Saving text in Sqlite3, c++ - c++

here is my second post in the community, excuse me if I'm forget to add something, just let me know:
I am trying to do a program in c++ able to save text (i want to save code) in a database using sqlite3. Currently I've made a wxWidget program that call some functions from a DLL and this ones interactuate with the database.
The database that I want to make is really simple, it has 3 columns in one table (id,name, ref). My problem comes when I want to save big amount of text that also contains simblos that can conflict with the sql queries (I would like to save files inside the database, for example in the "ref" column ).
I'm using mostly the sqlite3_exec function, because the functions sqlite3_prepare_v2, sqlite_bind, sqlite3_step crash me the DLL where I'm working.
My doubt: Can I directly save any text as big as I want, without taking care about if it has simbols or not? and how can I do it?.
More info: I am working in c++ with code:block(13.12) making a DLL of sqlite3 functions and using MinGW toolchain. (windows 7).
This is an example of an insert function that I'm using:
int DLL_EXPORT add_item(sqlite3* db, string tbname,string col,string item)
char* db_err = 0;
if (tbname==std::string()||col==std::string()||item==std::string())
throw std::invalid_argument( "stoi: invalid argument table name");
char buf[200];
sprintf(buf,"insert into %s (%s) values ('%s');", tbname.c_str(), col.c_str(),item.c_str());
int n = sqlite3_exec(db, buf, NULL, 0, &db_err);
if( n != SQLITE_OK )
//throw something
return 0;
Thank you in advance.

Thank to CL. for the up commentary
// Add one text to a table
// The column must be specify
int DLL_EXPORT add_text(sqlite3* db, string tbname,string col,string id,string item)
char* db_err = 0;
if (tbname==std::string()||col==std::string()||item==std::string())
throw std::invalid_argument( "stoi: invalid argument table name");
char *zSQL = sqlite3_mprintf("UPDATE %q SET %q=(%Q) WHERE id=%q", tbname.c_str(),col.c_str() ,item.c_str(),id.c_str());
int n = sqlite3_exec(db, zSQL, NULL, 0, &db_err);
if( n != SQLITE_OK )
// throw something
return 0;


Custom CRecordset class does not call DoFieldExchange() when useMultiRowFetch is specified

I've implemented a custom CRecordset class, and have code similar to the following:
ASSERT(prs->GetRowsetSize() == 25);
while (!prs->IsEOF())
for (int i = 1; i <= prs->GetRowsFetched(); i++)
// Inspecting data here...
Apparently, when using multi-row fetch, CRecordset does not call my DoFieldExchange override as it does when not using multi-row fetch, and that is by design. And so my data isn't automatically populated. So the question is how do I get the data?
The answer appears to be by calling GetFieldValue(). But I get an Invalid cursor position error when I do! (GetFieldValue() works fine when I'm not using multi-row fetch.)
Below is a streamlined version of my recordset class. In addition, #EylM was good enough to create a sample in the answers below that he says does work for him. However, when I copied his code exactly and just changed what was needed to connect to and query my database, I still get an Invalid cursor position when I call GetFieldValue().
I don't know what else could be different. I see he's using MySQL where I'm using SQL Server. But surely CRecordset works with SQL Server. I've also tried all the available SQL Server ODBC drivers, but the result is always the same.
class CRS : public CRecordset
// Data variables
int m_nId;
// Bulk data variables
int* m_pnIds;
long* m_pnIdLengths;
LPTSTR m_pszNames;
long* m_pnNameLengths;
// Constructor
CRS(CDatabase* pDatabase = NULL)
: CRecordset(pDatabase)
m_nFields = 2;
m_nId = 0;
m_szName[0] = '\0';
m_pnIds = NULL;
m_pnIdLengths = NULL;
m_pszNames = NULL;
m_pnNameLengths = NULL;
CString GetDefaultSQL()
return CCustomerData::m_szTableName;
// This method is never called when
// CRecordset::useMultiRowFetch is specified!
void DoFieldExchange(CFieldExchange* pFX)
RFX_Int(pFX, _T("Id"), m_nId);
RFX_Text(pFX, _T("Name"), m_szName, CUSTOMER_NAME_MAXLENGTH);
// This method is called several times
void DoBulkFieldExchange(CFieldExchange* pFX)
RFX_Int_Bulk(pFX, _T("Id"), &m_pnIds, &m_pnIdLengths);
RFX_Text_Bulk(pFX, _T("Name"), &m_pszNames, &m_pnNameLengths, (CUSTOMER_NAME_MAXLENGTH + 1) * 2);
Spending more time on this, I have been able to write code that reads the data directly from the rowset data (in my case, from m_pnIds, m_pnIdLengths, m_pszNames and m_pnNameLengths). Perhaps that's the approach I need to take.
But the question still stands. Why can't I use GetFieldValue() on a SQL Server database? And what is the point of SetRowsetCursorPosition()?
From documentation of CRecordset::DoFieldExchange:
When bulk row fetching is not implemented, the framework calls this
member function to automatically exchange data between the field data
members of your recordset object and the corresponding columns of the
current record on the data source.
DoFieldExchange is called only if CRecordset::useMultiRowFetch is not specified in the Open function.
Looking at MFC code CRecordset::BindFieldsToColumns, dbcore.cpp using VS 2019 (14.22.27905):
// Binding depends on fetch type
if (m_dwOptions & useMultiRowFetch)
Sounds like that behaviour your are getting is by design.
Here is working example for multi row fetch. The thing that did the trick is CRecordset::useExtendedFetch in the opening flags.
I used MySQL with a simple table with 2 columns. Here is the creation script.
CREATE TABLE `categories` (
`CatID` int(11) NOT NULL,
`Category` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci
class CMultiRowSet : public CRecordset
CMultiRowSet(CDatabase* pDB);
virtual void DoBulkFieldExchange(CFieldExchange* pFX);
// Field/Param Data
// field data members
long* m_rgID;
LPSTR m_rgName;
// pointers for the lengths
// of the field data
long* m_rgIDLengths;
long* m_rgNameLengths;
void CMultiRowSet::DoBulkFieldExchange(CFieldExchange* pFX)
// call the Bulk RFX functions
// for field data members
RFX_Long_Bulk(pFX, _T("[CatID]"),
&m_rgID, &m_rgIDLengths);
RFX_Text_Bulk(pFX, _T("[Category]"),
&m_rgName, &m_rgNameLengths, 30);
CDatabase database;
CString sCatID, sCategory;
CString connStr = (_T("Driver={MySQL ODBC 8.0 Unicode Driver};Server=localhost;Database=XXXX;User=XXX; Password=XXXX; Option = 3;"));
// Open the database
// Allocate the recordset
CMultiRowSet recset(&database);
// Execute the query
// make sure you use CRecordset::useExtendedFetch.
recset.Open(CRecordset::forwardOnly, _T("SELECT CatID, Category FROM Categories"), CRecordset::readOnly|CRecordset::useMultiRowFetch|CRecordset::useExtendedFetch);
// Loop through each record
while (!recset.IsEOF())
// The default `GetRowsetSize` is 25. I have 4 rows in my database.
// GetRowsFetched returns 4 in my case.
for (int rowCount = 1; rowCount <= (int)recset.GetRowsFetched(); rowCount++)
// Copy each column into a variable
recset.GetFieldValue(_T("CatID"), sCatID);
recset.GetFieldValue(_T("Category"), sCategory);
// goto next record
// Close the database
CATCH(CDBException, e)
// If a database exception occured, show error msg
AfxMessageBox(_T("Database error: ") + e->m_strError);

Insert a row in MySQL using C++ for MFC Dialog Base App

I have 2 variables, and I want to insert their values into a MySQL database, but I don't know how to do this.
Here is the all of my code so far, please correct/advise:
void RegistrationForm::Register()
if (istifadeciAdi.GetWindowTextLength() != 0) // if you can please write this line better.
if (i_parol == i_parol_tekrar)
MySQL_Driver *driver;
Connection *dbConn;
Statement *statement;
//ResultSet *result; // I don't need this line any more
//PreparedStatement *ps;
driver = get_mysql_driver_instance();
dbConn = driver->connect("host", "u", "c");
statement = dbConn->createStatement();
statement->executeQuery("INSERT INTO users(`username`, `password`) VALUES (/* how to use i_ad and i_par as variable to set column value? */)"); // executes the user "input"
/*ps = dbConn->prepareStatement("INSERT INTO users(`username`, `password`, `name`) VALUES (?)");
ps->setString(1, "cccc");
ps->setString(2, "ffff);*/
//delete result;
//delete[] result;
/*delete ps;
delete[] ps;*/
delete statement;
delete[] statement; // don't use this line in your program as me
delete dbConn;
delete[] dbConn; // don't use this line in your program as me
MessageBox(L"Şifrə dəqiq təkrar olunmalıdır.", L"Xəbərdarlıq", MB_ICONWARNING);
AfxMessageBox(L"Boş qoymaq olmaz.");
There's no any error. But when I clicked the (Register) button it says:
Program stopped working
and after clicking the Debug button it takes me to line which insert query I wrote.
p.s Sorry for my poor English.
Use CString to make query.
For example:
CString strQuery;
strQuery.Format(_T("INSERT INTO users(`username`, `password`) VALUES ('%s', '%s')"),i_ad, i_par);
Before using this query string in executeQuery (or in other query commands) you must convert it to std::string. Because, execute, executeQuery and executeUpdate commands only accepts the std::string.So, add this lines:
CT2CA tempString(query);
std::string query(tempString);
And use this string in your execute command
The docs for that MySQL connector say to use statement::execute() for queries that don't return a resultset, and statement::executeQuery() when there is a single row resultset.
So for SQL INSERT INTO maybe your problem is that you should be using execute.

C++ and sqlite3- sqlite3_prepare_v2 is not working

I'm using sqlite3 with C++ . But the problem is that when I debugged the code I realised that it does not, I mean sqlite3_prepare_v2 does not extract the data from the database.
When I printed the value it extracted, it printed some garbage value. At the same time, I noticed the following warning:
Warning 4 warning LNK4248: unresolved typeref token (01000028) for
'sqlite3_stmt'; image may not run .
I'm working on MS visual studio 2010 windows forms application.
Can anyone help?
I think the linker complaint is ok. See
The following does not take into account that you're programming in MS managed C++, however, I hope it still provides some guidance.
sqlite3_prepare_v2 prepares the statement but does not execute anything.
You need to call sqlite3_step to execute (or partly execute) the SQL.
For an SQL statement that returns nothing (e.g. UPDATE, DELETE, INSERT) you call sqlite3_step once and it should return SQLITE_DONE if it worked.
For a statement that can return multiple rows you call sqlite3_step repeatedly. Each time the return code is SQLITE_ROW you have been returned a row of data that you can access with the
sqlite3_column_* set of statements. When all data has been returned sqlite3_step returns SQLITE_DONE.
Code might look something like this
sqlite3* db;
int rc = sqlite3_open(databasePath.c_str(), &db);
std::string sql = "SELECT Id, Url FROM Url WHERE Page_Download_Reqd <> 0;";
sqlite3_stmt* statementPtr;
const char* tailPtr;
int rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, sql.c_str(), sql.size(), &statementPtr, &tailPtr);
bool finished = false;
do {
int rc = sqlite3_step(statementPtr);
switch (rc) {
case SQLITE_ROW: {
__int64 id = sqlite3_column_int(statementPtr, 0);
std::string url = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(sqlite3_column_text(statementPtr, 1));
// Do something with your data
finished = true;
} while (!finished);
If you have variables in you SQL, e.g.
SELECT Id, Url FROM Url WHERE Count <> :count;
then you need to use one of the sqlite3_bind_* functions between the sqlite3_prepare_v2 and sqlite3_step functions. For example
__int count = 6;
std::string bindVarName = ":count";
rc = sqlite3_bind_int(
sqlite3_bind_parameter_index(statementPtr, bindVarName.c_str()),

SQLite UPDATE fails to overwrite existing value

I have the following problem that has me stumped. As a note to keep in mind, I am using a precompiled sqlite3.dll rather than Qt's built-in SQLite support.
Table creation code:
Description DEFAULT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY(Name, UserName)
The following C++ code fails to update the value in column PathToOsirixDB if it already contains a value.
It fails silently, with no error returned. That would imply that no rows are matched in the UPDATE. However, if I take the same UPDATE with valid entries for user and study to match a row and run it via either the SQLite Manager Firefox plugin, or the command line tool, it works properly.
void CStudyDatabase::SetOsirixDBForStudy(const QString user, const QString study, const QString path)
if (mp_db)
int before = sqlite3_total_changes(mp_db);
QString insert = QString("UPDATE STUDY SET PathToOsirixDB = '%1' WHERE Name = '%2' AND UserName = '%3'").arg(path, study, user);
if (!InsertData(insert))
int after = sqlite3_total_changes(mp_db);
if (after - before >= 1)
emit ReturnOsirixDB(osirix_db);
emit DatabaseError(QString("Failed to update the target path."));
And for Insert Data
int CStudyDatabase::InsertData(const QString insert)
char *err_msg = 0;
int rc = sqlite3_exec(mp_db,
if (rc)
return rc;
Any insights are appreciated. Thank you.
UPDATE: added the following code to SetOsiriXDBForStudy to see if we actually find a row to update:
osirix_db = QString("");
QString query = QString("SELECT PathToOsirixDB FROM STUDY WHERE Name = '%1' AND UserName = '%2'").arg(study, user);
int rc = 0;
char *err_msg = 0;
rc = sqlite3_exec(mp_db,
if (rc)
if (!(QString(osirix_db).isEmpty()))
studyrowfound = true;
In this case, it leaves osirix_db as an empty string.
But, if I execute this function:
void CStudyDatabase::QueryOsirixDB(const QString user, const QString study)
int rc = 0;
char *err_msg = 0;
// we query the OrisixDB via the callback and then emit the signal if all went well
QString query = QString("SELECT PathToOsirixDB FROM STUDY WHERE Name = '%1' AND UserName = '%2'").arg(study, user);
rc = sqlite3_exec(mp_db,
if (rc)
if (QString(osirix_db).isEmpty())
emit NeedToSetOsirixDB(user, study, QString());
emit ReturnOsirixDB(osirix_db);
Then it does correctly retrieve the expected value into osirix_db.
Last update: found the problem. It was leading spaces on user and study. Had been staring at the same debugger statements for too long and glossed over the extra spaces. The failing SELECT was a big clue that there was something wrong in the construction of the SQL.
There were leading spaces on user and study. Had been staring at the same debugger statements for too long and glossed over the extra spaces. The failing SELECT was a big clue that there was something wrong in the construction of the SQL.

Changing SQL Provider from SQLOLEDB.1 to SQLNCLI.1 causes app to fail when accessing data via stored procedure

I'm supporting a legacy app written in MFC/C++. The database for the app is in SQL Server 2000. We bolted on some new functionality recently and found that when we change the SQL Provider from SQLOLEDB.1 to SQLNCLI.1 some code that is trying to retrieve data from a table via a stored procedure fails.
The table in question is pretty straightforward and was created via the following script:
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[UAllergenText](
[TableKey] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[GroupKey] [int] NOT NULL,
[Description] [nvarchar](150) NOT NULL,
[LanguageEnum] [int] NOT NULL,
FK_UAllergenText_UBaseFoodGroupInfo] FOREIGN KEY([GroupKey])
REFERENCES [dbo].[UBaseFoodGroupInfo] ([GroupKey])
Bascially four columns, with TableKey being an identity column and everything else is populated via the following script:
INSERT INTO UAllergenText (GroupKey, Description, LanguageEnum)
VALUES (401, 'Egg', 1)
with a long list of other INSERT INTO's that follow the one above. Some of the rows inserted have special characters (like accent marks above letters) in their descriptions. I had originally thought that the inclusion of the special characters was part of the problem but if I completely clear out the table and then repopulate it with just the single INSERT INTO from above that has no special characters, it still fails.
So I moved on...
The data in this table is then accessed via the following code:
std::wstring wSPName = SP_GET_ALLERGEN_DESC;
_variant_t vtEmpty1 (DISP_E_PARAMNOTFOUND, VT_ERROR);
_variant_t vtEmpty2(DISP_E_PARAMNOTFOUND, VT_ERROR);
_CommandPtr pCmd = daxLayer::CDataAccess::GetSPCommand(pConn, wSPName);
pCmd->Parameters->Append(pCmd->CreateParameter("#intGroupKey", adInteger, adParamInput, 0, _variant_t((long)nGroupKey)));
pCmd->Parameters->Append(pCmd->CreateParameter("#intLangaugeEnum", adInteger, adParamInput, 0, _variant_t((int)language)));
_RecordsetPtr pRS = pCmd->Execute(&vtEmpty1, &vtEmpty2, adCmdStoredProc);
//std::wstring wSQL = L"select Description from UAllergenText WHERE GroupKey = 401 AND LanguageEnum = 1";
//_RecordsetPtr pRS = daxLayer::CRecordsetAccess::GetRecordsetPtr(pConn,wSQL);
if (pRS->GetRecordCount() > 0)
std::wstring wDescField = L"Description";
daxLayer::CRecordsetAccess::GetField(pRS, wDescField, nameString);
nameString = "";
The daxLayer is a third party data access library the application is using, though we have the source to it (some of which will be seen below.) SP__GET_ALLERGEN_DESC is the stored proc used to get the data out of the table and it was created via this script:
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[spRET_AllergenDescription]
-- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here
#intGroupKey int,
#intLanguageEnum int
-- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from
-- interfering with SELECT statements.
-- Insert statements for procedure here
SELECT Description FROM UAllergenText WHERE GroupKey = #intGroupKey AND LanguageEnum = #intLanguageEnum
When the SQL Provider is set to SQLNCLI.1, the app blows up at:
daxLayer::CRecordsetAccess::GetField(pRS, wDescField, nameString);
from the above code snippet. So I stepped into GetField, which looks like the following:
void daxLayer::CRecordsetAccess::GetField(_RecordsetPtr pRS,
const std::wstring wstrFieldName, std::string& sValue, std::string sNullValue)
if (pRS == NULL)
wstrFieldName, L"std::string", L"Missing recordset pointer."))
tagVARIANT tv = pRS->Fields->GetItem(_variant_t(wstrFieldName.c_str()))->Value;
if ((tv.vt == VT_EMPTY) || (tv.vt == VT_NULL))
sValue = sNullValue;
else if (tv.vt != VT_BSTR)
// The type in the database is wrong.
wstrFieldName, L"std::string", L"Field type is not string"))
_bstr_t bStr = tv ;//static_cast<_bstr_t>(pRS->Fields->GetItem(_variant_t(wstrFieldName.c_str()))->Value);
sValue = bStr;
catch( _com_error &e )
wstrFieldName, L"std::string"), e.Description())
wstrFieldName, L"std::string", L"Unknown error"))
The culprit here is:
tagVARIANT tv = pRS->Fields->GetItem(_variant_t(wstrFieldName.c_str()))->Value;
Stepping into Fields->GetItem brings us to:
inline FieldPtr Fields15::GetItem ( const _variant_t & Index ) {
struct Field * _result = 0;
HRESULT _hr = get_Item(Index, &_result);
if (FAILED(_hr)) _com_issue_errorex(_hr, this, __uuidof(this));
return FieldPtr(_result, false);
Which then takes us to:
inline _variant_t Field20::GetValue ( ) {
VARIANT _result;
HRESULT _hr = get_Value(&_result);
if (FAILED(_hr)) _com_issue_errorex(_hr, this, __uuidof(this));
return _variant_t(_result, false);
If you look at _result while stepping through this at runtime, _result's BSTR value is correct, its value is "Egg" from the "Description" field of the table. Continuing to step through traces back through all the COM release calls, etc. When I finally get back to:
tagVARIANT tv = pRS->Fields->GetItem(_variant_t(wstrFieldName.c_str()))->Value;
And step past it to the next line, the contents of tv, which should be BSTR="Egg" are now:
tv BSTR = 0x077b0e1c "ᎀݸﻮﻮﻮﻮﻮﻮﻮﻮﻮﻮﻮﻮ㨼㺛帛᠄"
When the GetField function tries to set its return value to the value in tv.BSTR
_bstr_t bStr = tv;
sValue = bStr;
it unsurprisingly chokes and dies.
So what happened to the value of BSTR and why does it only happen when the provider is set to SQLNCLI.1?
For the heck of it, I commented out using the stored procedure in the topmost code and just hard coded the same SQL SELECT statement that the stored procedure uses and found that it works just fine and the value returned is correct.
Also, it's possible for users to add rows to the table through the application. If the application creates a new row in that table and retrieves that row via stored procedure, it also works correctly unless you include a special character in the description in which case it correctly saves the row but blows up again in the exact same way as above upon retrieval of that row.
So to summarize, if I can, rows put into the table via the INSERT script ALWAYS blow up the app when they are accessed by stored procedure (regardless of whether they contain any special characters). Rows put into the table from within the application by the user at runtime are retrieved correctly via stored procedure UNLESS they contain a special character in the Description, at which point they blow up the app. If you access any of the rows in the table by using SQL from the code at runtime instead of the stored procedure it works whether there is a special character in the Description or not.
Any light that can be shed on this will be greatly appreciated, and I thank you in advance.
This line might be problematic:
tagVARIANT tv = pRS->Fields->GetItem(_variant_t(wstrFieldName.c_str()))->Value;
If I read it right, ->Value returns a _variant_t, which is a smart pointer. The smart pointer will release its variant when it goes out of scope, right after this line. However, tagVARIANT is not a smart pointer, so it won't increase the reference count when it is assigned to. So after this line, tv might point to a variant which has effectively been released.
What happens if you write the code like this?
_variant_t tv = pRS->Fields->GetItem(_variant_t(wstrFieldName.c_str()))->Value;
Or alternatively, tell the smart pointer not to release its payload:
_tagVARIANT tv = pRS->Fields->GetItem(
It's been a long time since I coded in C++, and reading this post, I don't regret moving away!