Why Capacity-1 in integer knapsack? - c++

The dynamic programming solution to the integer knapsack problem,
For a knapsack of capacity C, and for n items, where ith item has the size Si and value Vi, is:
M(C)=max(M(C-1), M(C-Si)+Vi), where i goes from 1 to n
Here M is an array. M(C) denotes the maximum value of a knapsack of capacity C.
What is the use of M(C-1) in this relation? I mean the solution should just be this:
M(C)=max(M(C-Si)+Vi), where i goes from 1 to n
I think all the cases that M(C-1) covers are covered in M(C).
If I'm wrong, please give me an example situation.

I think you have to setup of the formula a bit confused - specifically, you've mixed up the capacity of the bag with a sub problem of n-1 items. Let's redefine a bit.
Let P denote the problem, as represented by a list of n items.
Further, let Pk represent the subproblem consisting of items at indices 1...k from the original problem, where 1 <= k <= n. Thus Pn is equivalent to P.
For each item at index i, let Vi denote the value of that item and Si denote the size of that item.
Let C be the capacity of the bag, C >= 0
Let M(Pk, C) denote the optimal solution to the problem described by Pk with a bag of capacity C. M(Pk, C) returns the list of items included in the solution (and thus also returns the value of the optimal solution and the excess capacity in the bag).
For each item, we could either include it in the optimal solution, or not include it in the optimal solution. Clearly, the optimal solution is whichever of these two options is preferable. The only corner case to consider is if the item in question cannot fit in the bag. In this case we must exclude it.
We can rely on recursion to cover every item for us, thus have no need for iteration. Thus all together:
M(Pk,C) = if(Sk > C) M(P(k-1), C) else max(M(P(k-1),C), Vk + M(P(k-1),C-Sk))


How to choose minimum elements from an array whose sum is greater or equals p?

I am dealing with a problem where I need to greedily choose some elements whose sum greater or equals to p. Here , another condition is that the difference between the total sum of chosen array elements and given p is as minimum as possible.
Say the array is [1,2,3,4,5] and given p is 10.Here the optimal answer might be to choose [1,4,5],sum=10 and p=10 difference is 0.
My approach is always choose the max elements from the array then if
tot sum exceeds then choose the min elements and reduce the difference
But that did not work out. If the array is [2,4,5,6,7,8] and p is 16 the optimal answer would be to choose [2,6,8] which can not be done with my approach. I am assuming maybe dp would be helpful here but as I am a newbie so could not get the idea how to implement. How to solve this problem?

Given a set of positive integers <=k and its n subsets , find union of which pairs of subsets give the original set

I have a set A which consists of first p positive integers (1 to p), and I am given n subsets of this set. How can I find how many pair of subsets on union would give the original set A?
Of course this can be done naively by checking the size of the union of each pair and if it is equal to p , the union must make up the set A, but is there a more elegant way of doing this, which reduces the time complexity?
The set_union in c++ has a time complexity of 2*(size(set 1) + size(set 2)) - 1 which is not good for nC2 pairs.
If we need to cope with a worst-case scenario then some ideas about this problem:
I suppose that using of std::bitset without any optimizations would be sufficient for this task because of the much faster union operation. But if not, don't use variable size vectors, use simple p-length 0-1 arrays/vectors or unordered_sets. I don't think variable size vectors without O(1) find operation would be better in worst-case scenarios.
Use heuristics to minimize subsets unions. The simplest heuristic is checking the sizes of subsets. We need only those pairs (A, B) of subsets where size(A) + size(B) >= p.
In addition to heuristics, we can count (in O(n^2)) the frequencies of appearing of every number in subsets. After that, we can check the presence of the numbers in some subset(s) in frequence-increasing order. Also, we can exclude those numbers that appear in every subset.
If you'll fix some subset A (in the outer loop for example) and will find unions with other subsets, you can check only those numbers that do not appear in set A. If the subset A is large enough this can dramatically reduce the number of operations needed.
Just a possible improvement to your approach, instead of binary searching you can keep a boolean array to find out if some x appears in array i in O(1).
For example,
Let's say, when taking input you save all the appearances for an array i. Meaning, if x appears in array i, then isThere[i][x] should be true else false.
This can save some time.

Finding shortest path in a graph, with additional restrictions

I have a graph with 2n vertices where every edge has a defined length. It looks like **
I'm trying to find the length of the shortest path from u to v (smallest sum of edge lengths), with 2 additional restrictions:
The number of blue edges that the path contains is the same as the number of red edges.
The number of black edges that the path contains is not greater than p.
I have come up with an exponential-time algorithm that I think would work. It iterates through all binary combinations of length n - 1 that represent the path starting from u in the following way:
0 is a blue edge
1 is a red edge
There's a black edge whenever
the combination starts with 1. The first edge (from u) is then the first black one on the left.
the combination ends with 0. Then last edge (to v) is then the last black one on the right.
adjacent digits are different. That means we went from a blue edge to a red edge (or vice versa), so there's a black one in between.
This algorithm would ignore the paths that don't meet the 2 requirements mentioned earlier and calculate the length for the ones that do, and then find the shortest one. However doing it this way would probably be awfully slow and I'm looking for some tips to come up with a faster algorithm. I suspect it's possible to achieve with dynamic programming, but I don't really know where to start. Any help would be very appreciated. Thanks.
Seems like Dynamic Programming problem to me.
In here, v,u are arbitrary nodes.
Source node: s
Target node: t
For a node v, such that its outgoing edges are (v,u1) [red/blue], (v,u2) [black].
D(v,i,k) = min { ((v,u1) is red ? D(u1,i+1,k) : D(u1,i-1,k)) + w(v,u1) ,
D(u2,i,k-1) + w(v,u2) }
D(t,0,k) = 0 k <= p
D(v,i,k) = infinity k > p //note, for any v
D(t,i,k) = infinity i != 0
v - the current node
i - #reds_traversed - #blues_traversed
k - #black_edges_left
The stop clauses are at the target node, you end when reaching it, and allow reaching it only with i=0, and with k<=p
The recursive call is checking at each point "what is better? going through black or going though red/blue", and choosing the best solution out of both options.
The idea is, D(v,i,k) is the optimal result to go from v to the target (t), #reds-#blues used is i, and you can use up to k black edges.
From this, we can conclude D(s,0,p) is the optimal result to reach the target from the source.
Since |i| <= n, k<=p<=n - the total run time of the algorithm is O(n^3), assuming implemented in Dynamic Programming.
Edit: Somehow I looked at the "Finding shortest path" phrase in the question and ignored the "length of" phrase where the original question later clarified intent. So both my answers below store lots of extra data in order to easily backtrack the correct path once you have computed its length. If you don't need to backtrack after computing the length, my crude version can change its first dimension from N to 2 and just store one odd J and one even J, overwriting anything older. My faster version can drop all the complexity of managing J,R interactions and also just store its outer level as [0..1][0..H] None of that changes the time much, but it changes the storage a lot.
To understand my answer, first understand a crude N^3 answer: (I can't figure out whether my actual answer has better worst case than crude N^3 but it has much better average case).
Note that N must be odd, represent that as N=2H+1. (P also must be odd. Just decrement P if given an even P. But reject the input if N is even.)
Store costs using 3 real coordinates and one implied coordinate:
J = column 0 to N
R = count of red edges 0 to H
B = count of black edges 0 to P
S = side odd or even (S is just B%1)
We will compute/store cost[J][R][B] as the lowest cost way to reach column J using exactly R red edges and exactly B black edges. (We also used J-R blue edges, but that fact is redundant).
For convenience write to cost directly but read it through an accessor c(j,r,b) that returns BIG when r<0 || b<0 and returns cost[j][r][b] otherwise.
Then the innermost step is just:
If (S)
cost[J+1][R][B] = red[J]+min( c(J,R-1,B), c(J,R-1,B-1)+black[J] );
cost[J+1][R][B] = blue[J]+min( c(J,R,B), c(J,R,B-1)+black[J] );
Initialize cost[0][0][0] to zero and for the super crude version initialize all other cost[0][R][B] to BIG.
You could super crudely just loop through in increasing J sequence and whatever R,B sequence you like computing all of those.
At the end, we can find the answer as:
min( min(cost[N][H][all odd]), black[N]+min(cost[N][H][all even]) )
But half the R values aren't really part of the problem. In the first half any R>J are impossible and in the second half any R<J+H-N are useless. You can easily avoid computing those. With a slightly smarter accessor function, you could avoid using the positions you never computed in the boundary cases of ones you do need to compute.
If any new cost[J][R][B] is not smaller than a cost of the same J, R, and S but lower B, that new cost is useless data. If the last dim of the structure were map instead of array, we could easily compute in a sequence that drops that useless data from both the storage space and the time. But that reduced time is then multiplied by log of the average size (up to P) of those maps. So probably a win on average case, but likely a loss on worst case.
Give a little thought to the data type needed for cost and the value needed for BIG. If some precise value in that data type is both as big as the longest path and as small as half the max value that can be stored in that data type, then that is a trivial choice for BIG. Otherwise you need a more careful choice to avoid any rounding or truncation.
If you followed all that, you probably will understand one of the better ways that I thought was too hard to explain: This will double the element size but cut the element count to less than half. It will get all the benefits of the std::map tweak to the basic design without the log(P) cost. It will cut the average time way down without hurting the time of pathological cases.
Define a struct CB that contains cost and black count. The main storage is a vector<vector<CB>>. The outer vector has one position for every valid J,R combination. Those are in a regular pattern so we could easily compute the position in the vector of a given J,R or the J,R of a given position. But it is faster to keep those incrementally so J and R are implied rather than directly used. The vector should be reserved to its final size, which is approx N^2/4. It may be best if you pre compute the index for H,0
Each inner vector has C,B pairs in strictly increasing B sequence and within each S, strictly decreasing C sequence . Inner vectors are generated one at a time (in a temp vector) then copied to their final location and only read (not modified) after that. Within generation of each inner vector, candidate C,B pairs will be generated in increasing B sequence. So keep the position of bestOdd and bestEven while building the temp vector. Then each candidate is pushed into the vector only if it has a lower C than best (or best doesn't exist yet). We can also treat all B<P+J-N as if B==S so lower C in that range replaces rather than pushing.
The implied (never stored) J,R pairs of the outer vector start with (0,0) (1,0) (1,1) (2,0) and end with (N-1,H-1) (N-1,H) (N,H). It is fastest to work with those indexes incrementally, so while we are computing the vector for implied position J,R, we would have V as the actual position of J,R and U as the actual position of J-1,R and minU as the first position of J-1,? and minV as the first position of J,? and minW as the first position of J+1,?
In the outer loop, we trivially copy minV to minU and minW to both minV and V, and pretty easily compute the new minW and decide whether U starts at minU or minU+1.
The loop inside that advances V up to (but not including) minW, while advancing U each time V is advanced, and in typical positions using the vector at position U-1 and the vector at position U together to compute the vector for position V. But you must cover the special case of U==minU in which you don't use the vector at U-1 and the special case of U==minV in which you use only the vector at U-1.
When combining two vectors, you walk through them in sync by B value, using one, or the other to generate a candidate (see above) based on which B values you encounter.
Concept: Assuming you understand how a value with implied J,R and explicit C,B is stored: Its meaning is that there exists a path to column J at cost C using exactly R red branches and exactly B black branches and there does not exist exists a path to column J using exactly R red branches and the same S in which one of C' or B' is better and the other not worse.
Your exponential algorithm is essentially a depth-first search tree, where you keep track of the cost as you descend.
You could make it branch-and-bound by keeping track of the best solution seen so far, and pruning any branches that would go beyond the best so far.
Or, you could make it a breadth-first search, ordered by cost, so as soon as you find any solution, it is among the best.
The way I've done this in the past is depth-first, but with a budget.
I prune any branches that would go beyond the budget.
Then I run if with budget 0.
If it doesn't find any solutions, I run it with budget 1.
I keep incrementing the budget until I get a solution.
This might seem like a lot of repetition, but since each run visits many more nodes than the previous one, the previous runs are not significant.
This is exponential in the cost of the solution, not in the size of the network.

Prolog Recursion with lists

I am having a difficult time understand recursion in prolog. I can read examples and sometimes understand, but I mostly have a difficult time implementing them. For example, could someone code me how to find the summation all the elements in a list, and go through it? and tips on how to approach a question like this? Thanks!
A general "good" explanation is not possible, because a good explanation needs to link to the previous knoledgment of the person. I'm going, by example, assume you are able to made a "proof by induction".
Step1: Let start by the initial fact, "the sum of a set with a single element is the element itself". In prolog:
Step2: if the sum of a set Q is SQ, the sum of this set adding one element H is H+SQ. In prolog:
sum([H|Q],R) :- sum(Q,SQ), R is H+SQ.
thats all, you have the problem solved. But...
In general, we try to start by the most basic set, the empty one, so replace "step 1" that becames now: the sum of the elements of an empty set is 0:
Finally, prolog is more efficiente if the rules are tail recursive (if the execution environment is not able to optimice by itself). That means a little change:
sum([H|Q],SQ,R) :- T is SQ+H, sum(Q,T,R).
these rules can be understood as: Assume (assert) that sum of Q is SQ. In this case, sum of set Q plus an element H is SQ+H. The first one means, when there are no more elements in the pending set, the result is directly the acumulated sum.
Thinking recursively can be hard. See my answer to the question "Prolog programming - path way to a solution" for links to good resources on how to think recursively.
For instance, most recursive problems can be broken down into a few (1 or 2) special cases, and then, the general case. In your case — computing the sum of a list of numbers — one might look at it has having 1 or two special cases. First, you have to make a decision: What is the sum of an empty list? One might argue either that the sum of an empty list is zero, or that an empty list has no sum. Either is, arguable, a perfectly valid point-of-view.
In either event, the special cases are
[]. The empty list. The sum of the empty list is either 0, or nothing (in which case your predicate should fail.)
[100]. A list of length one. The sum of a list of length 1 is obviously that value of the first and only entry.
And the more general case:
[100,101,102]. The sum of a list of length greater than 1 can be computed by taking the value of the first item in the list and computing the sum of the remainder. Note that
The solution is defined in terms of itself, and
The problem is made smaller (by removing the 1st item from the list).
Eventually, the problem will degenerate into one of the special cases, right?
Given all that, let us suppose that we've decided that the sum of the empty list is to be 0. That means our 2nd special case (a single element list) goes away, leaving us with a solution that can be described as
The sum of an empty list is 0.
The sum of a non-empty list is computed by
removing the 1st item from the list,
computing the sum of the remaining items,
adding the value of the 1st item to the sum of the remainder.
And since prolog is a declarative language, our solution is going to be pretty much identical to the description of the solution:
sum_of_list( [] , 0 ) .
sum_of_list( [N|Ns] , S ) :-
sum_of_list(Ns,T) ,
S is T+N
The c

Fastest way for a random unique subset of C++ tr1 unordered_set

This question is related to
this one, and more precisely to this answer to it.
Here goes: I have a C++/TR1 unordered_set U of unsigned ints (rough cardinality 100-50000, rough value range 0 to 10^6).
Given a cardinality N, I want to as quickly as possible iterate over N random but
unique members of U. There is no typical value for N, but it should
work fast for small N.
In more detail, the notion of "randomness" here is
that two calls should produce somewhat different subsets -- the more different,
the better, but this is not too crucial. I would e.g. be happy with a continuous
(or wrapped-around continuous)
block of N members of U, as long as the start index of the block is random.
Non-continuous at the same cost is better, but the main concern is speed. U changes
mildly, but constantly between calls (ca. 0-10 elements inserted/erased between calls).
How far I've come:
Trivial approach: Pick random index i such that (i+N-1) < |U|.
Get an iterator it to U.begin(), advance it i times using it++, and then start
the actual loop over the subset. Advantage: easy. Disadvantage: waste of ++'es.
The bucket approach (and this I've "newly" derived from above link):
Pick i as above, find the bucket b in which the i-th element is in, get a local_iterator lit
to U.begin(b), advance lit via lit++ until we hit the i-th element of U, and from then on keep incrementing lit for N times. If we hit the end of the bucket,
we continue with lit from the beginning of the next bucket. If I want to make it
more random I can pick i completely random and wrap around the buckets.
My open questions:
For point 2 above, is it really the case that I cannot somehow get an
iterator into U once I've found the i-th element? This would spare me
the bucket boundary control, etc. For me as quite a
beginner, it seems unperceivable that the standard forward iterator should know how to
continue traversing U when at the i-th item, but when I found the i-th item myself,
it should not be possible to traverse U other than through point 2 above.
What else can I do? Do you know anything even much smarter/more random? If possible, I don't want to get involved in manual
control of bucket sizes, hash functions, and the like, as this is a bit over my head.
Depending on what runtime guarantees you want, there's a famous O(n) algorithm for picking k random elements out of a stream of numbers in one pass. To understand the algorithm, let's see it first for the case where we want to pick just one element out of the set, then we'll generalize it to work for picking k elements. The advantage of this approach is that it doesn't require any advance knowledge of the size of the input set and guarantees provably uniform sampling of elements, which is always pretty nice.
Suppose that we want to pick one element out of the set. To do this, we'll make a pass over all of the elements in the set and at each point will maintain a candidate element that we're planning on returning. As we iterate across the list of elements, we'll update our guess with some probability until at the very end we've chosen a single element with uniform probability. At each point, we will maintain the following invariant:
After seeing k elements, the probability that any of the first k elements is currently chosen as the candidate element is 1 / k.
If we maintain this invariant across the entire array, then after seeing all n elements, each of them has a 1 / n chance of being the candidate element. Thus the candidate element has been sampled with uniformly random probability.
To see how the algorithm works, let's think about what it has to do to maintain the invariant. Suppose that we've just seen the very first element. To maintain the above invariant, we have to choose it with probability 1, so we'll set our initial guess of the candidate element to be the first element.
Now, when we come to the second element, we need to hold the invariant that each element is chosen with probability 1/2, since we've seen two elements. So let's suppose that with probability 1/2 we choose the second element. Then we know the following:
The probability that we've picked the second element is 1/2.
The probability that we've picked the first element is the probability that we chose it the first time around (1) times the probability that we didn't just pick the second element (1/2). This comes out to 1/2 as well.
So at this point the invariant is still maintained! Let's see what happens when we come to the third element. At this point, we need to ensure that each element is picked with probability 1/3. Well, suppose that with probability 1/3 we choose the last element. Then we know that
The probability that we've picked the third element is 1/3.
The probability that we've picked either of the first two elements is the probability that it was chosen after the first two steps (1/2) times the probability that we didn't choose the third element (2/3). This works out to 1/3.
So again, the invariant holds!
The general pattern here looks like this: After we've seen k elements, each of the elements has a 1/k chance of being picked. When we see the (k + 1)st element, we choose it with probability 1 / (k + 1). This means that it's chosen with probability 1 / (k + 1), and all of the elements before it are chosen with probability equal to the odds that we picked it before (1 / k) and didn't pick the (k + 1)st element this time (k / (k + 1)), which gives those elements each a probability of 1 / (k + 1) of being chosen. Since this maintains the invariant at each step, we've got ourselves a great algorithm:
Choose the first element as the candidate when you see it.
For each successive element, replace the candidate element with that element with probability 1 / k, where k is the number of elements seen so far.
This runs in O(n) time, requires O(1) space, and gives back a uniformly-random element out of the data stream.
Now, let's see how to scale this up to work if we want to pick k elements out of the set, not just one. The idea is extremely similar to the previous algorithm (which actually ends up being a special case of the more general one). Instead of maintaining one candidate, we maintain k different candidates, stored in an array that we number 1, 2, ..., k. At each point, we maintain this invariant:
After seeing m > k elements, the probability that any of the first m elements is chosen is
k / m.
If we scan across the entire array, this means that when we're done, each element has probability k / n of being chosen. Since we're picking k different elements, this means that we sample the elements out of the array uniformly at random.
The algorithm is similar to before. First, choose the first k elements out of the set with probability 1. This means that when we've seen k elements, the probability that any of them have been picked is 1 = k / k and the invariant holds. Now, assume inductively that the invariant holds after m iterations and consider the (m + 1)st iteration. Choose a random number between 1 and (m + 1), inclusive. If we choose a number between 1 and k (inclusive), replace that candidate element with the next element. Otherwise, do not choose the next element. This means that we pick the next element with probability k / (m + 1) as required. The probability that any of the first m elements are chosen is then the probability that they were chosen before (k / m) times the probability that we didn't choose the slot containing that element (m / (m + 1)), which gives a total probability of being chosen of k / (m + 1) as required. By induction, this proves that the algorithm perfectly uniformly and randomly samples k elements out of the set!
Moreover, the runtime is O(n), which is proportional to the size of the set, which is completely independent of the number of elements you want to choose. It also uses only O(k) memory and makes no assumptions whatsoever about the type of the elements being stored.
Since you're trying to do this for C++, as a shameless self-promotion, I have an implementation of this algorithm (written as an STL algorithm) available here on my personal website. Feel free to use it!
Hope this helps!