Rotating a CImage and preserving its alpha/transparency channel - c++

I have some existing code that uses a CImage which has an alpha channel, and I need to rotate it.
I have found the following suggestion which converts the CImage to a GDI+ Bitmap and then rotates it, and the rotated result ends up back in the CImage.
Bitmap* gdiPlusBitmap=Bitmap::FromHBITMAP(atlBitmap.Detach());
gdiPlusBitmap->GetHBITMAP(Color::White, &hbmp);
Apparently it works without actually copying the bitmap bytes, which is great, but the problem is that if you create a Bitmap object from a HBITMAP it throws away the alpha channel.
Apparently to preserve the alpha channel you must instead create the Bitmap using the constructor
[in] INT width,
[in] INT height,
[in] INT stride,
[in] PixelFormat format,
[in] BYTE *scan0
So I'm trying to adapt the above to use this constructor, but the interaction between CImage and Bitmap is a bit confusing. I think I need to create the Bitmap like this
Bitmap* gdiPlusBitmap = new Bitmap(
(BYTE *)pCImage->GetBits());
nGDIStatus = gdiPlusBitmap->RotateFlip(Rotate90FlipNone);
but I'm not sure how to make the CImage pick up the changes (so that I end up with the original CImage rotated), or where to delete the Bitmap object.
Does anyone know the correct way to do this, preserving the alpha channel ?
Ideally I'd like to avoid copying the bitmap data, but it's not mandatory.

You can use Gdiplus::Graphics to draw bitmap on CImage.
Note, hard coding PixelFormat32bppARGB can cause problems if image doesn't support alpha channel. I added some basic error check.
CImage image;
if (S_OK != image.Load(L"c:\\test\\test.png"))
AfxMessageBox(L"can't open");
return 0;
int bpp = image.GetBPP();
//get pixel format:
HBITMAP hbmp = image.Detach();
Gdiplus::Bitmap* bmpTemp = Gdiplus::Bitmap::FromHBITMAP(hbmp, 0);
Gdiplus::PixelFormat pixel_format = bmpTemp->GetPixelFormat();
if (bpp == 32)
pixel_format = PixelFormat32bppARGB;
Gdiplus::Bitmap bmp(image.GetWidth(), image.GetHeight(), image.GetPitch(), pixel_format, static_cast<BYTE*>(image.GetBits()));
//convert back to image:
if (image.Create(bmp.GetWidth(), bmp.GetHeight(), 32, CImage::createAlphaChannel))
Gdiplus::Bitmap dst(image.GetWidth(), image.GetHeight(), image.GetPitch(), PixelFormat32bppARGB, static_cast<BYTE*>(image.GetBits()));
Gdiplus::Graphics graphics(&dst);
graphics.DrawImage(&bmp, 0, 0);


WICConvertBitmapSource + CopyPixels results in blue image

I'm trying to use WIC to load an image into an in-memory buffer for further processing then write it back to a file when done. Specifically:
Load the image into an IWICBitmapFrameDecode.
The loaded IWICBitmapFrameDecode reports that its pixel format is GUID_WICPixelFormat24bppBGR. I want to work in 32bpp RGBA, so I call WICConvertBitmapSource.
Call CopyPixels on the converted frame to get a memory buffer.
Write the memory buffer back into an IWICBitmapFrameEncode using WritePixels.
This results in a recognizable image, but the resulting image is mostly blueish, as if the red channel is being interpreted as blue.
If I call WriteSource to write the converted frame directly, instead of writing the memory buffer, it works. If I call CopyPixels from the original unconverted frame (and update my stride and pixel formats accordingly), it works. It's only the combination of WICConvertBitmapSource plus the use of a memory buffer (CopyPixels + WritePixels) that causes the problem, but I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong.
Here's my code.
int main() {
IWICImagingFactory *pFactory;
IWICBitmapDecoder *pDecoder = NULL;
// Load the image.
pFactory->CreateDecoderFromFilename(L"input.png", NULL, GENERIC_READ, WICDecodeMetadataCacheOnDemand, &pDecoder);
IWICBitmapFrameDecode *pFrame = NULL;
pDecoder->GetFrame(0, &pFrame);
// pFrame->GetPixelFormat shows that the image is 24bpp BGR.
// Convert to 32bpp RGBA for easier processing.
IWICBitmapSource *pConvertedFrame = NULL;
WICConvertBitmapSource(GUID_WICPixelFormat32bppRGBA, pFrame, &pConvertedFrame);
// Copy the 32bpp RGBA image to a buffer for further processing.
UINT width, height;
pConvertedFrame->GetSize(&width, &height);
const unsigned bytesPerPixel = 4;
const unsigned stride = width * bytesPerPixel;
const unsigned bitmapSize = width * height * bytesPerPixel;
BYTE *buffer = new BYTE[bitmapSize];
pConvertedFrame->CopyPixels(nullptr, stride, bitmapSize, buffer);
// Insert image buffer processing here. (Not currently implemented.)
// Create an encoder to turn the buffer back into an image file.
IWICBitmapEncoder *pEncoder = NULL;
pFactory->CreateEncoder(GUID_ContainerFormatPng, nullptr, &pEncoder);
IStream *pStream = NULL;
SHCreateStreamOnFileEx(L"output.png", STGM_WRITE | STGM_CREATE, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, true, NULL, &pStream);
pEncoder->Initialize(pStream, WICBitmapEncoderNoCache);
IWICBitmapFrameEncode *pFrameEncode = NULL;
pEncoder->CreateNewFrame(&pFrameEncode, NULL);
WICPixelFormatGUID pixelFormat = GUID_WICPixelFormat32bppRGBA;
pFrameEncode->SetSize(width, height);
pFrameEncode->WritePixels(height, stride, bitmapSize, buffer);
return 0;
The PNG encoder only supports GUID_WICPixelFormat32bppBGRA (BGR) for 32bpp as specified in PNG Native Codec official documentation. When you call it with GUID_WICPixelFormat32bppRGBA, it will not do channel switching. The pervert will just use your pixels as they were BGR, not RGB, and will not tell you there's a problem.
I don't know what you're trying to do, but in your example, you could just replace GUID_WICPixelFormat32bppRGBA by GUID_WICPixelFormat32bppBGRA in the call to WICConvertBitmapSource (and also replace the definition of the last pixelFormat variable to make sure your source code is correct, but it doesn't change anything).
PS: you can use Wic to save files, not need to create stream using another API, see my answer here: Capture screen using DirectX

How to covert IWICBitmapSource to HBITMAP?

It's easy to produce IWICBitmap from HBITMAP with CreateBitmapFromHBITMAP factory method. But how to get simple GDI bitmap from IWICBitmapSource?
Unfortulately there is no way to convert a IWICBitmap to a HBITMAP, or to get one from a IWICBitmapSource. You could, however, easily create the HBITMAP from a pixel buffer if the format is compatible with what CreateBitmap expects.
Assuming a 32-bit RGBA bitmap:
IWICBitmapSource *bitmap_source = some_func();
UINT width = 0, height = 0;
bitmap_source->GetSize(&width, &height);
std::vector<BYTE> buffer(width * height * 4);
bitmap_source->CopyPixels(0, width * 4, buffer.size(),;
HBITMAP bitmap = CreateBitmap(width, height, 1, 32,;
There's no guarantee that behind the scenes IWICBitmapSource even uses a GDI bitmap. You can access the raw bits using the IWICBitmap::Lock method, but if you want to use the bitmap with GDI functions I think you will need to create a GDI bitmap and copy the bits to it yourself.

GDI C/C++ - BITMAP into an existing HBITMAP

How can I create a device context compatible bitmap and then associating the obtained handle to a BITMAP struct?
If I write:
HBITMAP hbitmap = CreateCompatibleBitmap(hdc, width, height); // these three arguments are initialized somewhere else
hbitmap = CreateBitmapIndirect(bitmap); // argument already initialized and properly filled
A HBITMAP handle compatible with hdc is created, and then a new HBITMAP (filled with bitmap data) is initialized, though without keeping its compatibility. Is there a function which allows not to create a HBITMAP from a BITMAP, but rather fills an initialized HBITMAP with an already existing BITMAP source?
CopyImage function
Creates a new image (icon, cursor, or bitmap) and copies the attributes of the specified image to the new one. If necessary, the function stretches the bits to fit the desired size of the new image.
HANDLE hImage,
UINT uType,
int cxDesired,
int cyDesired,
UINT fuFlags
hImage A handle to the image to be copied.
uType The type of image to be copied. This parameter can be one of the following values.
IMAGE_BITMAP 0 Copies a bitmap.
IMAGE_ICON 1 Copies an icon.
IMAGE_CURSOR 2 Copies a cursor.
cxDesired The desired width, in pixels, of the image. If this is zero, then the returned image will have the same width as the original hImage.
cyDesired The desired height, in pixels, of the image. If this is zero, then the returned image will have the same height as the original hImage.
CreateBitmapIndirect takes BITMAP on its input. And you can get it via GetObject from HBITMAP:
BITMAP Bitmap;
INT nResult = GetObject((HGDIOBJ) hBitmap, sizeof Bitmap, &Bitmap);
CreateBitmapIndirect will be able create a bitmap from this struct. Or you can use CreateCompatibleBitmap to create compatible bitmap providing width/height from obtained Bitmap.

Display 32bit bitmap - Palette

I have an image data in a buffer(type - long) from a scanner which is 32 bit.
For example, buffer[0]'s corresponding pixel value is 952 which is [184, 3, 0, 0] <-[R,G,B,A];
I want to display/Paint/draw on to the screen; I am confused when i tried to read about displying bitmaps. I looked at win32 functions, CBitmap class, windows forms (picture box) etc I am hard to understand the general idea/appraoch for displaying this buffer data on to a application window.
I have constructed the BITMAPFILEHEADER AND BITMAPINFOHEADER; Has the pixel data in a buffer, (unsigned char *)vInBuff whose size is vImageSz;
//construct the BMP file Header
vBmfh.bfType = 19778;
vBmfh.bfSize = 54+vImageSz;//size of the whole image
vBmfh.bfReserved2 = 0;
vBmfh.bfReserved1 = 0;
vBmfh.bfOffBits = 54;//offset from where the pixel data can be found
//Construct the BMP info header
vBmih.biSize = 40;//size of header from this point
vBmih.biWidth = 1004;
vBmih.biHeight = 1002;
vBmih.biPlanes = 1;
vBmih.biCompression = BI_RGB;
vBmih.biSizeImage = vBmih.biWidth*vBmih.biHeight*4;
vBmih.biBitCount = 32;
vBmih.biClrUsed = 0;
vBmih.biClrUsed = 0;
1.What is that i should be doing next to display this?
2 What should i be using to display the 32bit bitmap? I see people using createwindows functions, windows forms, MFC etc;
3.I also understand that BitBlt,createDIBSection, OnPaint etc are being used? I am confused by these various functions and coding platforms? Please suggest me a simple approach.
4.How can i create a palette to display a 32 bit image?
EDITED TRYING TO IMPLEMENT DAVE'S APPROACH, CAN SOMEBODY COMMENT ON MY IMPLEMTATION. I couldn't continue to the bitblt as i donot have two HDC, i donot know how to get this one? Any help please
DisplayDataToImageOnScreen(unsigned char* vInBuff, int vImageSz) // buffer with pixel data, Size of pixel data
unsigned char* vImageBuff = NULL;
HDC hdcMem=CreateCompatibleDC(NULL);
HBITMAP hBitmap = CreateDIBSection(hdcMem,
(void **)&vImageBuff,
NULL, 0);
An alternative if you just want to plot it on screen is to use TinyPTC ( ). It's just 3 functions and very simple if you just want to plot some pixels.
EDIT: Seems like is a continuation of TinyPTC, probably preffered.
If you have image's bytes already in a buffer you can use:
a CBitmap object (MFC) and the method CBitmap::CreateBitmapIndirect
win32 routine CreateBitmapIndirect.
Now you can use BitBlt to draw it on a DC. To get a window DC use GetDC.
There is no need to create a pallete for 32 bit images.
Here's a simplified approach you can try, broken down into steps:
BITMAPINFO bitmapinfo = { 0 };
bitmapinfo.bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
bitmapinfo.bmiHeader.biWidth = 1004;
bitmapinfo.bmiHeader.biHeight = -1002;
bitmapinfo.bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1;
bitmapinfo.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB;
HBITMAP hBitmap = CreateDIBSection(NULL,
(void **)&vImageBuff,
Now party on vImageBuff and then cache hBitmap somewhere so that within your wndproc you can then in the WM_PAINT handler:
select hBitmap into temp compatible HDC
call BitBlt(..., SRCCOPY) from the compatible HDC to the window's HDC. the other parameters should be obvious. don't try to stretch or do anything fancy at first.
remember to select the original dummy bitmap into the temp HDC before destroying it.
If you aren't seeing results try looping through vImageBuff and just set every pixel to RGB(255, 0, 0), or something like that, just to sanity check the rest of the logic.
If nothing is drawing make sure that the alpha component for each pixel is 255.
If you're getting a garbled image then you need to double-check pixelformat, stride, etc.
Here's a strategy you might like:
Create a bitmap with the same size as your scanned data, and the same format (use CreateDIBSection).
Use GetDIBits to get the base address of the pixel data.
Copy your data (from the scanner) to the address GetDIBits returns.
Now render your bitmap! (use BitBlt, or somesuch).
Regarding palettes- a 32bit image does not, generally, have an explicit palette - you'd need 16.7million (assuming 8bits of alpha) values in the palette. Generally the palette is assumed to be 8bits red, 8bits green, 8bits blue, as you've described above.

How to draw 32-bit alpha channel bitmaps?

I need to create a custom control to display bmp images with alpha channel. The background can be painted in different colors and the images have shadows so I need to truly "paint" the alpha channel.
Does anybody know how to do it?
I also want if possible to create a mask using the alpha channel information to know whether the mouse has been click on the image or on the transparent area.
Any kind of help will be appreciated!
Edited(JDePedro): As some of you have suggested I've been trying to use alpha blend to paint the bitmap with alpha channel. This just a test I've implemented where I load a 32-bit bitmap from resources and I try to paint it using AlphaBlend function:
void CAlphaDlg::OnPaint()
CClientDC dc(this);
CDC dcMem;
CBitmap bitmap;
int nWidth = BitMap.bmWidth;
int nHeight = BitMap.bmHeight;
CBitmap *pOldBitmap = dcMem.SelectObject(&bitmap);
m_bf.BlendOp = AC_SRC_OVER;
m_bf.BlendFlags = 0;
m_bf.SourceConstantAlpha = 255;
m_bf.AlphaFormat = AC_SRC_ALPHA;
AlphaBlend(dc.GetSafeHdc(), 100, 100, nWidth, nHeight, dcMem.GetSafeHdc(), 0, 0,nWidth, nHeight,m_bf);
This is just a test so I put the code in the OnPaint of the dialog (I also tried the AlphaBlend function of the CDC object).
The non-transparent areas are being painted correctly but I get white where the bitmap should be transparent.
Any help???
This is a's not easy to see but there is a white rectangle around the blue circle:
alt text
Ok. I got it! I have to pre-multiply every pixel for the alpha value. Someone can suggest the optimized way to do that?
For future google users, here is a working pre-multiply function. Note that this was taken from .
inline void PremultiplyBitmapAlpha(HDC hDC, HBITMAP hBmp)
BITMAP bm = { 0 };
GetObject(hBmp, sizeof(bm), &bm);
BITMAPINFO* bmi = (BITMAPINFO*) _alloca(sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER) + (256 * sizeof(RGBQUAD)));
::ZeroMemory(bmi, sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER) + (256 * sizeof(RGBQUAD)));
bmi->bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
BOOL bRes = ::GetDIBits(hDC, hBmp, 0, bm.bmHeight, NULL, bmi, DIB_RGB_COLORS);
if( !bRes || bmi->bmiHeader.biBitCount != 32 ) return;
LPBYTE pBitData = (LPBYTE) ::LocalAlloc(LPTR, bm.bmWidth * bm.bmHeight * sizeof(DWORD));
if( pBitData == NULL ) return;
LPBYTE pData = pBitData;
::GetDIBits(hDC, hBmp, 0, bm.bmHeight, pData, bmi, DIB_RGB_COLORS);
for( int y = 0; y < bm.bmHeight; y++ ) {
for( int x = 0; x < bm.bmWidth; x++ ) {
pData[0] = (BYTE)((DWORD)pData[0] * pData[3] / 255);
pData[1] = (BYTE)((DWORD)pData[1] * pData[3] / 255);
pData[2] = (BYTE)((DWORD)pData[2] * pData[3] / 255);
pData += 4;
::SetDIBits(hDC, hBmp, 0, bm.bmHeight, pBitData, bmi, DIB_RGB_COLORS);
So then your OnPaint becomes:
void MyButton::OnPaint()
CPaintDC dc(this);
CRect rect(0, 0, 16, 16);
static bool pmdone = false;
if (!pmdone) {
PremultiplyBitmapAlpha(dc, m_Image);
pmdone = true;
bf.BlendOp = AC_SRC_OVER;
bf.BlendFlags = 0;
bf.SourceConstantAlpha = 255;
bf.AlphaFormat = AC_SRC_ALPHA;
HDC src_dc = m_Image.GetDC();
::AlphaBlend(dc, rect.left,, 16, 16, src_dc, 0, 0, 16, 16, bf);
And the loading of the image (in the constructor of your control):
if ((HBITMAP)m_Image == NULL) {
m_Image.LoadFromResource(::AfxGetResourceHandle(), IDB_RESOURCE_OF_32_BPP_BITMAP);
The way I usually do this is via a DIBSection - a device independent bitmap that you can modify the pixels of directly. Unfortunately there isn't any MFC support for DIBSections: you have to use the Win32 function CreateDIBSection() to use it.
Start by loading the bitmap as 32-bit RGBA (that is, four bytes per pixel: one red, one green, one blue and one for the alpha channel). In the control, create a suitably sized DIBSection. Then, in the paint routine
Copy the bitmap data into the DIBSection's bitmap data, using the alpha channel byte to blend the bitmap image with the background colour.
Create a device context and select the DIBSection into it.
Use BitBlt() to copy from the new device context to the paint device context.
You can create a mask given the raw bitmap data simply by looking at the alpha channel values - I'm not sure what you're asking here.
You need to do an alpha blend with your background color, then take out the alpha channel to paint it to the control.
The alpha channel should just be every 4th byte of your image. You can use that directly for your mask, or you can just copy every 4th byte to a new mask image.
Painting it is very easy with the AlphaBlend function.
As for you mask, you'll need to get the bits of the bitmap and examine the alpha channel byte for each pixel you're interested in.
An optimised way to pre-multiply the RGB channels with the alpha channel is to set up a [256][256] array containing the calculated multiplication results. The first dimension is the alpha value, the second is the R/G/B value, the values in the array are the pre-multiplied values you need.
With this array set up correctly, you can calculate the value you need like this:
R = multiplicationLookup[alpha][R];
G = multiplicationLookup[alpha][G];
B = multiplicationLookup[alpha][B];
You are on the right track, but need to fix two things.
First use ::LoadImage( .. LR_CREATEDIBSECTION ..) instead of CBitmap::LoadBitmap. Two, you have to "pre-multiply" RGB values of every pixel in a bitmap to their respective A value. This is a requirement of AlphaBlend function, see AlphaFormat description on this MSDN page. T
The lpng has a working code that does the premultiplication of the DIB data.