Drupal installation error message - drupal-8

i just got started learning about drupal. during installation an error message is shown in my browser.
Fatal error: Call to a member function getPath() on a non-object in C:\xampp_folder\xampp\htdocs\drupal8\core\includes\install.core.inc on line 783
Can anyone point me in the right direction to fix this?

here are few simple instructions to follow when installing drupal7.x or drupal8
when having difficulties during installation of drupal7.x and drupal8.
please i recommend that you try installing lower versions of drupal before installing either drupal7 or drupal8. Thank you.


open tensorboard in Google Chrome shows blank

My tensorflow is installed on ubuntu 16.04 and also generates log files, but when running tensorboard there is nothing on Google Chrome. There was no error on the command line.
This error only appears on Google Chrome. What can I do to display it properly?
This file is deprecated. Please use
iron-flex-layout/iron-flex-layout-classes.html, and one of the
specific dom-modules instead
thinkpad/:39507 This file is deprecated. Please use
iron-flex-layout/iron-flex-layout-classes.html, and one of the
specific dom-modules instead
thinkpad/:157058 Uncaught TypeError: Object.values is not a function
It's possible you're using Chrome version 49 or earlier: https://caniuse.com/#search=object.value
I mailed out tensorflow/tensorboard#1089 to solve this problem. Please note there might be other things in our codebase that are incompatible with old browsers. I'd like to improve this situation. Please email jart#google.com if you encounter similar problems.
It especially helps if you can send a screenshot of the code in question. For example, if Chrome says JavaScript broke on line 48238, you can run wget -O index.html http://localhost:6006/ and nano +48238 index.html so you can take a screenshot of the code in question. (Note: This will get easier in the future.)

Error Code 2318 in Bluestacks

I am trying to install bluestacks on my local machine, however I am getting error code 2318.
To fix it, I deleted the folder it installed and then tried to completely uninstall the application. When doing so, I again got this 2318 error code.
How do I resolve this error?
please try again later and delete all the items of bluestack.
and then restart your computer.
then may be it

error on ionic serve in ionic-angular components.core.scss

On ionic serve I get this error:
Import directives may not be used within control directives or mixins. on line 34 of node_modules/ionic-angular/components.core.scss
#import "fonts/ionicons";
Anyone knows how to fix this? Would be very grateful for your help!
Hey I ran into this issue too... It's due to a change in some dependencies see an explanation here: https://github.com/driftyco/ionic/issues/6258
There is even an answer here on SO:
ionic-angular components.core.scss error
The ionic team states, that they have fixed it by now. So just creating a new porject should fix this issue!

Why do I get this Method not found error anytime I click on a Sitecore template?

We're using Sitecore 7.5 for our sites. In the Content Editor, any time I click on a template, I get the following error: Method not found: 'Boolean Sitecore.Data.Templates.TemplateField.get_IgnoreDictionaryTranslations()'.
I have no idea why I receive this. It happens in both the Web and Master databases.
I think this is a bug in the version of the Sitecore.Kernel.dll I was using. I was using version 7.5.4932.0. Once I replaced it with version 7.5.5064.0 the error went away.

ClojureBox initialization Warning

When I run Clojure Box it gives me the following error
"Warning (initialization): An error occurred while loading `~/.emacs':
File error: Searching for program, no such file or directory, java
To ensure normal operation, you should investigate and remove the
cause of the error in your initialization file. Start Emacs with
the `--debug-init' option to view a complete error backtrace."
How to resolve this issue?
Okay Clojure Box is a Windows Clojure setup. It looks like you don't have Java installed yet. You'll need to install the Windows JDK from Oracle first: