Which graphics technology does Qt uses to render its custom UI? - c++

I inspected the Qt GUI interfaces using window spy tools and I know that it does not use windows common controls or any custom window class to create its UI elements and animation effects. I asked before here about developing a custom GUI framework using GDI/GDI+ but most people responded against these technologies, so the question remains which graphics technology Qt or any other equivalent appropriator system uses to render their UI?
I am aware of DirectX/OpenGL but isn't it overkill for simple requirements? If the answer is going to be one of the above then again I wonder how one could implement robust font rendering and vector graphics solutions with these polygon rendering technology? the full featured text editor is another huge challenge.
Also there already exists solutions based on directx/opengl like MyGUI and CEGUI but I think they look ugly and nowhere near how Qt looks.

First things first, Qt-5 introduced a new rendering model, which can (but is not required to) use OpenGL for rendering the UI elements. The upshot of this is, that one can truly mix custom OpenGL rendering with Qt widgets. The downside is, that some kind of OpenGL support is required, which not all systems have.
So Qt also has these two other drawing systems: Native, which will use the hosts systems native graphics primitives (GDI, CoreGraphics, X11/XRender) and raster which does a complete rasterization of a whole window into pixel buffers, where then only those are blitted over to the underlying graphics system. raster is the slowest of the graphics backends, but it gives consistent results for all plattforms and target systems. Hence raster is usually used for programs where consistent appearance is strictly required.


QOpenGLWidget: retrieving window handle for 3rdparty library

I'm creating an application, which interacts with OpenGL via QOpenGL* classes. The graphics is shown through a QOpenGLWidget, which is placed in a UI-form.
Now, there is a library for CAD purposes (Open CASCADE), an OpenGL interface of which requires a handle to the render window. The question is: can I somehow say the library to render everything to the mentioned widget?
In other words, is there a way to interpret the widget as a native, probably, platform-specific (HWND here) window, so that the library renders its own stuff exactly there?
QOpenGLWidget is not the same thing as QGLWidget.
The classical approach for embedding OCCT 3D viewer, which you can find in Qt IESample coming with OCCT, creates QWidget with unique window handle flag, takes this window handle and ask OCCT to take care about OpenGL context creation for this window. This is most straightforward, robust and portable way with one limitation - Qt will not be able drawing semitransparent widgets on top of this QWidget. This is not a limitation of OCCT, but rather limitation of Qt Widgets design.
QOpenGLWidget was intended to solve this limitation by allowing to mix custom OpenGL rendering and normal widgets. The integration of external OpenGL graphics engine, however, became more complicated and fragile. It is not very helpful stealing winId() from QOpenGLWidget, as rendering content is expected to be drawn not into window itself, but rather into OpenGL framebufer object (FBO), created by QOpenGLWidget - see QOpenGLWidget::defaultFramebufferObject() property.
External renderer is expected to render into this FBO for proper composition of Qt widgets. Luckily, OCCT is flexible enough to allow such integration. Unluckily, such integration requires some knowledge of OpenGL, as well as its usage by Qt and OCCT.
For that, you need to ask OCCT wrapping OpenGL context already created by Qt (for that V3d_View::SetWindow() provides an optional argument of type Aspect_RenderingContext, which corresponds to HGLRC on Windows and can be fetched using wglGetCurrentContext() within rendering thread) as well as FBO created by QOpenGLWidget (for that, OCCT provides OpenGl_FrameBuffer::InitWrapper() and OpenGl_Context::SetDefaultFrameBuffer() methods, as well as OpenGl_Caps::buffersNoSwap flag to leave window buffer swapping management to Qt).
OCCT doesn't come yet with a sample using QOpenGLWidget, but you can find also qt/AndroidQt sample implementing similar thing for embedding OCCT 3D Viewer into QtQuick application.
After some investigation, I found that method QOpenGLWidget::winId() returns the correct handle. It's been found out only now, because the rendered scene disappeared immediately, leaving a black picture instead. However, when the viewport is resized, the scene returns back (and disappears again, though). Looks like Open CASCADE has problems with Qt 5 OpenGL implementation, since QGLWidget didn't have such problems, as far as I know.

Can I write an OpenGL application without binding it to a certain windowing library?

As I mentioned in a question before, I am trying to make a simple game engine in C++ with OpenGL.
I am currently using GLFW for drawing the OpenGL context and I chose it because I heard it's one of the faster ones out there. However, it doesn't support widgets and I really don't want to write them myself. So I decided to get into Qt a bit, because it would allow me to have a pane for the render context and different handy bars as well as all the fancy elements for editing a world map, setting OpenGL rules, etc.
I want to use GLFW on the exported version of that game, though. Is that possible without an abstraction layer of some kind?
Thanks in advance! :)
Yes it is definitely possibile, infact I'm writing a 3D engine that is not coupled to any windowing library and can be used with Qt, SDL or whatever.
You of course have just to wrap regular GL calls into a higher level layer, this require you don't call "SwapBuffers" inside your GL code.
If by abstraction layer you mean "inversion of control" so, you don't want to override a "Render/Update" method that's exactly what I done. If by "abstraction layer" you mean you want to use GL directly than it is still possible.
Basically every windowing system have "some place" where you can make your GL calls (between MakeCurrent and SwapBuffers). Just read documentation of your windowing system.

Do either directX or openGL have methods for creating basic windows and menu components?

If not does QT have support for direct X or openGL? Or am I stuck using the windows API with C++ and java's AWT components?
OpenGL is a low-level graphics API; it's meant for drawing primitives (points, lines, and triangles) onto the screen as fast as possible. It doesn't have several concepts needed for GUI widgets (such as objects, text, or peripheral events).
I can't speak for DirectX, but I can't imagine the situation being much different there.
However, there are libraries for GUI components which use OpenGL for rendering, such as AntTweakBar. Alternatively, I think some GUI libraries may offer an "OpenGL Canvas" component, which you can place inside of panels, etc.

Cross Platform GUI - Rendering Process

I have been using a few cross-platform GUI libraries (such as FLTK, wxWidgets, GTK++), however I feel like none fulfil my needs as I would like to create something that looks the same regardless of the platform (I understand that there will be people against building GUI's that don't have a native look on the platforms but that's not the issue here).
To build my controls, I usually rely on basic shapes provided by the library and make my way up binding & coding everything together...
So I decided to give it a try and do some opengl for 2D GUI programming (as it would still be cross-platform. With that in mind, I couldn't help to notice that the applications that I have written using wxWidgets & FLTK usually have a average RAM consume of 1/2MB, whereas a very basic openGL window with a simple background ranges from 6 to 9 MB.
This brings me to the actual question for this thread,
I thought that all the rendering of the screen was made using either opengl/direct (under the covers).
Could someone please explain or link me some sort of article that could give me some insight of how these things actually work?
Thanks for reading!
These multiplatform toolkits usually support quite a lot of backends which does the drawing. Even though some of the toolkits support OpenGL as their backend, the default is usually the "native" backend.
Take a look eg. at Qt. On Windows it uses GDI for drawing for its native backend. On linux it uses XRender I think. Same on Symbian and Mac. Qt also has its own software rasterizer. And of course there is an OpenGL backend.
So why the application using some of these GUI toolkits can take less memory than a simple OpenGL application? If the toolkit use the "native" backend, everything is already loaded in memory, because it is very likely that all visible GUI uses the same drawing API. The native APIs can also use only one buffer representing a whole screen in which all applications can draw.
However when using OpenGL you have your own buffer which represents the application window. Not to mention that an OpenGL application usually has several framebuffers, like z-buffer, stencil buffer, back buffer, which are not essential for 2D drawing, but they take some space (even though its probably the space in graphics card memory). Finally, when using OpenGL, it is possible that the necessary libraries are not yet loaded.
Your question is exceedingly vague, but it seems like you're asking about why your GL app takes up more memory than a basic GUI window.
It's because it's an OpenGL application. This means it has to store all of the machinery needed to make OpenGL work. It means it needs a hefty-sized framebuffer: back buffer, z-buffer, etc. It needs a lot of boilerplate to function.
Really, I wouldn't worry about it. It's something every application does.

Curiosity: Background C++ windows. Difference between SFML/SDL type and Qt (GUI) type

I was wondering what is the difference between the windows that will render images on the screen (such as SDL, SFML or OpenGL) and the classic GUI window (with the gray background by default) where you can implement buttons like in Qt for C++ or AWT/Swing in Java?
What is going on in the background code? Are they the same type? Is there a rendering layer over the graphics window allowing to display such images?
Well first of all they are different APIs. SDL and SFML are libraries directed at making games and quite possibly other applications. OpenGL is a graphics API, it is not a full suite of libraries.
Note also that SFML pretty much uses OpenGL to render to the window. The actual window its self is created via platform specific functions. The Win32 API is used for windows and the X11 Window System is generally used on Linux.
The "classic GUI window" is pretty much the platform specific APIs. The differences in background code is really just defined by the purpose of the API. Note that in the end of the line Qt/SFML/SDL all go down to the platform specific API. OpenGL even requires you to interface with the platform specific API. SFML/SDL/QT essentially do the lower level work for you.
I hope I gave what you are looking for as this question really has a wide range of answers.