What's the point to have a SceneGraph beyond a SceneTree - opengl

In this presentation SceneGraph and SceneTree are presented.
ST (SceneTree) is essentially an unfolded synchronized copy of SG (SceneGraph).
Since you are going to need ST anyway because:
it offers instance, where you need to save attributes
you need to traverse ST anyway for updating transformation and other cascading variables, such as visibility
even if SG offers less redundancy, what is the point to have SG in the first place?

To quote Markus Tavenrath, the guy who gave that presentation, who was asked the same question: http://pastebin.com/SRpnbBEj (as a result of a discussion on IRC (starts ~9:30))
[my emphasis]
One argument for a SceneGraph in general is that people have their
custom SceneGraphs implementation already and need to keep them for
legacy reasons and this SceneGraph is the reason why the CPU is the
bottleneck during the rendering phase. The goal of my talks is to show
ways to enhance a legacy SceneGraph in a way that the GPU can get the
bottleneck. One very interesting experiment would be adding the
techniques to OpenSceneGraph…
Besides this a SceneGraph is way more powerful with regards to data
manipulation, data access and reuse. I.e. the diamond shape can
be really powerful if you want to instantiate complex objects with
multiple nodes. Another powerful feature in our SceneGraph is the
properties feature which will be used for animation in the future
(search for LinkManager). With the LinkManager you can create a
network of connected properties and let data flow along the links in a
defined order. What’s missing for the animations are Curve objects
which can be used as input for animations. All those features have a
certain cost on the per object level with regards to memory size and
more memory means more touched cachelines during traversal which means
more CPU clocks spend on traversal.
The SceneTree is designed to keep only the hierarchy and the few
attributes which have to be propagated along the hierarchy. This way
the nodes are very lightweight and thus traversal is, if required,
very efficient. This also means that a lot of features provided in the
SceneGraph are no longer available in the SceneTree. Though with the
knowledge gained by the SceneTree it should be possible to write a
SceneGraph which provides most of the performance features of the
Depending on the type of application you’re writing you might even
decide that the SceneTree is too big and you could write your
application directly on an interface like RiX which doesn’t have the
hierarchy anymore and thus eliminating yet another layer ;-).
So first reason is that people are already used to using a scenegraph and many custom implementations exist.
Other than that the scenetree is really a pruned scenegraph where only the necessary components which means that a scenegraph is more useful to the artists and modelers as it better abstracts the scene. A complex property may for example be a RNG seed that affect the look of each person in a crowd.
In a scenegraph that root Person node would just have a single property seed. Its children would select the exact mesh and color based on that seed. But in the expanded tree the unused meshes for alternate hairstyles, clothing and such will already have been pruned.


QGraphicsScene: How to map item movements into QUndoCommand?

I'm trying to create a subclass of QUndoCommand that represents a movement of one or more QGraphicsItem. If several items are moved at once (by selecting them first), this should be represented as a single command within the QUndoStack.
Since the whole movement logic (including selections) is already implemented by QGraphicsScene, I'm not sure what would be the best place to create the undo commands.
The undoframework example provided by Qt subclasses QGraphicsScene and overrides mousePressEvent() / mouseReleaseEvent() to perform some manual hit testing. Is this really the way to go?
I'm afraid that this approach could miss some special cases such that the generated undo commands do not reflect exactly the same movement that has been performed by the internal Qt implementation. Some items could have the ItemIsMovable flag unset for example. Also, when moving multiple items at once, it seems better to store just the delta movement instead of old and new position.
It would be great if you could provide some short sample code/sketch for clarification.
I personally would wrap and encapsulate QGraphicsScene and implement the undo/redo stuff there. This allows to define your own and cleaner interface, free of the clutter of all the functionality you won't need. It will also make it easier to replace QGraphicsScene with another API if such a need arises in the future and makes your core stuff more portable.
Many of the high level classes in Qt, especially those for graphics, are not exactly what I'd call "cutting edge", the same applies even more so to the rudimentary examples Qt provides for them. There are several professional graphics applications that use Qt, but none of them uses stuff like QGraphicsScene. I suppose the reason for this is also the reason I extrapolated from my own experience using Qt - as big as a framework it may be, there is a lot of stuff that's missing, and a lot of stuff that just doesn't really work the way people have come to expect from professional software, or even common logic in such workflows. Qt was developed by very good programmers, but it seems like they didn't have someone experienced in the actual graphics applications workflow to advise them.
Focus on a wrapper that features the functionality you need, and make it work with QGraphicsScene instead of using it directly. This way there is less chance that you miss something, your design is more self contained and cleaner too. The same applies to the undo API as well, don't feel obligated to use Qt's, I myself have tried it and ended up implementing my own, as I found the one provided by Qt was rather "stiff".
In the case of moving several items at once - yes, that should create a single undo entry, which will undo the moving of a selection group, which will feature all the selected items. Whether you will use a delta or position - it is entirely up to you. The delta does make a little more sense when you move multiple selected items, since the selection group is not really an item with position.
Another consideration, if you plan on making history persistent across different sessions - you can't rely on pointers, since those will be arbitrary each time you run your application. My strategy is to implement a unique integer ID and an associative registry which stores the id and pointer for each item. Then you use the ID for the history, and that will internally map to the pointer of the actual item.

Should I move to Object Oriented Programming(black boxes) and how?

Right now I have a DirectX engine with a couple of classes - Application,Graphics,Sound and each of them is around 1k lines and they each reference eachother.I initially tried to limit use of classes and stuff like passing the D3D Device and instead made it global for all classes to use,but I see in everyone else's engine that everything is split up into many classes and they have stuff like Engine->GetRenderer->Render(MyD3DContext); isn't that terriby inefficient?Why not just make MyD3DContext global and use it directly in the Render function.And one last thing I don't get is = how are you supposed to make classes that work independent of eachother?Sounds weird.
Firstly why do you think that's terribly inefficient? Besides being much easier to code and maintain, that is also blazingly fast. OOP isn't a bottleneck, its a boon for large projects with multiple developers and multiple concerns(such as real world games).
Let me give you an example, since you mentioned "games":
The game is a Simulation
The simulation contains entities(Objects)
Objects can do things, and have attributes. Hence Objects are like an encapsulation of attributes and actions. This is what makes the "Object" in "Object Oriented Programming". You can think they're(objects are) created in a fictional factory in your simulator. The blueprint of object is the "class", and is called encapsulation.
Each of these objects are bound to your world, probably through some sort of highly mathematical Half-Life-2(source) level Physics engine. You wouldn't want to code the "physics" for each class. Instead you would inherit from a class(or interface) "IPhysics". And then whenever you change the gravity from 10.0 to 15.0, this value is propagated throughout the "world" scenario. This is inheritance.
Each object in your game, say Half-Life-2, Gordon Freeman can at the same time, act as a "Player" and "Can-Be-Scripted" if you know what I mean. This is polymorphism. One object acting in different types.
So you see, this is pretty easy(and terribly EFFICIENT) to model and present the fictional game in OOP.
It isn't terribly inefficient. And you definitely need an introduction to OOP of some sort. Maybe even something online
As the project becomes larger having one global anything will cause a vast list of problems. It's also not particularly inefficient to traverse a few pointers. Worry about efficiency in the right areas, areas that you have proven by running tests are inefficient, and try and maintain code clarity and separation at all times.
If you're worried about inefficiency why not knock together a test app that has exactly that kind of structure and time how long it takes to do all that dereferencing. You'll find it insignificant to, say, building up the list of polys in sight.
The only way you'll see the benefit of having well encapsulated non-global objects will be as your project grows and you change things around.
there are a couple big tenants of OO design: in particular Code-Reuse/modularity and scope/isolation. Globals are generally frowned upon these days because they just don't scale well to large development efforts and always end up causing problems, so OO attempts to limit the scope of any given call to the minimum required to perform the function.
as for Modularity/reuse, the larger a sub-module grows, generally the more specific it becomes, and as such the less likely that it will fit all the purposes it could if it were broken apart into more modular chunks. as a result you spend less time rewriting the same code for a slightly tweaked purpose, which also reduces the adjacent purposes that you might break while implementing code for your new one. that makes it more efficient to implement, though there may or may not be some slight cost at runtime. likely not though. remember, it doesn't take a lick more binary to run Render() whether its defined in a root module or composed several layers deep in a composed object. its still just a function pointer.
these are just general concepts, so take what you like.
hope that helps.

An alternative to hierarchical data model

Problem domain
I'm working on a rather big application, which uses a hierarchical data model. It takes images, extracts images' features and creates analysis objects on top of these. So the basic model is like Object-(1:N)-Image_features-(1:1)-Image. But the same set of images may be used to create multiple analysis objects (with different options).
Then an object and image can have a lot of other connected objects, like the analysis object can be refined with additional data or complex conclusions (solutions) can be based on the analysis object and other data.
Current solution
This is a sketch of the solution. Stacks represent sets of objects, arrows represent pointers (i.e. image features link to their images, but not vice versa). Some parts: images, image features, additional data, may be included in multiple analysis objects (because user wants to make analysis on different sets of object, combined differently).
Images, features, additional data and analysis objects are stored in global storage (god-object). Solutions are stored inside analysis objects by means of composition (and contain solution features in turn).
All the entities (images, image features, analysis objects, solutions, additional data) are instances of corresponding classes (like IImage, ...). Almost all the parts are optional (i.e., we may want to discard images after we have a solution).
Current solution drawbacks
Navigating this structure is painful, when you need connections like the dotted one in the sketch. If you have to display an image with a couple of solutions features on top, you first have to iterate through analysis objects to find which of them are based on this image, and then iterate through the solutions to display them.
If to solve 1. you choose to explicitly store dotted links (i.e. image class will have pointers to solution features, which are related to it), you'll put very much effort maintaining consistency of these pointers and constantly updating the links when something changes.
My idea
I'd like to build a more extensible (2) and flexible (1) data model. The first idea was to use a relational model, separating objects and their relations. And why not use RDBMS here - sqlite seems an appropriate engine to me. So complex relations will be accessible by simple (left)JOIN's on the database: pseudocode "images JOIN images_to_image_features JOIN image_features JOIN image_features_to_objects JOIN objects JOIN solutions JOIN solution_features") and then fetching actual C++ objects for solution features from global storage by ID.
The question
So my primary question is
Is using RDBMS an appropriate solution for problems I described, or it's not worth it and there are better ways to organize information in my app?
If RDBMS is ok, I'd appreciate any advice on using RDBMS and relational approach to store C++ objects' relationships.
You may want to look at Semantic Web technologies, such as RDF, RDFS and OWL that provide an alternative, extensible way of modeling the world. There are some open-source triple stores available, and some of the mainstream RDBMS also have triple store capabilities.
In particular take a look at Manchester Universities Protege/OWL tutorial: http://owl.cs.manchester.ac.uk/tutorials/protegeowltutorial/
And if you decide this direction is worth looking at further, I can recommend "SEMANTIC WEB for the WORKING ONTOLOGIST"
Just based on the diagram, I would suggest that an RDBMS solution would indeed work. It has been years since I was a developer on an RDMS (called RDM, of course!), but I was able to renew my knowledge and gain very many valuable insights into data structure and layout very similar to what you describe by reading the fabulous book "The Art of SQL" by Stephane Faroult. His book will go a long way to answer your questions.
I've included a link to it on Amazon, to ensure accuracy: http://www.amazon.com/The-Art-SQL-Stephane-Faroult/dp/0596008945
You will not go wrong by reading it, even if in the end it does not solve your problem fully, because the author does such a great job of breaking down a relation in clear terms and presenting elegant solutions. The book is not a manual for SQL, but an in-depth analysis of how to think about data and how it interrelates. Check it out!
Using an RDBMS to track the links between data can be an efficient way to store and think about the analysis you are seeking, and the links are "soft" -- that is, they go away when the hard objects they link are deleted. This ensures data integrity; and Mssr Fauroult can answer what to do to ensure that remains true.
I don't recommend RDBMS based on your requirement for an extensible and flexible model.
Whenever you change your data model, you will have to change DB schema and that can involve more work than change in code.
Any problems with DB queries are discovered only at runtime. This can make a lot of difference to the cost of maintenance.
I strongly recommend using standard C++ OO programming with STL.
You can make use of encapsulation to ensure any data change is done properly, with updates to related objects and indexes.
You can use STL to build highly efficient indexes on the data
You can create facades to get you the information easily, rather than having to go to multiple objects/collections. This will be one-time work
You can make unit test cases to ensure correctness (much less complicated compared to unit testing with databases)
You can make use of polymorphism to build different kinds of objects, different types of analysis etc
All very basic points, but I reckon your effort would be best utilized if you improve the current solution rather than by look for a DB based solution.
"you'll put very much effort maintaining consistency of these pointers
and constantly updating the links when something changes."
With the help of Boost.MultiIndex you can create almost every kind of index on a "table". I think the quoted problem is not so serious, so the original solution is manageable.

Register Game Object Components in Game Subsystems? (Component-based Game Object design)

I'm creating a component-based game object system. Some tips:
GameObject is simply a list of Components.
There are GameSubsystems. For example, rendering, physics etc. Each GameSubsystem contains pointers to some of Components. GameSubsystem is a very powerful and flexible abstraction: it represents any slice (or aspect) of the game world.
There is a need in a mechanism of registering Components in GameSubsystems (when GameObject is created and composed). There are 4 approaches:
1: Chain of responsibility pattern. Every Component is offered to every GameSubsystem. GameSubsystem makes a decision which Components to register (and how to organize them). For example, GameSubsystemRender can register Renderable Components.
pro. Components know nothing about how they are used. Low coupling. A. We can add new GameSubsystem. For example, let's add GameSubsystemTitles that registers all ComponentTitle and guarantees that every title is unique and provides interface to quering objects by title. Of course, ComponentTitle should not be rewrited or inherited in this case. B. We can reorganize existing GameSubsystems. For example, GameSubsystemAudio, GameSubsystemRender, GameSubsystemParticleEmmiter can be merged into GameSubsystemSpatial (to place all audio, emmiter, render Components in the same hierarchy and use parent-relative transforms).
con. Every-to-every check. Very innefficient.
con. Subsystems know about Components.
2: Each Subsystem searches for Components of specific types.
pro. Better performance than in Approach 1.
con. Subsystems still know about Components.
3: Component registers itself in GameSubsystem(s). We know at compile-time that there is a GameSubsystemRenderer, so let's ComponentImageRender will call something like GameSubsystemRenderer::register(ComponentRenderBase*).
Observer pattern. Component subscribes to "update" event (sent by GameSubsystem(s)).
pro. Performance. No unnecessary checks as in Approach 1 and Approach 2.
con. Components are badly coupled with GameSubsystems.
4: Mediator pattern. GameState (that contains GameSubsystems) can implement registerComponent(Component*).
pro. Components and GameSubystems know nothing about each other.
con. In C++ it would look like ugly and slow typeid-switch.
Which approach is better and mostly used in component-based design? What Practice says? Any suggestions about (data-driven) implementation of Approach 4?
Thank you.
Vote for the third approach.
I am currently working on component-based game object system and i clearly see some of additional advantages of this approach:
The Component is more and more self-sufficing subentity as it depends only on a set of available subsystems (i presume this set is fixed in your project).
Data-driven design is more applicable. Ideally, this way you may design a system where components are completely defined in the terms of data but not C++.
EDIT: One feature i thought about while working on CBGOS. Sometimes it is convenient to have ability to design and construct subsystemless passive components. When this is on your mind the fourth approach is the only way.
My approach was to implement the proxy pattern within each subsystem. As each subsystem is only interested in a subset of the total components each entity may contain, The proxy stores pointers to only the components the system cares about, eg, a motion system only cares about position and velocity, so it needs a proxy which stores two pointers, to those components. If the entity is missing one or more of those, then the subsystem will ignore it. If both components are present, then a proxy node is created and added to an internal collection. It is also useful for the proxy to store the unique identifier value for the entity, so that proxies may be added/removed in constant time from each subsystem, should it be necessary.
In such a way, should an entity be required to be removed from the engine, a single message containing the id of the entity can be sent to every subsystem. The proxy can then be removed from each subsystem collection independently.

How should I design a mechanism in C++ to manage relatively generic entities within a simulation?

I would like to start my question by stating that this is a C++ design question, more then anything, limiting the scope of the discussion to what is accomplishable in that language.
Let us pretend that I am working on a vehicle simulator that is intended to model modern highway systems. As part of this simulation, entities will be interacting with each other to avoid accidents, stop at stop lights and perhaps eventually even model traffic enforcement with radar guns and subsequent exciting high speed chases.
Being a spatial simulation written in C++, it seems like it would be ideal to start with some kind of Vehicle hierarchy, with cars and trucks deriving from some common base class. However, a common problem I have run in to is that such a hierarchy is usually very rigidly defined, and introducing unexpected changes - modeling a boat for instance - tends to introduce unexpected complexity that tends to grow over time into something quite unwieldy.
This simple aproach seems to suffer from a combinatoric explosion of classes. Imagine if I created a MoveOnWater interface and a MoveOnGround interface, and used them to define Car and Boat. Then lets say I add RadarEquipment. Now I have to do something like add the classes RadarBoat and RadarCar. Adding more capabilities using this approach and the whole thing rapidly becomes quite unreasonable.
One approach I have been investigating to address this inflexibility issue is to do away with the inheritance hierarchy all together. Instead of trying to come up with a type safe way to define everything that could ever be in this simulation, I defined one class - I will call it 'Entity' - and the capabilities that make up an entity - can it drive, can it fly, can it use radar - are all created as interfaces and added to a kind of capability list that the Entity class contains. At runtime, the proper capabilities are created and attached to the entity and functions that want to use these interfaced must first query the entity object and check for there existence. This approach seems to be the most obvious alternative, and is working well for the time being. I, however, worry about the maintenance issues that this approach will have. Effectively any arbitrary thing can be added, and there is no single location in which all possible capabilities are defined. Its not a problem currently, when the total number of things is quite small, but I worry that it might be a problem when someone else starts trying to use and modify the code.
As one potential alternative, I pondered using the template system to achieve type safe while keeping the same kind of flexibility. I imagine I could create entities that inherited whatever combination of interfaces I wanted. Using these objects would entail creating a template class or function that used any combination of the interfaces. One example might be the simple move on road using just the MoveOnRoad interface, whereas more complex logic, like a "high speed freeway chase", could use methods from both MoveOnRoad and Radar interfaces.
Of course making this approach usable mandates the use of boost concept check just to make debugging feasible. Also, this approach has the unfortunate side effect of making "optional" interfaces all but impossible. It is not simple to write a function that can have logic to do one thing if the entity has a RadarEquipment interface, and do something else if it doesn't. In this regard, type safety is somewhat of a curse. I think some trickery with boost any may be able to pull it off, but I haven't figured out how to make that work and it seems like way to much complexity for what I am trying to achieve.
Thus, we are left with the dynamic "list of capabilities" and achieving the goal of having decision logic that drives behavior based on what the entity is capable of becomes trivial.
Now, with that background in mind, I am open to any design gurus telling me where I err'd in my reasoning. I am eager to learn of a design pattern or idiom that is commonly used to address this issue, and the sort of tradeoffs I will have to make.
I also want to mention that I have been contemplating perhaps an even more random design. Even though I my gut tells me that this should be designed as a high performance C++ simulation, a part of me wants to do away with the Entity class and object-orientated foo all together and uses a relational model to define all of these entity states. My initial thought is to treat entities as an in memory database and use procedural query logic to read and write the various state information, with the necessary behavior logic that drives these queries written in C++. I am somewhat concerned about performance, although it would not surprise me if that was a non-issue. I am perhaps more concerned about what maintenance issues and additional complexity this would introduce, as opposed to the relatively simple list-of-capabilities approach.
Encapsulate what varies and Prefer object composition to inheritance, are the two OOAD principles at work here.
Check out the Bridge Design pattern. I visualize Vehicle abstraction as one thing that varies, and the other aspect that varies is the "Medium". Boat/Bus/Car are all Vehicle abstractions, while Water/Road/Rail are all Mediums.
I believe that in such a mechanism, there may be no need to maintain any capability. For example, if a Bus cannot move on Water, such a behavior can be modelled by a NOP behavior in the Vehicle Abstraction.
Use the Bridge pattern when
you want to avoid a permanent binding
between an abstraction and its
implementation. This might be the
case, for example, when the
implementation must be selected or
switched at run-time.
both the abstractions and their
implementations should be extensible
by subclassing. In this case, the
Bridge pattern lets you combine the
different abstractions and
implementations and extend them
changes in the implementation of an
abstraction should have no impact on
clients; that is, their code should
not have to be recompiled.
Now, with that background in mind, I am open to any design gurus telling me where I err'd in my reasoning.
You may be erring in using C++ to define a system for which you as yet have no need/no requirements:
This approach seems to be the most
obvious alternative, and is working
well for the time being. I, however,
worry about the maintenance issues
that this approach will have.
Effectively any arbitrary thing can be
added, and there is no single location
in which all possible capabilities are
defined. Its not a problem currently,
when the total number of things is
quite small, but I worry that it might
be a problem when someone else starts
trying to use and modify the code.
Maybe you should be considering principles like YAGNI as opposed to BDUF.
Some of my personal favourites are from Systemantics:
"15. A complex system that works is invariably found to have evolved from a simple system that works"
"16. A complex system designed from scratch never works and cannot be patched up to make it work. You have to start over, beginning with a working simple system."
You're also worring about performance, when you have no defined performance requirements, and no problems with performance:
I am somewhat concerned about
performance, although it would not
surprise me if that was a non-issue.
Also, I hope you know about double-dispatch, which might be useful for implementing anything-to-anything interactions (it's described in some detail in More Effective C++ by Scott Meyers).