Ember.js: Route-dependent Menu - ember.js

I've got a Template which defines an <div id="sidemenu"><ul>...</ul></div>.It should has some <li>-Elements which represents general available-Menu-Items. On Sub-routes I want to add some additional menu-entries which only make sense on that routes. But since the div where to put the li's into is defined in the parent-route-template, I don't know how I should implement this.
My first theoretical approach was to call a controller function which returns the necessary li's. I could override this function in each sub-controller but I don't know if this is good practice.
However I want to do it in a ember-vanilla way if possible (someone told me to use a plugin called "wormhole" or something)

I would make the dependent portions of the menu a named outlet, then render into the outlet from each route's renderTemplate hook.
{{! components/sidebar/template.hbs }}
<div id="sidemenu">
<li>Generally available menu item 1</li>
{{outlet name='nav'}}
// thing1/route.js
renderTemplate() {
this.render('thing1-nav-template', {into: 'nav'});
You could use {{ember-wormhole}} I suppose--I don't know that module. It certainly does not fall into the category of "ember vanilla" if that's one of your criteria. Essentially, it would allow you to write the thing1-nav-template contents directly in your route template instead of another template. I have no idea how stable it is, so personally I'd do it the old-fashioned way using outlets; that's what they're there for.

You can use https://github.com/yapplabs/ember-wormhole to render content from one template into an HTML element identified by an ID.
Menu Template:
<li>General stuff</li>
<ul id='foobar' />
Subroute Template:
{{#ember-wormhole to="foobar"}}
<li>Subroute stuff</li>


Render sidebar based on model in EmberJS

I started with learning EmberJS and maybe the answer is trivial, but after some researching, I still can't find a solution.
In my model template, I have some buttons(each for the different object) which after click should expand sidebar with its details.
What do I want to reach is something like this:
Could someone provide me with some simple twiddle?
There are two ways to achieve this effect.
Using controller's variable
{{#foreach model as |obj|}}
<button onclick={{action (mut activeModel) obj}}>{{obj.name}}</button>
<!--Somewhere later in template-->
{{#if activeModel}}
<!--Code of overlay and sidebar, close button sets activeModel to undefined-->
Using child (nested) route
Parent template:
{{#foreach model as |obj|}}
{{#link-to 'parentRoute.childRoute' obj tagName="button"}}
<!--Somewhere later in template-->
Child template should contain code of overlay and sidebar, close button redirects back to parent route
well, one of the options is that you can create components and pass the modified model(modify the model using onclick function) as the data to that component.
for example,
let us just say that this is your main template
<button onclick="changeSideBar()">click</button>
<div style="display:none; //render it in the left-half(using bootstrap models)">
{{sidebar-component model=model.modified}}
in the javascript code (component.js),
function changeSideBar()
var modified= ;//set as per your convienince by iterating actual models or by any means
//make display of sidebar div "block"
sidebar-component is your component. make the component as per your wish.
hope it helps.
I can't help much without your templates or codes. It would be great if you provide some of your works.

How to use a component from within a component in Ember

G'day all,
I'm trying to wrap a component with another to provide a simplified editing wrapper.
The component is to conditionally show either a label or a select component that allows the user to pick the right value.
I want to wrap the power-select component, and pass it's values through to the sub-component, so the page template component reference looks like this:
title="Country ##"
"countries" is an array of country objects, and selectedCountry is one of those country objects.
The component template has the following:
{{#if edit}}
as |object|}}
Unfortunately the power-select component renders with an empty list of options.
I thought wrapping those parameters in handlebars might do the trick, but it seems that handlebars in handlebars isn't a valid syntax.
Does anyone have any ideas?
That should work, I created a twiddle for you, demonstrating your use case. You'll see I updated the your cm-select template to this:
{{title}} |
<button {{action 'toggleEdit'}}>Toggle Edit</button>
{{#if edit}}
Search for a Item via {{searchField}}
onSelect=(action "itemSelected")
onSelect=(action "itemSelected")
Where you iterated over options for power-select in the cm-select component, I moved that down into the power-select template. It's better to try and encapsulate some functionality there, instead of having everything in cm-select. I wasn't sure what you had in mind with {{modelElement}} so I just demonstrate what it would look like, using two different components in cm-select.

Ember.Component (block form): more than one outlet {{yield}}

I see that ember has a very nice mechanism for wrapping content in a component using the {{yield}} mechanism documented here.
So, to use the example in the documentation, I can have a blog-post component template defined like so:
<script type="text/x-handlebars" id="components/blog-post">
<div class="body">{{yield}}</div>
I can then embed blog-post into any other template using the form:
{{#blog-post title=title}}
<p class="author">by {{author}}</p>
My question is, can I specify two different {{yield}} outlets in the components template?
Something like this is possible via Named Outlets in Ember.Route#renderTemplate like so:
<div class="toolbar">{{outlet toolbar}}</div>
<div class="sidebar">{{outlet sidebar}}</div>
App.PostsRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
renderTemplate: function() {
this.render({ outlet: 'sidebar' });
I'm not sure I can take this path for a component which will not know what route's template would be rendering it.
For the sake of clarity, I'm trying to implement the Android Swipe for Action Pattern as an Ember component.
So, I'd like users of this component to be able to specify two different templates:
A template for the normal list item, and
A template for the actions that are revealed when a swipe on (1) is detected.
I want to make this into a component, because quite a lot of javascript goes into handling the touch(start/move/end) events, while still managing smooth touch based scrolling of the list. Users would supply the two templates and this component would manage handling of touch events and necessary animations.
I've managed to get the component working in the block form, where the block's contents are treated like (1). The second template (2) is specified through a parameter (actionPartial below) which is the name of a partial template for the actions:
Component Handlebars Template: sfa-item.handlebars
<div {{bind-attr class=":sfa-item-actions shouldRevealActions:show" }}>
{{partial actionPartial}}
<div {{bind-attr class=":sfa-item-details isDragging:dragging shouldRevealActions:moveout"}}>
Calling Handlebars Template:
{{#each response in controller}}
<div class="list-group-item sf-mr-item">
{{#sfa-item actionPartial="mr-item-action"}}
Where the mr-item-action handlebars is defined like so:
<div class="sf-mr-item-action">
<button class="btn btn-lg btn-primary" {{action 'sfaClickedAction'}}>Edit</button>
<button class="btn btn-lg btn-primary">Delete</button>
Problem is, actions from the user supplied partial, sfaClickedAction above, are not bubbled up from the component. A fact which is mentioned in the docs in para 4.
So, now I do not know how a user could capture actions that he defined in the supplied actions template. A component cannot catch those actions because it doesn't know about them either.
I sprung a follow up question here
This blog post describes the most elegant solution for Ember 1.10+: https://coderwall.com/p/qkk2zq/components-with-structured-markup-in-ember-js-v1-10
In your component you pass yield names into {{yield}}s:
{{yield "header"}}
<div class="body">
{{yield "body"}}
{{yield "footer"}}
When you invoke your component, you accept the yield name as a block param... and use an esleif chain!
{{#my-comp as |section|}}
{{#if (eq section "header")}}
My header
{{else if (eq section "body")}}
My body
{{else if (eq section "footer")}}
My footer
PS eq is a subexpression helper from the must-have ember-truth-helpers addon.
PPS Relevant RFC: proposal, discussion.
Since it is not possible to have two {{yield}} helpers within one component (how would the component know where one {{yield}}'s markup stops and the next one begins?) you may be able to approach this problem from a different direction.
Consider the pattern of nested components. Browsers do this already with great success. Take, for example, the <ul> and <li> components. A <ul> wants to take many bits of markup and render each one like a member of a list. In order to accomplish this, it forces you to separate your itemized markup into <li> tags. There are many other examples of this. <table>, <tbody>, <tr>, <td> is another good case.
I think you may have stumbled upon a case where you can implement this pattern. For example:
... some markup
... some other markup
Obviously first-thing and second-thing are terrible names for your specialized components that represent the things you'd want to wrap with your first and second templates. You get the idea.
Do be careful since the nested components won't have access to properties within the outer component. You'll have to bind values with both outer and inner components if they are needed in both.

how do you catch a 'click' on a {{linkTo}} using a view?

(Note: I am using Ember version 1.0.0-rc.3)
I'm trying to catch the 'click' of a {{linkTo}} using a view, so that I can do additional stuff (basically scroll the list of users in the sidebar) besides merely loading the new template. Me being relatively new to this (but having read the documentation!), I thought the following would just work:
"users" template:
{{#each user in users}}
{{#view App.ClickView}}
{{#linkTo user user}}{{ user.name }}{{/linkTo}}
the view code:
App.ClickView = Ember.View.extend({
click: function(evt) {
// do stuff
and for context, the layout template:
<div id='sidebar'>
{{#each user in users}}
{{#linkTo user user}}{{ user.name }}{{/linkTo}}
<div id='main'>
{{ outlet }}
Referring back to the users template, you can see that each {{linkTo}} is contained within a view. I'm expecting for a click on that {{linkTo}} to therefore bubble up to, and caught by the view (App.ClickView). Unfortunately, it doesn't. It seems like the click is somehow not being bubbled up to the view when it's happens on a {{linkTo}}... What should I do?
Note #1:
If I replace the {{linkTo}} (only in div#main! I don't intend to replace the ones in div#sidebar) with an <a> element, it works, and the click gets caught by the view. However, I'm not so sure that i want to go down this route (I'd have to replicate the functionality of the {{linkTo}}!). And I'm thinking that there ought to be a better way to do this. Is there?
Note #2:
*Note that I'm also aware that i can put my intended "do stuff" code in renderTemplate() of the UserRoute, but the problem with that is that the effect will happen for every link to that route (including the ones in the sidebar - which is not what I want). I want the scroll to only trigger for specific {{linkTo}}s - specifically the {{linkTo}}s in div#main.
I would suggest using an anchor (<a>) tag with {{action ... target="view"}} in it instead of linkTo, apply your conditional logic in the view, and then if appropriate, re-send to the controller (this.get('controller').send(actionName), let it bubble to the router, and do a transitionTo in a router event handler.

Selected item in a template, is there any solution for a context aware bindAttr?

The problem is as follows:
In our application we have several buttons, navigation icons etc., which we want to be 'selected' when they have been clicked. We can have multiple elements marked at the same time.
The secondary reason for me wanting to do this is that when I read the new Guides on emberjs.com I get the feeling that templates should be used more than stated before and that templates should have the responsibility of rendering the DOM, while the views should be used to handle sophisticated events (if any) or to create common/shared components to be reused in the application.
Currently the view is handling this:
app.NavView = Ember.CollectionView.extend({
itemViewClass: Ember.View.extend({
classNameBindings: ['isSelected:selected']
isSelected: function () {
return this.get('controller.selected') === this.get('content');
But that is all the View basically is doing, I would like to drop the entire View and just use a template for this
I have tried with a template approach, and dropped the entire View concept.
<div id="main-menu">
{{#each content}}
<div {{bindAttr class="controller.isSelected:selected"}}>
But my problem here of course is that bindAttr doesn't know about the context it’s in, and cannot 'send' this to the isSelected property on the controller to evaluate if it is this element that is selected or not.
Is there a good solution to do this without a view, or am I forced to use a view?
Or am I thinking the design part and responsibility of Templates/views/controllers wrong?
Any response is appreciated!
In the current documentation: http://emberjs.com/guides/templates/displaying-a-list-of-items/ there is a mention explaining how to use the {{each}} helper which doesn't override the current context.
In your case, this would be something like:
<div id="main-menu">
{{#each item in controller}}
<div {{bindAttr class="isSelected:selected"}}>
Note I have remove the reference to 'controller' in the {{bindAttr}} since I assume it's an ember controller, then it's the current context, so basically isSelected is equivalent to controller.isSelected