Qt QDir::current() - c++

I had some code like this:
void MainWindow::saveData()
QDir oldDir=QDir::current();//this should return the main executable directory.Since there is no other place in my hole code where i temper with QDir.
QDir sess("Sessions");
if(!oldDir.exists("Sessions"))//if "Sessions" Dir doesn't exist
oldDir.mkdir("Sessions");//create it.
//some virtual code inside current Dir, which i didn't implement yet.
QDir::setCurrent(oldDir.absolutePath());//restore old dir
When I run my app firstly the code works perfectly.but in the second run, the first call to QDir::current(); returns the "Sessions" Dir and not the main executable Dir as it should be restored in the first run.actually i did manage to overcome this by adding one line at the biginning of the code, the following :
Still I want to know why the first code didn't work.already checked for the documentation of the functions and found nothing.

QDir::current();//this should return the main executable directory
No it should not! Not unless you change it to point there first.
I'm dead serious when I'll say this: Yours is a myth, fantasy, whatever you call it, I have no idea what gave you the idea. Point me to a spec that says so. Oh, you can't, because there's no such spec, no such requirement. It's someone's twilight hour mirage that seems to perpetuate itself endlessly. If you heard it from someone, you have every right to be angry at them this very moment, for they did you a big disservice.
Generally speaking, for applications that are not normally started from the command line, the initial working directory can be anything and it will be platform- and session/system configuration dependent. For a typical GUI application, assuming any particular initial working directory is a fool's errand and completely misguided.
Once you change it to where you want it to point to, you of course have full control over it, but the initial working directory must be assumed to be random and out of your control.
For example, on Windows I can start your application through an Explorer shortcut where I can specify whatever startup folder I desire, and you have zero control over it. On OS X, Finder sets the working directory to something or another, IIRC to the folder where the app bundle resides. Again, you as a developer have no control over it unless there's some setting in the bundle that you could add to that effect, but that is platform-specific and will be ignored if your application is not started through Finder or bundle API mechanisms (they probably are called something else). And so on. It's completely arbitrary and it's pointless to depend on its initial value.
If you want to refer to the application's installation directory or executable directory, do so explicitly. Do not assume anything about the initial working directory of a GUI application.

I tried with the below code and it works fine for several runs.
The version details of Qt and OS may help.
Qt creator 3.3.2 (open source). Qt lib 5.4.1.Os windows 8.1
#include <QCoreApplication>
#include "QDir"
#include "qDebug"
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QCoreApplication a(argc, argv);
QDir oldDir=QDir::current();
QDir sess("H:\\cuteapps\\session");
if(!oldDir.exists("H:\\cuteapps\\session"))//if "Sessions" Dir doesn't exist
oldDir.mkdir("H:\\cuteapps\\session");//create it.
return a.exec();
output 1:
output 2:
output 3:


How to get a settings storage path in a cross-platform way in Qt?

My program needs to read/write a text (just a few lines) file with its settings to disk. To specify a path in code may work well on one platform, like windows, but if runs it on Linux, the path is not cross platform.
I am looking for a similar solution to QSettings that saves settings to different paths or has its native ways to handle this. Programmers don't need to do with the details. But the text file is not suitable to be saved as a value in QSettings.
No user interaction should be needed to obtain such path. The text file should persist across application restarts. It can't be a temporary file.
Is there an existing solution in Qt and what is the API that should be used?
The location of application-specific settings storage differs across platforms. Qt 5 provides a sensible solution via QStandardPaths.
Generally, you'd store per-user settings in QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::AppDataLocation). If you wish the settings not to persist in the user's roaming profile on Windows, you can use QStandardPaths::AppLocalDataLocation, it has the meaning of AppDataLocation on non-Windows platforms.
Before you can use the standard paths, you must set your application name via QCoreApplication::setApplicationName, and your organization's name using setOrganizationName or setOrganizationDomain. The path will depend on these, so make sure they are unique for you. If you ever change them, you'll lose access to old settings, so make sure you stick with name and domain that makes sense for you.
The path is not guaranteed to exist. If it doesn't, you must create it yourself, e.g. using QDir::mkpath.
int main(int argc, char ** argv) {
QApplication app{argc, argv};
auto path = QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::AppDataLocation);
if (path.isEmpty()) qFatal("Cannot determine settings storage location");
QDir d{path};
if (d.mkpath(d.absolutePath()) && QDir::setCurrentPath(d.absolutePath())) {
qDebug() << "settings in" << QDir::currentPath();
QFile f{"settings.txt"};
if (f.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Truncate))
f.write("Hello, World");
If you want to save some user related data, you can get user home directory path using QDir::homePath().
There is QDir to handle paths to dirs, QFileInfo for platform independent file information and QDir's homePath()
My proposal is to use these classes and use QDir::home() or QDir::homePath() to find a directory where to write to, since the user has write permissions in his homedir and it exists on each platform.
You can store file in application directory. Take a look at QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath().
From Qt documentation:
Returns the directory that contains the application executable.

Weird interaction: ECL throws errors on windows when TGUI tries to create an Edit Box

I am currently using TGUI (a GUI library based on SFML) together with ECL (so I can use Lisp for config and scripts). It works fine on Linux/gcc, but on Windows/MinGW ECL throws an error:
Available restarts:
1. (CONTINUE) Ignore signal
Top level in: #<process TOP-LEVEL>.
The point in code at which the error is thrown (minimal code that creates it) is:
empty_panel = tgui::Panel::Ptr(*cur_gui, "empty_panel");
empty_panel->setSize(cfg.res.x, cfg.res.y);
tgui::EditBox::Ptr txt_test(*empty_panel, "txt_test");
Note that I can create Labels, Buttons, Checkboxes, etc. just fine - but once I try to make an Edit Box, ECL complains.
This does not make any sense to me whatsoever. TGUI and ECL are completely unrelated libraries, not sharing functions or depending on each other in any way that I know of. Does anyone have an idea what might cause this behavior?
EDIT: Just did a complete recompile of SFML, TGUI and ECL with the most recent version of MinGW, and it still breaks in exactly the same way. So I've decided that enough is enough and I'll rewrite my project to use SFGUI instead.
From now on, this question is of academic interest only.
I finally found out what might have happened there:
While ECL is running, it tries to handle all uncaught exceptions, segfaults, etc that happen on it's watch, even if they never interact with LISP. And the way it handles them is by immediately jumping to the REPL when they occur, to allow for manual debugging.
Which is the sane thing to do for anything that happens because of errors in a LISP program or C/C++ functions that interact with it, but is mildly confusing when the error happens in unrelated C++ code (like the presumed bug in TGUI).
Minimal way to reproduce: Load ECL and try some invalid operation, like so:
#include <ecl/ecl.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
cl_boot(argc, argv);
int x = 1/0;
return EXIT_SUCCESS; }

How does "send to" manages input arguments? (Windows)

Background: I want to add my application to the windows context menu, I have done this by adding a new key to the windows registry:
And assigning the default value of the "command" key to the location of my exe, plus an extra argument:
value = "c:\users\john\myapp\myappexe.exe" "%1" arg1
It works, i can 'right click' any file and run my application with that file. The problem comes when I try to select multiple files, it opens as many windows of my app as files selected, I want to be able to handle all the inputs with one instance of my program.
I'm aware that this may be solved by creating shell extensions as posted here, here, here or here. Creating a full functional shell extension is out of the scope of my (small) project, and I haven't found tutorials which I can understand.
Problem: I'm looking a way around it, and I found that a program called from the "send to" folder in windows is able to handle multiple files, for example, if i put the execulable of this code (c++) in the C:\Users\john\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\SendTo folder,
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main(int argc, char* argv[]){
for(int i=0;i<=argc;i++){
cout << argv[i] << endl;
return 0;
...select a bunch of flies, and drag them into the executable, I'll get in one window the path of all the selected files (send to tutorial). How does this work? Can I use this behavior and apply it to my app?
One approach is to design your application so that any newly launched instance checks for a pre-existing instance (you could use a mutex to do this) and then forwards the command-line parameters to that one, encapsulated in a message of some kind. The original instance can then take the appropriate action.

Can I use applicationDirPath() to access resources at a higher directory level?

In the application that I am developing (using C++ and Qt), I am using QApplication::applicationDirPath() to access some resources, with respect of the application's path.
As an example, since I want to open a HTML manual from the application, I act this way:
void MainWindow::on_actionHelp_triggered()
QString link = QApplication::applicationDirPath() + "/Guide/guide.html";
bool r = QDesktopServices::openUrl(QUrl::fromLocalFile(link));
This snippet works if the project's structure presents the path "ProjectName/bin/Release/Guide/guide.html" (since the .exe file is in "ProjectName/bin/Release/AppName.exe").
But what can I do to refer to a higher-directory-level resource? As an example, I wish my HTML file to be in "ProjectName/data/Guide/guide.html". But this way, it seems not possible to compose the path in the way I'm acting.
EDIT: After #olive's comment, I wish to clarify a thing:
"Why am I not using '../'?"
Because it won't work from Visual Studio, where I am massively launch the application to test it. From VS, in fact, I shall use "../data/Guide/guide.html", when "from the outside", I'd have to do "../../data/Guide/guide.html".
That's why (I think) QApplication::applicationDirPath() exists. However, I am not an expert, so don't blame me and correct any eventual mistake of mine, please!
Just use ... QApplication::applicationDirPath() + "/../../data/Guide/guide.html" is perfectly valid path!
Of course there is another problem. When the application is installed, the relative path will probably be different again. You either need to configure the paths in visual studio so that the relative path works both during development and after deployment, or you need to detect the layout.

How to use Qt/C++ to create/read/write files and store settings local with the program

I'm an unfortunate beginner at C++ and using the Qt GUI designer program seemed perfect for my needs, except I'm having problems trying to write out the code necessary for this. I could use the QSettings string to store local settings on the hard drive, but I personally hate it when programs do the %HOME_LOCAL%\APPS_SETTINGS bull that some do. I need to save a text file for both settings and a local\host database, within the program directory, to remember strings to read from later.
What is the line of code I need to make use of a local host text database or is there a better option? And how can I store that with the local program inside its directory?
You can use QSettings with any file, with constructor QSettings::QSettings ( const QString & fileName, Format format, QObject * parent = 0 ).
To get the program directory, you can use QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath().
So, answer to your question, statement to put after creation of QApplication instance:
QSettings *settings = new QSettings(
QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath() + "/settings.ini",
But, as noted in the comments under question, if you're making your program for general distribution, you should use the OS default. Examine all the constructors of QSettings to see what it can do. User does not often have write permission in the application directory. Note that you can also store settings to Windows registry with QSettings::NativeFormat.