when to use iso_Fortran_env ,selected_int_kind,real(8),or -fdefault-real-8 for writing or compiling fortran code? - fortran

I have this simple code which uses DGEMM routine for matrix multiplication
program check
implicit none
call DGEMM('n','n',2,2,2,1.00,A,2,B,2,0.00,C,2)
print *,C(1,1)
print *,C(1,2)
print *,C(2,1)
print *,C(2,2)
end program check
now when i compile this code with command
gfortran -o check check.f90 -lblas
I get some random garbage values. But when I add
to the compiling options I get correct values.
But since it is not a good way of variable declaration in Fortran. So I used the iso_fortran_env intrinsic module and added two lines to the code
use iso_fortran_env
and compiled with
gfortran -o check check.f90 -lblas
Again I got wrong output .
Where I'm erring in this code?
I'm on 32bit linux and using GCC

DGEMM expects double precision values for ALPHA and BETA.
Without further options, you are feeding single precision floats to LAPACK - hence the garbage.
Using -fdefault-real-8 you force every float specified to be double precision by default, and DGEMM is fed correctly.
In your case, the call should be:
call DGEMM('n','n',2,2,2,1.00_8,A,2,B,2,0.00_8,C,2)
which specifies the value for alpha to be 1 as a float of kind 8, and zero of kind 8 for beta.
If you want to perform the matrix-vector product in single precision, use SGEMM.
Note that this is highly compiler-specific, you should consider using REAL32/REAL64 from the ISO_Fortran_env module instead (also for the declaration of A, B, and C).


Fortran warning for data type [duplicate]

If you have a standalone function in a file (not in a module) and you call it with a single-precision while it expects a double precision number:
main.f90 :
program main
call test(1.0)
end program main
subroutine test(a)
double precision :: a
print *, "a", a
end subroutine
How does the compiler "casts" from single to double precision in this case ?
Using floating-point format, I would expect the bits to stay the same during the cast but additionnal zeroes to be appended. That is:
1 = 0 01111111 00000000000000000000000 in single-precision
and I would expect the final value to be 2^(-7):
0 01111111000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 in double precision
Surprisingly, with gfortran 6.4.0, the final value is 5.2635442471208903E-315.
The compiler does no casting. What you have written is not Fortran.
In the main program the subroutine test has an implicit interface. Essentially, the compiler knows nothing about this except that it is a subroutine. You also tell it that it has a single (default) real argument.
It is your responsibility, not the compiler's, to provide the correct type and kind of argument when referencing the subroutine. You failed there, so you do not have a compliant Fortran program. The Fortran compiler owes you nothing.
What you will observe will depend on implementation details of the Fortran processor. The subroutine expects a double precision argument and has no reason to believe it has anything else. Whether there is copy-in/copy-out or some address passing1, the interpretation of memory will not match. In the dummy argument, all but the bytes corresponding to the default real of the actual argument are "junk".
If you provide an explicit interface for the subroutine in the main program there will still be no casting, but the compiler will notice the mismatch. Equally, some compilers (perhaps with certain compile flags) will do some checking even when an implicit interface is there.
1 For details of the likely pass-by-reference, see the comment by user5713492.
I guess the compiler "casts" according to endianess. If you stak zeros on the left, you get:
0 00000000000 0000000000000000000000111111100000000000000000000000
Which is 5.2635442471208903E-315. You can check by forcing endianess at compile-time.

ISO_FORTRAN_ENV or -fdefault-real-8 to promote reals to double precision

I've always been using the -fdefault-real-8 option of gfortran to automatically promote every single REAL declared anywhere in the program to double precision, along with any constant, e.g. 1.23. If I ever wanted to switch back to single precision, I only had to remove that option and recompile, without changing a single character in the source code.
At a point I started using ISO_FORTRAN_ENV module, since it allows me to use constants like INPUT|OUTPUT|ERROR_UNIT, as well as IOSTAT_END and IOSTAT_EOR and others (which seemed to be a good and easy move in the direction of portability, am I wrong?). From then on, I've been seeing and ignoring the following warning
Warning: Use of the NUMERIC_STORAGE_SIZE named constant from intrinsic module ISO_FORTRAN_ENV at (1) is incompatible with option -fdefault-real-8
since such incompatibility seems to have no effect so far.
Now I'd like to get rid of this warning if it is possible and worth it.
If I correctly understood, to avoid this warning I should give up on -fdefault-real-8 option and change every REAL to REAL(real64) and/or to REAL(dp) (provided that, in the latter case, the statement USE, INTRINSIC :: ISO_FORTRAN_ENV, dp => real64 is put in that unit), which is not a difficult task for sed or vim.
Nevertheless, it seems to me that this change wouldn't be the same as using -fdefault-real-8 option, since all constants would stay single precision as long as I don't add d0 to them.
Assumed the -fdefault-real-8 option is removed and ISO_FORTRAN_ENV is used anywhere, is there any way to make any constant across the program behave as each had d0 suffix?
Whether or not this is possible, have I correctly extrapolated that I can put the following lines in a single module which is used by all others program units, each of which can then use dp as kind type parameter?
INTEGER, PARAMETER :: dp = real64
I would prefer this way since I could switch to real32 or real128 or whatever by changing only that line.
If you just want to silence the warning and you do not care about the implications -fdefault-real-8 has on storage association and some Fortran standard requirements, just do not import NUMERIC_STORAGE_SIZE from the module. For example,
Assumed the -fdefault-real-8 option is removed and ISO_FORTRAN_ENV is used anywhere, is there any way to make any constant across the program behave as each had d0 suffix?
By the way, d0 is exactly the same as double precision, so that doesn't fixate much either, since the meaning of double precision is allowed to vary as much as real.
Whether or not this is possible, have I correctly extrapolated that I can put the following lines in a single module which is used by all others program units, each of which can then use dp as kind type parameter?
Yes. That is a common practice.

Why are resulsts of silverfrost and gfortran different?

When I run my code with Silverfrost fortran, the result is -2.987531633638E-02. But with gfortran (under cygwin and ubuntu linux) it is -2.9875316336381942E-002. My code is here:
program seebeck
call quad3d(0.,190.,ss)
write(*,*) "result:",ss
end program seebeck
SUBROUTINE quad3d(x1,x2,ss)
REAL:: x1,x2
external f1
call qgausep(f1,x1,x2,ss)
SUBROUTINE qgausep(f2,a,b,ss)
external f2
REAL:: a,b
REAL*8 dx,xm,xr,w(5),x(5)
SAVE w,x
DATA w/.2955242247,.2692667193,.2190863625,.1494513491,.0666713443/
DATA x/.1488743389,.4333953941,.6794095682,.8650633666,.9739065285/
do 11 j=1,5
11 continue
function f1(t)
end function
There is a huge difference between the two results. I cannot explain the cause of this difference as a floating point inaccuracy.
Note: My code is a draft version and has no physical meaning.
This has something to do with how different compilers handling your data assignment at line 26/27 of your code. You defined both w and x as double-precision arrays, but only initialize them with lower precision values. This will introduce some floating point inaccuracy. In fact if I pass your code through the NAG compiler (which is known to be very strict), it gives a warning:
Warning: test.f90, line 26: Low-precision data-value assigned to high-precision data-object
To confirm, you can print out the values in array w and x to see if they are different when using different compilers.

Allocatable arrays in fortran 77 and gfortran

I'm trying to compile some old fortran77 programs with gfortran and getting error with allocatable arrays.
If I define arrays in f90-style, like:
everything is fine, but in those old programs arrays defined as:
REAL*8 somearray[ALLOCATABLE](:)
which cause gfortran error output:
Fatal Error: Coarrays disabled at (1), use -fcoarray= to enable
I really wish to avoid rewriting whole programs to f90 style, so, could you please tell me, is there any way to force gfortran to compile it?
Thanks a lot.
For standard checking you can use -std flag
Specify the standard to which the program is expected to conform, which may be one of f95',f2003', f2008',gnu', or `legacy'.
To "force" gfortran to compile your code, you have to use syntax it recognizes
I'd probably go for search and replace. For example,
sed 's/\(REAL\*8\)[[:blank:]]\+\([^[]\+\)\[ALLOCATABLE\]\(.*\)/\1, allocatable :: \2\3/' <old.source> > <new.source>
where sed is available.
Of course, be careful with sed :).
In any case, as it seems your code was written in some non-standard version of old
Fortran, you'll probably need to make changes in any case.
For what it's worth the Intel Fortran compiler (v13.something) compiles the following micro-program without complaint. This executes and writes 10 to the terminal:
REAL*8 somearray[ALLOCATABLE](:)
print *, size(somearray)
Given the history of the Intel compiler I suspect that the strange declaration is an extension provided by DEC Fortran, possibly an early implementation of what was later standardised in Fortran 90.

Fortran I/O: Specifying large record sizes

I am trying to write an array to file, where I have opened the file this way:
open(unit=20, FILE="output.txt", form='unformatted', access='direct', recl=sizeof(u))
Here, u is an array and sizeof(u) is 2730025920, which is ~2.5GB.
When I run the program, I get an error Fortran runtime error: RECL parameter is non-positive in OPEN statement, which I believe means that the record size is too large.
Is there a way to handle this? One option would be to write the array in more than one write call such that the record size in each write is smaller than 2.5GB. But I am wondering if I can write the entire array in a single call.
u has been declared as double precision u(5,0:408,0:408,0:407)
The program was compiled as gfortran -O3 -fopenmp -mcmodel=medium test.f
There is some OpenMP code in this program, but the file I/O is sequential.
gfortran v 4.5.0, OS: Opensuse 11.3 on 64 bit AMD Opteron
Thanks for your help.
You should be able to write big arrays as long as it's memory permitting. It seems like you are getting integer overflow with the sizeof function. sizeof is not Fortran standard and I would not recommend using it (implementations may vary between compilers). Instead, it is a better practice to use the inquire statement to obtain record length. I was able to reproduce your problem with ifort and this solution works for me. You can avoid integer overflow by declaring a higher kind variable:
integer(kind=8) :: reclen
EDIT: After some investigation, this seems to be a gfortran problem. Setting a higher kind for integer reclen solves the problem for ifort and pgf90, but not for gfortran - I just tried this with version 4.6.2. Even though reclen has the correct positive value, it seems that recl is 32-bit signed integer internally with gfortran (Thanks #M.S.B. for pointing this out). The Fortran run-time error suggests this, and not that the value is larger than maximum. I doubt it is an OS issue. If possible, try using ifort (free for non-commercial use): Intel Non-Commercial Software Download.