Can you weight Levenshtien to the front of the string? - levenshtein-distance

Levenshtein seems to be very.. terms of how it scores distance/similarity in terms.
For instance:
Olive Garden vs Olden Garden = 3
Olive Garden vs Olive Garden Restaurant = 11
In the real world (as I see it or at least for some applications) the latter should be weighted much more heavily.
Is there a modification or another 'distance' comparison tool that doesn't try to account as much for misspelling and transposition that would weight the second example higher because of the sheer # of 100% matches on the first part of the phrase?

This is a difficult question to answer and I am by no means an expert on the subject, however, I have at least a partial answer to some of your questions. Additionally, you didn't specify a language, so all my examples will use PHP.
To the best of my knowledge there is no single comparison tool or function that is able to determine the relevance, rather than similarity of two strings. However, there are different comparison tools out there that would probably give you better results. The similar_text function in PHP, for example, returns the percent similarity between two strings and would be more accurate in what you're trying to do.
Additionally, you can account for misspellings when comparing the similarity of two strings by first calculating the phonetic "keys" of each string, and then calculating the Levenshtein distance between the phonetic keys. The best phonetic algorithm I know of for calculating the phonetic keys of strings is metaphone. In PHP, the metaphone is built in and can be used like this:
echo metaphone("carrot"); // prints KRT
The cool part about this is that if a user were to misspell carrot and instead type "carrrot," the same phonetic key would be generated (as "carrot" and "carrrot"), sound the same
echo metaphone("carrot"); // prints KRT
echo metaphone("carrrot"); // prints KRT
And obviously the Levenshtein distance between KRT and KRT is 0. The pitfall to this solution is that while metaphone helps with smoothing out spelling errors that don't change how a word sounds, words that are misspelled to the point where they no longer have any phonetic resemblance will not generate similar phonetic keys. In your example, Olive Garden and Olden Garden don't have the same phonetic keys, thus are still seen by Levenshtein as being relatively far apart.
echo levenshtein(metaphone("Olive Garden"), metaphone("Olden Garden")); // prints 2
Even in conjunction with metaphone, using the Levenshtein distance falls short, and is unable to provide the relevance between two strings. The best solution I can give would be to use similar_text in conjunction with metaphone to compare your strings. Something like this:
similar_text(metaphone("Olive Garden Restaurant"), metaphone("Olive Garden"), $sim);
echo $sim; // prints 70%


Regex - How can you identify strings which are not words?

Got an interesting one, and can't come up with any solid ideas, so thought maybe someone else may have done something similar.
I want to be able to identify strings of letters in a longer sentence that are not words and remove them. Essentially things like kuashdixbkjshakd
Everything annoyingly is in lowercase which makes it more difficult, but since I only care about English, I'm essentially looking for the opposite of consonant clusters, groups of them that don't make phonetically pronounceable sounds.
Has anyone heard of/done something like this before?
EDIT: this is what ChatGpt tells me
It is difficult to provide a comprehensive list of combinations of consonants that have never appeared in a word in the English language. The English language is a dynamic and evolving language, and new words are being created all the time. Additionally, there are many regional and dialectal variations of the language, which can result in different sets of words being used in different parts of the world.
It is also worth noting that the frequency of use of a particular combination of consonants in the English language is difficult to quantify, as the existing literature on the subject is limited. The best way to determine the frequency of use of a particular combination of consonants would be to analyze a large corpus of written or spoken English.
In general, most combinations of consonants are used in some words in the English language, but some combinations of consonants may be relatively rare. Some examples of relatively rare combinations of consonants in English include "xh", "xw", "ckq", and "cqu". However, it is still possible that some words with these combinations of consonants exist.
You could try to pass every single word inside the sentence to a function that checks wether the word is listed inside a dictionary. There is a good number of dictionary text files on GitHub. To speed up the process: use a hash map :)
You could also use an auto-corretion API or a library.
Algorithm to combine both methods:
Run sentence through auto correction
Run every word through dictionary
Delete words that aren't listed in the dictionary
This could remove typos and words that are non-existent.
You could train a simple model on sequences of characters which are permitted in the language(s) you want to support, and then flag any which contain sequences which are not in the training data.
The LangId language detector in SpamAssassin implements the Cavnar & Trenkle language-identification algorithm which basically uses a sliding window over the text and examines the adjacent 1 to 5 characters at each position. So from the training data "abracadabra" you would get
a 5
ab 2
abr 2
abra 2
abrac 1
b 2
br 2
bra 2
brac 1
braca 1
With enough data, you could build a model which identifies unusual patterns (my suggestion would be to try a window size of 3 or smaller for a start, and train it on several human languages from, say, Wikipedia) but it's hard to predict how precise exactly this will be.
SpamAssassin is written in Perl and it should not be hard to extract the language identification module.
As an alternative, there is a library called libtextcat which you can run standalone from C code if you like. The language identification in LibreOffice uses a fork which they adapted to use Unicode specifically, I believe (though it's been a while since I last looked at that).
Following Cavnar & Trenkle, all of these truncate the collected data to a few hundred patterns; you would probably want to extend this to cover up to all the 3-grams you find in your training data at least.
Perhaps see also Gertjan van Noord's link collection:
Depending on your test data, you could still get false positives e.g. on peculiar Internet domain names and long abbreviations. Tweak the limits for what you want to flag - I would think that GmbH should be okay even if you didn't train on German, but something like 7 or more letters long should probably be flagged and manually inspected.
This will match words with more than 5 consonants (you probably want "y" to not be considered a consonant, but it's up to you):
See live demo.
5 was chosen because I believe witchcraft has the longest chain of consonants of any English word. You could dial back "6" in the regex to say 5 or even 4 if you don't mind matching some outliers.

converting a sentence to an embedding representation

If I have a sentence, ex: “get out of here”
And I want to use word2vec Embed. to represent it .. I found three different ways to do that:
1- for each word, we compute the AVG of its embedding vector, so each word replaced by a single value.
2- as in 1, but with using the standard deviation of the embedding vector values.
3- or by adding the Embed. vector as it is. So if I use 300 length embedding vector .. for the above example, I will have in the final a vector of (300 * 4 words) 1200 length as a final vector to represent the sentence.
Which one of them is most suitable .. ? specifically, for the sentence similarity applications ..
The way you describe option (1) makes it sound like each word becomes a single number. That wouldn't work.
The simple approach that's often used is to average all word-vectors for words in the sentence together - so with 300-dimensional word-vectors, you still wind up with a 300-dimensional sentence-average vector. Perhaps that's what you mean by your option (1).
(Sometimes, all vectors are normalized to unit-length before this operation, but sometimes not - because the non-normalized vector lengths can sometimes indicate the strength of a word's meaning. Sometimes, word-vectors are weighted by some other frequency-based indicator of their relative importance, such as TF/IDF.)
I've never seen your option (2) used and don't quite understand what you mean or how it could possibly work.
Your option (3) would be better described as "concatenating the word-vectors". It gives different-sized vectors depending on the number of words in the sentence. Slight differences in word placement, such as comparing "get out of here" and "of here get out", would result in very different vectors, that usual methods of comparing vectors (like cosine-similarity) would not detect as being 'close' at all. So it doesn't make sense, and I've not seen it used.
So, only your option (1), as properly implemented to (weighted-)average word-vectors, is a good baseline for sentence-similarities.
But, it's still fairly basic and there are many other ways to compare sentences using text-vectors. Here are just a few:
One algorithm closely related to word2vec itself is called 'Paragraph Vectors', and is often called Doc2Vec. It uses a very word2vec-like process to train vectors for full ranges of text (whether they're phrases, sentences, paragraphs, or documents) that work kind of like 'floating document-ID words' over the full text. It sometimes offers a benefit over just averaging word-vectors, and in some modes can produce both doc-vectors and word-vectors that are also comparable to each other.
If your interest isn't just pairwise sentence similarities, but some sort of downstream classification task, then Facebook's 'FastText' refinement of word2vec has a classification mode, where the word-vectors are trained not just to predict neighboring words, but to be good at predicting known text classes, when simply added/averaged together. (Text-vectors constructed from such classification vectors might be good at similarities too, depending on how well the training-classes capture salient contrasts between texts.)
Another way to compute pairwise similarities, using just word-vectors, is "Word Mover's Distance". Rather than averaging all the word-vectors for a text together into a single text-vector, it considers each word-vector as a sort of "pile of meaning". Compared to another sentence, it calculates the minimum routing work (distance along lots of potential word-to-word paths) to move all the "piles" from one sentence into the configuration of another sentence. It can be expensive to calculate, but usually represents sentence-contrasts better than the simple single-vector-summary that naive word-vector averaging achieves.
model = Word2Vec(sentences,vector_size=100, min_count=1)
def sent_vectorizer(sent, model):
sent_vec =[]
numw = 0
for w in sent:
if numw == 0:
sent_vec = model[w]
sent_vec = np.add(sent_vec, model[w])
return np.asarray(sent_vec) / numw
for sentence in sentences:
X.append(sent_vectorizer(sentence, model))
print ("========================")
print (X)

Amazon CloudSearch matching long strings against domain documents

I'm implementing Amazon's Cloud Search API and was wondering how well it would work for "vague" queries.
We basically have records that contain descriptions. We want to find matches based on the content of that description. For example, our domain dataset has the following strings (where each string is a different document):
"The sun is shining bright today"
"The moon is shining in the sky tonight"
"The rain is pouring outside today"
If I were to submit a description to the server like this:
"The sun and moon are shining bright lately"
is there a search method that would return a match for the first two elements (albeit with a low score)? There are key words that are important, ignoring the "the" and "is" type of words. If so, how is that search constructed?
I was eventually able to get those strings to be returned with a query based on "The sun and moon are shining bright lately". I accomplished this by boolean OR'ing the terms together like this:
(or name:'sun' name:'moon' name:'shining' name:'bright' name:'lately')
I also removed stopwords but I don't think you need to.
It's definitely not pretty. The problem I had with other approaches was that CloudSearch seems pretty heavy-handed about penalizing results that don't contain a word from your query, so a word like lately in the query would cause it to not match any of the test strings. I was hoping to fix that with a rank expression but I think you can only rank results, not docs that didn't even match your query.
I also played around with sloppy phrase search but that still requires that the words are found some distance from each other, where in this case certain words aren't found at all.
The only other thing I can think to try is looking at the lucene and dismax query parsers. They won't change the underlying search engine but they may give you a different means of specifying a query that would work better.

Validate Proper Names (with Perl)

I have a census list of 150k last names, and trying to use this to validate the spelling of person names in an existing database.
Obviously there are many ethnic names in my database that don't match the census list, but are clearly not misspelled (Italian names like "Petroni", Swedish names like "Magnusdotter").
I would like to create a function (in Perl) to detect slight variations - i.e. likely mis-spellings - between names in the database and other very popular names in the census list (a frequency number is available).
I can imagine the algorithm, but before I dive in - any suggestions to do this in a reliable way - i.e. one that doesn't throw too many false positives?
Essentially, you're writing a spell checker. You may want to look into an Open Source, multi-lingual spell checker such as Aspell and see what they do. You might even be able to implement what you want as an aspell dictionary.
There are many algorithms for doing approximate string matching. The Levenshtein distance between words is one algorithm, and there are several Perl modules to calculate it, but Text::Fuzzy looks pretty good.
That's great for comparing a few words, but you have to choose between 150k. You could just see if it's fast enough. You could try caching the result. But it remains an O(n) algorithm. Instead (or in addition) you can create an index using a phonetic matching algorithm. Generally, these index words by what they sound like to allow matching on misspelled words. Once you've generated the index for each word, you can match a new word against the index very quickly. Obviously this is subject to cultural ideas of what words sound like which is why there are many algorithms each with different optimizations. You can create several indexes using different algorithms and try them all.
You can even combine the two and do approximate string matching on the phonetic indexes.

Similar String algorithm

I'm looking for an algorithm, or at least theory of operation on how you would find similar text in two or more different strings...
Much like the question posed here: Algorithm to find articles with similar text, the difference being that my text strings will only ever be a handful of words.
Like say I have a string:
"Into the clear blue sky"
and I'm doing a compare with the following two strings:
"The color is sky blue" and
"In the blue clear sky"
I'm looking for an algorithm that can be used to match the text in the two, and decide on how close they match. In my case, spelling, and punctuation are going to be important. I don't want them to affect the ability to discover the real text. In the above example, if the color reference is stored as "'sky-blue'", I want it to still be able to match. However, the 3rd string listed should be a BETTER match over the second, etc.
I'm sure places like Google probably use something similar with the "Did you mean:" feature...
* EDIT *
In talking with a friend, he worked with a guy who wrote a paper on this topic. I thought I might share it with everyone reading this, as there are some really good methods and processes described in it...
Here's the link to his paper, I hope it is helpful to those reading this question, and on the topic of similar string algorithms.
Levenshtein distance will not completely work, because you want to allow rearrangements. I think your best bet is going to be to find best rearrangement with levenstein distance as cost for each word.
To find the cost of rearrangement, kinda like the pancake sorting problem. So, you can permute every combination of words (filtering out exact matches), with every combination of other string, trying to minimize a combination of permute distance and Levenshtein distance on each word pair.
Now that I have a second I can post a quick example (all 'best' guesses are on inspection and not actually running the algorithms):
original strings | best rearrangement w/ lev distance per word
Into the clear blue sky | Into the c_lear blue sky
The color is sky blue | is__ the colo_r blue sky
R_dist = dist( 3 1 2 5 4 ) --> 3 1 2 *4 5* --> *2 1 3* 4 5 --> *1 2* 3 4 5 = 3
L_dist = (2D+S) + (I+D+S) (Total Subsitutions: 2, deletions: 3, insertion: 1)
(notice all the flips include all elements in the range, and I use ranges where Xi - Xj = +/- 1)
Other example
original strings | best rearrangement w/ lev distance per word
Into the clear blue sky | Into the clear blue sky
In the blue clear sky | In__ the clear blue sky
R_dist = dist( 1 2 4 3 5 ) --> 1 2 *3 4* 5 = 1
L_dist = (2D) (Total Subsitutions: 0, deletions: 2, insertion: 0)
And to show all possible combinations of the three...
The color is sky blue | The colo_r is sky blue
In the blue clear sky | the c_lear in sky blue
R_dist = dist( 2 4 1 3 5 ) --> *2 3 1 4* 5 --> *1 3 2* 4 5 --> 1 *2 3* 4 5 = 3
L_dist = (D+I+S) + (S) (Total Subsitutions: 2, deletions: 1, insertion: 1)
Anyway you make the cost function the second choice will be lowest cost, which is what you expected!
One way to determine a measure of "overall similarity without respect to order" is to use some kind of compression-based distance. Basically, the way most compression algorithms (e.g. gzip) work is to scan along a string looking for string segments that have appeared earlier -- any time such a segment is found, it is replaced with an (offset, length) pair identifying the earlier segment to use. You can use measures of how well two strings compress to detect similarities between them.
Suppose you have a function string comp(string s) that returns a compressed version of s. You can then use the following expression as a "similarity score" between two strings s and t:
len(comp(s)) + len(comp(t)) - len(comp(s . t))
where . is taken to be concatenation. The idea is that you are measuring how much further you can compress t by looking at s first. If s == t, then len(comp(s . t)) will be barely any larger than len(comp(s)) and you'll get a high score, while if they are completely different, len(comp(s . t)) will be very near len(comp(s) + comp(t)) and you'll get a score near zero. Intermediate levels of similarity produce intermediate scores.
Actually the following formula is even better as it is symmetric (i.e. the score doesn't change depending on which string is s and which is t):
2 * (len(comp(s)) + len(comp(t))) - len(comp(s . t)) - len(comp(t . s))
This technique has its roots in information theory.
Advantages: good compression algorithms are already available, so you don't need to do much coding, and they run in linear time (or nearly so) so they're fast. By contrast, solutions involving all permutations of words grow super-exponentially in the number of words (although admittedly that may not be a problem in your case as you say you know there will only be a handful of words).
One way (although this is perhaps better suited a spellcheck-type algorithm) is the "edit distance", ie., calculate how many edits it takes to transform one string to another. A common technique is found here:
You might want to look into the algorithms used by biologists to compare DNA sequences, since they have to cope with many of the same things (chunks may be missing, or have been inserted, or just moved to a different position in the string.
The Smith-Waterman algorithm would be one example that'd probably work fairly well, although it might be too slow for your uses. Might give you a starting point, though.
i had a similar problem, i needed to get the percentage of characters in a string that were similar. it needed exact sequences, so for example "hello sir" and "sir hello" when compared needed to give me five characters that are the same, in this case they would be the two "hello"'s. it would then take the length of the longest of the two strings and give me a percentage of how similar they were. this is the code that i came up with
int compare(string a, string b){
return(a.size() > b.size() ? bigger(a,b) : bigger(b,a));
int bigger(string a, string b){
int maxcount = 0, currentcount = 0;//used to see which set of concurrent characters were biggest
for(int i = 0; i < a.size(); ++i){
for(int j = 0; j < b.size(); ++j){
if(a[i+j] == b[j]){
if(currentcount > maxcount){
maxcount = currentcount;
}//end if
currentcount = 0;
}//end else
}//end inner for loop
}//end outer for loop
return ((int)(((float)maxcount/((float)a.size()))*100));
I can't mark two answers here, so I'm going to answer and mark my own. The Levenshtein distance appears to be the correct method in most cases for this. But, it is worth mentioning j_random_hackers answer as well. I have used an implementation of LZMA to test his theory, and it proves to be a sound solution. In my original question I was looking for a method for short strings (2 to 200 chars), where the Levenshtein Distance algorithm will work. But, not mentioned in the question was the need to compare two (larger) strings (in this case, text files of moderate size) and to perform a quick check to see how similar the two are. I believe that this compression technique will work well but I have yet to study it to find at which point one becomes better than the other, in terms of the size of the sample data and the speed/cost of the operation in question. I think a lot of the answers given to this question are valuable, and worth mentioning, for anyone looking to solve a similar string ordeal like I'm doing here. Thank you all for your great answers, and I hope they can be used to serve others well too.
There's another way. Pattern recognition using convolution. Image A is run thru a Fourier transform. Image B also. Now superimposing F(A) over F(B) then transforming this back gives you a black image with a few white spots. Those spots indicate where A matches B strongly. Total sum of spots would indicate an overall similarity. Not sure how you'd run an FFT on strings but I'm pretty sure it would work.
The difficulty would be to match the strings semantically.
You could generate some kind of value based on the lexical properties of the string. e.g. They bot have blue, and sky, and they're in the same sentence, etc etc... But it won't handle cases where "Sky's jean is blue", or some other odd ball English construction that uses same words, but you'd need to parse the English grammar...
To do anything beyond lexical similarity, you'd need to look at natural language processing, and there isn't going to be one single algorith that would solve your problem.
Possible approach:
Construct a Dictionary with a string key of "word1|word2" for all combinations of words in the reference string. A single combination may happen multiple times, so the value of the Dictionary should be a list of numbers, each representing the distance between the words in the reference string.
When you do this, there will be duplication here: for every "word1|word2" dictionary entry, there will be a "word2|word1" entry with the same list of distance values, but negated.
For each combination of words in the comparison string (words 1 and 2, words 1 and 3, words 2 and 3, etc.), check the two keys (word1|word2 and word2|word1) in the reference string and find the closest value to the distance in the current string. Add the absolute value of the difference between the current distance and the closest distance to a counter.
If the closest reference distance between the words is in the opposite direction (word2|word1) as the comparison string, you may want to weight it smaller than if the closest value was in the same direction in both strings.
When you are finished, divide the sum by the square of the number of words in the comparison string.
This should provide some decimal value representing how closely each word/phrase matches some word/phrase in the original string.
Of course, if the original string is longer, it won't account for that, so it may be necessary to compute this both directions (using one as the reference, then the other) and average them.
I have absolutely no code for this, and I probably just re-invented a very crude wheel. YMMV.