Regex to match all urls, excluding .css, .js recources - regex

I'm looking for a regular expression to exclude the URLs from an extension I don't like.
For example resources ending with: .css, .js, .font, .png, .jpg etc. should be excluded.
However, I can put all resources to the same folder and try to exclude URLs to this folder, like:
But that doesn't work! How can I improve this regex to match my criteria?
No match:

The correct solution is:
Inspirit by Regular expression to match a line that doesn't contain a word?

Two things:
First, the ?! negative lookahead doesn't remove any characters from the input. Add [^\/]+ before the trailing slash. Right now it is trying to match two consecutive slashes. For example:
(edit) Second, the .*s at the beginning and end match too much. Try tightening those up, or adding more detail to content\/media. As it stands, content/media can be swallowed by one of the .*s and never be checked against the lookahead.
Use your original idea - test against the extensions: ^.*\.(?!css|js|font|png|jpeg)[a-z0-9]+$ (with case insensitive).
Instead of using the regular expression to do this, use a regex that will pull any URL (e.g., https?:\/\/\S\+, perhaps?) and then test each one you find with String.indexOf: if(candidateURL.indexOf('content/media')==-1) { /*do something with the OK URL */ }


Regex expression for matching folder content

May be an obvious Regex, but I need to create an expression for filtering the following folders and files
So the regex should match to get the content of the folder
SUNSOLAR_Demo_0/My Documents/CUSTOMER/sale_docs
and exclude the rest.
SUNSOLAR_Demo_0/My Documents/CUSTOMER/sale_docs/invoices/emails/sample.pdf
SUNSOLAR_Demo_0/My Documents/CUSTOMER/unseal/mytest.doc
SUNSOLAR_Demo_0/My Documents/PROVIDERS/orders/invoices.xls
I was trying to do something like, but not luck
"^SUNSOLAR_Demo_0/My Documents/(?!CUSTOMER/sale_docs).*$"
Your pattern ^SUNSOLAR_Demo_0/My Documents/(?!CUSTOMER/sale_docs).*$ matches until Documents/ and then asserts that what is directly to the right is not CUSTOMER/sale_docs
But CUSTOMER/sale_docs is actually part of the string that you want to match.
There is no need for a lookaround here.
You can match the whole part of the folder that you want to match, followed by an optional part that starts with / and the rest of the line.
^SUNSOLAR_Demo_0/My Documents/CUSTOMER/sale_docs(?:/.*)?$
Regex demo

What's the right regular expression to match the exact word at the end of a string and excluding all other urls with more chars at the end?

I have to match an exact string at the end of a url, but not match all other urls that have more characters after that string
I can better explain with example.
I need to match the url having the string 'white' at its end: http//
But I also need to not match urls having one or more characters postponed to it, like http// or http// or http//
How to do that?
Regex to match any url*
Regex to match a url containing white in the end
You can check the regex here
It does not match urls(which are not valid anyway) like
Based on your limited sample inputs, I'd say you could get away with this very minimal pattern:
However, depending on what you are truly trying to achieve, what language/function you are implementing this pattern with, and what the full input string looks like, this pattern may need to be refined.
It would be best if you would improve your question to include all of the above relevant information.

Regex: Negative lookahead after list match

Consider the following input string (part of css file):
The objective is to take the url part using regex and do something with it. So the first part is easy:
Basically, it takes contents from inside url(...) with optional quotes symbols. Using this regexp I get the following matches:
So far so good. Now I want to exclude the urls which include 'data:image' in their text. I think negative lookahead is the proper tool for that but using it like this:
gives me the following result for the first url:
Not only it doesn't exclude this match, but the matched string itself now includes quote character at the beginning. If I use + instead of first ? like this:
it works as expected, url is not matched. But this doesn't allow the optional quote in url (since + is 1 or more). How should I change the regex to exclude given url?
You can use negative lookahead like this:
RegEx Demo

URL Rewrite Pattern to exclude application name from path

I'm trying to use the IIS 7 URL Rewrite feature for the first time, and I'm having trouble getting my regular expression working. It seems like it should be simple enough. All I need to do is rewrite a URL like this:
Is this possible? I want the regular expression to ignore everything before "myApplication" in the original URL, so that I could use "http://localhost" OR "http://mysite", etc.
Here's what I've got so far:
But using the "Test Pattern..." feature in IIS, it says my patterns don't match unless I supply "myApplication/MySpecialFolder" exactly. Does anyone know how I can update my regular expression so that everything prior to "myApplication" is ignored and the following URLs will be seen as a match?
Many thanks in advance!
I needed to change my regex to:
Without the ^ at the beginning and without the $ at the end.
Your regular expression is correct, the pattern will be matched against path starting after the first slash after the domain.
So only bold part will be used for matching: http://localhost/myApplication/MySpecialFolder
To limit the rewriting to specific domain you have to use Conditions section with Condition input = {HTTP_HOST}
Unless there is something radically different with regexes in IIS, you would want to take out the anchor (^) at the beginning to match.
The carat ^ tells it that that is the beginning of the string and the dollar sign $ tells it to match the end. A regex like abc finds "abc" anywhere in the string, ^abc matches strings that start with "abc", abc$ matches strings that end with "abc", and ^abc$ only matches when the whole string is "abc".

Regex: match all but two dots

I'm trying to validate a system path. This path is valid if it begins with some dirs and don't contain two dots one another.
#valid path
#evil path
I know how to check for two dots in a path:
\.\. or [\.]{2}
But I really want to do something like that:
/home/user/<match everything but two dots>/somedir_2/
so that "match everything but two dots" can be everything but two dots.
I have tried:
but without any success.
The specification isn't clear, but you can use negative lookahead to do something like this:
The above would match strings that matches thisPattern, but not if it contains a match of thatPattern.
Here's an example (as seen on
This would match ^[a-z]*$, but not if it contains aa anywhere.
will match your good pattern and reject your evil one.