so I get this error when i run my code
Error in module (TraCIDemoRSU11p) RSUExampleScenario.rsu[0].appl (id=8) at event #4000, t=45.40151998544: std::length_error: basic_string::_M_create.
TRAPPING on the exception above, due to a debug-on-errors=true configuration option. Is your debugger ready?
it shows that I have this issue at this line after looping multiple times
VehTD = *iteh2;
please be informed that I'm trying to remove from this vehicle list to another vehicle list and delete the moved items.
std::list<std::pair<std::string,std::string>>::const_iterator iteh2 = waitingList.begin();
for (std::list<std::pair<std::string,std::string>>::const_iterator iteh = waitingList.begin(); iteh != waitingList.end() && !waitingList.empty(); ){
iteh2 = iteh;
cout<<"Veh ID TF 1:";
VehTD = *iteh2;
cout<<"Veh ID TF 2:";
CompareResult3 = Locks(Locked,VehTD.second);
if(CompareResult3.second == 1 || CompareResult3.second == 2 ){
//remove from waiting and add to crossing
std::string ehk = "";
simtime_t VehicleT = simTime();
std::pair<std::pair<std::string, std::string>, simtime_t> VehicleWithTime;
iteh2 = waitingList.erase(iteh2);
I'm using Oment++ 5.0 and veins 4.4
I put a try and catch at this function, and it seems that the exception happens towards the end of the list.
I have this output:
WCounter 1
WCounter 2
Moving from waiting list Timer Function Exception
WCounter 1
WCounter 2
WCounter 3
Moving from waiting list Timer Function Exception
WCounter 1
WCounter 2
Moving from waiting list Timer Function Exception
The WCounter is a variable to show how many times it looped before having the exception at the point explained earlier.
based on request I added the locks function:
std::pair<std::list<std::string>,int> TraCIDemoRSU11p::Locks(std::list<std::string> alreadyLocked, std::string laneNo){
bool debugL;
//create variables for the lanes for easier use
debugL = false;
zero = "171270266#0_0";
one = "171270266#0_1";
two = "-171270025#1_0";
three = "-171270025#1_1";
four = "-171270266#1_0";
five = "-171270266#1_1";
six = "171270025#0_0";
seven = "171270025#0_1";
//create lists of locks
Locks0 = Locks1 = Locks2 = Locks3 = Locks4 = Locks5 = Locks6 = Locks7 = RequestToLock = {};
CounterOfSimilarLanes = 0;
//set of 0 ,Locks0;
//set of 1 ,Locks1;
//set of 2 ,Locks2;
//set of 3 ,Locks3;
//set of 4 ,Locks4;
//set of 5 ,Locks5;
//set of 6 ,Locks6;
//set of 7 ,Locks7;
//This is the request to lock from the vehicle using its lane number
if (laneNo == zero ){
}else if (laneNo == one){
RequestToLock.insert(RequestToLock.end(),Locks1.begin(),Locks1.end()) ;
}else if (laneNo == two){
RequestToLock.insert(RequestToLock.end(),Locks2.begin(),Locks2.end()) ;
}else if (laneNo == three){
RequestToLock.insert(RequestToLock.end(),Locks3.begin(),Locks3.end()) ;
}else if (laneNo == four){
RequestToLock.insert(RequestToLock.end(),Locks4.begin(),Locks4.end()) ;
}else if (laneNo == five){
RequestToLock.insert(RequestToLock.end(),Locks5.begin(),Locks5.end()) ;
}else if (laneNo == six){
RequestToLock.insert(RequestToLock.end(),Locks6.begin(),Locks6.end()) ;
}else if (laneNo == seven){
RequestToLock.insert(RequestToLock.end(),Locks7.begin(),Locks7.end()) ;
} //if the already locked from the controller is empty so we take the requested lock
catch(const std::exception &e){
cout<<"Preparing Locks Algorithm Exception"<<endl;
if (alreadyLocked.empty()){
markOfLocks = 0;
alreadyLocked.insert(alreadyLocked.end(),RequestToLock.begin(),RequestToLock.end()) ;
Locked.insert(Locked.end(),RequestToLock.begin(),RequestToLock.end()) ;
if (debugL == true){
cout<<"First Lock in the locking algorithm"<<endl;
// dumplistLock(Locked);
ReturnOfLocks = make_pair(alreadyLocked,markOfLocks);
}else{ // if the already locked by the controller isnt empty, so we need to compare the request with it
//Search for similar items in the 2 lists
for(std::list<std::string>::/*const_*/iterator it_1 = alreadyLocked.begin();it_1 != alreadyLocked.end();)
for(std::list<std::string>::/*const_*/iterator it_2 = RequestToLock.begin(); it_2 != RequestToLock.end();)
if(*it_1 == *it_2)
if (RequestToLock == alreadyLocked){
markOfLocks = 1;
Locked = {};
Locked.insert(Locked.end(),alreadyLocked.begin(),alreadyLocked.end()) ;
if (debugL == true){
cout<<"Same Lane"<<endl;
ReturnOfLocks = make_pair(alreadyLocked,markOfLocks);
}else if(CounterOfSimilarLanes == 0){ //if the request is concurrent meaning totally different locks
markOfLocks = 2;
//alreadyLocked.insert(alreadyLocked.end(),RequestToLock.begin(),RequestToLock.end()) ;
Locked = {};
Locked.insert(Locked.end(),alreadyLocked.begin(),alreadyLocked.end()) ;
if (debugL == true){
cout<<"Concurrent Lane"<<endl;
}else if(CounterOfSimilarLanes == 1 || CounterOfSimilarLanes == 2){ // if there's a similarity is 1 lock at least so it leads to conflict
markOfLocks = 3;
Locked = {};
Locked.insert(Locked.end(),alreadyLocked.begin(),alreadyLocked.end()) ;
if (debugL == true){
cout<< "opposite Lane"<<endl;
ReturnOfLocks = make_pair(alreadyLocked,markOfLocks);
markOfLocks = 1;
Locked.insert(Locked.end(),alreadyLocked.begin(),alreadyLocked.end()) ;
if (debugL == true){
cout<<"default case"<<endl;
ReturnOfLocks = make_pair(alreadyLocked,markOfLocks);
}catch(const std::exception &e){
cout<<"Lock Cases Exceptions"<<endl;
return ReturnOfLocks;
}catch(const std::exception &e){
cout<<"No Return of Locks in Locks Alg Exception"<<endl;
so I changed the for loop to a while loop and it didn't show an exception, and not sure why.
therefore the loop looks like this now:
//while loop instead.
std::list<std::pair<std::string,std::string>>::iterator iterwil = waitingList.begin();
std::pair<std::string, std::string> Vehwil ;
while (iterwil != waitingList.end()){
Vehwil = *iterwil;
CompareResult3 = Locks(Locked,Vehwil.second);
if(CompareResult3.second == 1 || CompareResult3.second == 2 ){
if someone has a valid reason to enlighten me on why the while loop works with no exception unlike the for loop that would be great. ^^"
You should use iterator instead of const_iterator because you modify (i.e. delete) indicated element.
By the way, in the code iteh2 is unnecessary - iteh is sufficient as well as VehicleT and ehk variables are not used and may be removed.
I need to write a unit test for this piece of code. I am just learning how to write unit tests. My understanding is that I need to start from the outside and work my way in for the if statements. What exactly am I trying to do in the unit test? How would you approach this task? Sorry I am a complete beginner. Thank you.
Trigger BuildComponentBI on Build_Component__c(before insert , before update) {
if (Trigger.isBefore && (Trigger.isInsert || Trigger.isUpdate)) {
//Double CompVer = 0;
double q = 0;
for (Build_Component__c C: {
if (C.Manual_Override__c == False){
List<Effort_Matrix__c> em = Effort_Matrix__c.getall().values();
q = c.Scale__c;
For(Effort_Matrix__c e:em){
if(e.Component_Name__c == c.Type__c){
if(e.Phase__c == 'Build'){
c.Estimated_Build_Hours__c = e.OOM__c * q;
if(e.phase__c == 'Analysis'){
c.Estimated_Analysis_Hours__c = e.OOM__c * q;
if(e.phase__c == 'SIT'){
c.Estimated_SIT_Hours__c = e.OOM__c * q;
if(e.phase__c == 'Deployment'){
c.Estimated_Deployment_Hours__c = e.OOM__c * q;
if(e.phase__c == 'UAT'){
c.Estimated_UAT_Hours__c = e.OOM__c * q;
if(e.phase__c == 'Unit Test'){
c.Estimated_Unit_Test_Hours__c = e.OOM__c * q;
if(e.phase__c == 'Design'){
c.Estimated_Design_Hours__c = e.OOM__c * q;
You don't test triggers directly.
What you need to do is to create a unit test that inserts and updates the trigger object (Build_Component__c).
private class BuildComponentTest {
#isTest static void testManualOverrideFalseInsert() {
Build_Component__c bc = new Build_Component__c();
bc.Manual_Override__c = false;
insert bc;
Here you'll be testing the insert scenario when the Manual_Override__c boolean is false. Keep adding tests to cover the other conditions inside the if statement until you get the 100% of coverage.
Try to ask questions on the dedicated Salesforce SE you'll get answers quicker.
I got a warning on xcode 6.0.1 that I needed to update my project, so I did...
...but then I got issues with arc4random() % instead
Everything was working fine before this update, but now I get the following message:
"Thread 1: EXC_ARITHMETIC (code = EXC_1386_DIV, Subcode = 0x0) and the game crashes.
I tried with arc4random_uniform but the game seems to "pause" and nothing happens. What I mean is that I could see that it entered the if(bType == pt || bType == pl) statement but there is seems to "pause" and loop endlessly.
any suggestions?
-(void)placeInGrid:(CGPoint)place pt:(int)pt pl:(int)pl amount:(int)amountOfbricks{
//CCLOG(#"pt %d", pt);
//CCLOG(#"pl %d", pl);
int bType = arc4random() % amountOfbricks;
//int bType = arc4random_uniform(amountOfbricks);
if(bType == pt || bType == pl){
CCLOG(#"bType == pt || bType == pl");
[self placeInGrid:place pt:pt pl:pl amount:amountOfbricks];
CCSpriteBatchNode * b = (CCSpriteBatchNode *)[theGame getChildByTag:kSSheet];
mySprite = [CCSprite spriteWithBatchNode:b rect:[self setBrickType:bType]];
[b addChild:mySprite z:1];
self.bricksType =bType;
[self.mySprite setPosition:place];
the if-else statement below looks for saved data at the beginning of the game, to see if it´s a saved game or a new game.
The problem as it seems, after the project update is that the game thinks that there is already saved data and it goes to the first if statement ( if(gameData)), causing amountofbricks to be equal to 0, instead of going into the else statement where amountofbricks is equal to 4.
I don´t know how to solve this issue.
if ([[GameManager sharedGameManager] isContinuePressed] == NO && [[GameManager sharedGameManager] isNewPressed] == YES) {
CCLOG(#"gameData && isContinuePressed == NO && isNewPressed == YES");
//Set the local instance of myobject to the object held in the gameState filler with the key "myObject"
level = 1;
[[GameManager sharedGameManager] setHScore:[decoder decodeIntegerForKey:#"HighScore"]];
highscore = [[GameManager sharedGameManager] ReturnHScore];
countTime = 300;
AmountOfBricks = [[GameManager sharedGameManager] ReturnAmountOfBricks];
BeginningOfGame = YES;
CCLOG(#"AmountOfBricks %d", AmountOfBricks);
CCLOG(#"!gameData && isContinuePressed == NO && isNewPressed == YES");
if([[GameManager sharedGameManager]isThereASavedGame] ==YES){
CCLOG(#"isThereASavedGame == YES");
score = 0;
highscore = [[GameManager sharedGameManager] ReturnHScore];
level = 1;
countTime = 300;
AmountOfBricks = 4;
BeginningOfGame = YES;
CCLOG(#"AmountOfBricks %d", AmountOfBricks);
CCLOG(#"isThereASavedGame == NO");
score = 0;
highscore = 0;
level = 1;
countTime = 300;
AmountOfBricks = 4;
BeginningOfGame = YES;
CCLOG(#"AmountOfBricks %d", AmountOfBricks);
UPDATE: I found the issue.
the issue was in my game manager.m file.
NSMutableData *gameData;
NSKeyedUnarchiver *decoder = nil;
NSString *documentPath = [documentsDirectory stringByAppendingPathComponent: #"gameState.dat"];
gameData = [NSData dataWithContentsOfFile:documentPath];//before the update, I as using this line. was working perfectly. after the update I got a warning on this line "incompatible pointer" and xcode recommended to update to the line below but the line below started to return a zero value. which caused the game to crash.
//gameData = [NSMutableData dataWithData:[NSData dataWithContentsOfFile:documentPath]];
I wager amountOfBricks is 0. You can't modulo by 0 like you can't divide by 0.
I know "printf" is standard-c and should be deterministic. But when run in Qt I see a more non-deterministic response(clock cycles). Could this be due to Qt adding some "pork" to its response?
I have multiple threads that make call to function that uses a mutex. When one thread enters it set a switch so the others can't until it is done. Things appeared to work ok for acouple seconds and then threads appeared to be killed off from 10 to 1 thread. So I tried adding a delay: (k=k+1: no help), then (looping k=k+1: no help), (usleep works), and so does (printf) work at creating a random delay and allowing all threads to continue running.
void CCB::Write(int iThread)
static bool bUse = false;
bool bDone = false;
char cStr[20];
int posWrite;// = *m_posWrite; // issue of posWrite be altered with next extrance
long k = 0;
long m = 0;
while(bDone == false){
if(bUse == false){
bUse = true;
posWrite = *m_posWrite;
memcpy(m_cmMessageCB + posWrite, &m_cmMessageWrite, sizeof(typeCanMessage));
memset(cStr, '\0', 20);
memcpy(cStr, (m_cmMessageCB + posWrite)->cMessage, 11); //fails: every 20
*m_posWrite = *m_posWrite + 1;
if(*m_posWrite == m_iNBufferLength)
*m_posWrite = 0;
bDone = true;
bUse = false;
}else if(bUse == true){
//why are threads being killed ?
// printf("T%d_%d ", iThread, m_threadCount);//non-deterministic value ?
usleep(1);//non-deterministic value
//k++;//delay of a couple clock cycles was not enough
for(k = 0; k < iThread * 100; k++){//deterministic and fails to resolve thread problem
Is there a way to update the number of joysticks plugged in at run-time other than constantly calling remove_joystick() then install_joystick? This proves to be extremely slow (goes from 60 FPS to around 5).
Allegro 4.2 answers only please...
void Joystick::Update() {
//If joystick input was lost, attempt to reacquire.
if(GetNumJoysticks() == 0) {
throw InputNotAvailableException("Joystick");
//If all joysticks were deleted remove input and do nothing.
if(_numjoysticks == 0) {
//Update state information
if(poll_joystick() < 0) {
throw InputNotAvailableException("Joystick");
for(int i = 0; i < _numButtons; ++i) {
_prevButtons[i].b = _curButtons[i].b;
_prevButtons[i].name = _curButtons[i].name;
_curButtons[i].b = joy[_joyNumber].button[i].b;
_curButtons[i].name = joy[_joyNumber].button[i].name;
for(int i = 0; i < _numSticks; ++i) {
for(int j = 0; j < joy[_joyNumber].stick[i].num_axis; ++j) {
_prevSticks[i].axis[j].name = _curSticks[i].axis[j].name;
_prevSticks[i].axis[j].pos = _curSticks[i].axis[j].pos;
_prevSticks[i].axis[j].d1 = _curSticks[i].axis[j].d1;
_prevSticks[i].axis[j].d2 = _curSticks[i].axis[j].d2;
_curSticks[i].axis[j].name = joy[_joyNumber].stick[i].axis[j].name;
_curSticks[i].axis[j].pos = joy[_joyNumber].stick[i].axis[j].pos;
_curSticks[i].axis[j].d1 = joy[_joyNumber].stick[i].axis[j].d1;
_curSticks[i].axis[j].d2 = joy[_joyNumber].stick[i].axis[j].d2;
_prevSticks[i].flags = _curSticks[i].flags;
_prevSticks[i].name = _curSticks[i].name;
_curSticks[i].flags = joy[_joyNumber].stick[i].flags;
_curSticks[i].name = joy[_joyNumber].stick[i].name;
int Joystick::GetNumJoysticks() {
if(install_joystick(JOY_TYPE_DIRECTX)) {
return 0;
return (num_joysticks);
The 4.x series does not. The 5.x series does.
You'll have to either listen for native OS events using custom platform specific code (assuming such things exist) and only call the Allegro deinit/init functions when a change is detected, or require the user to initiate joystick refresh manually.
Under Linux, you could inotify_add_watch() /dev/input to check for changes. Looking at the 4.4 Allegro code, looks like you'd want to call the Win32 functions joyGetNumDevs() and joyGetPos(). Something like:
int WIN_MAX_JOYSTICKS = joyGetNumDevs(); // this should never change
int pluggedin_count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < WIN_MAX_JOYSTICKS; ++i)
if (joyGetPos(i, &ji) == JOYERR_NOERROR) ++pluggedin_count;
if (pluggedin_count != last_pluggedin_count) /* reinit Allegro */
You'd have to do that every N seconds.
Those joy* functions are Windows functions, so read MSDN docs to learn how to use them.