Delete pointer memory and confirm it - c++

Considering the following:
tbModelHFrame = new TbModelHeaderFrame(this, storage->getDataBase());
I guess the correct way to delete tbModelHFrame memory will be
delete tbModelHFrame;
How do I check that the memory was really released?

How do I check that the memory was really released?
You don't.
C++ has no means of telling whether a pointer points to a valid object or a random region in memory. The latter includes a region that was valid at some point, but has been deleted since.
It is up to the developer to organize their code in a way that this cannot happen.
The only guarantee that the language gives you to help you out here, is that a delete call never fails. So if you call delete once on the object, you can be reasonably sure that the object destroyed properly and the memory was released. Just don't attempt to access it again afterwards, or you'll be in trouble.

Yes, what is allocated with new should be freed with delete.
A way to check if every dinamically allocated memory has been freed is to use Valgrind's Memcheck
Anyway, it is usually safer to use smart pointers (See here).

According to the delete operator reference:
[..] In all cases, if ptr is a null pointer, the standard library
deallocation functions do nothing.
If the pointer passed to the
standard library deallocation function was not obtained from the
corresponding standard library allocation function, the behavior is
After the standard library deallocation function returns,
all pointers referring to any part of the deallocated storage become
Any use of a pointer that became invalid in this manner, even
copying the pointer value into another variable, is undefined
behavior. (until C++14)
Indirection through a pointer that became
invalid in this manner and passing it to a deallocation function
(double-delete) is undefined behavior. Any other use is
Thus, in case of a problems of deleting the pointer, it is undefined behavior.

The premise of the question is wrong: if delete doesn't release the memory, your heap is corrupted and your application can already do anything, including formatting your hard drive. So you've got bigger problems than a mere delete being a no-op if it comes to that. So, don't worry about it. As long as haven't messed up your heap due to memory errors in your own code, you'll be fine.
In any case, you should not use naked pointers as owning pointers. This is C++, not C.
Use a smart pointer:
QScopedPointer<TbModelHeaderFrame> tbModelHFrame(
new TbModelHeaderFrame(this, storage->getDataBase())
tbModelHFrame->something(); // do something with it
And that's it. The memory will be released when the pointer goes out of scope. You don't have to worry about it.
The pointer can also be a class member:
class Foo {
QScopedPointer<TbModelHeaderFrame> m_modelHFrame;
Foo::Foo() :
m_modelHFrame(new TbModelHeaderFrame(this, storage->getDataBase())) {
Foo::Foo() : ... {
m_modelHFrame.reset(new TbModelHeaderFrame(this, storage->getDataBase()));
Modern C++ code should be designed to not to use manual memory management except where absolutely necessary for well understood reasons. In most cases, naked pointers and manual memory management in modern C++ are a sign of bad design, not necessity.
TL;DR: Modern C++/Qt code can and should read a bit like Python :)


What happens when delete pointer to stack object? [duplicate]

Ignoring programming style and design, is it "safe" to call delete on a variable allocated on the stack?
For example:
int nAmount;
delete &nAmount;
class sample
~sample() { delete &nAmount;}
int nAmount;
No, it is not safe to call delete on a stack-allocated variable. You should only call delete on things created by new.
For each malloc or calloc, there should be exactly one free.
For each new there should be exactly one delete.
For each new[] there should be exactly one delete[].
For each stack allocation, there should be no explicit freeing or deletion. The destructor is called automatically, where applicable.
In general, you cannot mix and match any of these, e.g. no free-ing or delete[]-ing a new object. Doing so results in undefined behavior.
Well, let's try it:
jeremy#jeremy-desktop:~$ echo 'main() { int a; delete &a; }' > test.cpp
jeremy#jeremy-desktop:~$ g++ -o test test.cpp
jeremy#jeremy-desktop:~$ ./test
Segmentation fault
So apparently it is not safe at all.
Keep in mind that when you allocate a block of memory using new (or malloc for that matter), the actual block of memory allocated will be larger than what you asked for.
The memory block will also contain some bookkeeping information so that when you free the block, it can easily be put back into the free pool and possibly be coalesced with adjacent free blocks.
When you try to free any memory that you didn't receive from new, that bookkeeping information wont be there but the system will act like it is and the results are going to be unpredictable (usually bad).
Yes, it is undefined behavior: passing to delete anything that did not come from new is UB:
C++ standard, section
The value of the first argument supplied to one of thea deallocation functions provided in the standard library may be a null pointer value; if so, and if the deallocation function is one supplied in the standard library, the call to the deallocation function has no effect. Otherwise, the value supplied to operator delete(void*) in the standard library shall be one of the values returned by a previous invocation of either operator new(std::size_t) or operator new(std::size_t, const std::nothrow_t&) in the standard library.
The consequences of undefined behavior are, well, undefined. "Nothing happens" is as valid a consequence as anything else. However, it's usually "nothing happens right away": deallocating an invalid memory block may have severe consequences in subsequent calls to the allocator.
After playing a bit with g++ 4.4 in windows, I got very interesting results:
calling delete on a stack variable doesn't seem to do anything. No errors throw, but I can access the variable without problems after deletion.
Having a class with a method with delete this successfully deletes the object if it is allocated in the heap, but not if it is allocated in the stack (if it is in the stack, nothing happens).
Nobody can know what happens. This invokes undefined behavior, so literally anything can happen. Don't do this.
Memory allocated using new should be deleted using delete operator
and that allocated using malloc should be deleted using free.
And no need to deallocate the variable which are allocated on stack.
An angel loses its wings... You can only call delete on a pointer allocated with new, otherwise you get undefined behavior.
here the memory is allocated using stack so no need to delete it exernally but if you have allcoted dynamically
int *a=new int()
then you have to do delete a and not delete &a(a itself is a pointer), because the memory is allocated from free store.
You already answered the question yourself. delete must only be used for pointers optained through new. Doing anything else is plain and simple undefined behaviour.
Therefore there is really no saying what happens, anything from the code working fine through crashing to erasing your harddrive is a valid outcome of doing this. So please never do this.
It's UB because you must not call delete on an item that has not been dynamically allocated with new. It's that simple.
Motivation: I have two objects, A and B. I know that A has to be instantiated before B, maybe because B needs information calculated by A. Yet, I want to destruct A before B. Maybe I am writing an integration test, and I want server A to shut-down first. How do I accomplish that?
A a{};
B b{a.port()};
// delete A, how?
Solution: Don't allocate A on the stack. Instead, use std::make_unique and keep a stack-allocated smart pointer to a heap-allocated instance of A. That way is the least messy option, IMO.
auto a = std::make_unique<A>();
B b{a->port()};
// ...
Alternatively, I considered moving the destruction logic out of A's destructor and calling that method explicitly myself. The destructor would then call it only if it has not been called previously.

Deleting memory and effect on data in concerned locations

I am relatively new to programming so this may well sound like a stupid question to you seasoned pros out there. Here goes:
In C++, when I use the delete operator on arrays, I have noticed that the data contained in the released memory locations is preserved. For example:
int* testArray=new int[5];
cout<<testArray[3]; //prints 24
delete [] testArray;
cout<<testArray[3]; // still prints 24
Subsequently, am I right in assuming that since testArray[3] still prints 42 , the data in the deleted memory location is still preserved? If so, does this notion hold true for other languages, and is there any particular reason for this?
Shouldn't "freed" memory locations have null data, or is "free memory" just a synonym for memory that can be used by other applications, irrespective of whether the locations contain data or not?
I've noticed this is not the case when it comes to non array types such as int, double etc. Dereferencing and outputting the deleted variable prints 0 rather than the data. I also have a sneaking suspicion that I might be using wrong syntax to delete testArray, which will probably make this question all the more stupid. I'd love to hear your thoughts nonetheless.
Once you deallocate the memory by calling delete and try to access the memory at that address again it is an Undefined Behavior.
The Standard does not mandate the compilers to do anything special in this regard. It does not ask the compilers to mark the de-allocated memory with 0 or some special magic numbers.It is left out as the implementation detail for the compilers. Some compiler implementations do mark such memory with some special magic numbers but it is left up to each compiler implementation.
In your case, the data, still exists at the deallocated addresses because perhaps there is no other memory requirement which needed that memory to be re-utilized and the compiler didn't clear the contents of previous allocation(since it is not needed to).
However, You should not rely on this at all as this might not be the case always. It still is and will be an Undefined Behavior.
EDIT: To answer the Q in comment.
The delete operator does not return any value so you cannot check the return status however the Standard guarantees that the delete operator will sucessfully do it's job.
Relevant quote from the C++03 Standard:
Section §
If the argument given to a deallocation function in the standard library is a pointer that is not the null pointer value (4.10), the deallocation function shall deallocate the storage referenced by the pointer, render-ing invalid all pointers referring to any part of the deallocated storage.
The data is still there, because when you free, it frees it in the allocation table -- the system would be very slow if it had to zero over all the memory each time free() or delete is called.
This is the same in any language.
I think the non-array types were set to zero because they were in fact statically allocated rather than dynamically allocated.
non-POD data will be altered in a destructor (which might appear as being null-ed in a debugger).
Freed data is just usable, indeed.
You can NOT depend on the data being unaltered after delete. On a related note, debugging malloc's or runtime libraries will frequently reset the data to a specific signature (0xdeadbeef, 0xdcdcdcdc etc) so you can easily spot accesses to deleted memory in a debugger.

C++ object created with new, destroyed with free(); How bad is this?

I am working on modifying a relatively large C++ program, where unfortunately it is not always clear whether someone before me used C or C++ syntax (this is in the electrical engineering department at a university, and we EEs are always tempted to use C for everything, and unfortunately in this case, people can actually get away with it).
However, if someone creates an object:
Packet* thePacket = new Packet();
Does it matter whether it is destroyed with delete thePacket; or free(thePacket); ?
I realize that delete calls the destructor while free() does not, but Packet does not have a destructor. I am having a terrible time stuck in a memory management swamp here and I'm thinking this may be one of the many problems.
Yes it does matter.
For memory obtained using new you must use delete.
For memory obtained using malloc you must use free.
new and malloc may use different data structures internally to keep track of what and where it has allocated memory. So in order to free memory, you have to call that corresponding function that knows about those data structures. It is however generally a bad idea to mix these two types of memory allocation in a piece of code.
If you call free(), the destructor doesn't get called.
Also, there's no guarantee that new and free operate on the same heap.
You can also override new and delete to operate specially on a particular class. If you do so, but call free() instead of the custom delete, then you miss whatever special behavior you had written into delete. (But you probably wouldn't be asking this question if you had done that, because you'd know what behaviors you were missing..)
Packet has a destructor, even if you haven't explicitly declared one. It has a default destructor. The default destructor probably doesn't actually do much, but you can't count on that being the case. It's up to the compiler what it does.
new and malloc also may have wildly different implementations. For example, delete is always called in a context where it has perfect information about the size of the data structure it's deleting at compile time. free does not have this luxury. It's possible that the allocator that new is using may not store the bytes at the beginning of the memory area stating how many bytes it occupies. This would lead free to do entirely the wrong thing and crash your program when freeing something allocated with new.
Personally, if getting people to do the right thing or fixing the code yourself is completely impossible, I would declare my own global operator new that called malloc so then free would definitely not crash, even though it would still not call the destructor and be generally really ugly.
In short, it is as bad as undefined behavior.
This is quiet self explanatory.
C Standard ($ - "The free
function causes the space pointed to
by ptr to be deallocated, that is,
made available for further allocation.
If ptr is a null pointer, no action
occurs. Otherwise, if the argument
does not match a pointer earlier
returned by the calloc, malloc, or
realloc function, or if the space has
been deallocated by a call to free or
realloc, the behavior is undefined."
You are absolutely right, it is NOT correct. As you said yourself, free won't call the destructor. Even if Packet doesn't have an explicit destructor, it's using an inherited one.
Using free on an object created with new is like destroying only what a shallow-copy would reach. Deep-destroying NEEDS the destructor function.
Also, I'm not sure objects created with new() are on the same memory map as malloc()'d memory. They are not guaranteed to be, I think.
if someone creates an object:
Packet* thePacket = new Packet();
Does it matter whether is is destroyed with delete thePacket; or free(thePacket); ?
Yes it does matter. free (thePacket) would invoke Undefined Behaviour but delete thePacket would not and we all know Undefined Behaviour may have disastrous consequences.

NULL pointer is the same as deallocating it?

I was working on a piece of code and I was attacked by a doubt: What happens to the memory allocated to a pointer if I assign NULL to that pointer?
For instance:
A = new MyClass();
{ something in the meantime...}
The space is still allocated, but there is no reference to it. Will that space be freed later on, will it be reused, will it remain on stack, or what?
This is a classic leak.
As you say, the memory remains allocated but nothing is referencing it, so it can never be reclaimed - until the process exits.
The memory should be deallocated with delete - but using a smart pointer (e.g. std::auto_ptr or boost::shared_ptr (or tr1::shared_ptr) to wrap the pointer is a much safer way of working with pointers.
Here's how you might rewrite your example using std::auto_ptr:
std::auto_ptr a( new MyClass() );
/* something in the meantime...*/
(Instead of the call to reset() you could just let the auto_ptr instance go out of scope)
Under most circumstances, that will cause a memory leak in your process. You have several options for managing memory in C++.
Use a delete to manually free memory when you're done with it. This can be hard to get right, especially in the context of exception handling.
Use a smart pointer to manage memory for you (auto_ptr, shared_ptr, unique_ptr, etc.)
C++ does not come with a garbage collector, but nothing prevents you from using one (such as the Boehm GC) if you want to go down that route.
That is a memory leak. You have to delete memory you allocate manually.
A = new MyClass();
{ something in the meantime...}
The way I keep track of it is that there are two separate objects. Somewhere on the heap, a MyClass instance is allocated by new. And on the stack, there is a pointer named A.
A is just a pointer, there is nothing magical about out, and it doesn't have some special connection to the heap-allocated MyClass object. It just happens to point to that right now, but that can change.
And on the last line, that is exactly what happens. You change the pointer to point to something else. That doesn't affect other objects. It doesn't affect the object it used to point to, and it doesn't affect the object (if any) that it is set to point to now. Again, A is just a dumb raw pointer like any other. It might be NULL, or it might point to an object on the stack, or it might point to an object on the heap, or it might be uninitialized and point to random garbage. But that's all it does. It points, it doesn't in any way take ownership of, or modify, the object it points to.
You need to delete A;
For regular objects setting the pointer to NULL does nothing but invalidating the pointer, the object is still around in memory, this is particularly true if you notice that you may have more than one pointer to the same object, changing one shouldn't affect the others.
On most modern OSs, the application's memory will be reclaimed at exiting the application. Meanwhile, you have a memory leak.
As per Phil Nash's comment, for every new, there is a corresponding delete, likewise, for every malloc, there is a corresponding free. If the corresponding delete/free is not there, you have a leak.
Hope this helps,
Best regards,
C++ does't have garbage collector, like some other languages has (Java, C#, ...) so you must delete allocaled objects yourself.
No, it will be lost to the process forever. You will have a memory leak. If you keep doing this, your program will eventually run out of memory!! To avoid this, delete the object when you no longer need it.
Often people will set the pointer to NULL after deleting it, so that other parts of the program can verify that the object has been deleted, and thereby avoid accessing or deleting it again.
Variables stored on the stack, are the local variables of each function, e.g. int big[10];
Variables stored on the heap, are the variables which you initiated using explicit memory allocation routines such as malloc(), calloc(), new(), etc.
Variables stored on the stack have a lifetime that is equal to the lifetime of the current stack frame. In English, when the function returns, you can no longer assume that the variables hold what you expect them to hold. That's why its a classic mistake to return a variable that was declared local in a function.
By assigning NULL to the pointer you will not free allocated memory. You should call deallocation function to free allocated memory. According to C++ Standard 5.3.4/8: "If the allocated type is a non-array type, the allocation function’s name is operator new and the deallocation function’s name is operator delete". I could suggest the following function to safely delete pointers (with assigning NULL to them):
template<typename T>
inline void SafeDelete( T*& p )
// Check whether type is complete.
// Deleting incomplete type will lead to undefined behavior
// according to C++ Standard 5.3.5/5.
typedef char type_must_be_complete[ sizeof(T)? 1: -1 ];
(void) sizeof(type_must_be_complete);
delete p;
p = NULL;

Passing newly allocated data directly to a function

While learning different languages, I've often seen objects allocated on the fly, most often in Java and C#, like this:
functionCall(new className(initializers));
I understand that this is perfectly legal in memory-managed languages, but can this technique be used in C++ without causing a memory leak?
Your code is valid (assuming functionCall() actually guarantees that the pointer gets deleted), but it's fragile and will make alarm bells go off in the heads of most C++ programmers.
There are multiple problems with your code:
First and foremost, who owns the pointer? Who is responsible for freeing it? The calling code can't do it, because you don't store the pointer. That means the called function must do it, but that's not clear to someone looking at that function. Similarly, if I call the code from somewhere else, I certainly don't expect the function to call delete on the pointer I passed to it!
If we make your example slightly more complex, it can leak memory, even if the called function calls delete. Say it looks like this: functionCall(new className(initializers), new className(initializers)); Imagine that the first one is allocated successfully, but the second one throws an exception (maybe it's out of memory, or maybe the class constructor threw an exception). functionCall never gets called then, and can't free the memory.
The simple (but still messy) solution is to allocate memory first, and store the pointer, and then free it in the same scope as it was declared (so the calling function owns the memory):
className* p = new className(initializers);
delete p;
But this is still a mess. What if functionCall throws an exception? Then p won't be deleted. Unless we add a try/catch around the whole thing, but sheesh, that's messy.
What if the function gets a bit more complex, and may return after functionCall but before delete? Whoops, memory leak. Impossible to maintain. Bad code.
So one of the nice solutions is to use a smart pointer:
boost::shared_ptr<className> p = boost::shared_ptr<className>(new className(initializers));
Now ownership of the memory is dealt with. The shared_ptr owns the memory, and guarantees that it'll get freed. We could use std::auto_ptr instead, of course, but shared_ptr implements the semantics you'd usually expect.
Note that I still allocated the memory on a separate line, because the problem with making multiple allocations on the same line as you make the function call still exists. One of them may still throw, and then you've leaked memory.
Smart pointers are generally the absolute minimum you need to handle memory management.
But often, the nice solution is to write your own RAII class.
className should be allocated on the stack, and in its constructor, make what allocations with new are necessary. And in its destructor, it should free that memory. This way, you're guaranteed that no memory leaks will occur, and you can make the function call as simple as this:
The C++ standard library works like this. std::vector is one example. You'd never allocate a vector with new. You allocate it on the stack, and let it deal with its memory allocations internally.
Yes, as long as you deallocate the memory inside the function. But by no means this is a best practice for C++.
It depends.
This passes "ownership" of the memory to functionCAll(). It will either need to free the object or save the pointer so that it can be freed later. Passing the ownership of raw pointers like this is one of the easiest ways to build memory issues into your code -- either leaks or double deletes.
In C++ we would not create the memory dynamically like that.
Instead you would create a temporary stack object.
You only need to create a heap object via new if you want the lifetime of the object to be greater than the call to the function. In this case you can use new in conjunction with a smart pointer (see other answers for an example).
// No need for new or memory management just do this
// This assumes you can change the functionCall to somthing like this.
functionCall(className const& param)
<< Do Stuff >>
If you want to pass a non const reference then do it like this:
calssName tmp(initializers);
functionCall(className& param)
<< Do Stuff >>
It is safe if the function that you are calling has acceptance-of-ownership semantics. I don't recall a time where I needed this, so I would consider it unusual.
If the function works this way, it should take its argument as a smart pointer object so that the intent is clea; i.e.
void functionCall(std::auto_ptr<className> ptr);
rather than
void functionCall(className* ptr);
This makes the transfer of ownership explicit, and the calling function will dispose of the memory pointed to by ptr when execution of the function falls out of scope.
This will work for objects created on the stack, but not a regular pointer in C++.
An auto pointer maybe able to handle it, but I haven't messed with them enough to know.
In general, no, unless you want to leak memory. In fact, in most cases, this won't work, since the result of
new T();
in C++ is a T*, not a T (in C#, new T() returns a T).
Have a look at Smart Pointers or A garbage collector for C and C++.