How to escape single quote in Vtiger Webservice - web-services

Does anyone know how to escape a single quote (') when executing a query with the Vtiger webservice?
I've tried the following:
select * from Contacts where lastname = "O'Connor";
select * from Contacts where lastname = 'O\'Connor';
select * from Contacts where lastname = 'O\\'Connor';
select * from Contacts where lastname = 'O%'Connor';
select * from Contacts where lastname = 'O%%'Connor';
The error that I get is:
{u'error': {u'code': u'QUERY_SYNTAX_ERROR',
u'message': u"Syntax Error on line 1: token 'Connor' Unexpected COLUMNNAME(Connor), expected one of: SEMICOLON",
u'xdebug_message': u"\nWebServiceException: Syntax Error on line 1: token 'Connor' Unexpected COLUMNNAME(Connor), expected one of: SEMICOLON in /var/www/sites/vtigercrm6_test/include/Webservices/VTQL_Parser.php on line 1499\n\nCall Stack:\n 0.0001 221800 1. {main}() /var/www/sites/vtigercrm6_test/webservice.php:0\n 0.0163 3089752 2. OperationManager->runOperation() /var/www/sites/vtigercrm6_test/webservice.php:134\n"},
u'success': False}
Vtiger Webservice Reference

I was able to figure it out - double single quotes!!
select * from Contacts where lastname = 'O''Connor';


Read multiline log with regular expression using python

I want to select executed query from log file. Specifically an example would look something like this:
2019-01-10 10:33:21 +07 dvdrentalLOG: statement: SELECT last_update
2019-03-06 14:07:06 +07 dvdrentalLOG: statement: SELECT film_id, title
WHERE film_id = 1
I want to get the queries using looping. desired output:
query1 : SELECT last_update From
query2 : SELECT film_id, title FROM WHERE film_id = 1
This I have tried:
import re
def parseFile(filepath):
with open(filepath,'r') as log:
regex = re.compile(r'(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2})(.*)',re.MULTILINE|re.DOTALL)
for line in log:
date = regex.findall(line)
if date == []:
filepath = 'text.txt'
[('2019-01-10', ' 10:33:21 +07 dvdrentalLOG: statement: SELECT last_update \n')]
[('2019-03-06', ' 14:07:06 +07 dvdrentalLOG: statement: SELECT film_id, title\n')]
the output don't select all the queries. what should I do?
You can adapt your code like this (you need to read the whole file before parsing it, if you read line by line as you did in your code, your regex will only parse a line after another and will never be able to select the whole SQL queries split on several lines) :
import re
def parseFile(filepath):
with open(filepath,'r') as log:
regex = re.compile(r'(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2})(.*?)(?=\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}|$)',re.MULTILINE|re.DOTALL)
lines = re.sub('\n|\s{2,}',' ','\n', '')
date = regex.findall(lines)
if date == []:
filepath = 'query.log'
[('2019-01-10', ' 10:33:21 +07 dvdrentalLOG: statement: SELECT last_update From '), ('2019-03-06', ' 14:07:06 +07 dvdrentalLOG: statement: SELECT film_id, title FROM WHERE film_id = 1 ')]
Where the regex (using positive lookahead to limit the number of characters matched by .*?) used is detailed here:
You're only processing a single line at a time (via the for line in log: loop), so your regex only applies to a single line at a time. It couldn't match across lines because you're not giving it multiple lines at a time to match across.
You could instead read the entire file via and then call .findall on that.

How to get the last element in Pig Script

I want to get the last element of a line using pig script. I cant use $ as the index of last element is not fixed. I tried using Regular Expression but it is not working. I tried using $-1 to get it but it didn't work. I am posting only a sample as my actual file contains more of PID's.
PID|1|YXQ120185751001|YXQ120185751001||ELJKDP##PDUB||19790615|F||| H LGGH VW��ZHVW FKHVWHU�SD�19380|||||||4002C340778A|000009561|ELJKDP##PDUB19790615F
i want ot get the last value of PID i;e ELJKDP##PDUB19790615F
for that i have tried below code's but it is not working.
Code 1:
STOCK_A = LOAD '/user/rt/PARSED' USING PigStorage('|');
data = FILTER STOCK_A BY ($0 matches '.*PID.*');
MSH_DATA = FOREACH data GENERATE $2 AS id, $5 AS ame , $7 AS dob, $8 AS gender, $-1 AS rk;
Code 2:
STOCK_A = LOAD '/user/rt/PARSED' USING PigStorage('|');
data = FILTER STOCK_A BY ($0 matches '.*PID.*');
MSH_DATA = FOREACH data GENERATE $2 AS id, $5 AS ame , $7 AS dob, $8 AS gender, REGEX_EXTRACT(data,'\\s*(\\w+)$',1) AS rk;
Error for Code 2:
ERROR - ERROR 1200: Pig script failed
to parse: Invalid scalar projection: data : A
column needs to be projected from a relation for it to be used as a
Please help
This should work
REGEX_EXTRACT(data,'([^|]+$)',1) AS rk
[^|]+$ matches everything to the right of the last pipe character.

Excel data import in specific cell

I would like to list up devices and put their prices next to them.
My goal is to check different sites every week and notice trends.
This is a hobby project, I know there are sites that already do this.
For instance:
Device | URL Site 1 | Site 1 | URL Site 2 | Site 2
Device a | http://... | €40,00 | http://... | €45,00
Device b | http://... | €28,00 | http://... | €30,50
Manually, this is a lot of work (checking every week), so I thought a Macro in Excel would help. The thing is, I would like to put the data in a single cell and excel only recognises tables. Solution: view source code, read price, export price to specific cell.
I think this is all possible within Excel, but I can't quiet figure out how to read the price or other given data and how to put it in one specific cell. Can I specify coordinates in the source code, or is there a more effective way of thinking?
First of all you have to find out how does the website works. For the page you asked I have done the following:
Opened page in Chrome.
Typed BOSCH WTW 85230 in the search box, suggestion list appeared.
Pressed F12 to open developer tools and clicked Network tab.
Each time I was typing, the new request appeared (see yellow areas):
Clicked the request to examine general info:
You can see that it uses GET method and some parameters including url-encoded product name.
Clicked the Response tab to examine the data returning from the server:
You can see it is a regular JSON, full content is as follows:
{"suggestions":[{"attributes":{"energyefficiencyclass":"A++","modelnumber":"2004975","availabilityindicator":"10","customerrating":"0.00000","ImageUrl":"","collection":"shop","id":"MediaDEdece2358813","currentprice":"444.00","availabilitytext":"Lieferung in 11-12 Werktagen"},"hitCount":0,"image":"","name":"BOSCH WTW 85230 Kondensationstrockner mit Warmepumpentechnologie (8 kg, A++)","priority":9775,"searchParams":"/Search.ff?query=BOSCH+WTW+85230+Kondensationstrockner+mit+W%C3%A4rmepumpentechnologie+%288+kg%2C+A+%2B+%2B+%29\u0026channel=mmdede","type":"productName"}]}
Here you can find "currentprice":"444.00" property with the price.
Simplified the request by throwing out some optional parameters, it turned out that the same JSON response can be received by the URL
That data was enough to built some code, assuming that first column intended for products:
Option Explicit
Sub TestMediaMarkt()
Dim oRange As Range
Dim aResult() As String
Dim i As Long
Dim sURL As String
Dim sRespText As String
' set source range with product names from column A
Set oRange = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(1).Range("A1:A3")
' create one column array the same size
ReDim aResult(1 To oRange.Rows.Count, 1 To 1)
' loop rows one by one, make XHR for each product
For i = 1 To oRange.Rows.Count
' build up URL
sURL = "" & EncodeUriComponent(oRange.Cells(i, 1).Value)
' retrieve HTML content
With CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
.Open "GET", sURL, False
sRespText = .responseText
End With
' regular expression for price property
With CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
.Global = True
.MultiLine = True
.IgnoreCase = True
.Pattern = """currentprice""\:""([\d.]+)""" ' capture digits after 'currentprice' in submatch
With .Execute(sRespText)
If .Count = 0 Then ' no matches, something going wrong
aResult(i, 1) = "N/A"
Else ' store the price to the array from the submatch
aResult(i, 1) = .Item(0).Submatches(0)
End If
End With
End With
' output resultion array to column B
Output Sheets(1).Range("B1"), aResult
End Sub
Function EncodeUriComponent(strText)
Static objHtmlfile As Object
If objHtmlfile Is Nothing Then
Set objHtmlfile = CreateObject("htmlfile")
objHtmlfile.parentWindow.execScript "function encode(s) {return encodeURIComponent(s)}", "jscript"
End If
EncodeUriComponent = objHtmlfile.parentWindow.encode(strText)
End Function
Sub Output(oDstRng As Range, aCells As Variant)
With oDstRng
With .Resize( _
UBound(aCells, 1) - LBound(aCells, 1) + 1, _
UBound(aCells, 2) - LBound(aCells, 2) + 1 _
.NumberFormat = "#"
.Value = aCells
End With
End With
End Sub
Filled worksheet with some product names:
Launched the sub and got the result:
It is just the example how to retrieve a data from the website via XHR and parse a response with RegExp, I hope it helps.

python replace string function throws asterix wildcard error

When i use * i receive the error
raise error, v # invalid expression
error: nothing to repeat
other wildcard characters such as ^ work fine.
the line of code:
df.columns = df.columns.str.replace('*agriculture', 'agri')
am using pandas and python
when I try using / to escape, the wildcard does not work as i intend
In[44]df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['agriculture', 'dfad agriculture df'])
Empty DataFrame
Columns: [agriculture, dfad agriculture df]
Index: []
Out[46]: Index([u'agri', u'dfad agri df'], dtype='object')
I thought the wildcard should output Index([u'agri', u'agri'], dtype='object)
I am currently using hierarchical columns and would like to only replace agri for that specific level (level = 2).
df.columns[0] = ('grand total', '2005', 'agriculture')
df.columns[1] = ('grand total', '2005', 'other')
df.columns[0] = ('grand total', '2005', 'agri')
df.columns[1] = ('grand total', '2005', 'other')
I'm looking at this link right now: Changing columns names in Pandas with hierarchical columns
and that author says it will get easier at 0.15.0 so I am hoping there are more recent updated solutions
You need to the asterisk * at the end in order to match the string 0 or more times, see the docs:
In [287]:
df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['agriculture'])
Empty DataFrame
Columns: [agriculture]
Index: []
In [289]:
df.columns.str.replace('agriculture*', 'agri')
Index(['agri'], dtype='object')
Based on your new and actual requirements, you can use str.contains to find matches and then use this to build a dict to map the old against new names and then call rename:
In [307]:
matching_cols = df.columns[df.columns.str.contains('agriculture')]
df.rename(columns = dict(zip(matching_cols, ['agri'] * len(matching_cols))))
Empty DataFrame
Columns: [agri, agri]
Index: []

REGEXP_SUBSTR Is taking more time for execution in Oracle

I am trying to split a comma separated email string into individual email ids which are comma separated but each email id is enclosed inside single quotation.
My Input is ',,,'
My Output Should be: '','','',''
I am going to use the output string above in oracle query where condition like...
Where EmailId's in ( '','','','');
I am using the following code to achieve this
(REGEXP_SUBSTR(',,,' ,'[^,]+', 1, LEVEL))
CONNECT BY LEVEL <= LENGTH(',,,' ) - LENGTH(REPLACE(',,,' , ',', '')) +1;
But the above query taking 60 seconds to return only 16 records. Can any one suggest me the best approach for this...
Try this,
WHERE email IN (
select regexp_substr(',,,','[^,]+', 1, level) from dual
connect by regexp_substr(',,,', '[^,]+', 1, level) is not null );