Can Aerospike be used as an alternate to S3? - amazon-web-services

I am new to both the technologies, so need some guidance here
I have an S3 bucket of lots of images (20 million, 870GB) , which unfortunately has poorly thought of keys which makes the read process slow (1s - 1.8s atleast for a read).
We are planning to migrate this to a better read optimised bucket.
Then I came across aerospike and in some docs I read that we can even store images as blobs in the key value pair in aerospike. While the storage consumption would be high, the read would be faster than anything else given that it uses SSD integration.
Would it be recommended to use Aerospike to store keys like S3 and the values would then be the corresponding images? Is there any other alternative to S3 that has a faster read?

No. Aerospike is not an alternative for S3. They are meant for different purposes. Aerospike is a key-value store which is used as OLTP database. S3 is file storage service. Note that Aerospike has a limit on how large a record can be. Its 1MB (max allowed value for write-block-size). If your objects are <1MB, then you may consider Aerospike for your use case.


Best strategy to archive specific records from RDS to a cheaper storage in AWS

I have the following requirements:
For every deleted record in RDS we need to archive it into somewhere cheaper on AWS.
Reduce storage cost
Not using Glacier
Context oriented (e.g. a file per table)
re-import is not a requirement
I'm not an experienced user with AWS, so I'm still a bit lost among the amount of options it has to offer and I'd like to know if you have more ideas to help me clear it out.
Initial thoughts:
The microservice that deletes the record, might send it to a broker (RabbitMQ for e.g.) and another microservice (let's call it archiver) will listen to it, write into a file, zip and send to S3. This approach has some technical challenges though: in order to make sense create big files, I need to wait the queue to growth a bit, wrap it into a stream and zip inside S3. The transaction control is very weak as well, since file writing and ack on messages are signal based i.e. I'll remove the messages from the broker just after the file is created.
Add a new column to the "archiveble" tables as "deleted (bool)" and run a separate job fetching only those records and saving them into S3. Discarded they don't want the new microservice with access to other's databases.
Following the same approach as in the first item, but instead of save into S3, save into a cheaper database. SimpleDB?
option 1, but instead of rabbitmq, write it to a kinesis firehose and direct that to an s3 location - it doesn't get much cheaper or easier than that.

AWS S3 Block Size to calculate total number of mappers for Hive Workload

Does S3 stores the data in form of blocks? if yes, what is the default block size? Is there a way to alter the block size?
Block Size is not applicable to Amazon S3. It is an object storage system, not a virtual disk.
There is believed to be some partitioning of uploaded data into the specific blocks it was uploaded -and if you knew those values then readers may get more bandwidth. But certainly the open source hive/spark/mapreduce applications don't know the API calls to find this information out or look at these details. Instead the S3 connector takes some configuration option (for s3a: fs.s3a.block.size) to simulate blocks.
It's not so beneficial to work out that block size if it took an HTTP GET request against each file to determine the partitioning...that would slow down the (Sequential) query planning before tasks on split files were farmed out to the worker nodes. HDFS lets you get the listing and block partitioning + location in one API call (listLocatedStatus(path)); S3 only has a list call to return the list of (objects, timestamps, etags) under a prefix, (S3 List API v2) so that extra check would slow things down. If someone could fetch that data and show that there'd be benefits, maybe it'd be useful enough to implement. For now, calls to S3AFIleSystem.listLocatedStatus() against S3 just get some made up list of locations splitting of blocks by the fs.s3a.block.size value and with the location (localhost). All the apps known that location == localhost means "whatever"

How exactly does Spark on EMR read from S3?

Just a few simple questions on the actual mechanism behind reading a file on s3 into an EMR cluster with Spark:
Does"com.databricks.spark.csv").load("s3://my/dataset/").where($"state" === "WA") communicate the whole dataset into the EMR cluster's local HDFS and then perform the filter after? Or does it filter records when bringing the dataset into the cluster? Or does it do neither? If this is the case, what's actually happening?
The official documentation lacks an explanation of what's going on (or if it does have an explanation, I cannot find it). Can someone explain, or link to a resource with such an explanation?
I can't speak for the closed source AWS one, but the ASF s3a: connector does its work in S3AInputStream
Reading data is via HTTPS, which has slow startup time, and if you need to stop the download before the GET is finished, forces you to abort the TCP stream and create a new one.
To keep this cost down the code has features like
Lazy seek: when you do a seek(), it updates its internal pointer but doesn't issue a new GET until you actually do a read.
chooses whether to abort() vs read to end on a GET based on how much is left
Has 3 IO modes:
"sequential", GET content range is from (pos, EOF). Best bandwidth, worst performance on seek. For: CSV, .gz, ...
"random": small GETs, min(block-size, length(read)). Best for columnar data (ORC, Parquet) compressed in a seekable format (snappy)
"adaptive" (new last week, based on some work from microsoft on the Azure WASB connector). Starts off sequential, as soon as you do a backwards seek switches to random IO
Code is all there, improvements welcome. The current perf work (especially random IO) based on TPC-DS benchmarking of ORC data on Hive, BTW)
Assuming you are reading CSV and filtering there, it'll be reading the entire CSV file and filtering. This is horribly inefficient for large files. Best to import into a column format and use predicate pushdown for the layers below to seek round the file for filtering and reading columns
Loading data from S3 (s3://-) usually goes via EMRFS in EMR
EMRFS directly access S3 (not via HDFS)
When Spark loads data from S3, they are stored as DataSet in the cluster according to StorageLevel(memory or disk)
Finally, Spark filters loaded data
When you specify files located on S3 they are read into the cluster. The processing happens on the cluster nodes.
However, this may be changing with S3 Select, which is now in preview.

How to use S3 and EBS in tandem for cost effective analytics on AWS?

I receive very large (5TB) .csv files from my clients on S3 buckets. I have to process these files, add columns to them and store them back.
I might need to work with the files in the same way as I increase the number of features for future improved models.
Clearly because S3 stores data as objects, every time I make a change, I have to read and write 5TB of data.
What is the best approach I can take to process these data cost effectively and promptly:
Store a 5TB file on S3 as object, every time read the object, do
the processing and save the result back to S3
Store the 5TB on S3 as object, read the object, chunk it to smaller objects and save them back to S3 as multiple objects so in future just work with the chunks I am interested in
Save every thing on EBS from start, mount it to the EC2 and do the processing
Thank you
First, a warning -- the maximum size of an object in Amazon S3 is 5TB. If you are going to add information that results in a larger object, then you will likely hit that limit.
The smarter way of processing this amount of data is to do it in parallel and preferably in multiple, smaller files rather than a single 5TB file.
Amazon EMR (effectively, a managed Hadoop environment) is excellent for performing distributed operations across large data sets. It can process data from many files in parallel and can compress/decompress data on-the-fly. It's complex to learn, but very efficient and capable.
If you are sticking with your current method of processing the data, I would recommend:
If your application can read directly from S3, use that as the source. Otherwise, copy the file(s) to EBS.
Process the data
Store the output locally in EBS, preferably in smaller files (GBs rather than TBs)
Copy the files to S3 (or keep them on EBS if that meets your needs)

How long does it take for AWS S3 to save and load an item?

S3 FAQ mentions that "Amazon S3 buckets in all Regions provide read-after-write consistency for PUTS of new objects and eventual consistency for overwrite PUTS and DELETES." However, I don't know how long it takes to get eventual consistency. I tried to search for this but couldn't find an answer in S3 documentation.
We have a website consists of 7 steps. When user clicks on save in each step, we want to save a json document (contains information of all 7 steps) to Amazon S3. Currently we plan to:
Create a single S3 bucket to store all json documents.
When user saves step 1 we create a new item in S3.
When user saves step 2-7 we override the existing item.
After user saves a step and refresh the page, he should be able to see the information he just saved. i.e. We want to make sure that we always read after write.
The full json document (all 7 steps completed) is around 20 KB.
After users clicked on save button we can freeze the page for some time and they cannot make other changes until save is finished.
How long does it take for AWS S3 to save and load an item? (We can freeze our website when document is being saved to S3)
Is there a function to calculate save/load time based on item size?
Is the save/load time gonna be different if I choose another S3 region? If so which is the best region for Seattle?
I wanted to add to #error2007s answers.
How long does it take for AWS S3 to save and load an item? (We can freeze our website when document is being saved to S3)
It's not only that you will not find the exact time anywhere - there's actually no such thing exact time. That's just what "eventual consistency" is all about: consistency will be achieved eventually. You can't know when.
If somebody gave you an upper bound for how long a system would take to achieve consistency, then you wouldn't call it "eventually consistent" anymore. It would be "consistent within X amount of time".
The problem now becomes, "How do I deal with eventual consistency?" (instead of trying to "beat it")
To really find the answer to that question, you need to first understand what kind of consistency you truly need, and how exactly the eventual consistency of S3 could affect your workflow.
Based on your description, I understand that you would write a total of 7 times to S3, once for each step you have. For the first write, as you correctly cited the FAQs, you get strong consistency for any reads after that. For all the subsequent writes (which are really "replacing" the original object), you might observe eventual consistency - that is, if you try to read the overwritten object, you might get the most recent version, or you might get an older version. This is what is referred to as "eventual consistency" on S3 in this scenario.
A few alternatives for you to consider:
don't write to S3 on every single step; instead, keep the data for each step on the client side, and then only write 1 single object to S3 after the 7th step. This way, there's only 1 write, no "overwrites", so no "eventual consistency". This might or might not be possible for your specific scenario, you need to evaluate that.
alternatively, write to S3 objects with different names for each step. E.g., something like: after step 1, save that to bruno-preferences-step-1.json; then, after step 2, save the results to bruno-preferences-step-2.json; and so on, then save the final preferences file to bruno-preferences.json, or maybe even bruno-preferences-step-7.json, giving yourself the flexibility to add more steps in the future. Note that the idea here to avoid overwrites, which could cause eventual consistency issues. Using this approach, you only write new objects, you never overwrite them.
finally, you might want to consider Amazon DynamoDB. It's a NoSQL database, you can securely connect to it directly from the browser or from your server. It provides you with replication, automatic scaling, load distribution (just like S3). And you also have the option to tell DynamoDB that you want to perform strongly consistent reads (the default is eventually consistent reads; you have to change a parameter to get strongly consistent reads). DynamoDB is typically used for "small" records, 20kB is definitely within the range -- the maximum size of a record would be 400kB as of today. You might want to check this out: DynamoDB FAQs: What is the consistency model of Amazon DynamoDB?
How long does it take for AWS S3 to save and load an item? (We can freeze our website when document is being saved to S3)
You will not find the exact time anywhere. If you ask AWS they will give you approx timings. Your file is 20 KB so as per my experience from S3 usage the time will be more or less 60-90 Sec.
Is there a function to calculate save/load time based on item size?
No there is no any function using which you can calculate this.
Is the save/load time gonna be different if I choose another S3 region? If so which is the best region for Seattle?
For Seattle US West Oregon Will work with no problem.
You can also take a look at this experiment for comparison