Oriented bounding box defined by angle of orientation - c++

I know how to find minimum bounding box using regionprops() in Matlab and boundingRect() using OpenCV. How to find a bounding box of points (not minimum bounding box) given the angle of orientation? For example in image below where the line is the major axis of the rectangle.

Well, there are many possible solutions. I'll mention three of these:
rotate all points so that the red line becomes parallel to the x (or y) axis; then, find the minimum axis oriented bounding box of transformed points; then, rotate back the box to find the desired one.
find the projection of every point on the red line and on a blue line (perpendicular to the red one), storing minimum and maximum values per coordinate.
find the distance of all points from the red line; then, with some consideration you should easily find two coords of the box; then you can repeat the computation taking a line perpendicular to the red one to find the missing two coords for the box

You can transform the points such that axis matches with the x-axis or y-axis. Find the bounding box of the transformed points and transform the bounding box back to original space by inverse transform.
Details of transformation :
You can find the bounding box of transformed points like this.
double xmin = 1e+37,ymin = 1e+37;
double xmax = -1e+37,ymax = -1e+37;
for(size_t i = 0; i < numPoints; ++i)
if( x[i] >= xmin ) xmin = x[i];
if( y[i] >= ymin ) ymin = y[i];
if( x[i] <= xmax ) xmax = x[i];
if( y[i] <= ymax ) ymax = y[i];
You can replace 1e+37 with any large number or you use the BIG FLOAT
More details of oriented bounding box implementation of Stefan Gottschalk idea can also be found at this blog Oriented bounding box


better detection C++

My idea was to implement a simple square detection using openCV & C++ (objc++). I've already extracted the biggest areas of the image like you can see below (the colored ones) but now I'd like to extract the corner points (like TopLeft, TopRight, BottomLeft, BottomRight) of all the areas to afterwards check if the distance between the 4 corners is similar on each of them or the angle between the lines is nearly 45°.
See the images I was talking about:
However - I got to this point where I've tried to extract the areas corner points to get something like this afterwards:
This was my first idea how to get the 4 corner points (See the steps below):
1.calculate the contours center by
for (int i=0; i<contourPoints.size(); i++) {
avgx += contourPoints[i].x;
avgy += contourPoints[i].y;
avgx/=contourPoints.size(); // centerx
avgy/=contourPoints.size(); // centery
2.loop trough all contour points to get the points with the highest distance to the center --> Probably the corners if the contour is a square/rectangle
for (int i=0; i<contourPoints.size(); i++) {
dx = abs(avgx - contourPoints[i].x);
dy = abs(avgy - contourPoints[i].y);
dist = sqrt( dx*dx + dy*dy );
// sort distvector > distvector and get 4 corners with highest distance to the center -> hopefully the corners.
This procedure was my idea but I'm pretty sure there must be a better way to detect squares and extract it's corner points using just the given contour coordinates.
So any help how to improve my code to get a way better & more efficient detection would be very appreciated. Thanks a million in advance, Tempi.

How do I calculate collision with rotation in 3D space?

In my program I need to calculate collision between a rotated box and a sphere as well as collision between 2 rotated boxes. I can't seem to find any information on it and trying to figure the math out in my own is boggling my mind.
I have collision working for 2 boxes and a sphere and a box, but now I need to factor in angles. This is my code so far:
class Box
float m_CenterX, m_CenterY, m_CenterZ, m_Width, m_Height, m_Depth;
float m_XRotation, m_YRotation, m_ZRotation;
class Sphere
float m_CenterX, m_CenterY, m_CenterZ, radius;
unsigned char m_Colour[3];
bool BoxBoxCollision(BoxA, BoxB)
//The sides of the Cubes
float leftA, leftB;
float rightA, rightB;
float topA, topB;
float bottomA, bottomB;
float nearA, nearB;
float farA, farB;
//center pivot is at the center of the object
leftA = A.GetCenterX() - A.GetWidth();
rightA = A.GetCenterX() + A.GetWidth();
topA = A.GetCenterY() - A.GetHeight();
bottomA = A.GetCenterY() + A.GetHeight();
farA = A.GetCenterZ() - A.GetDepth();
nearA = A.GetCenterZ() + A.GetDepth();
leftB = B.GetCenterX() - B.GetWidth();
rightB = B.GetCenterX() + B.GetWidth();
topB = B.GetCenterY() - B.GetHeight();
bottomB = B.GetCenterY() + B.GetHeight();
farB = B.GetCenterZ() - B.GetDepth();
nearB = B.GetCenterZ() + B.GetDepth();
//If any of the sides from A are outside of B
if( bottomA <= topB ) { return false; }
if( topA >= bottomB ) { return false; }
if( rightA <= leftB ) { return false; }
if( leftA >= rightB ) { return false; }
if( nearA <= farB ) { return false; }
if( farA >= nearB ) { return false; }
//If none of the sides from A are outside B
return true;
bool SphereBoxCollision( Sphere& sphere, Box& box)
float sphereXDistance = abs(sphere.getCenterX() - box.GetCenterX());
float sphereYDistance = abs(sphere.getCenterY() - box.GetCenterY());
float sphereZDistance = abs(sphere.getCenterZ() - box.GetCenterZ());
if (sphereXDistance >= (box.GetWidth() + sphere.getRadius())) { return false; }
if (sphereYDistance >= (box.GetHeight() + sphere.getRadius())) { return false; }
if (sphereZDistance >= (box.GetDepth() + sphere.getRadius())) { return false; }
if (sphereXDistance < (box.GetWidth())) { return true; }
if (sphereYDistance < (box.GetHeight())) { return true; }
if (sphereZDistance < (box.GetDepth())) { return true; }
float cornerDistance_sq = ((sphereXDistance - box.GetWidth()) * (sphereXDistance - box.GetWidth())) +
((sphereYDistance - box.GetHeight()) * (sphereYDistance - box.GetHeight()) +
((sphereYDistance - box.GetDepth()) * (sphereYDistance - box.GetDepth())));
return (cornerDistance_sq < (sphere.getRadius()*sphere.getRadius()));
How do I factor in rotation? Any suggestions would be great.
First of all, your objects are boxes, not rectangles. The term rectangle is strictly reserved for the 2D figure.
When you are dealing with rotations, you should generally view them as a special form of an affine transform. An affine transform can be a rotation, a translation, a scaling operation, a shearing operation, or any combination of these, and it can be represented by a simple 4x4 matrix that is multiplied to the vectors that give the vertices of your boxes. That is, you can describe any rotated, scaled, sheared box as the unit box (the box between the vectors <0,0,0> to <1,1,1>) to which an affine transform has been applied.
The matrix of most affine transforms (except those that scale by a factor of zero) can be inverted, so that you can both transform any point into the coordinate system of the box and then compare it against <0,0,0> and <1,1,1> to check whether its inside the box, and transform any point in the coordinates of the box back into your world coordinate system (for instance you can find the center of your box by transforming the vector <0.5, 0.5, 0.5>). Since any straight line remains a straight line when an affine transform is applied to it, all you ever need to transform is the vertices of your boxes.
Now, you can just take the vertices of one box (<0,0,0>, <0,0,1>, ...), transform them into your world coordinate system, then transform them back into the coordinate system of another box. After that, the question whether the two boxes overlap becomes the question whether the box described by the transformed eight vertices overlaps the unit box. Now you can easily decide whether there is a vertex above the base plane of the unit box (y > 0), below the top plane (y < 1), and so on. Unfortunately there is a lot of cases to cover for a box/box intersection, it is much easier to intersect spheres, rays, planes, etc. than such complex objects like boxes. However, having one box nailed to the unit box should help a lot.
For rotations in 3D, it pays to know how to use quaternions for that. Euler angles and similar systems all have the issue of gimbal lock, quaternions do not have this restriction.
Basically, every unit quaternion describes a rotation around a single, free axis. When you multiply two unit quaternions, you get a third one that gives you the rotation that results from applying the two quaternions one after the other. And, since it is trivial to compute the multiplicative inverse of a quaternion, you can also divide one quaternion by another to answer the question what one-axis rotation you would need to apply to get from one rotation state to another. That last part is simply impossible to do in terms of Euler angles. Quaternions are really one of the sweetest parts of mathematics.
I simply cannot cover all the details in this answer, the topic is quite a broad and interesting one. That is why I linked the four wikipedia articles. Read them if you need further details.
For Box-Box collision transform the coordinates in such a way that the first box is centered at the origin and is aligned with the axis. Then checking if the second box collides with it is easier even tho is not quite trivial. For most cases (physics engine at small dt*v where you can assume movement is continuous) it suffices to check if any of the vertices fall inside the first box.
For Box-Sphere is simpler. Like before, transform the coordinates in such a way that the box is centered at the origin and is aligned with the axis. Now you only need to check that the distance between the center of the box and each of the canonical planes (generated by the axes) is less than the radius of the sphere plus half of the span of the box in the normal direction.

Raytracing - Rays shot from camera through screen don't deviate on the y axis - C++

So I am trying to write a Raytracer as a personal project, and I have got the basic recursion, mesh geometry, and ray triangle intersection down.
I am trying to get a plausible image out of it but encounter the problem that all pixel rows are the same, giving me straight vertical lines.
I found that all pixel positions generated from the camera function are the same on the y axis but cannot find the problem with my vector math here (I use my Vertex structure as vectors too, its lazy I know):
void Renderer::CameraShader()
//compute the width and height of the screen based on angle and distance of the near clip plane
double widthRad = tan(0.5*m_Cam.angle)*m_Cam.nearClipPlane;
double heightRad = ((double)m_Cam.pixelRows / (double)m_Cam.pixelCols)*widthRad;
//get the horizontal vector of the camera by crossing the direction angle with an
Vertex cross = ((m_Cam.direction - m_Cam.origin).CrossProduct(Vertex(0, 1, 0)).Normalized(0.0001))*widthRad;
//get the up/down vector of the camera by crossing the horizontal vector with the direction vector
Vertex crossDown = m_Cam.direction.CrossProduct(cross).Normalized(0.0001)*heightRad;
//generate rays per pixel row and column
for (int i = 0; i < m_Cam.pixelCols;i++)
for (int j = 0; j < m_Cam.pixelRows; j++)
Vertex pixelPos = m_Cam.origin + (m_Cam.direction - m_Cam.origin).Normalized(0.0001)*m_Cam.nearClipPlane //vector of the screen center
- cross + (cross*((i / (double)m_Cam.pixelCols)*widthRad*2)) //horizontal vector based on i
+ crossDown - (crossDown*((j / (double)m_Cam.pixelRows)*heightRad*2)); //vertical vector based on j
//cast a ray through according screen pixel to get color
m_Image[i][j] = raycast(m_Cam.origin, pixelPos - m_Cam.origin, p_MaxBounces);
I hope the comments in the code make clear what is happening.
If anyone sees the problem help would be nice
The problem was that I had to substract the camera origin from the direction point. It now actually renders sillouettes, so I guess I can say its fixed :)

CDC::Ellipse doesn't draw correctly circles

In a project of mine (VC++2010, MFC), I want to draw a circle using the CDC::Ellipse. I set two points: the first one is the center of the circle, the second one is a point I want it to be on the circumference.
I pass to the CDC::Ellipse( int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2 ) the coordinates of the upper-left corner and lower-right one.
Briefly: with Pitagora Theorem I calculate the distance between the two points ( radius ), then I subtract this value from the coordinates of the center to obtain the upper-left corner and add to obtain the lower-right one.
When I draw the cirlce and the points, and I zoom in, I see that the second one isn't on the circumference as expected, it is slightly inside unless you set it at 0°, 45°, 90° and so on with respect to the absolute sistem of coordinates.
Then I tried to draw the same circle using CDC::Polyline, I gave to this method the points obtained rotating another point around the center, at the distance equal to the radius. In this case the point is on the circumference every where I set it.
The overlap of these two circles has shown that they perfectly overlap at 0°, 45°, 90° and so on, but the gap is maximum at 22.5°, 67.5° and so on.
Has anyone ever noticed a similar behavior?
Thanks to everybody that can help me!
Code snippet:
this is how I calculate the radius given 2 points:
centerPX = vvFPoint( 1380, 845 );
secondPointPX = vvFPoint( 654,654 );
double radiusPX = (sqrt( (secondPointPX.x - centerPX.x) * (secondPointPX.x - centerPX.x) + (secondPointPX.y - centerPX.y) * (secondPointPX.y - centerPX.y) ));
( vvFPoint is a custom type derived from CPoint )
this is how I draw the "circle" with the CDC::Ellipse:
int up = (int)(((double)(m_p1.y-(double)originY - m_radius) / zoom) + 0.5) + offY;
int left = (int)(((double)(m_p1.x-(double)originX - m_radius) / zoom) + 0.5) + offX;
int down = (int)(((double)(m_p1.y-(double)originY + m_radius) / zoom) + 0.5) + offY;
int right = (int)(((double)(m_p1.x-(double)originX + m_radius) / zoom) + 0.5) + offX;
pDC->Ellipse( left, up, right, down);
(m_p1 is the center of the circle, originX/Y is the origin of the image, m_radius is the radius of the circle, zoom is the scale factor, offX/Y is an offset in the client area of my SW)
this is how I draw the circle "manually" (and quite trivial method) using a custom polyline class:
1) create the array of points:
point.x = centerPX.x + radiusPX;
point.y = centerPX.y;
for ( i=0; i < 3600; i++ )
pt1.RotateDeg ( centerPX, (double)0.1 );
poly->AddPoint( pt1 );
(RotateDeg is a custom method to rotate a point using first argument as a pivot and second argument as angle value in degrees, AddPoint is a custom method to create the array of points, poly is my custom polyline object).
2) draw it:
When I call the Draw( CDC* pDC ) I use the previous array to draw the polyline:
I hope this can help you to reproduce my weird observations!
code snippet 2:
void vvPoint<Tipo>::RotateDeg(const vvPoint<Tipo> &center, double angle)
vvPoint<Tipo> ptB;
angle *= -(M_PI / 180);
*this -= center;
ptB.x = ((this->x * cos(angle)) - (this->y * sin(angle)));
ptB.y = ((this->x * sin(angle)) + (this->y * cos(angle)));
*this = ptB + center;
But to let you better understand my observations I would like to add a few images so you can see where my whole question started from... The problem is: I can't add images since I need to have 10 reputation. I uploaded a .zip file on dropbox and if you want I can send you the URL of this file. Let me know if this is the correct (and safe..) way to bypass this problem.
This might be a possible explanation. As MSDN says about CDC::Ellipse (with my emphasis):
The center of the ellipse is the center of the bounding rectangle
specified by x1, y1, x2, and y2, or lpRect. The ellipse is drawn with
the current pen, and its interior is filled with the current brush.
The figure drawn by this function extends up to, but does not include,
the right and bottom coordinates. This means that the height of the
figure is y2 – y1 and the width of the figure is x2 – x1.
The way you described how you calculate the bounding rectangle is not entirely clear (some source code would have helped) but, given the second paragraph quoted above, you possibly need to add 1 to your x2 and y2 values, to make sure you have a circle with the desired radius.
It's also worth noting that there may be slight rounding differences between your two drawing methods where you have an odd-sized bounding box (i.e. so the centre point falls logically on a half-pixel).
Using your code snippets (thanks), and assuming no zoom and zero offsets etc., I get a radius of 750.704 pixels and the following parameters for the ellipse:
pDC->Ellipse(629, 94, 2131, 1596);
According to MSDN, this means that the ellipse will be drawn in a figure of the following dimensions:
width = (2131 - 629) = 1502
height = (1596 - 94) = 1502
So as far as I can see, this should produce a circle rather than an ellipse.
The next thing to do is to find out how you're drawing the polygon - for that we need to see the implementation of RotateDeg - can you post that code? I'm suspecting some simple rounding error here, that maybe gets magnified when you zoom.
Just looking at this code:
for ( i=0; i < 3600; i++ )
pt1.RotateDeg ( centerPX, (double)0.1 );
poly->AddPoint( pt1 );
You are rotating your polygon points incrementally by 0.1 degrees each time. This will possibly accumulate some errors, so it may be worth doing it something like this instead:
for ( i=0; i < 3600; i++ )
vvFPoint ptNew = pt1;
ptNew.RotateDeg ( centerPX, (double)i * 0.1 );
poly->AddPoint( ptNew );
Maybe this will mean you have to change your RotateDeg function to take care of the correct quadrants.
One other point, you mentioned that you see the problem when you zoom into the image. If this means you are using you zoom variable, it is worth checking in this line ...:
pDC->Ellipse( left, up, right, down);
... that the parameters still form a square shape, so (right - left) == (down - up).
I just ran your RotateDeg function, in its current form, to see how the error accumulates (by feeding in the previous result to the next iteration). At each step, I calculated the distance between the new point and the centre and compared this with the required radius.
The chart below shows the result, where you can see an error of 4 pixels by the time the points have been calculated.
I think that this at least explains part of the difference (i.e. your polygon drawing is flawed) and - depending on zoom - you may introduce asymmetry into the ellipse parameters, which you can debug by comparing the width to the height as I described above.

3d model to fit in viewport

How does a 3D model handled unit wise ?
When i have a random model that i want to fit in my view port i dunno if it is too big or not, if i need to translate it to be in the middle...
I think a 3d object might have it's own origine.
You need to find a bounding volume, a shape that encloses all the object's vertices, for your object that is easier to work with than the object itself. Spheres are often used for this. Either the artist can define the sphere as part of the model information or you can work it out at run time. Calculating the optimal sphere is very hard, but you can get a good approximation using the following:
determine the min and max value of each point's x, y and z
for each vertex
min_x = min (min_x, vertex.x)
max_x = max (max_x, vertex.x)
min_y = min (min_y, vertex.y)
max_y = max (max_y, vertex.y)
min_z = min (min_z, vertex.z)
max_z = max (max_z, vertex.z)
sphere centre = (max_x + min_x) / 2, (max_y + min_y) / 2, (max_z + min_z) / 2
sphere radius = distance from centre to (max_x, max_y, max_z)
Using this sphere, determine the a world position that allows the sphere to be viewed in full - simple geometry will determine this.
Sorry, your question is very unclear. I suppose you want to center a 3D model to a viewport. You can achieve this by calculating the model's bounding box. To do this, traverse all polygons and get the minimum/maximum X/Y/Z coordinates. The bounding box given by the points (min_x,min_y,min_z) and (max_x,max_y,max_z) will contain the whole model. Now you can center the model by looking at the center of this box. With some further calculations (depending on your FOV) you can also get the left/right/upper/lower borders inside your viewport.
"so i tried to scale it down"
The best thing to do in this situation is not to transform your model at all! Leave it be. What you want to change is your camera.
First calculate the bounding box of your model somewhere in 3D space.
Next calculate the radius of it by taking the max( aabb.max.x-aabb.min.x, aabb.max.y-aabb.min.y, aabb.max.z-aabb.min.z ). It's crude but it gets the job done.
To center the object in the viewport place the camera at the object position. If Y is your forward axis subtract the radius from Y. If Z is the forward axis then subtract radius from it instead. Subtract a fudge factor to get you past the pesky near plane so your model doesn't clip out. I use quaternions in my engine with a nice lookat() method. So call lookat() and pass in the center of the bounding box. Voila! You're object is centered in the viewport regardless of where it is in the world.
This always places the camera axis aligned so you might want to get fancy and transform the camera into model space instead, subtract off the radius, then lookat() the center again. Then you're always looking at the back of the model. The key is always the lookat().
Here's some example code from my engine. It checks to see if we're trying to frame a chunk of static terrain, if so look down from a height, or a light or a static mesh. A visual is anything that draws in the scene and there are dozens of different types. A Visual::Instance is a copy of the visual, or where to draw it.
void EnvironmentView::frameSelected(){
if( m_tSelection.toInstance() ){
Visual::Instance& I = m_tSelection.toInstance().cast();
Visual* pVisual = I.toVisual();
if( pVisual->isa( StaticTerrain::classid )){
toEditorCamera().toL2W().setPosition( pt3( 0, 0, 50000 ));
toEditorCamera().lookat( pt3( 0 ));
}else if( I.toFlags()->bIsLight ){
Visual::LightInstance& L = static_cast<Visual::LightInstance&>( I );
qst3& L2W = L.toL2W();
const sphere s( L2W.toPosition(), L2W.toScale() );
const f32 y =-(s.toCenter()+s.toRadius()).y();
const f32 z = (s.toCenter()+s.toRadius()).y();
qst3& camL2W = toEditorCamera().toL2W();
camL2W.setPosition(s.toCenter()+pt3( 0, y, z ));//45 deg above
toEditorCamera().lookat( s.toCenter() );
Mesh::handle hMesh = pVisual->getMesh();
if( hMesh ){
qst3& L2W = m_tSelection.toInstance()->toL2W();
vec4x4 M;
L2W.getMatrix( M );
aabb3 b0 = hMesh->toBounds();
b0.min = M * b0.min;
b0.max = M * b0.max;
aabb3 b1;
b1 += b0.min;
b1 += b0.max;
const sphere s( b1.toSphere() );
const f32 y =-(s.toCenter()+s.toRadius()*2.5f).y();
const f32 z = (s.toCenter()+s.toRadius()*2.5f).y();
qst3& camL2W = toEditorCamera().toL2W();
camL2W.setPosition( L2W.toPosition()+pt3( 0, y, z ));//45 deg above
toEditorCamera().lookat( b1.toOrigin() );