How to add predefine macro for nvcc? - c++

I am currently compiling a Qt project which integrates OpenMesh and CUDA together. Since I have to use nvcc to compile the project, I found an error from the OpenMesh:
J:\OpenMesh2.4\include\OpenMesh/Core/System/compiler.hh(109) : fatal error C1189:
#error : "You have to define _USE_MATH_DEFINES in the compiler settings!"
Since the compiler is nvcc not vc compiler, even I add the macro in the "preprocessor definitions", the error still appears. I just wonder if there is a way to add this macro for the nvcc?
I also tried to manually add this macro in one of my header which include the open mesh headers. The above error is gone but the compile gives another strange error about the source code of openmesh.

Found the solution: add -D followed by the macro in the nvcc flag...


C1189 #error: /RTCc rejects conformant code

I try to compile the following solution:
When I try to compile it using VS 2022, I am getting the following compiler error:
Error C1189 #error: /RTCc rejects conformant code, so it is not supported by the C++ Standard Library. Either remove this compiler option, or define _ALLOW_RTCc_IN_STL to acknowledge that you have received this warning.
EditCtls C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Preview\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.34.31721\include\yvals_core.h 1542
How could I get rid of this compiler error?
Here are my directories:
Include directories:
External Include Directories:
Library directories:
$(ProgramFiles)\Windows Kits\10\Lib\10.0.10586.0\um\x86;$(LibraryPath);$(VSInstallDir);$(VSInstallDir)lib
Library WinRT directories:
Source directories:
I am pretty new with C++, and I don't know how to "define _ALLOW_RTCc_IN_STL to acknowledge that I have received this warning."
I also don't see that the /RTCs is defined anywhere in the project property page. Where would I find that?

Visual Studio C++ compiler tries to compile CUDA C/C++ files

I am trying to make a project I've been working on use CUDA.
At the moment it has four build configs, two (release and debug) which define a compiler symbol so it compiles with CUDA, and two (release and debug) which instead directs it to CPU code.
This is a short version of main.cpp:
#ifdef CUDA
#include ""
#include "CPUCode.h"
int main() {
but for some reason NVCC runs and compiles it fine but then the C++ compiler trys to compile it and that causes many errors that I've managed to circumvent using #ifdef __NVCC__ statements but now I have an issue where main.cpp has to use something from a header so I put is outside the #ifdef __NVCC__ statements and now I get linker error as they are defined twice as NVCC compiles it and the C++ compile does as well
error LNK2005: "class boost::random::mersenne_twister_engine<unsigned int,32,351,175,19,3433795303,11,4294967295,7,834054912,15,4293197824,17,1812433253> generator" (?generator##3V?$mersenne_twister_engine#I$0CA#$0BFP#$0KP#$0BD#$0MMKLIOOH#$0L#$0PPPPPPPP#$06$0DBLGKLAA#$0P#$0PPOFAAAA#$0BB#$0GMAHIJGF##random#boost##A) already defined in
the .cu files are set to CUDA C/C++ code. How do I stop it from doing that? and is there a better method than what I'm doing?
Robert Crovella answered my question in the comments, what I needed to do was have a header function that was included in main.cpp and and contained the function prototype for functionDefinedinBothHeaders but defined it

Ignore [clang-diagnostic-error] clang-tidy caused by 3rd party headers

I am using clang-tidy as a "linter" tool in development. I started to integrate 3rd party software into my code and when I include their header files using:
tons of errors are generated, I haven't even #include the headers yet.
error: too many errors emitted, stopping now [clang-diagnostic-error]
/path/to/include/wchar.h:81:1: error: unknown type name 'wint_t' [clang-diagnostic-error]
wint_t fgetwc(FILE *__stream);
/path/to/include/wchar.h:81:15: error: unknown type name 'FILE' [clang-diagnostic-error]
wint_t fgetwc(FILE *__stream);
I compile my program using:
/usr/bin/clang-tidy-4.0 /path/to/main.cpp -checks=-*,cppcoreguidelines* -- -lang-c++ -I/path/to/include -std=gnu++11 -Wall -Werror -O0 -g -D<define variables>
It seems that these "clang-diagnostic-errors" do not stop compilation, as it continues to compile and runs fine. Is there a flag to turn this error off/suppress it? I do not want to see it since I did not write these header files.
If I get rid of the argument -I/path/to/include everything compiles fine with no errors.
There is no way to ignore clang-diagnostic-error since it's basically a compiler error.
For clang-tidy to work the analyzed code needs to be compile-able by the clang backend to generate an AST(Abstract syntax tree).
The problem is you are including headers that cannot be compiled by clang (I'm guessing windows headers intended for MSVC).
I'm not sure if this would not break something later, so just at your own risk. I managed to "solve" this (because it was just a matter of having an error on the Problems list) on VSCode:
"C_Cpp.codeAnalysis.clangTidy.args": [
This makes clang-tidy tell the compiler to throw just one error and give up. So clang-tidy will parse whatever is left.
I know was for VSCode, but the argument can be used in other IDEs.

Building OpenSSL under Borland C++ Builder, Win 8.1

I'm following the instructions from INSTALL.W32 (various OpenSSL versions), in general it's:
* Configure for building with Borland Builder:
> perl Configure BC-32
* Create the appropriate makefile
> ms\do_nasm
* Build
> make -f ms\bcb.mak
Now, I do get two kind of errors when trying to build:
For OpenSSL < 1.0.0
nasmw -f obj -d__omf__ -ocrypto\md5\asm\m5_win32.obj .\crypto\md5\asm\m5_win32.asm
'nasmw' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
Warning W8017 C:\CBuilder5\Include\sys/stat.h 34: Redefinition of 'S_IFMT' is not identical
Warning W8017 C:\CBuilder5\Include\sys/stat.h 35: Redefinition of 'S_IFDIR' is not identical
Error E2227 .\crypto\rand\randfile.c 226: Extra parameter in call to _open in function RAND_write_file
Warning W8053 .\crypto\rand\randfile.c 262: '_chmod(const signed char *,int,...)' is obsolete in function RAND_write_file
*** 1 errors in Compile ***
Yes, I feel bad for using Borland C++ Builder 5 but I can't do anything about it, and yes, I consider the Shining Light option if everything else fails.
I do not use OpenSSL but from your text some hints:
is not default assembler for Borland compilers
you need to download and install it first
(it is for free and one of the best compilers I used in the past)
you are missing some #define before including OpenSSL or including in wrong order
that is why you have the first warnings and most likely also the error
some libs need to add configuration #defines (added by some specific IDE's)
to specify what compiler,platform,endianess... is used
before any includes
usually if you include in wrong order then the defines are defined for some instances of a lib file but not for all
so try to reorder the includes
sometimes helps to include before the lib some other thing like conio,stdio,windows,...
to determine which define is missing or wrong open the stat.h
and look for #ifdef #ifndef statements around S_IFMT
The solution for the newest version (1.0.2d) was to:
remove the extra parameter from randfile (which, as comment stated, was unnecessary),
edit ms\bcb.mak, search for -DMD5_ASM -DSHA1_ASM -DRMD160_ASM
and change to -DMD5_NO_ASM -DSHA1_NO_ASM -DRMD160_NO_ASM . (there was an unresolved external error with SHA, MD5 and RMD160, they basically couldn't be compiled in asm).
There were some other steps included as well, but they're just specific to my environment.

Boost in Visual Studio 2010, IntelliSense error

I would like to see if you could orient me.
It happens that I compiled and referenced the boost libraries in order to use them with Visual Studio 2010. When building my test project I get these two IntelliSense errors
1 IntelliSense: #error directive: "Macro BOOST_LIB_NAME not set (internal error)" c:\boost_1_43_0\boost\config\auto_link.hpp
2 IntelliSense: #error directive: "some required macros where not defined (internal logic error)." c:\boost_1_43_0\boost\config\auto_link.hpp
Checking the auto_link.hpp header file the first error is in this line
# error "Macro BOOST_LIB_NAME not set (internal error)"
Tracing the definition of BOOST_LIB_NAME, it seems that is defined in config.hpp by boost_regex, which code I am including below
#if !defined(BOOST_REGEX_NO_LIB) && !defined(BOOST_REGEX_SOURCE) && !defined(BOOST_ALL_NO_LIB) && defined(__cplusplus)
# define BOOST_LIB_NAME boost_regex
# if defined(BOOST_REGEX_DYN_LINK) || defined(BOOST_ALL_DYN_LINK)
... more code
and strangely when I point to BOOST_LIB_NAME it defines BOOST_LIB_NAME and the IntelliSense errors disappear.
My program builds and executes fine using the Boost:Regex library -- with or without the Intellisense errors; however, I do not understand why these IntelliSense errors appear in the first place, and second why pointing the macro in the config.hpp defines BOOST_LIB_NAME.
Any guidance will be greatly appreciated.
The Visual Studio IntelliSense error checking for C++ is not perfect and often reports errors that aren't really errors (those are links to three false positives that I've found and reported; they aren't related to your problem, though).