This is a crossword game. I wanna read an array diagonally.
I should find some word in all over the 2d given array
this array read from a given file
and it is n*m size; m not always = n
How can I read 2d given diagonally like this:
m = 4
n = 4
b o o k
z a k o
s l l e
x y z l
ball: found
[b] o o k
z [a] k o
s l [l] e
x y z [l]
foo: not found
Here is the code:
char ReadArray(char* array, int r, int c, int n, int m)
return (r > 0 && r <= n && c > 0 && c <= m) ?
array[n * (r - 1) + (c - 1)] : '\0';
char readrc(char* array, int r, int c, int n, int m)
return (r > 0 && r <= n && c > 0 && c <= m) ?
array[n * (r - 1) + (c - 1)] : '\0';
void read_down_right(char* array, int n, int m, vector<string>& list)
for (int sc = 2 - n; sc <= m - 1; sc++)
string str = "";
for (int r = 1, c = sc; r <= n; r++, c++)
char chr = readrc(array, r, c, n, m);
if (chr != '\0')
str += chr;
void read_down_left(char* array, int n, int m, vector<string>& list)
for (int sc = 2; sc <= m + n - 2; sc--)
string str = "";
for (int r = 1, c = sc; r <= n; r++, c--)
char chr = readrc(array, r, c, n, m);
if (chr != '\0')
str += chr;
pass a reference to a blank list each time. list contains all possible strings afterwards, do a linear search.
The prompt question is, the size of the help array that can be written is (R-L+1)*'4' bytes, but '8' bytes may be written, what does this mean?Is the array out of bounds, but I think it is logically correct, the specific code is as follows:
void merge(int a[], int L, int M, int R) {
int* help = new int[R - L + 1];
int i = 0;
int p = L;
int q = M + 1;
while (p <= M && q <= R) {
help[i++] = a[p] <= a[q] ? a[p++] : a[q++];
while (p <= M) {
help[i++] = a[i++];
while (q <= R) {
help[i++] = a[i++];
for (i = 0; i < R - L + 1; i++) {
a[L + i] = help[i];
Given an array A of n integers and given queries in the form of range [l , r] and a value x, find the minimum of A[i] XOR x where l <= i <= r and x will be different for different queries.
I tried solving this problem using segment trees but I am not sure what type of information I should store in them as x will be different for different queries.
0 < number of queries <= 1e4
0 < n <= 1e4
To solve this I used a std::vector as basis (not an array, or std::array), just for flexibility.
#include <algorithm>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <vector>
int get_xored_max(const std::vector<int>& values, const size_t l, const size_t r, const int xor_value)
// check bounds of l and r
if ((l >= values.size()) || (r >= values.size()))
throw std::invalid_argument("index out of bounds");
// todo check l < r
// create left & right iterators to create a smaller vector
// only containing the subset we're interested in.
auto left = values.begin() + l;
auto right = values.begin() + r + 1;
std::vector<int> range{ left, right };
// xor all the values in the subset
for (auto& v : range)
v ^= xor_value;
// use the standard library function for finding the iterator to the maximum
// then use the * to dereference the iterator and get the value
auto max_value = *std::max_element(range.begin(), range.end());
return max_value;
int main()
std::vector<int> values{ 1,3,5,4,2,4,7,9 };
auto max_value = get_xored_max(values, 0u, 7u, 3);
return 0;
Approach - Trie + Offline Processing
Time Complexity - O(N32)
Space Complexity - O(N32)
This Approach will fail. I guess, we have to use square root decomposition instead of two pointers approach.
I have solved this problem using Trie for finding minimum xor in a range of [l,r]. I solved queries by offline processing by sorting them.
Input format:
the first line has n (no. of elements) and q (no. of queries). the second line has all n elements of the array. each subsequent line has a query and each query has 3 inputs l, r and x.
Example -
Input -
3 3
2 1 2
1 2 3
1 3 2
2 3 5
First, convert all 3 queries into queries sorted by l and r.
converted queries -
1 2 3
1 3 2
2 3 5
Key here is processing over sorted queries using two pointers approach.
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
const int N = (int)2e4 + 77;
int n, q, l, r, x;
int a[N], ans[N];
vector<pair<pair<int, int>, pair<int, int>>> queries;
// Trie Implementation starts
struct node
int nxt[2], cnt;
void newnode()
memset(nxt, 0, sizeof(nxt));
cnt = 0;
} trie[N * 32];
int tot = 1;
void update(int x, int v)
int p = 1;
for (int i = 31; i >= 0; i--)
int id = x >> i & 1;
if (!trie[p].nxt[id])
trie[p].nxt[id] = tot;
p = trie[p].nxt[id];
trie[p].cnt += v;
int minXor(int x)
int res = 0, p = 1;
for (int i = 31; i >= 0; i--)
int id = x >> i & 1;
if (trie[p].nxt[id] and trie[trie[p].nxt[id]].cnt)
p = trie[p].nxt[id];
p = trie[p].nxt[id ^ 1];
res |= 1 << i;
return res;
// Trie Implementation ends
int main()
cin >> n >> q;
for (int i = 1; i <= n; i += 1)
cin >> a[i];
for (int i = 1; i <= q; i += 1)
cin >> l >> r >> x;
queries.push_back({{l, r}, {x, i}});
sort(queries.begin(), queries.end());
int left = 1, right = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < q; i += 1)
int l = queries[i].first.first;
int r = queries[i].first.second;
int x = queries[i].second.first;
int index = queries[i].second.second;
while (left < l)
update(a[left], -1);
left += 1;
while (right <= r)
update(a[right], 1);
right += 1;
ans[index] = minXor(x);
for (int i = 1; i <= q; i += 1)
cout << ans[i] << " \n";
return 0;
Edit: with O(number of bits) code
Use a binary tree to store the values of A, look here : Minimum XOR for queries
What you need to change is adding to each node the range of indexes for A corresponding to the values in the leafs.
# minimal xor in a range
nbits=16 # Number of bits for numbers
asize=5000 # Array size
ntest=50 # Number of random test
from random import randrange
# Insert element a iindex iin the tree (increasing i only)
def tinsert(a,i,T):
for b in range(nbits-1,-1,-1):
if T[v]==[]:T[v]=[[],[],[],[]]
# Buildtree : builds a tree based on array V
def build(V):
T=[[],[],[],[]] # Init tree
for i,a in enumerate(V): tinsert(a,i,T)
# Binary search : is T intersec [a,b] non empty ?
def binfind(T,a,b):
while True:
if v<a:
if m==om: return(a<=T[e]<=b)
elif v>b:
if m==om: return(a<=T[s]<=b)
else: return(True) # a<=T(m)<=b
# Look for the min xor in a give range index
def minx(x,s,e,T):
if s<0 or s>=(len(T[2])+len(T[3])) or e<s: return
for b in range(nbits-1,-1,-1):
if T[v+2]==[] or not binfind(T[v+2],s,e): # not nr with b set to v ?
# Tests the code on random arrays
for i in range(ntest):
A=[randrange(0,max) for i in range(asize)]
if min(v^x for v in A[s:e+1])!=x^minx(x,s,e,T):
I was able to solve this using segment tree and tries as suggested by #David Eisenstat
Below is an implementation in c++.
I constructed a trie for each segment in the segment tree. And finding the minimum xor is just traversing and matching the corresponding trie using each bit of the query value (here)
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#define rep(i, a, b) for (int i = a; i < b; i++)
using namespace std;
const int bits = 7;
struct trie {
trie *children[2];
bool end;
trie *getNode(void)
trie *node = new trie();
node->end = false;
node->children[0] = NULL;
node->children[1] = NULL;
return node;
trie *merge(trie *l, trie *r)
trie *node = getNode();
// Binary 0:
if (l->children[0] && r->children[0])
node->children[0] = merge(l->children[0], r->children[0]);
else if (!r->children[0])
node->children[0] = l->children[0];
else if (!l->children[0])
node->children[0] = r->children[0];
// Binary 1:
if (l->children[1] && r->children[1])
node->children[1] = merge(l->children[1], r->children[1]);
else if (!r->children[1])
node->children[1] = l->children[1];
else if (!l->children[1])
node->children[1] = r->children[1];
return node;
void insert(trie *root, int num)
int mask = 1 << bits;
int bin;
rep(i, 0, bits + 1)
bin = ((num & mask) >> (bits - i));
if (!root->children[bin]) root->children[bin] = getNode();
root = root->children[bin];
mask = mask >> 1;
root->end = true;
struct _segTree {
int n, height, size;
vector<trie *> tree;
_segTree(int _n)
n = _n;
height = (int)ceil(log2(n));
size = (int)(2 * pow(2, height) - 1);
trie *construct(vector<int> A, int start, int end, int idx)
if (start == end) {
tree[idx] = getNode();
insert(tree[idx], A[start]);
return tree[idx];
int mid = start + (end - start) / 2;
tree[idx] = merge(construct(A, start, mid, 2 * idx + 1),
construct(A, mid + 1, end, 2 * idx + 2));
return tree[idx];
int findMin(int num, trie *root)
int mask = 1 << bits;
int bin;
int rnum = 0;
int res = 0;
rep(i, 0, bits + 1)
bin = ((num & mask) >> (bits - i));
if (!root->children[bin]) {
bin = 1 - bin;
if (!root->children[bin]) return res ^ num;
rnum |= (bin << (bits - i));
root = root->children[bin];
if (root->end) res = rnum;
mask = mask >> 1;
return res ^ num;
int Query(int X, int start, int end, int qstart, int qend, int idx)
if (qstart <= start && qend >= end) return findMin(X, tree[idx]);
if (qstart > end || qend < start) return INT_MAX;
int mid = start + (end - start) / 2;
return min(Query(X, start, mid, qstart, qend, 2 * idx + 1),
Query(X, mid + 1, end, qstart, qend, 2 * idx + 2));
int main()
int n, q;
vector<int> A;
vector<int> L;
vector<int> R;
vector<int> X;
cin >> n;
A.resize(n, 0);
rep(i, 0, n) cin >> A[i];
cin >> q;
rep(i, 0, q) cin >> L[i] >> R[i] >> X[i];
_segTree segTree(n);
segTree.construct(A, 0, n - 1, 0);
rep(i, 0, q)
cout << segTree.Query(X[i], 0, n - 1, L[i], R[i], 0) << " ";
return 0;
Time complexity : O((2n - 1)*k + qklogn)
Space complexity : O((2n - 1)*2k)
k -> number of bits
Hi so I'm basically trying to understand this piece of code in regards to determining the lexicographically minimal string rotation but I just can't seem to understand why it works. I understand what the first two ifs do but the third one, when there is a new minimum, it takes the maximum between p and m+l+1. Does anyone have an explanation?
int p = 0, l = 0, m = 0, n = 0;
string inp;
cin >> inp;
n = inp.size();
p = l = 1;
while (p < n && m + l + 1 < n) {
if (inp[m + l] == inp[(p + l) % n])
if (inp[m + l] < inp[(p + l) % n])
p += l + 1, l = 0;
if (inp[m + l] > inp[(p + l) % n]) {
if (m + l + 1 < p) m = p;
else m = m + l + 1;
p = m + 1;
l = 0;
cout << m;
I'm trying to solve a coding challenge on hacker rank which requires one to calculate binomial coefficients mod a prime, i.e.
nchoosek(n, k, p)
I'm using the code from this answer that works for the first three sets of inputs but begins failing on the 4th. I stepped through it in the debugger and determined that the issue arises when:
n % p == 0 || k % p == 0
I just need to know how to modify my current solution to handle the specific cases where n % p == 0 or k % p == 0. None of the answers I've found on stack exchange seem to address this specific case. Here's my code:
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
long long FactorialExponent(long long n, long long p)
long long ex = 0;
n /= p;
ex += n;
}while(n > 0);
return ex;
unsigned long long ModularMultiply(unsigned long long a, unsigned long long b, unsigned long p) {
unsigned long long a1 = (a >> 21), a2 = a & ((1ull << 21) - 1);
unsigned long long temp = (a1 * b) % p; // doesn't overflow under the assumptions
temp = (temp << 21) % p; // this neither
temp += (a2 * b) % p; // nor this
return temp % p;
unsigned long long ModularInverse(unsigned long long k, unsigned long m) {
if (m == 0) return (k == 1 || k == -1) ? k : 0;
if (m < 0) m = -m;
k %= m;
if (k < 0) k += m;
int neg = 1;
unsigned long long p1 = 1, p2 = 0, k1 = k, m1 = m, q, r, temp;
while(k1 > 0) {
q = m1 / k1;
r = m1 % k1;
temp = q*p1 + p2;
p2 = p1;
p1 = temp;
m1 = k1;
k1 = r;
neg = !neg;
return neg ? m - p2 : p2;
// Preconditions: 0 <= k <= min(n,p-1); p > 1 prime
unsigned long long ChooseModTwo(unsigned long long n, unsigned long long k, unsigned long p)
// reduce n modulo p
n %= p;
// Trivial checks
if (n < k) {
return 0;
if (k == 0 || k == n) {
return 1;
// Now 0 < k < n, save a bit of work if k > n/2
if (k > n/2) {
k = n-k;
// calculate numerator and denominator modulo p
unsigned long long num = n, den = 1;
for(n = n-1; k > 1; --n, --k)
num = ModularMultiply(num, n, p);
den = ModularMultiply(den, k, p);
den = ModularInverse(den,p);
return ModularMultiply(num, den, p);
// Preconditions: 0 <= k <= n; p > 1 prime
long long ChooseModOne(long long n, long long k, const unsigned long p)
// For small k, no recursion is necessary
if (k < p) return ChooseModTwo(n,k,p);
unsigned long long q_n, r_n, q_k, r_k, choose;
q_n = n / p;
r_n = n % p;
q_k = k / p;
r_k = k % p;
choose = ChooseModTwo(r_n, r_k, p);
// If the exponent of p in choose(n,k) isn't determined to be 0
// before the calculation gets serious, short-cut here:
// if (choose == 0) return 0;
return ModularMultiply(choose, ChooseModOne(q_n, q_k, p), p);
unsigned long long ModularBinomialCoefficient(unsigned long long n, unsigned long long k, const unsigned long p)
// We deal with the trivial cases first
if (k < 0 || n < k) return 0;
if (k == 0 || k == n) return 1;
// Now check whether choose(n,k) is divisible by p
if (FactorialExponent(n, p) > FactorialExponent(k, p) + FactorialExponent(n - k, p)) return 0;
// If it's not divisible, do the generic work
return ChooseModOne(n, k, p);
int main() {
//std::ifstream fin ("input03.txt");
std::ifstream fin ("");
int kMod = 1000003;
int T;
fin >> T;
int N = T;
//std::cin >> T;
unsigned long long n, k;
unsigned long long a, b;
int result[N];
int index = 0;
while (T--) {
fin >> n >> k;
a = ModularBinomialCoefficient(n - 3, k, kMod);
b = ModularBinomialCoefficient(n + k, n - 1, kMod);
// (1 / (n + k) * nCk(n - 3, k) * nCk(n + k, n - 1)) % 1000003
unsigned long long x = ModularMultiply(a, b, kMod);
unsigned long long y = ModularMultiply(x, ModularInverse((n + k), kMod), kMod);
result[index] = y;
for(int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
std::cout << result[i] << "\n";
return 0;
90 13
65434244 16341234
23424244 12341234
424175 341198
7452123 23472
56000168 16000048
0 <-- Incorrect, should be: 803478
4 <= N <= 10^9
1 <= K <= N
You can use Lucas' theorem to reduce the problem to ceil(log_P(N)) subproblems with k, n < p: Write n = n_m * p^m + ... + n_0 and k = k_m * p^m + ... + k_0 in base p (n_i, k_i < p are the digits), then we have
C(n,k) = PROD(i = 0 to m, C(n_i, k_i)) (mod p)
The subproblems are easy to solve, because every factor of k! has an inverse modulo p. You get an algorithm with runtime complexity O(p log(n)), which is better than that of Ivaylo's code in case of p << n, if I understand it correctly.
int powmod(int x, int e, int p) {
if (e == 0) return 1;
if (e & 1) return (long long)x * powmod(x, e - 1, p) % p;
long long rt = powmod(x, e / 2, p);
return rt * rt % p;
int binom_coeff_mod_prime(int n, int k, int p) {
long long res = 1;
while (n || k) {
int N = n % p, K = k % p;
for (int i = N - K + 1; i <= N; ++i)
res = res * i % p;
for (int i = 1; i <= K; ++i)
res = res * powmod(i, p - 2, p) % p;
n /= p;
k /= p;
return res;
I suggest you use factorization to compute the number of combinations without division. I've got code for doing so here, originally inspired by Fast computation of multi-category number of combinations (I still would like to post a proper answer to that, if some kind souls would reopen it).
My code stores the result as a table of factors, doing the modular multiplication to expand the result should be quite straightforward.
Probably not practical for n in the range of 10**9, though, since the sieve will be quite massive and take a while to construct.
I am trying to make a fraction calculator that calculates on a cuda devise, below is first the sequential version and then my try for a parallel version.
It runs without error, but for some reason do it not give the result back, I have been trying to get this to work for 2 weeks now, but can’t find the error!
Serilized version
int f(int x, int c, int n);
int gcd(unsigned int u, unsigned int v);
int main ()
clock_t start = clock();
srand ( time(NULL) );
int x = 1;
int y = 2;
int d = 1;
int c = rand() % 100;
int n = 323;
if(n % y == 0)
d = y;
while(d == 1)
x = f(x, c, n);
y = f(f(y, c, n), c, n);
int abs = x - y;
if(abs < 0)
abs = abs * -1;
d = gcd(abs, n);
if(d == n)
printf("\nd == n");
c = 0;
while(c == 0 || c == -2)
c = rand() % 100;
x = 2;
y = 2;
int d2 = n/d;
printf("\nTime elapsed: %f", ((double)clock() - start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
printf("\nResult: %d", d);
printf("\nResult2: %d", d2);
int dummyReadForPause;
int f(int x, int c, int n)
return (int)(pow((float)x, 2) + c) % n;
int gcd(unsigned int u, unsigned int v){
int shift;
/ * GCD(0,x) := x * /
if (u == 0 || v == 0)
return u | v;
/ * Let shift := lg K, where K is the greatest power of 2
dividing both u and v. * /
for (shift = 0; ((u | v) & 1) == 0; ++shift) {
u >>= 1;
v >>= 1;
while ((u & 1) == 0)
u >>= 1;
/ * From here on, u is always odd. * /
do {
while ((v & 1) == 0) / * Loop X * /
v >>= 1;
/ * Now u and v are both odd, so diff(u, v) is even.
Let u = min(u, v), v = diff(u, v)/2. * /
if (u < v) {
v -= u;
} else {
int diff = u - v;
u = v;
v = diff;
v >>= 1;
} while (v != 0);
return u << shift;
parallel version
#define threads 512
#define MaxBlocks 65535
#define RunningTheads (512*100)
__device__ int gcd(unsigned int u, unsigned int v)
int shift;
if (u == 0 || v == 0)
return u | v;
for (shift = 0; ((u | v) & 1) == 0; ++shift) {
u >>= 1;
v >>= 1;
while ((u & 1) == 0)
u >>= 1;
do {
while ((v & 1) == 0)
v >>= 1;
if (u < v) {
v -= u;
} else {
int diff = u - v;
u = v;
v = diff;
v >>= 1;
} while (v != 0);
return u << shift;
__device__ bool cuda_found;
__global__ void cudaKernal(int *cArray, int n, int *outr)
int index = blockIdx.x * threads + threadIdx.x;
int x = 1;
int y = 2;
int d = 4;
int c = cArray[index];
while(d == 1 && !cuda_found)
x = (int)(pow((float)x, 2) + c) % n;
y = (int)(pow((float)y, 2) + c) % n;
y = (int)(pow((float)y, 2) + c) % n;
int abs = x - y;
if(abs < 0)
abs = abs * -1;
d = gcd(abs, n);
if(d != 1 && !cuda_found)
cuda_found = true;
outr = &d;
int main ()
int n = 323;
int cArray[RunningTheads];
cArray[0] = 1;
for(int i = 1; i < RunningTheads-1; i++)
cArray[i] = i+2;
int dresult = 0;
int *dev_cArray;
int *dev_result;
HANDLE_ERROR(cudaMalloc((void**)&dev_cArray, RunningTheads*sizeof(int)));
HANDLE_ERROR(cudaMalloc((void**)&dev_result, sizeof(int)));
HANDLE_ERROR(cudaMemcpy(dev_cArray, cArray, RunningTheads*sizeof(int), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice));
int TotalBlocks = ceil((float)RunningTheads/(float)threads);
if(TotalBlocks > MaxBlocks)
TotalBlocks = MaxBlocks;
printf("Blocks: %d\n", TotalBlocks);
printf("Threads: %d\n\n", threads);
cudaKernal<<<TotalBlocks,threads>>>(dev_cArray, n, dev_result);
HANDLE_ERROR(cudaMemcpy(&dresult, dev_result, sizeof(int), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost));
if(dresult == 0)
dresult = 1;
int d2 = n/dresult;
printf("\nResult: %d", dresult);
printf("\nResult2: %d", d2);
int dummyReadForPause;
Lets have a look at your kernel code:
__global__ void cudaKernal(int *cArray, int n, int *outr)
int index = blockIdx.x * threads + threadIdx.x;
int x = 1;
int y = 2;
int d = 4;
int c = cArray[index];
while(d == 1 && !cuda_found) // always false because d is always 4
x = (int)(pow((float)x, 2) + c) % n;
y = (int)(pow((float)y, 2) + c) % n;
y = (int)(pow((float)y, 2) + c) % n;
int abs = x - y;
if(abs < 0)
abs = abs * -1;
d = gcd(abs, n); // never writes to d because the loop won't
// be executed
if(d != 1 && !cuda_found) // maybe true if cuda_found was initalized
// with false
cuda_found = true; // Memory race here.
outr = &d; // you are changing the adresse where outr
// points to; the host code does not see this
// change. your cudaMemcpy dev -> host will copy
// the exact values back from device that have
// been uploaded by cudaMemcpy host -> dev
// if you want to set outr to 4 than write:
// *outr = d;
One of the problems is you don't return the result. In your code you just change outr which has local scope in your kernel function (i.e. changes are not seen outside this function). You should write *outr = d; to change the value of memory you're pointing with outr.
and I'm not sure if CUDA initializes global variables with zero. I mean are you sure cuda_found is always initialized with false?