Unable to get Changesets in TFS Template 2013 - templates

I got a problem trying to develop a custom activity for a TFS template in TFS 2013.
My first step is to get the changesets associated with the build. And after a lot of tries and google I have always the same problems : my list is empty. My last attempt is from this article : http://www.colinsalmcorner.com/post/tfs-2013-default-build--the-getenvironmentvariablet-activity
Whatever I tried, in my custom activity I've always nothing.
public sealed class ChangeLogActivity : CodeActivity<IList<Changeset>>
public InArgument<IList<Changeset>> AssociatedChangesets { get; set; }
protected override IList<Changeset> Execute(CodeActivityContext context)
IList<Changeset> list = context.GetValue(this.AssociatedChangesets);
// list is empty, but not null
In my template, it's what I got :
Then my variables,
Then the property of GetEnvironmentVariable task
And Finally the properties of my activity
I don't know what I'm missing.
Plus, I don't know if it's related, even my TrackBuildWarning do nothing. I thought my context was not the good one, but how to verify it ?

I knew that just after posting my question I'll find the answer.
Simply, if between 2 successful builds no checkin was made, AssociatedChangeset will always be empty.
I can understand why, the build display is very tricky.
It says at the top "build was started by blabla with associated changeset 14"
So I supposed wrongly that I can always get this information...


Asp.Net Core Dependency Injection doesn't work, if it is started from unmanaged/native

First i try to explain the story.
I wanted to extend an C++/MFC application with REST-APIs, and decided to use for this purpose Asp.Net-Core 5 in a library by bridging it to unmanaged code with C++/CLI library. (having a separete ASP application is doubled expenditure, and needed to be rewritten all the logic in C#. in that regard RESTful-Server should be in same process implemented.)
Asp-Host is started in that way; C++/MFC -> C++/CLI -> ASP-Library (ASP referenced in CLI, CLI referenced in Native)
First problem was; by building the host Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting.Abstractions-Assembly could not be resolved. I found that, "My CLI Library".runtimeconfig.json has wrong framework reference and causes it not to be resolved. That means generated runtimeconfig.json is wrong. After every build it has to be manually with AspNetCore instead of NETCore corrected. (Done in PostBuildEvent)
Next problem; during the ASP-Host build, ASP could not resolve "My ASP Library.dll"-Assembly (in reflection). This problem solved by OnAssemblyResolve event by giving the right path. I'm not sure whether it is correct solution. Because AppDomain.BaseDirectory is an empty string, maybe it is the cause of it, that the library could not found.
In AssemblyResolve event;
Finally i could start the server, and it works. Then needed to use dependency injection, and my service could not be resolved from the controller.
Then i used my ASP-Library in another C#-project to test and it works...
i'm sure that it doesn't work if the entry point of process is in unmanaged code.
public interface IServerImpl
void OnFail(String msg);
public class CServerImpl : IServerImpl
public void OnFail(String msg)
... in Startup
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
services.AddSingleton<IServerImpl, CServerImpl>();
... Controller
public class WeatherForecastController : ControllerBase
private readonly ILogger<WeatherForecastController> _logger;
private readonly IServerImpl _serverImpl;
public WeatherForecastController(ILogger<WeatherForecastController> logger, IServerImpl serverImpl)
_logger = logger;
_serverImpl = serverImpl;
Is there any workaround to have it working? Are those problems bug in Asp.Net-Core or what am i doing wrong?
Thanks in advance
The problem has been solved. Assembly resolving event with Assembly.LoadFrom() causes my ASP-assembly to be loaded (or mapped) twice. Loading it in different assembly-load-context means that, doubled Types, static variables and so on. In that regard my registered IServerImpl service searched in the controller with another IServerImpl type. Type names are identical, but not the same.
For more information see technical challenges: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.runtime.loader.assemblyloadcontext?view=net-5.0
Another issue on GitHub: https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/issues/39783
In assembly resolve event, i'm returning now the loaded assembly like that, instead of loading it again;
.SingleOrDefault(asm => asm.FullName.StartsWith(args.Name.Split(',')[0] + ","))
still wellcome answers which clarifies "why my ASP-assembly not found from the framework?"

Acumatica - Problem with data displaying in custom field even though saved to database

I created a custom date field in the opportunity screen. The field shows up just as expected. I enter a date save the record, go out, go back in and the date is no longer there. However, when I query the database, the column is there and there is a data in the column. So, even though the date is being stored in the database it is not displaying it in the screen or when I added that value to the generic inquiry it is also blank. I am not a programmer but it seems like that should’ve been an easy thing to do. I found some references on the web of this type of problem but was hoping there was a more straightforward fix than what those appeared, as they were more programming than I am comfortable at this point.
I found many web pages explaining how to do this seemingly simple thing using the customization tools. Not sure what I'm missing.
I am running fairly recent version of 2019R1.
Any help would be appreciated!
Response from an Acumatica support person.. Evidently they changed some things with 2018R1. See comments/answers below from support. Image of the change I made in the customization tool is also below. After making this change the custom field worked as desired.
After reviewing it into more details, it sounds that it could be related to the new implementation of PXProjection on that DAC.
Unlike ver. 2017 R2, some DAC like the PX.Objects.CR.CROpportunity DAC were implemented as a regular Data Access Class:
LeftJoin<BAccount, On<BAccount.bAccountID, Equal<Contact.bAccountID>>>,
Where2<Where<Optional<CROpportunity.bAccountID>, IsNull, And<Contact.contactID, Equal<Optional<CROpportunity.contactID>>>>,
Or2<Where<Optional<CROpportunity.bAccountID>, IsNotNull, And<Contact.bAccountID, Equal<Optional<CROpportunity.bAccountID>>>>,
Or<Contact.contactType, Equal<ContactTypesAttribute.employee>>>>>))]
[PXEMailSource]//NOTE: for assignment map
public partial class CROpportunity : PX.Data.IBqlTable, IAssign, IPXSelectable
In version 2018 R1(and later) the PX.Objects.CR.CROpportunity DAC is a projection over the PX.Objects.CR.Standalone.CROpportunity and PX.Objects.CR.Standalone.CROpportunityRevision DACs:
LeftJoin<BAccount, On<BAccount.bAccountID, Equal<Contact.bAccountID>>>,
Where2<Where<Optional<CROpportunity.bAccountID>, IsNull, And<Contact.contactID, Equal<Optional<CROpportunity.contactID>>>>,
Or2<Where<Optional<CROpportunity.bAccountID>, IsNotNull, And<Contact.bAccountID, Equal<Optional<CROpportunity.bAccountID>>>>,
Or<Contact.contactType, Equal<ContactTypesAttribute.employee>>>>>))]
[PXEMailSource]//NOTE: for assignment map
On<Standalone.CROpportunityRevision.opportunityID, Equal<Standalone.CROpportunity.opportunityID>,
And<Standalone.CROpportunityRevision.revisionID, Equal<Standalone.CROpportunity.defRevisionID>>>>>), Persistent = true)]
public partial class CROpportunity : IBqlTable, IAssign, IPXSelectable
Because of that change, it's now required to declare 2 extension classes, one for Standalone.CROpportunity (normal DAC) and the CROpportunity (PXProjection).
On the PXProjection DAC Extension, please remind to add BqlField to the correspondent field on the Standalone DAC, Ex.: BqlField = typeof(CROpportunityStandaloneExt.usrTest)
public class CROpportunityExt : PXCacheExtension<PX.Objects.CR.CROpportunity>
#region UsrTest
[PXDBDecimal(BqlField = typeof(CROpportunityStandaloneExt.usrTest))]
[PXUIField(DisplayName="Test Field")]
public virtual Decimal? UsrTest { get; set; }
public abstract class usrTest : IBqlField { }
Please find more information on this article below:
Custom field on CROpportunity doesn't display saved value since upgrading from 6.10 or 2017R2 to 2018R1
change made in customization tool

Sitecore: Glass Mapper Code First

It is possible to automatically generate Sitecore templates just coding models? I'm using Sitecore 8.0 and I saw Glass Mapper Code First approach but I cant find more information about that.
Not sure why there isn't much info about it, but you can definitely model/code first!. I do it alot using the attribute configuration approach like so:
[SitecoreType(true, "{generated guid}")]
public class ExampleModel
[SitecoreField("{generated guid}", SitecoreFieldType.SingleLineText)]
public virtual string Title { get; set; }
Now how this works. The SitecoreType 'true' value for the first parameter indicates it may be used for codefirst. There is a GlassCodeFirstDataprovider which has an Initialize method, executed in Sitecore's Initialize pipeline. This method will collect all configurations marked for codefirst and create it in the sql dataprovider. The sections and fields are stored in memory. It also takes inheritance into account (base templates).
I think you first need to uncomment some code in the GlassMapperScCustom class you get when you install the project via Nuget. The PostLoad method contains the few lines that execute the Initialize method of each CodeFirstDataprovider.
var dbs = global::Sitecore.Configuration.Factory.GetDatabases();
foreach (var db in dbs)
var provider = db.GetDataProviders().FirstOrDefault(x => x is GlassDataProvider) as GlassDataProvider;
if (provider != null)
using (new SecurityDisabler())
Furthermore I would advise to use code first on development only. You can create packages or serialize the templates as usual and deploy them to other environment so you dont need the dataprovider (and potential risks) there.
You can. But it's not going to be Glass related.
Code first is exactly what Sitecore.PathFinder is looking to achieve. There's not a lot of info publicly available on this yet however.
Get started here: https://github.com/JakobChristensen/Sitecore.Pathfinder

DryIOC Container Contents

StructureMap has a super-useful debug method on the Container class called WhatDoIHave()
It shows every type in the container along with its lifecycle, guid and a bunch of other info. It's useful for debugging.
There's some info here:
Does DryIOC have an equivalent debug feature?
(I'm the creator of DryIoc).
You can use container.GetServiceRegistrations() to get registration infos as #fyodor-soikin suggested.
But at the latest version (2.0.0-rc3build339) I have added VerifyResolutions method that may help you to diagnose potential resolution problems, including missing registrations as well. Here the wiki explaining it.
Example from the wiki:
// Given following SUT
public class RequiredDependency {}
public class MyService { public MyService(RequiredDependency d) {} }
// Let's assume we forgot to register RequiredDependency
var container = new Container();
// Find what's missing
var results = container.VerifyResolutions();
Assert.AreEqual(1, results.Length);
Verify result is array of ServiceRegistrationInfo and ContainerException KeyValuePairs. In this example the registration info will be:
MyNamespace.MyService registered as factory {ID=14, ImplType=MyNamespace.MyService}
And the exception will be:
DryIoc.ContainerException: Unable to resolve MyNamespace.RequiredDependency as parameter "d"
in MyNamespace.MyService.
Where no service registrations found
and number of Rules.FallbackContainers: 0
and number of Rules.UnknownServiceResolvers: 0
The functionality is available in latest stable DryIoc 2.0.0.

Changing the Total Number of Recent Files

I'd like the user to be able to edit the number of recent files shown in the File menu of my MFC application. I've used two very good references:
It involves deleting and recreating the CRecentFileList object stored in CWinApp::m_pRecentFileList. Unfortunately, I find that the menu is not updated properly after replacing the CRecentFileList. See code snippet below:
void CMyWinApp::SetMRUListSize( int size )
// size guaranteed to be between 1 and 16
delete m_pRecentFileList ;
LoadStdProfileSettings( size ) ;
What can I do to ensure that what is drawn into the File menu is synchronized with m_pRecentFileList after I recreate the object?
My CApp derives from CWinApp. In initInstance, you have this line:
At the end of InitInstance, add this code:
m_pmf->m_pRecentFileList = m_pRecentFileList;
Here m_pmf is my MainFrame class and I created a member CMainFrame::m_pRecentFileList of type CRecentFileList which is in the MFC source file filelist.cpp. m_pRecentFileList on the right is protected and CMainFrame doesn't have access to it from outside InitInstance, but you can make a functional copy here.
At the end of CMainFrame::OnClose, force a registry update by:
// Force registry update on exit. This doesn't work without forcing.
I don't even have to rebuild m_pRecentFileList, the MRU mechanism updates it correctly. Example: 5 MRU items, the first is moved to another directory and can no longer be found. Stepping through the code in the debugger shows that the bad entry is removed from the list. For some reason, the updated list isn't saved correctly unless I force it as explained above. I originally thought the problem might have something to do with privileges (64-bit Win7), but running the app as admin didn't help.
Some of Microsoft's documentation suggest you should call CWinApp::LoadStdProfileSettings from within InitInstance. This suggests to me that it's something done once during initialisation rather than at run time.
Have you tried fully implementing the second of the two links you provided? My guess is you need to add the second part instead of the call to CWinApp::LoadStdProfileSettings:
m_pRecentFileList = new CRecentFileList(0, strSection, strEntryFormat, nCount);
bReturn = TRUE;
// Reload list of MRU files from registry
[Edit] Apparently m_pRecentFileList points to an CRecentFileList Class . Have you tried calling CRecentFileList::UpdateMenu?
There's another CodeProject example which might help too.