I have the following function
(defn run [x]
(doseq [i (range 1 x)]
(println i)
(future (j/execute! vertica-db ["insert /*+ direct */ into a select * from a limit 1"]))
when call it using
(run 100)
it will print 1..99, however if check the row number of table a, the row number is not increased which mean the sql is not executed. How to run the sql in parallel?
The only suspicious thing I see in your code is the fact that you never wait for the futures to finish (so maybe they don't ?).
You need to collect the values returned by future calls and then block until they finish by using (deref f)/#f (i.e. dereferencing the future) where f is one of those values.
Something like this should work:
(defn run [x]
(let [db-insert (fn [i] ((println i) (future (j/execute! vertica-db ["insert /*+ direct */ into a select * from a limit 1"]))))
inserts (doall (map db-insert (range 1 x)))] ;force execution of all the db-insert calls
(doseq [insert inserts] #insert))) ;wait for all the futures to finish
Below is a simplified version of an application I am working on. Specifically, I am interested in benchmarking the execution time of process-list. In the function process-list, I partition the input list into partitions equal to the number of threads I would like to execute in parallel. I then pass each partition to a thread through a call to future. Finally, In main I call process-list with time wrapped around it. Time should return the elapsed time of processing done by process-list but apparently, it only returns the amount of time it takes to create the future threads and does not wait for the futures to execute to completion. How can I dereference the futures inside process-list to ensure the elapsed time accounts for the execution of the future-threads to completion?
(ns listProcessing
(:require [clojure.string]
[input-random :as input]))
(def N-THREADS 4)
(def element_processing_retries (atom 0))
(def list-collection
"Each element is made into a ref"
(map ref input/myList))
(defn partition-list [threads list]
"partition list into required number of partitions which is equal
to the number of threads"
(let [partitions (partition-all
(Math/ceil (/ (count list) threads)) list)]
(defn increase-element [element]
(ref-set element inc))
(defn process-list [list]
"Process `members of list` one by one."
(let [sub-lists (partition-list N-THREADS list)]
(doseq [sub-list sub-lists]
(let [futures '()
myFuture (future (dosync (swap! element_processing_retries inc)
(map increase-element sub-list)))]
(cons myFuture futures)
(map deref futures)))))
(defn main []
(let [f1 (future (time (process-list input/mylist)))]
Below is an example of a simplified list input: Note the input here is simplified and the list processing too to simplify the question.
(ns input-random)
(def myList (list 1 2 4 7 89 12 34 45 56))
This will have some overhead. If you're trying to time millisecond differences, this will skew things a bit (although minute timings shouldn't be using time anyways).
I think your example was a little convoluted, so I reduced it down to what I think represents the problem a little better:
(time (doseq [n (range 5)]
(Thread/sleep 2000))))
"Elapsed time: 1.687702 msecs"
The problem here is the same as the problem with your code: all this really does is time how long it takes for doseq to dispatch all the jobs.
The idea with my hack is to put each finished job into an atom, then check for an end condition in a busy wait:
(defn do-stuff [n-things]
(let [ret-atom (atom 0)]
(doseq [n (range n-things)]
(Thread/sleep 2000)
(swap! ret-atom inc)))
; Time how long it takes the entire `let` to run
(let [n 5
ret-atom (do-stuff n)]
; Will block until the condition is met
(while (< #ret-atom n))))
"Elapsed time: 2002.813288 msecs"
The reason this is so hard to time is all you're doing is spinning up some side effects in a doseq. There's nothing defining what "done" is, so there's nothing to block on. I'm not great with core.async, but I suspect there may be something that may help in there. It may be possible to have a call to <!! that blocks until a channel has a certain number of elements. In that case, you would just need to put results into the channel as they're produced.
I'm learning core.async and have written a simple producer consumer code:
(ns webcrawler.parallel
(:require [clojure.core.async :as async
:refer [>! <! >!! <!! go chan buffer close! thread alts! alts!! timeout]]))
(defn consumer
[in out f]
(go (loop [request (<! in)]
(if (nil? request)
(close! out)
(do (print f)
(let [result (f request)]
(>! out result))
(recur (<! in)))))))
(defn make-consumer [in f]
(let [out (chan)]
(consumer in out f)
(defn process
[f s no-of-consumers]
(let [in (chan (count s))
consumers (repeatedly no-of-consumers #(make-consumer in f))
out (async/merge consumers)]
(map #(>!! in %1) s)
(close! in)
(loop [result (<!! out)
results '()]
(if (nil? result)
(recur (<!! out)
(conj results result))))))
This code works fine when I step in through the process function in debugger supplied with Emacs' cider.
(process (partial + 1) '(1 2 3 4) 1)
(5 4 3 2)
However, if I run it by itself (or hit continue in the debugger) I get an empty result.
(process (partial + 1) '(1 2 3 4) 1)
My guess is that in the second case for some reason producer doesn't wait for consumers before exiting, but I'm not sure why. Thanks for help!
The problem is that your call to map is lazy, and will not run until something asks for the results. Nothing does this in your code.
There are 2 solutions:
(1) Use the eager function mapv:
(mapv #(>!! in %1) items)
(2) Use the doseq, which is intended for side-effecting operations (like putting values on a channel):
(doseq [item items]
(>!! in item))
Both will work and produce output:
(process (partial + 1) [1 2 3 4] 1) => (5 4 3 2)
P.S. You have a debug statement in (defn consumer ...)
(print f)
that produces a lot of noise in the output:
<#clojure.core$partial$fn__5561 #object[clojure.core$partial$fn__5561 0x31cced7
That is repeated 5 times back to back. You probably want to avoid that, as printing function "refs" is pretty useless to a human reader.
Also, debug printouts in general should normally use println so you can see where each one begins and ends.
I'm going to take a safe stab that this is being caused by the lazy behavior of map, and this line that's carrying out side effects:
(map #(>!! in %1) s)
Because you never explicitly use the results, it never runs. Change it to use mapv, which is strict, or more correctly, use doseq. Never use map to run side effects. It's meant to lazily transform a list, and abuse of it leads to behaviour like this.
So why is it working while debugging? I'm going to guess because the debugger forces evaluation as part of its operation, which is masking the problem.
As you can read from docstring map returns a lazy sequence. And I think the best way is to use dorun. Here is an example from clojuredocs:
;;map a function which makes database calls over a vector of values
user=> (map #(db/insert :person {:name %}) ["Fred" "Ethel" "Lucy" "Ricardo"])
JdbcSQLException The object is already closed [90007-170] org.h2.message.DbE
xception.getJdbcSQLException (DbException.java:329)
;;database connection was closed before we got a chance to do our transactions
;;lets wrap it in dorun
user=> (dorun (map #(db/insert :person {:name %}) ["Fred" "Ethel" "Lucy" "Ricardo"]))
DEBUG :db insert into person values name = 'Fred'
DEBUG :db insert into person values name = 'Ethel'
DEBUG :db insert into person values name = 'Lucy'
DEBUG :db insert into person values name = 'Ricardo'
I have 100 workers (agents) that share one ref that contains collection of tasks. While this collection have tasks, each worker get one task from this collection (in dosync block), print it and sometimes put it back in the collection (in dosync block):
(defn have-tasks?
(not (empty? #tasks)))
(defn get-task
(let [task (first #tasks)]
(alter tasks rest)
(defn put-task
[tasks task]
(dosync (alter tasks conj task))
(defn worker
[& {:keys [tasks]}]
(agent {:tasks tasks}))
(defn worker-loop
[{:keys [tasks] :as state}]
(while (have-tasks? tasks)
(let [task (get-task tasks)]
(println "Task: " task)
(when (< (rand) 0.1)
(put-task tasks task))))
(defn create-workers
[count & options]
(->> (range 0 count)
(map (fn [_] (apply worker options)))
(into [])))
(defn start-workers
(doseq [worker workers] (send-off worker worker-loop)))
(def tasks (ref (range 1 10000000)))
(def workers (create-workers 100 :tasks tasks))
(start-workers workers)
(apply await workers)
When i run this code, the last value printed by agents is (after several tries):
But never 9999999 what I expect.
And every time the collection is really empty at the end.
What I'm doing wrong?
I rewrote worker-loop as simple as possible:
(defn worker-loop
[{:keys [tasks] :as state}]
(loop []
(when-let [task (get-task tasks)]
(println "Task: " task)
But problem is still there.
This code behaves as expected when create one and only one worker.
The problem here has nothing to do with agents and barely anything to do with laziness. Here's a somewhat reduced version of the original code that still exhibits the problem:
(defn f [init]
(let [state (ref init)
task (fn []
(loop [last-n nil]
(if-let [n (dosync
(let [n (first #state)]
(alter state rest)
(recur n)
(locking :out
(println "Last seen:" last-n)))))
workers (->> (range 0 5)
(mapv (fn [_] (Thread. task))))]
(doseq [w workers] (.start w))
(doseq [w workers] (.join w))))
(defn r []
(f (range 1 100000)))
(defn i [] (f (->> (iterate inc 1)
(take 100000))))
(defn t []
(f (->> (range 1 100000)
(take Integer/MAX_VALUE))))
Running this code shows that both i and t, both lazy, reliably work, whereas r reliably doesn't. The problem is in fact a concurrency bug in the class returned by the range call. Indeed, that bug is documented in this Clojure ticket and is fixed as of Clojure version 1.9.0-alpha11.
A quick summary of the bug in case the ticket is not accessible for some reason: in the internals of the rest call on the result of range, there was a small opportunity for a race condition: the "flag" that says "the next value has already been computed" was set before the actual value itself, which meant that a second thread could see that flag as true even though the "next value" is still nil. The call to alter would then fix that nil value on the ref. It's been fixed by swapping the two assignment lines.
In cases where the result of range was either forcibly realized in a single thread or wrapped in another lazy seq, that bug would not appear.
I asked this question on the Clojure Google Group and it helped me to find the answer.
The problem is that I used a lazy sequence within the STM transaction.
When I replaced this code:
(def tasks (ref (range 1 10000000)))
by this:
(def tasks (ref (into [] (range 1 10000000))))
it worked as expected!
In my production code where the problem occurred, I used the Korma framework that also returns a lazy collection of tuples, as in my example.
Conclusion: Avoid the use of lazy data structures within the STM transaction.
When the last number in the range is reached, there a are still older numbers being held by the workers. Some of these will be returned to the queue, to be processed again.
In order to better see what is happening, you can change worker-loop to print the last task handled by each worker:
(defn worker-loop
[{:keys [tasks] :as state}]
(loop [last-task nil]
(if (have-tasks? tasks)
(let [task (get-task tasks)]
;; (when (< (rand) 0.1)
;; (put-task tasks task)
(recur task))
(when last-task
(println "Last task:" last-task))))
This also shows the race condition in the code, where tasks seen by have-tasks? often is taken by others when get-task is called near the end of the processing of the tasks.
The race condition can be solved by removing have-tasks? and instead using the return value of nil from get-task as a signal that no more tasks are available (at the moment).
As observed, this race conditions does not explain the problem.
Neither is the problem solved by removing a possible race condition in get-task like this:
(defn get-task [tasks]
(first (alter tasks rest))))
However changing get-task to use an explicit lock seems to solve the problem:
(defn get-task [tasks]
(locking :lock
(let [task (first #tasks)]
(alter tasks rest)
The following code does essentially just let you execute something like (function (range n)) in parallel.
(experiment-with-agents 10000 10 #(filter prime? %))
This for example finds the prime numbers between 0 and 10000 with 10 agents.
(experiment-with-futures 10000 10 #(filter prime? %))
Same just with futures.
Now the problem is that the solution with futures doesn't run faster with more futures. Example:
; Futures
(time (experiment-with-futures 10000 1 #(filter prime? %)))
"Elapsed time: 33417.524634 msecs"
(time (experiment-with-futures 10000 10 #(filter prime? %)))
"Elapsed time: 33891.495702 msecs"
; Agents
(time (experiment-with-agents 10000 1 #(filter prime? %)))
"Elapsed time: 33048.80492 msecs"
(time (experiment-with-agents 10000 10 #(filter prime? %)))
"Elapsed time: 9211.864133 msecs"
Why? Did I do something wrong (probably, new to Clojure and just playing around with stuff^^)? Because I thought that futures are actually prefered in that scenario.
(defn setup-agents
[coll-size num-agents]
(let [step (/ coll-size num-agents)
parts (partition step (range coll-size))
agents (for [_ (range num-agents)] (agent []) )
vect (map #(into [] [%1 %2]) agents parts)]
(vec vect)))
(defn start-agents
[coll f]
(for [[agent part] coll] (send agent into (f part))))
(defn results
(apply await agents)
(vec (flatten (map deref agents))))
(defn experiment-with-agents
[coll-size num-agents f]
(-> (setup-agents coll-size num-agents)
(start-agents f)
(defn experiment-with-futures
[coll-size num-futures f]
(let [step (/ coll-size num-futures)
parts (partition step (range coll-size))
futures (for [index (range num-futures)] (future (f (nth parts index))))]
(vec (flatten (map deref futures)))))
You're getting tripped up by the fact that for produces a lazy sequence inside of experiment-with-futures. In particular, this piece of code:
(for [index (range num-futures)] (future (f (nth parts index))))
does not immediately create all of the futures; it returns a lazy sequence that will not create the futures until the contents of the sequence are realized. The code that realizes the lazy sequence is:
(vec (flatten (map deref futures)))
Here, map returns a lazy sequence of the dereferenced future results, backed by the lazy sequence of futures. As vec consumes results from the sequence produced by map, each new future is not submitted for processing until the previous one completes.
To get parallel processing, you need to not create the futures lazily. Try wrapping the for loop where you create the futures inside a doall.
The reason you're seeing an improvement with agents is the call to (apply await agents) immediately before you gather the agent results. Your start-agents function also returns a lazy sequence and does not actually dispatch the agent actions. An implementation detail of apply is that it completely realizes small sequences (under 20 items or so) passed to it. A side effect of passing agents to apply is that the sequence is realized and all agent actions are dispatched before it is handed off to await.
I am reading Strings in from the standard input with
(line-seq (java.io.BufferedReader. *in*))
How can I:
Store the lines in a collection
At some interval (say 5 minutes) process the collection and also
Process the collection as soon as its size grows to n (say 10) regardless of timing?
Here i left you my purposes:
As you can check in http://clojuredocs.org/clojure_core/clojure.core/line-seq the result of(line-seq (BufferedReader. xxx)) is a sequence, so this function stores the result (return a new ) collection
You can do it with clojure/core.async timeout function http://clojure.github.io/core.async/#clojure.core.async/timeout, you can take a look at https://github.com/clojure/core.async/blob/master/examples/walkthrough.clj to get acquainted with the library
Just use a conditional (if, when ...) to check the count of the collection
As #tangrammer says, core-async would be a good way to go, or Lamina (sample-every)
I pieced something together using a single atom. You probably have to adjust things to your need (e.g. parallel execution, not using a future to create the periodic processing thread, return values, ...). The following code creates processor-with-interval-and-threshold, a function creating another function that can be given a seq of elements which is processed in the way you described.
(defn- periodically!
[interval f]
(while true
(Thread/sleep interval)
(defn- build-head-and-tail
[{:keys [head tail]} n elements]
(let [[a b] (->> (concat tail elements)
(split-at n))]
{:head (concat head a) :tail b}))
(defn- build-ready-elements
[{:keys [head tail]}]
{:ready (concat head tail)})
(defn processor-with-interval-and-threshold
[interval threshold f]
(let [q (atom {})]
(letfn [(process-elements! []
(let [{:keys [ready]} (swap! q build-ready-elements)]
(when-not (empty? ready)
(f ready))))]
(periodically! interval process-elements!)
(fn [sq]
(let [{:keys [head]} (swap! q build-head-and-tail threshold sq)]
(when (>= (count head) threshold)
The atom q manages a map of three elements:
:head: a seq that gets filled first and checked against the threshold,
:tail: a seq with the elements that exceed the threshold (possibly lazy),
:ready: elements to be processed.
Now, you could for example do the following:
(let [add! (processor-with-interval-and-threshold 300000 10 your-fn)]
(doseq [x (line-seq (java.io.BufferedReader. *in*))]
(add! [x])))
That should be enough to get you started, I guess.