ember-cli sinon.js xhr tests examples? - ember.js

So, I want to test the XHR requests on an ember-cli app, After endless googling/searching, I couldn't find a good resource/test suites that explains/shows how to use sinon's fakeServer or useFakeXMLHttpRequest, most of the examples shows you some very basic tests with fake data.
Are there any real examples/projects I could look at to learn from?
Thanks in advance


Framework for E2E tests akka-http

Asking this question because I am trying to figure out the framework which is most widely used for integration testing akka-http. How to automate those tests in Jenkins? Probably a rookie question but ideas are appreciated. Thanks
EDIT from comments:
What have you tried so far? So far I tried implementing 1. Jest 2. Using Testkit, IntegrationPatience Where are you stuck? Both the approaches doesn't look like standard to me and since I have app deployed in multiple locations, I am trying to understand if there is any framework out there which I can use to setup. The app is deployed to multiple data centers which may have different environment variables.
There are a bunch of ways to test a microservice developed using akka-http:
Unit testing
Functional / Integration testing
E2E testing
Load testing
Unit testing using route-testkit (https://doc.akka.io/docs/akka-http/current/routing-dsl/testkit.html)
Functional testing & E2E testing using Akka HTTP client API (https://doc.akka.io/docs/akka-http/current/client-side/index.html) with API contracts you can validate the status codes and response body.
Load testing can be achieved using a bunch of tools, specifically in Scala you can take a look at Gatling.

What should I use instead of DS.FixtureAdapter

You gotta love ember.js team... I'm getting this depreciation message saying that: "DS.FixtureAdapter has been deprecated and moved into an unsupported addon: https://github.com/emberjs/ember-data-fixture-adapter/tree/master". Guys maintaining that addon advise that we should use a library similar to Pretender. Has anybody done that? Is there a tutorial showing how to integrate this lib so that everything would work as before?
If you are using ember-cli it comes with an http-mock out of the box letting you quickly setup fixtures in a more realistic test scenario. For instance, for a Conversation model you would mock it by running the following prompt on your command line.
ember g http-mock conversations
This will scaffold an endpoint located at server/mocks/conversations.js that your real adapters will use to get data when you run ember serve. You can modify this file to your liking to return whatever fixtures / mock data you want for the various CRUD operations you need.
Server mocks:
Ember CLI's http-mock
Clientside mocks:
jQuery mockjax
Ember CLI Mirage, basically sugar around Pretender
Clientside mocking has some advantages like portability, making it easy to use in a CI environment, but server mocks let you take advantage of express middleware.
Note: I maintain Mirage. You can watch a screencast & overview here.
I like to use http-mocks with ember-cli. In addition I like to use raw JSON files as the payloads for each endpoint here is an example setup https://github.com/pixelhandler/ember-fixturific/pull/1/files

What is the bare minimum installation suite for unit testing in AngularJS?

I'm attempting to learn AngularJS. One of the things that attracts me is its claim of separation of concerns and unit testability. So it defeats me completely to understand why I should need to install Node.js, or any web server, to test (say) an AngularJS controller which does no DOM manipulation or call out to any web services.
Can anyone give me a definitive bare-minimum list of what is required to unit test AngularJS code?
I'm going assume that you understand the difference between end-to-end testing and unit testing in Angular, so you're only asking about what it takes to do unit testing, right?
Basically you're going to need pretty much everything that comes with the seed project. The seed project uses Karma as the test runner to execute the javascript that you've written. Step 02 of the AngularJS Tutorial (found here) walks through writing some simple tests and executing them using Karma. Everything required to do that comes with the seed-project.
Those required things are:
An angularjs app
Node.js (installed)
Some jasmine-style unit tests
If you don't want to use the seed project, you can use Step 02 of the tutorial as a spring board and just follow the Karma docs to download and install Karma and get it running.
I hope that helps.

Testing phantomJS scripts

I have a phantomjs script that navigates to some pages and store some information about them in a file. Now I want to unit test this script. My problem is that usually the frameworks test my code on client side, so I can't use the PhantomJS API.
I tried to use jasmine-node (https://github.com/mhevery/jasmine-node). It works "server-side", but I can't use all the PhantomJS API because it obviously run my tests with nodejs instead of phantom. Is there a better option to test PhantomJS apps at server-side?
I found two solutions. I think the most complete way to test phantomJS at "server side" is to use CasperJS.
Another solution I have found looking at the phantomjs source code. They use jasmine for testing and it's possible to apply the same idea to my own tests. The run-tests.js is the starting point for this approach.

Unit-testing ExtJS app with Selenium

How do you go about unit-testing ExtJS web apps using Selenium?
Can you point me to some web resources or book regarding this issue?
What pieces of your application are you looking to test using Selenium? Unit testing implies smaller pieces than a full "UI" test, from my perspective. If you're looking to do true unit testing, you will probably want to pull in some library like jsUnit or qUnit and then just have Selenium run those tests, and then grab the resulting information.
I haven't directly used Selenium to test the view itself, since I've always considered that to be pretty solid, coming directly from the Sencha crew. If you're trying to go down this road, your best bet would probably be to search the official selenium user group. They appear fairly active. The user group would potentially be a good resource for asking questions, as well. While keeping in mind that ExtJS is just a powerful way to alter the DOM in a very dynamic fashion.
...and I just noticed the links off to other pages that have already been provided. Still valid data, so I'm going to post it anyways. :)