vector<void GLFWCALL (*pt2Func)(void*)> list_functions;
// some attributs
So for example, if I want to add a specific thread I'll just need to call AddThread with the specific parameters, and the specific function. And the goal is just to be able to call: ExecuteAllThreads(); inside the main loop scope. But for this i need to have something like:
void ExecuteAllThreads() {
vector<void GLFWCALL (*pt2Func)(void*)>::const_iterator iter_end = list_functions.end();
for(vector<void GLFWCALL (*pt2Func)(void*)>::const_iterator iter = list_functions.begin();
iter != iter_end; ++iter) {
thread = glfwCreateThread(&(iter*), param);
And inside AddThread, I'll just have to add the function referenced by the pt2Func to the vector : list_functions.
Alright, this is the general idea of what i want to do.. is it the right way to go ? You have a better idea ? How to do this, really ? (I mean the problem is the syntax, i'm not sure how to do this).
Thank you !
You need to create threads in each simulation cycle? That sounds suspicious. Create your threads once, and reuse them.
Thread creation isn't a cheap operation. You definitely don't want to do that in every iteration step.
If possible, I'd recommend you use Boost.Thread for threads instead, to give you type safety and other handy features. Threading is complicated enough without throwing away type safety and working against a primitive C API.
That said, what you're asking is possible, although it gets messy. First, you need to store the arguments for the functions as well, so your class looks something like this:
class ThreadManager {
typedef void GLFWCALL (*pt2Func)(void*); // Just a convenience typedef
typedef std::vector<std::pair<pt2Func, void*> > func_vector;
void AddThread(void*, pt2Func);
void DeleteThread(pt2Func);
void ExecuteAllThreads();
func_vector list_functions;
And then ExecuteAllThreads:
void ExecuteAllThreads() {
func_vector::const_iterator iter_end = list_functions.end();
for(func_vector::const_iterator iter = list_functions.begin();
iter != iter_end; ++iter) {
thread = glfwCreateThread(iter->first, iter->second);
And of course inside AddThread you'd have to add a pair of function pointer and argument to the vector.
Note that Boost.Thread would solve most of this a lot cleaner, since it expects a thread to be a functor (which can hold state, and therefore doesn't need explicit arguments).
Your thread function could be defined something like this:
class MyThread {
MyThread(/* Pass whatever arguments you want in the constructor, and store them in the object as members */);
void operator()() {
// The actual thread function
And since the operator() doesn't take any parameters, it becomes a lot simpler to start the thread.
What about trying to store them using boost::function ?
They could simulate your specific functions, since they behave like real objects but in fact are simple functors.
Consider Boost Thread and Thread Group
I am not familiar with the threading system you use. So bear with me.
Shouldn't you maintain a list of thread identifiers?
class ThreadManager {
vector<thread_id_t> mThreads;
// ...
and then in ExecuteAllThreads you'd do:
for_each(mThreads.begin(), mThreads.end(), bind(some_fun, _1));
(using Boost Lambda bind and placeholder arguments) where some_fun is the function you call for all threads.
Or is it that you want to call a set of functions for a given thread?

mem_fun fails, pthread and class ptr

pthread takes in as its parameter void *(*start_routine)(void* userPtr), I was hoping I can use std::mem_fun to solve my problem but I cant.
I would like to use the function void * threadFunc() and have the userPtr act as the class (userPtr->threadFunc()). Is there a function similar to std::mem_func that I can use?
One way is to use a global function that calls your main thread function:
class MyThreadClass {
void main(); // Your real thread function
void thread_starter(void *arg) {
Then, when you want to start the thread:
MyThreadClass *th = new MyThreadClass();
pthread_create(..., ..., &thread_starter, (void*)th);
On the other hand, if you don't really need to use pthreads manually, it might be a good idea to have a look at Boost.Thread, a good C++ thread library. There you get classes for threads, locks, mutexes and so on and can do multi-threading in a much more object-oriented way.