Substitute Console window by Windows Forms - c++

I have created a Win32 Console Application project in Visual Studio 2012 C++.
How can I substitute the Console window by a more appealing GUI like Windows Forms?
int32_t main(int32_t argc, char* argv[])
const char *date = "20150428_1\\";
int mode=0;
_CallServerPtr pCallServer;
uint32_t start_address_comp=0;
uint32_t start_address_module=0;
const char* xmlFile_tx_dbb="tx_dbb.xml";;
char str[100] = "\0";
char localeStr[64];
memset(localeStr, 0, sizeof localeStr);
const char *l_path = "..\\XERCES\\Configs\\";
std::string buf = "";
double Fsym_Hz=(1/1.15)*1e9;
int selection=0;
int user_selection=0;
if (strlen(localeStr))
catch (const XMLException& toCatch)
XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER cerr << "Error during initialization! :\n"
<< StrX(toCatch.getMessage()) << XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER endl;
static const XMLCh gLS[] = { chLatin_L, chLatin_S, chNull };
DOMImplementation *impl = DOMImplementationRegistry::getDOMImplementation(gLS);
DOMLSParser *parser = ((DOMImplementationLS*)impl)->createLSParser(DOMImplementationLS::MODE_SYNCHRONOUS, 0);
DOMConfiguration *config = parser->getDomConfig();
DOMLSSerializer *theSerializer = ((DOMImplementationLS*)impl)->createLSSerializer();
DOMLSOutput *theOutputDesc = ((DOMImplementationLS*)impl)->createLSOutput();
config->setParameter(XMLUni::fgDOMDatatypeNormalization, true);
DOMCountErrorHandler errorHandler;
config->setParameter(XMLUni::fgDOMErrorHandler, &errorHandler);
//reset error count first
// reset document pool
char* pszHostname = NULL;
pSaIn = 0;
pSaOut = 0;
// Initialize the COM Library
if (!pszHostname)
// Create the CallServer server object on the local computer
if (pCallServer == NULL)
throw "Failed to create the CallableVEE CallServer object";
// Load the VEE User Function library
char strpath[256];
strcpy (strpath,reposity_path);
strcat (strpath,l_path_vee);
_bstr_t bstrLibPath(strpath);
LibraryPtr pLib = pCallServer->GetLibraries()->Load(bstrLibPath);
// Print out the names of the UserFunctions in this library.
UserFunctionsPtr pUserFuncColl = pLib->GetUserFunctions();
// Variables added by ivi
float *freq =(float *)_aligned_malloc(6,16); // Read frequency vector
// Previous variables
int32_t devIdx;
int32_t modeClock;
int32_t ifType;
const char *devType;
char fpga_device_type[32];
int32_t rc;
int32_t ref_clk=0;
uint32_t carrier=0;
uint32_t odelay_dac0 = 0;
uint32_t odelay_dac1 = 0;
// Parse the application arguments
if(argc!=5) {
printf("Usage: FMCxxxApp.exe {interface type} {device type} {device index} {clock mode} \n\n");
printf(" {interface type} can be either 0 (PCI) or 1 (Ethernet). At CEIT, we use 1 (Ethernet).\n");
printf(" {device type} is a string defining the target hardware (VP680, ML605, ...). At CEIT, we use VC707.\n");
printf(" {device index} is a PCI index or an Ethernet interface index. This value depends on the PC.\n");
printf(" {clock mode} can be either 0 (Int. Clock) or 1 (Ext. Clock)\n");
printf("Example: Fmc230APP.exe 1 VC707 0 0\n");
printf(" List of NDIS interfaces found in the system {device index}:\n");
printf(" -----------------------------------------------------------\n");
if(sipif_getdeviceenumeration(API_ENUM_DISPLAY)!=SIPIF_ERR_OK) {
printf("Could not obtain NDIS(Ethernet) device enumeration...\n Check if the 4dspnet driver installed or if the service started?\n");
printf("You can discard this error if you do not have any Ethernet based product in use.");
return -1;

You mean to have the same code in windows forms. That won't work. The printf and other commands work only in a console application. You must to create a windows form application and rewrite the code for it. You must rewrite all commands that don't work in a windows form application. There probably exists a conversion application, but for this short code I think it's better to rewrite it.


Xcode app for macOS. This is how I setup to get audio from usb mic input. Worked a year ago, now doesn't. Why

Here is my audio init code. My app responds when queue buffers are ready, but all data in buffer is zero. Checking sound in system preferences shows that USB Audio CODEC in sound input dialog is active. AudioInit() is called right after app launches.
#pragma mark user data struct
typedef struct MyRecorder
AudioFileID recordFile;
SInt64 recordPacket;
Float32 *pSampledData;
MorseDecode *pMorseDecoder;
} MyRecorder;
#pragma mark utility functions
void CheckError(OSStatus error, const char *operation)
if(error == noErr) return;
char errorString[20];
// see if it appears to be a 4 char code
*(UInt32*)(errorString + 1) = CFSwapInt32HostToBig(error);
if (isprint(errorString[1]) && isprint(errorString[2]) &&
isprint(errorString[3]) && isprint(errorString[4]))
errorString[0] = errorString[5] = '\'';
errorString[6] = '\0';
sprintf(errorString, "%d", (int)error);
fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s (%s)\n", operation, errorString);
OSStatus MyGetDefaultInputDeviceSampleRate(Float64 *outSampleRate)
OSStatus error;
AudioDeviceID deviceID = 0;
AudioObjectPropertyAddress propertyAddress;
UInt32 propertySize;
propertyAddress.mSelector = kAudioHardwarePropertyDefaultInputDevice;
propertyAddress.mScope = kAudioObjectPropertyScopeGlobal;
propertyAddress.mElement = 0;
propertySize = sizeof(AudioDeviceID);
error = AudioObjectGetPropertyData(kAudioObjectSystemObject,
return error;
propertyAddress.mSelector = kAudioDevicePropertyNominalSampleRate;
propertyAddress.mScope = kAudioObjectPropertyScopeGlobal;
propertyAddress.mElement = 0;
propertySize = sizeof(Float64);
error = AudioObjectGetPropertyData(deviceID,
return error;
static int MyComputeRecordBufferSize(const AudioStreamBasicDescription *format,
AudioQueueRef queue,
float seconds)
int packets, frames, bytes;
frames = (int)ceil(seconds * format->mSampleRate);
if(format->mBytesPerFrame > 0)
bytes = frames * format->mBytesPerFrame;
UInt32 maxPacketSize;
if(format->mBytesPerPacket > 0)
// constant packet size
maxPacketSize = format->mBytesPerPacket;
// get the largest single packet size possible
UInt32 propertySize = sizeof(maxPacketSize);
"Couldn't get queues max output packet size");
if(format->mFramesPerPacket > 0)
packets = frames / format->mFramesPerPacket;
// worst case scenario: 1 frame in a packet
packets = frames;
// sanity check
if(packets == 0)
packets = 1;
bytes = packets * maxPacketSize;
return bytes;
extern void bridgeToMainThread(MorseDecode *pDecode);
static int callBacks = 0;
// ---------------------------------------------
static void MyAQInputCallback(void *inUserData,
AudioQueueRef inQueue,
AudioQueueBufferRef inBuffer,
const AudioTimeStamp *inStartTime,
UInt32 inNumPackets,
const AudioStreamPacketDescription *inPacketDesc)
MyRecorder *recorder = (MyRecorder*)inUserData;
Float32 *pAudioData = (Float32*)(inBuffer->mAudioData);
recorder->pMorseDecoder->pBuffer = pAudioData;
recorder->pMorseDecoder->bufferSize = inNumPackets;
"AudioQueueEnqueueBuffer failed");
printf("packets = %ld, bytes = %ld\n",(long)inNumPackets,(long)inBuffer->mAudioDataByteSize);
//printf("\ncallBacks = %d\n",callBacks);
//if(callBacks == 0)
static AudioQueueRef queue = {0};
static MyRecorder recorder = {0};
static AudioStreamBasicDescription recordFormat;
void audioInit()
// set up format
recordFormat.mFormatID = kAudioFormatLinearPCM;
recordFormat.mChannelsPerFrame = 2;
recordFormat.mBitsPerChannel = 32;
recordFormat.mBytesPerPacket = recordFormat.mBytesPerFrame = recordFormat.mChannelsPerFrame * sizeof(Float32);
recordFormat.mFramesPerPacket = 1;
//recordFormat.mFormatFlags = kAudioFormatFlagsCanonical;
recordFormat.mFormatFlags = kAudioFormatFlagsNativeFloatPacked;
UInt32 propSize = sizeof(recordFormat);
"AudioFormatProperty failed");
recorder.pMorseDecoder = MorseDecode::pInstance();
recorder.pMorseDecoder->m_sampleRate = recordFormat.mSampleRate;
// recorder.pMorseDecoder->setCircularBuffer();
//set up queue
"AudioQueueNewInput failed");
UInt32 size = sizeof(recordFormat);
&size), "Couldn't get queue's format");
// set up buffers and enqueue
const int kNumberRecordBuffers = 3;
int bufferByteSize = MyComputeRecordBufferSize(&recordFormat, queue, AUDIO_BUFFER_DURATION);
for(int bufferIndex = 0; bufferIndex < kNumberRecordBuffers; bufferIndex++)
AudioQueueBufferRef buffer;
"AudioQueueAllocateBuffer failed");
"AudioQueueEnqueueBuffer failed");
void audioRun()
CheckError(AudioQueueStart(queue, NULL), "AudioQueueStart failed");
void audioStop()
CheckError(AudioQueuePause(queue), "AudioQueuePause failed");
This sounds like the new macOS 'microphone privacy' setting, which, if set to 'no access' for your app, will cause precisely this behaviour. So:
Open the System Preferences pane.
Click on 'Security and Privacy'.
Select the Privacy tab.
Click on 'Microphone' in the left-hand pane.
Locate your app in the right-hand pane and tick the checkbox next to it.
Then restart your app and test it.
Tedious, no?
Edit: As stated in the comments, you can't directly request microphone access, but you can detect whether it has been granted to your app or not by calling [AVCaptureDevice authorizationStatusForMediaType: AVMediaTypeAudio].

What build environment differences are causing the mesa GBM library to behave differently

I am working on a basic demo application (kmscube) to do rendering via the DRM and GBM APIs. My application uses the TI variation of libgbm (mesa generic buffer management). TI provides the source, GNU autotools files, and a build environment (Yocto) to compile it. I compiled GBM in their environment and it works perfectly.
I did not want to use Yocto, so I moved the source into my own build system (buildroot) and compiled it. Everything compiles correctly (using the same autotools files), but when it runs, I get a segmentation fault when I call gbm_surface_create. I debugged as far as I could and found that the program steps into the gbm library but fails on return gbm->surface_create(gbm, width, height, format, flags);
What would cause a library to run differently when compiled in different environments. Are there some really important compiler or linker flags that I could be missing?
This is the code from the graphics application (in kmscube.c) = gbm_create_device(drm.fd);
gbm.surface = gbm_surface_create(,
drm.mode[DISP_ID]->hdisplay, drm.mode[DISP_ID]->vdisplay,
if (!gbm.surface) {
printf("failed to create gbm surface\n");
return -1;
return 0;
This is the call stack that creates the device ( in gbm.c)
GBM_EXPORT struct gbm_device *
gbm_create_device(int fd)
struct gbm_device *gbm = NULL;
struct stat buf;
if (fd < 0 || fstat(fd, &buf) < 0 || !S_ISCHR(buf.st_mode)) {
fprintf(stderr, "gbm_create_device: invalid fd: %d\n", fd);
return NULL;
if (device_num == 0)
memset(devices, 0, sizeof devices);
gbm = _gbm_create_device(fd);
if (gbm == NULL)
return NULL;
gbm->dummy = gbm_create_device;
gbm->stat = buf;
gbm->refcount = 1;
if (device_num < ARRAY_SIZE(devices)-1)
devices[device_num++] = gbm;
return gbm;
(continued in backend.c)
struct gbm_device *
_gbm_create_device(int fd)
const struct gbm_backend *backend = NULL;
struct gbm_device *dev = NULL;
int i;
const char *b;
b = getenv("GBM_BACKEND");
if (b)
backend = load_backend(b);
if (backend)
dev = backend->create_device(fd);
for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(backends) && dev == NULL; ++i) {
backend = load_backend(backends[i]);
if (backend == NULL)
fprintf(stderr, "found valid GBM backend : %s\n", backends[i]);
dev = backend->create_device(fd);
return dev;
static const void *
load_backend(const char *name)
char path[PATH_MAX];
void *module;
const char *entrypoint = "gbm_backend";
if (name[0] != '/')
snprintf(path, sizeof path, MODULEDIR "/%s", name);
snprintf(path, sizeof path, "%s", name);
module = dlopen(path, RTLD_NOW | RTLD_GLOBAL);
if (!module) {
fprintf(stderr, "failed to load module: %s\n", dlerror());
return NULL;
else {
fprintf(stderr, "loaded module : %s\n", name);
return dlsym(module, entrypoint);
And here is the code that throws a segmentation fault (in gbm.c)
GBM_EXPORT struct gbm_surface *
gbm_surface_create(struct gbm_device *gbm,
uint32_t width, uint32_t height,
uint32_t format, uint32_t flags)
return gbm->surface_create(gbm, width, height, format, flags);

C++ - Serial (COM) port - asio | VS2015 error(s)

1. What are we trying to achieve (and why)
We're currently trying to communicate with an industrial robot over USB(COM)<->serial(RS232). We would like to control the robot from a C++ application.
2. What setup do we have
We're using Visual Studio C++ 2015 with the built-in C++ compiler. Creating a "Win32 Console Application".
3. What steps have we taken?
We've got the connection working in Processing (Java) using Serial but we would like to implement it in C++.
3.1 Boost ASIO
We're using Boost ASIO (installed with NuGet package manager).
At this point we get 2 compile errors indicating the same problem:
Error C2694 'const char *asio::detail::system_category::name(void) const': overriding virtual function has less restrictive exception specification than base class virtual member function 'const char *std::error_category::name(void) noexcept const'
I figured that this error is most likely not caused by my code (I haven't changed the library). So I believe the VS21015 C++ compiler is not fully compatible with boost::asio?
I've found two other links/posts with somewhat the same error:
And I tried the following define:
#define ASIO_ERROR_CATEGORY_NOEXCEPT noexcept(true)
Error in websocketpp library and boost in windows Visual Studio 2015
With the following define:
#define ASIO_ERROR_CATEGORY_NOEXCEPT noexcept(true)
But it did not resolve the errors. The even caused a lot of random syntax errors and undeclared identifiers (which would indicate missing the include of iterator.
3.2 Windows(base) and C
We've used some C code (and added in a little C++ Debugging) to detect COM ports. But it simply doesn't show them (however it does in device explorer). We even had to convert a LPCWSTR to char array (wtf?).
#include <stdio.h>
#include <cstdio>
#include <iostream>
#include <windows.h>
#include <winbase.h>
wchar_t *convertCharArrayToLPCWSTR(const char* charArray)
wchar_t* wString = new wchar_t[4096];
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, charArray, -1, wString, 4096);
return wString;
BOOL COM_exists(int port)
char buffer[7];
DWORD size;
if (!(1 <= port && port <= 255))
return FALSE;
snprintf(buffer, sizeof buffer, "COM%d", port);
size = sizeof CommConfig;
// COM port exists if GetDefaultCommConfig returns TRUE
// or changes <size> to indicate COMMCONFIG buffer too small.
std::cout << "COM" << port << " | " << (GetDefaultCommConfig(convertCharArrayToLPCWSTR(buffer), &CommConfig, &size)
|| size > sizeof CommConfig) << std::endl;
return (GetDefaultCommConfig(convertCharArrayToLPCWSTR(buffer), &CommConfig, &size)
|| size > sizeof CommConfig);
int main()
int i;
for (i = 1; i < 256; ++i)
if (COM_exists(i))
printf("COM%d exists\n", i);
return 0;
3.3 Another Serial.h from the internet
I believe it was from:
Same rules, I include the library, everything compiles fine. (Test written below)
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "Serial.h"
int main(void)
CSerial serial;
if (serial.Open(8, 9600))
std::cout << "Port opened successfully" << std::endl;
std::cout << "Failed to open port!" << std::endl;
return 0;
But it still doesn't show my COM ports... (They do show up in device explorer though.)
4 So what is actually working?
This particular piece of code WILL display the right COM port...
TCHAR lpTargetPath[5000]; // buffer to store the path of the COMPORTS
DWORD test;
for (int i = 0; i<255; i++) // checking ports from COM0 to COM255
CString str;
str.Format(_T("%d"), i);
CString ComName = CString("COM") + CString(str); // converting to COM0, COM1, COM2
test = QueryDosDevice(ComName, lpTargetPath, 5000);
// Test the return value and error if any
if (test != 0) //QueryDosDevice returns zero if it didn't find an object
std::cout << "COM" << i << std::endl; // add to the ComboBox
Maybe you need to update to a more recent version of boost if you have not already.
The issue with the second part is you naming of the COM port. Only COM1 to 4 can be a 'bald' name. You need to format it like this:
Clearly take care of escape sequences here:
snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "\\\\.\\COM%d", port);
EDIT: Actually you don't need to do that with GetCommConfig, only with CreateFile for opening the port. It should work. I'd suspect your conversion to wide string.
You may also find a performance enhancement of you load the cfgmgr32.dll library first.
Using CreateFile for COM port detection can result in in BSODs on some Windows systems. Particular culprits are some software modems and some bluetooth devices which show up s COM ports. So using GetDefaultCommConfig is the way to go generally though it may not work for all ports.
So what else can you do? Use setupapi.dll. Sadly this is not completely trivial..
namespace {
typedef BOOL (__stdcall *ClassGuidsFromName)(LPCTSTR, LPGUID, DWORD, PDWORD);
typedef BOOL (__stdcall *DestroyDeviceInfoList)(HDEVINFO);
typedef BOOL (__stdcall *EnumDeviceInfo)(HDEVINFO, DWORD, PSP_DEVINFO_DATA);
typedef HDEVINFO (__stdcall *GetClassDevs)(LPGUID, LPCTSTR, HWND, DWORD);
typedef BOOL (__stdcall *GetDeviceRegistryProperty)(HDEVINFO, PSP_DEVINFO_DATA, DWORD, PDWORD, PBYTE, DWORD, PDWORD);
} // namespace
typedef std::basic_string<TCHAR> tstring;
struct PortEntry
tstring dev;
tstring name;
bool operator== (tstring const& device) const {
return dev == device; // TODO maybe use case-insentitive compare.
bool operator!= (tstring const& device) const {
return !(*this == device);
typedef std::vector<PortEntry> PortList;
// ...
DllHandler setupapi; // RAII class for LoadLibrary / FreeLibrary
if (!setupapi.load(_T("SETUPAPI.DLL"))) {
throw std::runtime_error("Can\'t open setupapi.dll");
OpenDevRegKey fnOpenDevRegKey =
ClassGuidsFromName fnClassGuidsFromName =
#ifdef UNICODE
DestroyDeviceInfoList fnDestroyDeviceInfoList =
EnumDeviceInfo fnEnumDeviceInfo =
GetClassDevs fnGetClassDevs =
#ifdef UNICODE
GetDeviceRegistryProperty fnGetDeviceRegistryProperty =
#ifdef UNICODE
if ((fnOpenDevRegKey == 0) ||
(fnClassGuidsFromName == 0) ||
(fnDestroyDeviceInfoList == 0) ||
(fnEnumDeviceInfo == 0) ||
(fnGetClassDevs == 0) ||
(fnGetDeviceRegistryProperty == 0)
) {
throw std:runtime_error(
"Could not locate required functions in setupapi.dll"
// First need to get the GUID from the name "Ports"
DWORD dwGuids = 0;
(*fnClassGuidsFromName)(_T("Ports"), NULL, 0, &dwGuids);
if (dwGuids == 0)
throw std::runtime_error("Can\'t get GUIDs from \'Ports\' key in the registry");
// Allocate the needed memory
std::vector<GUID> guids(dwGuids);
// Get the GUIDs
if (!(*fnClassGuidsFromName)(_T("Ports"), &guids[0], dwGuids, &dwGuids))
throw std::runtime_error("Can\'t get GUIDs from \'Ports\' key in the registry");
// Now create a "device information set" which is required to enumerate all the ports
HDEVINFO hdevinfoset = (*fnGetClassDevs)(&guids[0], NULL, NULL, DIGCF_PRESENT);
if (hdevinfoset == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
throw std::runtime_error("Can\'t get create device information set.");
// Finished with the guids.
// Finally do the enumeration
bool more = true;
int index = 0;
while (more)
//Enumerate the current device
devinfo.cbSize = sizeof(SP_DEVINFO_DATA);
more = (0 != (*fnEnumDeviceInfo)(hdevinfoset, index, &devinfo));
if (more)
PortEntry entry;
//Did we find a serial port for this device
bool added = false;
//Get the registry key which stores the ports settings
HKEY hdevkey = (*fnOpenDevRegKey)(
if (hdevkey)
//Read in the name of the port
TCHAR port_name[256];
DWORD size = sizeof(port_name);
DWORD type = 0;
if ((::RegQueryValueEx(
(LPBYTE) port_name,
(type == REG_SZ)
) {
// If it looks like "COMX" then
// add it to the array which will be returned
tstring s = port_name;
size_t len = s.length();
String const cmp(s, 0, 3);
if (CaseInsensitiveCompareEqual(String("COM"), cmp)) { = s; = "\\\\.\\" + s;
added = true;
// Close the key now that we are finished with it
// If the port was a serial port, then also try to get its friendly name
if (added)
TCHAR friendly_name[256];
DWORD size = sizeof(friendly_name);
DWORD type = 0;
if ((fnGetDeviceRegistryProperty)(
) &&
(type == REG_SZ)
) { += _T(" ("); += friendly_name; += _T(")");
// Add the port to our vector.
// If we already have an entry for the given device, then
// overwrite it (this will add the friendly name).
PortList::iterator i = std::find(
if (i == ports.end()) {
else {
(*i) = entry;
// Free up the "device information set" now that we are finished with it
You'll need to do a bit of work to make that compilable but it should work.

Where is the iteration running in this code?

I'm using NatNet SDK to receiving data from the cameras through tcp connection. In their example code below, it can print the stream data using DataHandler function while waiting for a while(c=_getchar()) loop. I have no idea why the code can both waiting for keyboard input and at the same time printing the camera's data in the DataHandler function in real time. I didn't see the code run in multi threads.
My second question is that how I can get the stream data in a for loop in the main function. If someone can tell me how to use that DataHandler to get data in the main function, that will be great.
// Copyright ?2014 NaturalPoint, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// This software is provided by the copyright holders and contributors "as is" and
// any express or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied
// warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed.
// In no event shall NaturalPoint, Inc. or contributors be liable for any direct,
// indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages
// (including, but not limited to, procurement of substitute goods or services;
// loss of use, data, or profits; or business interruption) however caused
// and on any theory of liability, whether in contract, strict liability,
// or tort (including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of
// the use of this software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage.
This program connects to a NatNet server, receives a data stream, and writes that data stream
to an ascii file. The purpose is to illustrate using the NatNetClient class.
Usage [optional]:
SampleClient [ServerIP] [LocalIP] [OutputFilename]
[ServerIP] IP address of the server (e.g. ( defaults to local machine)
[OutputFilename] Name of points file (pts) to write out. defaults to Client-output.pts
#include <stdio.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <winsock2.h>
#include "NatNetTypes.h"
#include "NatNetClient.h"
#pragma warning( disable : 4996 )
void _WriteHeader(FILE* fp, sDataDescriptions* pBodyDefs);
void _WriteFrame(FILE* fp, sFrameOfMocapData* data);
void _WriteFooter(FILE* fp);
void __cdecl DataHandler(sFrameOfMocapData* data, void* pUserData); // receives data from the server
void __cdecl MessageHandler(int msgType, char* msg); // receives NatNet error mesages
void resetClient();
int CreateClient(int iConnectionType);
unsigned int MyServersDataPort = 3130;
unsigned int MyServersCommandPort = 3131;
int iConnectionType = ConnectionType_Multicast;
//int iConnectionType = ConnectionType_Unicast;
NatNetClient* theClient;
FILE* fp;
char szMyIPAddress[128] = "";
char szServerIPAddress[128] = "";
int analogSamplesPerMocapFrame = 0;
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
int iResult;
// parse command line args
strcpy(szServerIPAddress, argv[1]); // specified on command line
printf("Connecting to server at %s...\n", szServerIPAddress);
strcpy(szServerIPAddress, ""); // not specified - assume server is local machine
printf("Connecting to server at LocalMachine\n");
strcpy(szMyIPAddress, argv[2]); // specified on command line
printf("Connecting from %s...\n", szMyIPAddress);
strcpy(szMyIPAddress, ""); // not specified - assume server is local machine
printf("Connecting from LocalMachine...\n");
// Create NatNet Client
iResult = CreateClient(iConnectionType);
if(iResult != ErrorCode_OK)
printf("Error initializing client. See log for details. Exiting");
return 1;
printf("Client initialized and ready.\n");
// send/receive test request
printf("[SampleClient] Sending Test Request\n");
void* response;
int nBytes;
iResult = theClient->SendMessageAndWait("TestRequest", &response, &nBytes);
if (iResult == ErrorCode_OK)
printf("[SampleClient] Received: %s", (char*)response);
// Retrieve Data Descriptions from server
printf("\n\n[SampleClient] Requesting Data Descriptions...");
sDataDescriptions* pDataDefs = NULL;
int nBodies = theClient->GetDataDescriptions(&pDataDefs);
printf("[SampleClient] Unable to retrieve Data Descriptions.");
printf("[SampleClient] Received %d Data Descriptions:\n", pDataDefs->nDataDescriptions );
for(int i=0; i < pDataDefs->nDataDescriptions; i++)
printf("Data Description # %d (type=%d)\n", i, pDataDefs->arrDataDescriptions[i].type);
if(pDataDefs->arrDataDescriptions[i].type == Descriptor_MarkerSet)
// MarkerSet
sMarkerSetDescription* pMS = pDataDefs->arrDataDescriptions[i].Data.MarkerSetDescription;
printf("MarkerSet Name : %s\n", pMS->szName);
for(int i=0; i < pMS->nMarkers; i++)
printf("%s\n", pMS->szMarkerNames[i]);
else if(pDataDefs->arrDataDescriptions[i].type == Descriptor_RigidBody)
// RigidBody
sRigidBodyDescription* pRB = pDataDefs->arrDataDescriptions[i].Data.RigidBodyDescription;
printf("RigidBody Name : %s\n", pRB->szName);
printf("RigidBody ID : %d\n", pRB->ID);
printf("RigidBody Parent ID : %d\n", pRB->parentID);
printf("Parent Offset : %3.2f,%3.2f,%3.2f\n", pRB->offsetx, pRB->offsety, pRB->offsetz);
else if(pDataDefs->arrDataDescriptions[i].type == Descriptor_Skeleton)
// Skeleton
sSkeletonDescription* pSK = pDataDefs->arrDataDescriptions[i].Data.SkeletonDescription;
printf("Skeleton Name : %s\n", pSK->szName);
printf("Skeleton ID : %d\n", pSK->skeletonID);
printf("RigidBody (Bone) Count : %d\n", pSK->nRigidBodies);
for(int j=0; j < pSK->nRigidBodies; j++)
sRigidBodyDescription* pRB = &pSK->RigidBodies[j];
printf(" RigidBody Name : %s\n", pRB->szName);
printf(" RigidBody ID : %d\n", pRB->ID);
printf(" RigidBody Parent ID : %d\n", pRB->parentID);
printf(" Parent Offset : %3.2f,%3.2f,%3.2f\n", pRB->offsetx, pRB->offsety, pRB->offsetz);
else if(pDataDefs->arrDataDescriptions[i].type == Descriptor_ForcePlate)
// Force Plate
sForcePlateDescription* pFP = pDataDefs->arrDataDescriptions[i].Data.ForcePlateDescription;
printf("Force Plate ID : %d\n", pFP->ID);
printf("Force Plate Serial : %s\n", pFP->strSerialNo);
printf("Force Plate Width : %3.2f\n", pFP->fWidth);
printf("Force Plate Length : %3.2f\n", pFP->fLength);
printf("Force Plate Electrical Center Offset (%3.3f, %3.3f, %3.3f)\n", pFP->fOriginX,pFP->fOriginY, pFP->fOriginZ);
for(int iCorner=0; iCorner<4; iCorner++)
printf("Force Plate Corner %d : (%3.4f, %3.4f, %3.4f)\n", iCorner, pFP->fCorners[iCorner][0],pFP->fCorners[iCorner][1],pFP->fCorners[iCorner][2]);
printf("Force Plate Type : %d\n", pFP->iPlateType);
printf("Force Plate Data Type : %d\n", pFP->iChannelDataType);
printf("Force Plate Channel Count : %d\n", pFP->nChannels);
for(int iChannel=0; iChannel<pFP->nChannels; iChannel++)
printf("\tChannel %d : %s\n", iChannel, pFP->szChannelNames[iChannel]);
printf("Unknown data type.");
// Unknown
// Create data file for writing received stream into
char szFile[MAX_PATH];
char szFolder[MAX_PATH];
GetCurrentDirectory(MAX_PATH, szFolder);
if(argc > 3)
sprintf(szFile, "%s\\%s", szFolder, argv[3]);
sprintf(szFile, "%s\\Client-output.pts",szFolder);
fp = fopen(szFile, "w");
printf("error opening output file %s. Exiting.", szFile);
_WriteHeader(fp, pDataDefs);
// Ready to receive marker stream!
printf("\nClient is connected to server and listening for data...\n");
int c;
bool bExit = false;
while(c =_getch())
case 'q':
bExit = true;
case 'r':
case 'p':
sServerDescription ServerDescription;
memset(&ServerDescription, 0, sizeof(ServerDescription));
printf("Unable to connect to server. Host not present. Exiting.");
return 1;
case 'f':
sFrameOfMocapData* pData = theClient->GetLastFrameOfData();
printf("Most Recent Frame: %d", pData->iFrame);
case 'm': // change to multicast
iConnectionType = ConnectionType_Multicast;
iResult = CreateClient(iConnectionType);
if(iResult == ErrorCode_OK)
printf("Client connection type changed to Multicast.\n\n");
printf("Error changing client connection type to Multicast.\n\n");
case 'u': // change to unicast
iConnectionType = ConnectionType_Unicast;
iResult = CreateClient(iConnectionType);
if(iResult == ErrorCode_OK)
printf("Client connection type changed to Unicast.\n\n");
printf("Error changing client connection type to Unicast.\n\n");
case 'c' : // connect
iResult = CreateClient(iConnectionType);
case 'd' : // disconnect
// note: applies to unicast connections only - indicates to Motive to stop sending packets to that client endpoint
iResult = theClient->SendMessageAndWait("Disconnect", &response, &nBytes);
if (iResult == ErrorCode_OK)
printf("[SampleClient] Disconnected");
// Done - clean up.
return ErrorCode_OK;
// Establish a NatNet Client connection
int CreateClient(int iConnectionType)
// release previous server
delete theClient;
// create NatNet client
theClient = new NatNetClient(iConnectionType);
// set the callback handlers
theClient->SetDataCallback( DataHandler, theClient ); // this function will receive data from the server
// [optional] use old multicast group
// print version info
unsigned char ver[4];
printf("NatNet Sample Client (NatNet ver. %d.%d.%d.%d)\n", ver[0], ver[1], ver[2], ver[3]);
// Init Client and connect to NatNet server
// to use NatNet default port assignments
int retCode = theClient->Initialize(szMyIPAddress, szServerIPAddress);
// to use a different port for commands and/or data:
//int retCode = theClient->Initialize(szMyIPAddress, szServerIPAddress, MyServersCommandPort, MyServersDataPort);
if (retCode != ErrorCode_OK)
printf("Unable to connect to server. Error code: %d. Exiting", retCode);
return ErrorCode_Internal;
// get # of analog samples per mocap frame of data
void* pResult;
int ret = 0;
int nBytes = 0;
ret = theClient->SendMessageAndWait("AnalogSamplesPerMocapFrame", &pResult, &nBytes);
if (ret == ErrorCode_OK)
analogSamplesPerMocapFrame = *((int*)pResult);
printf("Analog Samples Per Mocap Frame : %d", analogSamplesPerMocapFrame);
// print server info
sServerDescription ServerDescription;
memset(&ServerDescription, 0, sizeof(ServerDescription));
printf("Unable to connect to server. Host not present. Exiting.");
return 1;
printf("[SampleClient] Server application info:\n");
printf("Application: %s (ver. %d.%d.%d.%d)\n", ServerDescription.szHostApp, ServerDescription.HostAppVersion[0],
printf("NatNet Version: %d.%d.%d.%d\n", ServerDescription.NatNetVersion[0], ServerDescription.NatNetVersion[1],
ServerDescription.NatNetVersion[2], ServerDescription.NatNetVersion[3]);
printf("Client IP:%s\n", szMyIPAddress);
printf("Server IP:%s\n", szServerIPAddress);
printf("Server Name:%s\n\n", ServerDescription.szHostComputerName);
return ErrorCode_OK;
// DataHandler receives data from the server
void __cdecl DataHandler(sFrameOfMocapData* data, void* pUserData)
NatNetClient* pClient = (NatNetClient*) pUserData;
int i=0;
printf("FrameID : %d\n", data->iFrame);
printf("Timestamp : %3.2lf\n", data->fTimestamp);
printf("Latency : %3.2lf\n", data->fLatency);
// FrameOfMocapData params
bool bIsRecording = ((data->params & 0x01)!=0);
bool bTrackedModelsChanged = ((data->params & 0x02)!=0);
printf("Models Changed.\n");
// timecode - for systems with an eSync and SMPTE timecode generator - decode to values
int hour, minute, second, frame, subframe;
bool bValid = pClient->DecodeTimecode(data->Timecode, data->TimecodeSubframe, &hour, &minute, &second, &frame, &subframe);
// decode to friendly string
char szTimecode[128] = "";
pClient->TimecodeStringify(data->Timecode, data->TimecodeSubframe, szTimecode, 128);
printf("Timecode : %s\n", szTimecode);
// Other Markers
printf("Other Markers [Count=%d]\n", data->nOtherMarkers);
for(i=0; i < data->nOtherMarkers; i++)
printf("Other Marker %d : %3.2f\t%3.2f\t%3.2f\n",
// Rigid Bodies
printf("Rigid Bodies [Count=%d]\n", data->nRigidBodies);
for(i=0; i < data->nRigidBodies; i++)
// params
// 0x01 : bool, rigid body was successfully tracked in this frame
bool bTrackingValid = data->RigidBodies[i].params & 0x01;
printf("Rigid Body [ID=%d Error=%3.2f Valid=%d]\n", data->RigidBodies[i].ID, data->RigidBodies[i].MeanError, bTrackingValid);
printf("\tRigid body markers [Count=%d]\n", data->RigidBodies[i].nMarkers);
for(int iMarker=0; iMarker < data->RigidBodies[i].nMarkers; iMarker++)
printf("MarkerID:%d", data->RigidBodies[i].MarkerIDs[iMarker]);
printf("\tMarkerSize:%3.2f", data->RigidBodies[i].MarkerSizes[iMarker]);
printf("\tMarkerPos:%3.2f,%3.2f,%3.2f\n" ,
// skeletons
printf("Skeletons [Count=%d]\n", data->nSkeletons);
for(i=0; i < data->nSkeletons; i++)
sSkeletonData skData = data->Skeletons[i];
printf("Skeleton [ID=%d Bone count=%d]\n", skData.skeletonID, skData.nRigidBodies);
for(int j=0; j< skData.nRigidBodies; j++)
sRigidBodyData rbData = skData.RigidBodyData[j];
printf("Bone %d\t%3.2f\t%3.2f\t%3.2f\t%3.2f\t%3.2f\t%3.2f\t%3.2f\n",
rbData.ID, rbData.x, rbData.y, rbData.z, rbData.qx, rbData.qy, rbData.qz, rbData.qw );
printf("\tRigid body markers [Count=%d]\n", rbData.nMarkers);
for(int iMarker=0; iMarker < rbData.nMarkers; iMarker++)
printf("MarkerID:%d", rbData.MarkerIDs[iMarker]);
printf("\tMarkerSize:%3.2f", rbData.MarkerSizes[iMarker]);
printf("\tMarkerPos:%3.2f,%3.2f,%3.2f\n" ,
// labeled markers
bool bOccluded; // marker was not visible (occluded) in this frame
bool bPCSolved; // reported position provided by point cloud solve
bool bModelSolved; // reported position provided by model solve
printf("Labeled Markers [Count=%d]\n", data->nLabeledMarkers);
for(i=0; i < data->nLabeledMarkers; i++)
bOccluded = ((data->LabeledMarkers[i].params & 0x01)!=0);
bPCSolved = ((data->LabeledMarkers[i].params & 0x02)!=0);
bModelSolved = ((data->LabeledMarkers[i].params & 0x04)!=0);
sMarker marker = data->LabeledMarkers[i];
int modelID, markerID;
theClient->DecodeID(marker.ID, &modelID, &markerID);
printf("Labeled Marker [ModelID=%d, MarkerID=%d, Occluded=%d, PCSolved=%d, ModelSolved=%d] [size=%3.2f] [pos=%3.2f,%3.2f,%3.2f]\n",
modelID, markerID, bOccluded, bPCSolved, bModelSolved, marker.size, marker.x, marker.y, marker.z);
// force plates
printf("No Plates\n");
printf("Force Plate [Count=%d]\n", data->nForcePlates);
for(int iPlate=0; iPlate < data->nForcePlates; iPlate++)
printf("Force Plate %d\n", data->ForcePlates[iPlate].ID);
for(int iChannel=0; iChannel < data->ForcePlates[iPlate].nChannels; iChannel++)
printf("\tChannel %d:\t", iChannel);
if(data->ForcePlates[iPlate].ChannelData[iChannel].nFrames == 0)
printf("\tEmpty Frame\n");
else if(data->ForcePlates[iPlate].ChannelData[iChannel].nFrames != analogSamplesPerMocapFrame)
printf("\tPartial Frame [Expected:%d Actual:%d]\n", analogSamplesPerMocapFrame, data->ForcePlates[iPlate].ChannelData[iChannel].nFrames);
for(int iSample=0; iSample < data->ForcePlates[iPlate].ChannelData[iChannel].nFrames; iSample++)
printf("%3.2f\t", data->ForcePlates[iPlate].ChannelData[iChannel].Values[iSample]);
// MessageHandler receives NatNet error/debug messages
void __cdecl MessageHandler(int msgType, char* msg)
printf("\n%s\n", msg);
/* File writing routines */
void _WriteHeader(FILE* fp, sDataDescriptions* pBodyDefs)
int i=0;
if(!pBodyDefs->arrDataDescriptions[0].type == Descriptor_MarkerSet)
sMarkerSetDescription* pMS = pBodyDefs->arrDataDescriptions[0].Data.MarkerSetDescription;
fprintf(fp, "<MarkerSet>\n\n");
fprintf(fp, "<Name>\n%s\n</Name>\n\n", pMS->szName);
fprintf(fp, "<Markers>\n");
for(i=0; i < pMS->nMarkers; i++)
fprintf(fp, "%s\n", pMS->szMarkerNames[i]);
fprintf(fp, "</Markers>\n\n");
fprintf(fp, "<Data>\n");
fprintf(fp, "Frame#\t");
for(i=0; i < pMS->nMarkers; i++)
fprintf(fp, "M%dX\tM%dY\tM%dZ\t", i, i, i);
void _WriteFrame(FILE* fp, sFrameOfMocapData* data)
fprintf(fp, "%d", data->iFrame);
for(int i =0; i < data->MocapData->nMarkers; i++)
fprintf(fp, "\t%.5f\t%.5f\t%.5f", data->MocapData->Markers[i][0], data->MocapData->Markers[i][1], data->MocapData->Markers[i][2]);
fprintf(fp, "\n");
void _WriteFooter(FILE* fp)
fprintf(fp, "</Data>\n\n");
fprintf(fp, "</MarkerSet>\n");
void resetClient()
int iSuccess;
printf("\n\nre-setting Client\n\n.");
iSuccess = theClient->Uninitialize();
if(iSuccess != 0)
printf("error un-initting Client\n");
iSuccess = theClient->Initialize(szMyIPAddress, szServerIPAddress);
if(iSuccess != 0)
printf("error re-initting Client\n");
Very likely NatNetClient() or client->Initialize() is creating a new thread in the background. Since I do not have access to their code, I can't validate reliably.
You can either create a synchronous look in the main and always send and receive messages via NatNetClient::SendMessageAndWait
To receive data asyncronously, you need to figure out a way to poll on stdin (for getch) and also wait on a lock simultaneously. I am not sure how to do this on Microsoft console. If you figure that out, then when the handler gets control, de-queue the message into a link-list and wakup a mutex to notify the main.
The NatNet sample spins off a different thread for handling the data using the DataHandler function. The following line is where this happens:
theClient->SetDataCallback( DataHandler, theClient );
I would recommend doing the processing strictly in the DataHandler function. However, if talking between threads in necessary, then it's worth looking into the C++ 11 libraries
#include <threads>
#include <mutex>
Specifically mutex is used to lock and unlock threads in C++. You could create a global variable and write to it using the DataHandler function, then use that global variable in your main function. The problem is that you may read and write the data at the same time, because main and DataHandler are on different threads. So you can use the mutex library to lock a thread while reading or writing that global variable (meaning only that thread is allowed to run while doing that process).
Note: The NatNet sample actually uses a UDP transmission not TCP.

Winpcap saving raw packets not from an adapter

I am trying to build an application that converts my old custom Ethernet logs (bin files) to standard winpcap style logs.
The problem is that I can't seem to find an example of how to opening a pcap_t* without using an adapter (network card). The temp.pkt has not been created.
I have looked thou the examples provided with Winpcap and all of them use a live adapter when dumping packets. This example is the closest \WpdPack\Examples-pcap\savedump\savedump.c is the closest, see example below slightly modified.
#ifdef _MSC_VER
* we do not want the warnings about the old deprecated and unsecure CRT functions
* since these examples can be compiled under *nix as well
#include "pcap.h"
int main(int argc, char **argv)
pcap_if_t *alldevs;
pcap_if_t *d;
int inum;
int i=0;
pcap_t *adhandle;
char errbuf[PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE];
pcap_dumper_t *dumpfile;
/* Open the adapter */
if ((adhandle= pcap_open(??????, // name of the device
65536, // portion of the packet to capture.
// 65536 grants that the whole packet will be captured on all the MACs.
1, // promiscuous mode (nonzero means promiscuous)
1000, // read timeout
errbuf // error buffer
)) == NULL)
fprintf(stderr,"\nUnable to open the adapter. %s is not supported by WinPcap\n", d->name);
/* Free the device list */
return -1;
/* Open the dump file */
dumpfile = pcap_dump_open(adhandle, argv[1]);
if(dumpfile==NULL) {
fprintf(stderr,"\nError opening output file\n");
return -1;
// ---------------------------
struct pcap_pkthdr header;
header.ts.tv_sec = 1 ; /* seconds */
header.ts.tv_usec = 1; /* and microseconds */
header.caplen = 100; /* length of portion present */
header.len = 100 ; /* length this packet (off wire) */
u_char pkt_data[100];
for( int i = 0 ; i < 100 ; i++ ) {
pkt_data[i] = i ;
pcap_dump( (u_char *) dumpfile, &header, (u_char *) &pkt_data);
// ---------------------------
/* start the capture */
// pcap_loop(adhandle, 0, packet_handler, (unsigned char *)dumpfile);
return 0;
I suggest doing that using pcap_t since using WinPcap is better than writing it yourself.
The following steps is how to do it:
Use pcap_open_dead() function to create a pcap_t. Read the function description here. The linktype for Ethernet is 1.
Use pcap_dump_open() function to create a pcap_dumper_t.
Use pcap_dump() function to write the packet to the dump file.
I hope this would help you.
If all you're doing is converting your own file format to .pcap, you don't need a pcap_t*, you can just use something like:
FILE* create_pcap_file(const char *filename, int linktype)
struct pcap_file_header fh;
fh.magic = TCPDUMP_MAGIC;
fh.sigfigs = 0;
fh.version_major = 2;
fh.version_minor = 4;
fh.snaplen = 2<<15;
fh.thiszone = 0;
fh.linktype = linktype;
FILE *file = fopen(filename, "wb");
if(file != NULL) {
if(fwrite(&fh, sizeof(fh), 1, file) != 1) {
file = NULL;
return file;
int write_pcap_packet(FILE* file,size_t length,const unsigned char *data,const struct timeval *tval)
struct pcap_pkthdr pkhdr;
pkhdr.caplen = length;
pkhdr.len = length;
pkhdr.ts = *tval;
if(fwrite(&pkhdr, sizeof(pkhdr), 1, file) != 1) {
return 1;
if(fwrite(data, 1, length, file) != length) {
return 2;
return 0;