Regular expression to get only the first word from each line - regex

I have a text file
#sp_id int,
#sp_name varchar(120),
#sp_gender varchar(10),
#sp_date_of_birth varchar(10),
#sp_address varchar(120),
#sp_is_active int,
#sp_role int
Here, I want to get only the first word from each line. How can I do this? The spaces between the words may be space or tab etc.

Here is what I suggest:
Find what: ^([^ \t]+).*
Replace with: $1
Explanation: ^ matches the start of line, ([^ \t]+) matches 1 or more (due to +) characters other than space and tab (due to [^ \t]), and then any number of characters up to the end of the line with .*.
See settings:
In case you might have leading whitespace, you might want to use
^\s*([^ \t]+).*

I did something similar with this:
with open('handles.txt', 'r') as handles:
handlelist = [line.rstrip('\n') for line in handles]
newlist = [str(re.findall("\w+", line)[0]) for line in handlelist]
This gets a list containing all the lines in the document,
then it changes each line to a string and uses regex to extract the first word (ignoring white spaces)
My file (handles.txt) contained info like this:
JoIyke - personal twitter link;
newMan - another twitter handle;
yourlink - yet another one.
The code will return this list:
[JoIyke, newMan, yourlink]

Find What: ^(\S+).*$
Replace by : \1
You can simply use this to get the first word.Here we are capturing the first word in a group and replace the while line by the captured group.

Find the first word of each line with /^\w+/gm.


Remove duplicate lines containing same starting text

So I have a massive list of numbers where all lines contain the same format.
What I am trying to do is remove all duplicate lines that contain the same hex codes, regardless of the text after it.
Example, in the first line #976B4B|B|0|0 the hex #976B4B shows up in line 32 as #976B4B|B|0|31. I want all lines EXCEPT the first occurrence to be removed.
I have been attempting to use regex to solve this, and found ^(.*)(\r?\n\1)+$ $1 can remove duplicate lines but obviously not what I need. Looking for some guidance and maybe a possibility to learn from this.
You can use the following regex replacement, make sure you click Replace All as many times as necessary, until no match is found:
Find What: ^((#[[:xdigit:]]+)\|.*(?:\R.+)*?)\R\2\|.*
Replace With: $1
See the regex demo and the demo screenshot:
^ - start of a line
((#[[:xdigit:]]+)\|.*(?:\R.+)*?) - Group 1 ($1, it will be kept):
(#[[:xdigit:]]+) - Group 2: # and one or more hex chars
\| - a | char
.* - the rest of the line
(?:\R.+)*? - any zero or more non-empty lines (if they can be empty, replace .+ with .*)
\R\2\|.* - a line break, Group 2 value, | and the rest of the line.

How can I delete the rest of the line after the second pipe character "|" for every line with python?

I am using notepad++ and I want to get rid of everything after one second (including the second pipe character) for every line in my txt file.
Basically, the txt file has the following format:
3.1_1.wav|I like apples.|I like apples|I like bananas
3.1_2.wav|Isn't today a lovely day?|Right now it is 1 in the afternoon.|....
The result should be:
3.1_1.wav|I like apples.
3.1_2.wav|Isn't today a lovely day?
I have tried using \|.* but then everything after the first pipe character is matched.
In Notepad++ do this:
Find what: ^([^\|]*\|[^\|]*).*
Replace with: $1
check "Regular expression", and "Replace All"
^ - anchor at start of line
( - start group, can be referenced as $1
[^\|]* - scan over any character other than |
\| - scan over |
[^\|]* - scan over any character other than |
) - end group
.* - scan over everything until end of line
in replace reference the captured group with $1
I'm not sure if this is the best way to do it, but try this:

startWith with regex kotlin [duplicate]

I am trying to work on regular expressions. I have a mainframe file which has several fields. I have a flat file parser which distinguishes several types of records based on the first three letters of every line. How do I write a regular expression where the first three letters are 'CTR'.
Beginning of line or beginning of string?
Start and end of string
/ = delimiter
^ = start of string
CTR = literal CTR
$ = end of string
.* = zero or more of any character except newline
Start and end of line
/ = delimiter
^ = start of line
CTR = literal CTR
$ = end of line
.* = zero or more of any character except newline
m = enables multi-line mode, this sets regex to treat every line as a string, so ^ and $ will match start and end of line
While in multi-line mode you can still match the start and end of the string with \A\Z permanent anchors
\A = means start of string
CTR = literal CTR
.* = zero or more of any character except newline
\Z = end of string
m = enables multi-line mode
As such, another way to match the start of the line would be like this:
\r = carriage return / old Mac OS newline
\n = line-feed / Unix/Mac OS X newline
\r\n = windows newline
Note, if you are going to use the backslash \ in some program string that supports escaping, like the php double quotation marks "" then you need to escape them first
so to run \r\nCTR.* you would use it as "\\r\\nCTR.*"
To be more clear: ^CTR will match start of line and those chars. If all you want to do is match for a line itself (and already have the line to use), then that is all you really need. But if this is the case, you may be better off using a prefab substr() type function. I don't know, what language are you are using. But if you are trying to match and grab the line, you will need something like .* or .*$ or whatever, depending on what language/regex function you are using.
Regex symbol to match at beginning of a line:
Add the string you're searching for (CTR) to the regex like this:
Example: regex
That should be enough!
However, if you need to get the text from the whole line in your language of choice, add a "match anything" pattern .*:
Example: more regex
If you want to get crazy, use the end of line matcher
Add that to the growing regex pattern:
Example: lets get crazy
Note: Depending on how and where you're using regex, you might have to use a multi-line modifier to get it to match multiple lines. There could be a whole discussion on the best strategy for picking lines out of a file to process them, and some of the strategies would require this:
Multi-line flag m (this is specified in various ways in various languages/contexts)
Example: we had to use m on regex101
Try ^CTR.\*, which literally means start of line, CTR, anything.
This will be case-sensitive, and setting non-case-sensitivity will depend on your programming language, or use ^[Cc][Tt][Rr].\* if cross-environment case-insensitivity matters.
matches a line starting with CTR.
Not sure how to apply that to your file on your server, but typically, the regex to match the beginning of a string would be :
The ^ means beginning of string / line
There's are ambiguities in the question.
What is your input string? Is it the entire file? Or is it 1 line at a time? Some of the answers are assuming the latter. I want to answer the former.
What would you like to return from your regular expression? The fact that you want a true / false on whether a match was made? Or do you want to extract the entire line whose start begins with CTR? I'll answer you only want a true / false match.
To do this, we just need to determine if the CTR occurs at either the start of a file, or immediately following a new line.
(?i)^[ \r\n]*CTR
(?i) -- case insensitive -- Remove if case sensitive.
[ \r\n] -- ignore space and new lines
* -- 0 or more times the same
CTR - your starts with string.

How remove 1st ":" word from line in txt file?

Please see my textfile data below
I am want delete first word until :
actually I am want if sumonkhan starting line then no problem but if sumonkhan line area 1st position available : with something then need remove this.
below actually data show in my .txt file
all line available sumonkhan so if sumon khan starting position like this then good else delete this : full word not full line.
I hope this regex would help you. This regex deletes everything until first colon(:).
If you are reading a file then, read it line by line and run following regex on each line.
$str = 'roydwk27:teenaibuchytilibu5762sumonkhan:IJQRiq&76:8801627574057';
$str =~ s/^(?:.*?):(.*)/$1/g;
This code is in perl, you can re-write equivalent code in any other language.
See this demo at
^ // match the beginning of a line
[\w\d]+ // match any letter and any number
: // match ":" literally
( // start of the capturing group
.* // match any characters
) // end of capturing group
Now in all your matches in the first group you have the text you want matched. Note the g (global) and m (multiline) modifiers.

Regular Expression: Extract the lines

I try to extract the name1 (first-row), name2 (second-row), name3 (third-row) and the street-name (last-row) with regex:
Company Inc.
Industrieterrein 13
The very last row is the street name and this part is already working (the text is stored in the variable "S2").
REGEXREPLACE(S2, "(.*\n)+(?!(.*\n))", "")
This expression will return me the very last line. I am also able the extract the first row:
REGEXREPLACE(S2, "(\n.*)", "")
My problem is, that I do not know how to extract the second and third row....
Also how do I test if the text contains one, two, three or more rows?
The regex is used in the context of Scribe (a ETL tool). The problem is I can not execute sourcecode, I only have the following functions:
REGEXMATCH(input, pattern)
REGEXREPLACE(input, pattern, replacement)
If the regex language provides support for lookaheads you may count rows backwards and thus get (assuming . does not match newline)
(.*)$ # matching the last line
(.*)(?=(\n.*){1}$) # matching the second last line (excl. newline)
(.*)(?=(\n.*){2}$) # matching the third last line (excl. newline)
just use this regex:
Wildcard: Matches any single character except \n.
Matches the previous element one or more times.
As for a regular expression that will match each of four rows, how about this:
The parentheses will match, and the \n will match a new line. Note: you may have to use \r\n instead of just \n depending; try both.
You can try the following: