OpenGL shader effect - opengl

I need a efficient openGL pipeline to achieve a specific look of the line segment shapes.
This is a look I am aiming for:
This is one of the primitives (spiral) I already have inside my program:
Inside gl_FragColor for this picture I am outputting distance from fragment to camera. The pipeline for this is the usual VBO->VAO->Vertex shader->Fragment shader path.
The shadertoy shader calculates the distance to the 3 points in every fragment of the screen and outputs the color according to that. But in my example I would need this in a reverse. Calculate color for surrounding fragments for ever fragment of spiral (in this case). Is it necessary to go with a render a scene into a texture using a FBO or is there a shortcut?

In the end I used:
CatmullRom spline interpolation to get point data from control points
Build VBO from above points
Vortex shader: pass point position data
Geometry shader: emit sprite size quads for every point
Fragment shader: use exp function to get a smooth gradient color from the center of the sprite quad
Result is something like this:
glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE); // additive blend
It renders to FBO with GL_RGBA16 for more smoothness.

For small limited number of lines
use single quad covering the area or screen as geometry and send the lines points coordinates and colors to shader as 1D texture(s) or uniform. Then you can do the computation inside fragment shader per pixel an all lines at once. Higher line count will slow things down considerably.
For higher number of lines
you need to convert your geometry from lines to rectangles covering affected surroundings of a line:
use transparency to merge the lines correctly and compute color from perpendicular distance from the line. Add the dots from distance from the endpoints (can be done with texture instead of shader).
Your image suggest that the light affects whole screen so in that case you need to call Quad covering whole screen per each line instead of a rectangle coverage


OpenGL - tex coord in fragment shader outside of specified range

I'm trying to draw a rectangle with a texture in OpenGL. I'm simply trying to render an entire .jpg image, so I specify the texture coordinates as [0, 0] to [1, 1] in the vertex buffer. I expect all the interpolated texture coordinates in the fragment shader to be between [0, 0] and [1, 1], however, depending on where the texture is drawn, I sometimes get a texture coordinate that is less than 0 (I know this is the case because I tried outputting red from the fragment shader if the tex coord is less than 0).
How come I get an interpolated value outside of the specified range? I currently visualize vertices/fragments like the following image (
If I imagine a rectangle instead, then if the pixel sample is inside the rectangle, then the interpolated texture coord must be at least 0, since the very left of the rectangle represents 0, right? So how do I end up with a value less than 0?
Edit: after some basic testing, it looks like the fragment shader is called if a shape simply intersects that pixel, not if the pixel sample point is inside the shape. I tested this by placing the start of the rectangle slightly before and slightly after the middle of a pixel - when slightly behind the middle of the pixel, I don't get a negative value, but if I place it slightly after the middle, then I do get a negative value. This contradicts what the website I linked to said - perhaps it's driver-dependent?
Edit: the previous test I did was with multisampling on. If I turn multisampling off, then even if the shape is past the middle, I don't get a negative value...
Turns out I just needed to keep reading the article I linked:
This is where multisampling becomes interesting. We determined that 2 subsamples were covered by the triangle so the next step is to determine a color for this specific pixel. Our initial guess would be that we run the fragment shader for each covered subsample and later average the colors of each subsample per pixel. In this case we'd run the fragment shader twice on the interpolated vertex data at each subsample and store the resulting color in those sample points. This is (fortunately) not how it works, because this basically means we need to run a lot more fragment shaders than without multisampling, drastically reducing performance.
How MSAA really works is that the fragment shader is only run once per pixel (for each primitive) regardless of how many subsamples the triangle covers. The fragment shader is run with the vertex data interpolated to the center of the pixel and the resulting color is then stored inside each of the covered subsamples. Once the color buffer's subsamples are filled with all the colors of the primitives we've rendered, all these colors are then averaged per pixel resulting in a single color per pixel. Because only two of the 4 samples were covered in the previous image, the color of the pixel was averaged with the triangle's color and the color stored at the other 2 sample points (in this case: the clear color) resulting in a light blue-ish color.
So I was getting a negative value because the fragment shader was being run on a pixel that had at least one of its sub-sample points covered by the shape, but the shape was slightly after the mid-point of the pixel, and since "the fragment shader is run with the vertex data interpolated to the center of the pixel", I was getting a negative value.

How to colour vertices as a grid (like wireframe mode) using shaders?

I've created a plane with six vertices per square that form a terrain.
I colour each vertex using the terrain height value in the pixel shader.
I'm looking for a way to colour pixels between vertexes black, while keeping everything else the same to create a grid effect. The same effect you get from wireframe mode, except for the diagonal line, and the transparent part should be the normal colour.
My terrain, and how it looks in wireframe mode:
How would one go about doing this in pixel shader, or otherwise?
See "Solid Wireframe" - NVIDIA paper from a few years ago.
The idea is basically this: include a geometry shader that generates barycentric coordinates as a varying for each vertex. In your fragment / pixel shader, check the value of the bary components. If they are below a certain threshold, you color the pixel however you'd like your wireframe to be colored. Otherwise, light it as you normally would.
Given a face with vertices A,B,C, you'd generate barycentric values of:
A: 1,0,0
B: 0,1,0
C: 0,0,1
In your fragment shader, see if any component of the bary for that fragment is less than, say, 0.1. If so, it means that it's close to one of the edges of the face. (Which component is below the threshold will also tell you which edge, if you want to get fancy.)
I'll see if I can find a link and update here in a few.
Note that the paper is also ~10 years old. There are ways to get bary coordinates without the geometry shader these days in some situations, and I'm sure there are other workarounds. (Geometry shaders have their place, but are not the greatest friend of performance.)
Also, while geom shaders come with a perf hit, they're significantly faster than a second pass to draw a wireframe. Drawing in wireframe mode in GL (or DX) carries a significant performance penalty because you're asking the rasterizer to simulate Bresenham's line algorithm. That's not how rasterizers work, and it is freaking slow.
This approach also solves any z-fighting issues that you may encounter with two passes.
If your mesh were a single triangle, you could skip the geometry shader and just pack the needed values into a vertex buffer. But, since vertices are shared between faces in any model other than a single triangle, things get a little complicated.
Or, for fun: do this as a post processing step. Look for high ddx()/ddy() (or dFdx()/dFdy(), depending on your API) values in your fragment shader. That also lets you make some interesting effects.
Given that you have a vertex buffer containing all the vertices of your grid, make an index buffer that utilizes the vertex buffer but instead of making groups of 3 for triangles, use pairs of 2 for line segments. This will be a Line List and should contain all the pairs that make up the squares of the grid. You could generate this list automatically in your program.
Rough algorithm for rendering:
Render your terrain as normal
Switch your primitive topology to Line List
Assign the new index buffer
Disable Depth Culling (or add a small height value to each point in the vertex shader so the grid appears above the terrain)
Render the Line List
This should produce the effect you are looking for of the terrain drawn and shaded with a square grid on top of it. You will need to put a switch (via a constant buffer) in your pixel shader that tells it when it is rendering the grid so it can draw the grid black instead of using the height values.

OpenGL: blur only one part of the texture; can using vertex shader speed up?

Let's say there is one texture: 6000x6000
I only need to blur one part, let's say the center rectangle 100x100
If I use vertex shader to put the interested area to this center rectangle, by inputting the coordinates of the 4 points and their corresponding texture coordinates in the big texture, I think the fragment shader only process the pixels in the center rectangle.
In my understanding, a regular GPU cannot really handle 6000x6000 pixels concurrently; it will divide to several segments.
Now with 100x100, all pixels can be processed simultaneously, so it would be faster.
Is my understanding correct?
You can do a "render to texture", so you can use your "vertex shader" to select the area you want to blur... and then your fragment shader will apply the blur only in that area.
your understanding seems to be correct: consider that the GPU will only spend efford processing the fragments INSIDE the area determined by your vertex shader, so if you set your vertex to a subset of your target [just like the screen, your target may be a texture, via framebuffers], then your GPU will process only the desired area.

Write to texture GLSL

I want to be able to (in fragment shader) add one texture to another. Right now I have projective texturing and want to expand on that.
Here is what I have so far :
Im also drawing the viewfrustum along which the blue/gray test image is projected onto the geometry that is in constant rotation.
My vertex shader:
ProjTexCoord = ProjectorMatrix * ModelTransform * raw_pos;
My Fragment Shader:
vec4 diffuse = texture(texture1, vs_st);
vec4 projTexColor = textureProj(texture2, ProjTexCoord);
vec4 shaded = diffuse; // max(intensity * diffuse, ambient); -- no shadows for now
if (ProjTexCoord[0] > 0.0 ||
ProjTexCoord[1] > 0.0 ||
ProjTexCoord[0] < ProjTexCoord[2] ||
ProjTexCoord[1] < ProjTexCoord[2]){
diffuse = shaded;
}else if(dot(n, projector_aim) < 0 ){
diffuse = projTexColor;
diffuse = shaded;
What I want to achieve:
When for example - the user presses a button, I want the blue/gray texture to be written to the gray texture on the sphere and rotate with it. Imagine it as sort of "taking a picture" or painting on top of the sphere so that the blue/gray texture spins with the sphere after a button is pressed.
As the fragment shader operates on each pixel it should be possible to copy pixel-by-pixel from one texture to the other, but I have no clue how, I might be googling for the wrong stuff.
How can I achieve this technically? What method is most versatile? Suggestions are very much appreciated, please let me know If more code is necessary.
Just to be clear, you'd like to bake decals into your sphere's grey texture.
The trouble with writing to the grey texture while drawing another object is it's not one to one. You may be writing twice or more to the same texel, or a single fragment may need to write to many texels in your grey texture. It may sound attractive as you already have the coordinates of everything in the one place, but I wouldn't do this.
I'd start by creating a texture containing the object space position of each texel in your grey texture. This is key, so that when you click you can render to your grey texture (using an FBO) and know where each texel is in your current view or your projective texture's view. There may be edge cases where the same bit of texture appears on multiple triangles. You could do this by rendering your sphere to the grey texture using the texture coordinates as your vertex positions. You probably need a floating point texture for this, and the following image probably isn't the sphere's texture mapping, but it'll do for demonstration :P.
So when you click, you render a full screen quad to your grey texture with alpha blending enabled. Using the grey texture object space positions, each fragment computes the image space position within the blue texture's projection. Discard the fragments that are outside the texture and sample/blend in those that are inside.
I think you are overcomplicating things.
Writes to textures inside classic shaders (i.e. not compute shader) are only implemented for latest hardware and very latest OpenGL versions and extensions.
It could be terribly slow if used wrong. It's so easy to introduce pipeline stalls and CPU-GPU sync points
Pixel shader could become a terribly slow unmaintainable mess of branches and texture fetches.
And all this mess will be done for every single pixel every single frame
Solution: KISS
Just update your texture on CPU side.
Write to texture, replacing parts of it with desired content
Update is only need to be done once and only when you need this. Data persists until you rewrite it (not even once per frame, but only once per change request)
Pixel shader is dead brain simple: no branching, one texture
To get target pixels, implement ray-picking (you will need it anyway for any non-trivial interactive 3D-graphics program)
P.S. "Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler." Albert Einstein.

Outline effects in OpenGL

In OpenGL, I can outline objects by drawing the object normally, then drawing it again as a wireframe, using the stencil buffer so the original object is not drawn over. However, this results in outlines with one solid color.
In this image, the pixels of the creature's outline seem to get more transparent the further they are from the creature they outline. How can I achieve a similar effect with OpenGL?
They did not use wireframe for this. I guess it is heavily shader related and requires this:
Rendering object to a stencil buffer
Rendering stencil buffer with color of choice while applying blur
Rendering model on top of it
I'm late for an answer but I was trying to achieve the same thing and thought I'd share the solution I'm using.
A similar effect can be achieved in a single draw operation with a not so complex shader.
In the fragment shader, you will calculate the color of the fragment based on lightning and texture giving you the un-highlighted color 'colorA'.
Your second color is the outline color, 'colorB'.
You should obtain the fragment to camera vector, normalize it, then get the dot product of this vector with the fragment's normal.
The fragment to camera vector is simply the inverse of the fragment's position in eye-space.
The colour of the fragment is then:
float CameraFacingPercentage = dot(v_fragmentToCamera, v_Normal);
gl_FragColor = ColorA * CameraFacingPercentage + ColorB * (1 - FacingCameraPercentage);
This is the basic idea but you'll have to play around to have more or less of the outline color. Also, the concave parts of your model will also be highlighted but that is also the case in the image posted in the question.
Detect edges in GLSL shader using dotprod(view,normal)
As far as I see it the effect on the screen short and many "edge" effects are not pure edges, as in comic outline. What mostly is done, you have one pass were you render the object normally then a pass with only the geometry (no textures) and a GLSL shader. In the fragment shader the normal is taken and that normal is perpendicular to the camera vector you color the object. The effect is then smoothed by including area close to perfect perpendicular.
I would have to look up the exact math but I think if you take the dot product of the camera vector and the normal you get the amount of "perpendicularness". That you can then run through a function like exp to get a bias towards 1.
So (without guarantee that it is correct):
exp(dot(vec3(0, 0, 1), normal));
(Note: everything is in screenspace.)