Is runtime interpreter really part of C program execution? - c++

As we know that C is a compiled language. According to C language Wikipedia it says that:
It was designed to be compiled using a relatively straightforward compiler, to provide low-level access to memory, to provide language constructs that map efficiently to machine instructions, and to require minimal run-time support. It also says that by design, C provides constructs that map efficiently to typical machine instructions, and therefore it has found lasting use in applications that had formerly been coded in assembly language, including operating systems, as well as various application software for computers ranging from supercomputers to embedded systems.
But when I read this & according to Thinking in C++ 2 by Bruce Eckel it says that in Chapter 2 titled Iostreams: (I've omitted some parts)
The big stumbling block is the runtime interpreter used for the
variable-argument list functions. This is the code that parses through
your format string at runtime and grabs and interprets arguments from
the variable argument list. It’s a problem for four reasons.
Because the interpretation happens at runtime there’s a performance
overhead you can’t get rid of. It’s frustrating because all the
information is there in the format string at compile time, but it’s
not evaluated until runtime. However, if you could parse the arguments
in the format string at compile time you could make hard function
calls that have the potential to be much faster than a runtime
interpreter (although the printf( ) family of functions is usually
quite well optimized).
this link also says that:
More type-safe: With , the type of object being I/O’d is
known statically by the compiler. In contrast, cstdio uses "%"
fields to figure out the types dynamically.
So before reading this I was thinking that interpreter isn't used in compiled language like C, but Is it really true that the runtime interpreter also available during execution of C program? Was I wrong before reading this? Is it really so much overhead occurs for this runtime interpretation compared to Iostreams?

This is not runtime interpretation of the code, just inside functions using formatting strings.
Of course they have to loop over the format string to learn about the arguments and the desired formatting, which takes time.


C++ add new code during runtime

I am using C++ (in xcode and code::blocks), I don't know much.
I want to make something compilable during runtime.
for eg:
char prog []={"cout<<"helloworld " ;}
It should compile the contents of prog.
I read a bit about quines , but it didn't help me .
It's sort of possible, but not portably, and not simply.
Basically, you have to write the code out to a file, then
compile it to a dll (invoking the compiler with system), and
then load the dll. The first is simple, the last isn't too
difficult (but will require implementation specific code), but
the middle step can be challenging: obviously, it only works if
the compiler is installed on the system, but you have to find
where it is installed, verify that it is the same version (or
at least a version which generates binary compatible code),
invoke it with the same options that were used when your code
was compiled, and process any errors.
C++ wasn't designed for this. (Compiled languages generally
The short answer is "no, you can't do that". C and C++ were never designed to do this.
That's pretty much also the long answer to the actual question, but I'll expand a bit on a few ideas.
The code, as compiled by the compiler is pretty certainly not trivial to add things to. There are a few techniques that can be used to "add more code" to a program:
Add a dynamic shared library (DLL), which contains code that has been compiled separately to the existing code. You could of course also have code in your program to output some code, compile this code with the compiler, link it into a dynamic library, and load it in your code.
You could build your own little code-generator that generates machine code in a chunk of memory. Note that you probably need to call a "special" memory allocation function, as "normal" memory allocations are typically not allowed to be executed - you need to allocate "with execute permission" - VirtualAlloc in Windows does have such a flag, and mmap in Linux/Unix flavours does too. And of course, you pretty much have to "be a compiler" to achieve this.
You could naturally also invent your own interpreted language, which would allow your program to load in for example a text-file with commands/instructions to be executed, or contain text inside the program for execution with this language.
But like I said to start with, this is not what C and C++ (and most other compiled languages) were meant for, so it's not going to be as simple as "stick some C++ code in a string, and make it run".
It depends why you want to do this.
If it's for efficiency reasons - you know what a function does only at run time, but it has to be very efficient - then what was already suggested (writing to a file, compiling to a dll / so and dynamically loading it) is your best option.
BUT if the reason you want this is to allow for user-input behaviour, say a general function your read from a database (behaviour or a unit ingame? value of a field in a plot?) - or more generally you just want to change / augment behaviour at runtime with little concern for efficiency, I recommend using an outside scripting language like lua, which easily interacts with your compiled C++ code.
The C and C++ languages compile to binary machine code, unlike Java and C# which generate instructions for a 'virtual machine' or interpreted scripting languages such as JavaScript. The compilation of C++ is performed by a separate executable, the compiler, which is not incorporated into the resulting executable.
So the language does not have any built in "eval" capability to translate further code once compilation is finished.
It's not uncommon for new C/C++ programmers to think they need to do this, but they typically don't. Perhaps you could expand further on what you're actually looking to do.
But if you do actually need to be able to do this, your options are:
Write code to compile a new executable with the new code and then run the resulting program.
Write a simple parser and "virtual machine" of your own,
Look at incorporating an embedded scripting/interpreted language such as Lua,
Try and wrap your head around integrating CINT,
See also: Scripting language for C++

Is the D language completely dependant upon the D runtime?

Lately, I've been studying on the D language. I've always been kind of confused about the runtime.
From the information I can gather about it, (which isn't a whole lot) I understand that it's sort of a, well, runtime that helps with some of D's features. Like garbage collection, it runs along with your own programs. But since D is compiled to machine code, does it really need features such as garbage collection, if our program doesn't need it?
What really confuses me is statements such as:
"You can write an operating system in D."
I know that you can't really do that because there's more to an operating system than any compiled language can give without using some assembly. But if you had a kernel that called D code, would the D runtime prevent D from running in such a bare-bones environment? Or is the D runtime simpler than that? Can it
be thought of as simply an "automatic" inclusion of sourcefile/libraries, that when compiled with your application make no more of a difference than writing that code yourself?
Maybe I'm just looking at it all wrong. But I'm sure some information on the subject could do a lot of people good.
Yes, indeed, you can implement the functions of DRuntime that the compiler expects right in your main module (or wherever), compile without a runtime, and it'll Just Work (tm).
If you just build your code without a runtime, the compiler will emit errors when it's missing a symbol that it expects to be implemented by the runtime. You can then go and look at how DRuntime implements it to see what it does, and then implement it in whatever way you prefer. This is what XOmB, the kernel written in D (language version 1, though, but same deal), does:
A lot of DRuntime isn't actually used by many applications, but it's the most convenient way to include the runtime components of D into applications, so that's why it's done as a static library (hopefully a shared library in the future).
It's pretty much the same as C and C++ I expect. The language itsself compiles to native code and just runs. But there is some code that is always needed to set everything up to run your program, for example processing command line parameters.
And some more complex language facilities are better implemented by calling some standard code rather than generating the code everywhere it is used. For example throwing an exception needs to find the relevent handler function. No doubt the compiler could insert the code to do there everywhere it was used, but it's much more sensible to write the code in a library and call that. Plus there are many pre-written library functions in the standard library.
All of this taken together is the runtime.
If you write C you can use it to write an operating system because you can write the startup code yourself, you can write all the code for handing memory allocation yourself, you can write all the code for standard functions like strcat yourself instead of using the provided ones in the runtime. But you'd not want to do that for any application program.

"Evaluate function" in C++

I want to know if exists an "evaluate" function in C++ like the Matlab one.
In practise, I need a function that can interprets a string like a command line.
thanks for the answers.
If you are actually trying to "evaluate" C++ source code within a running C++ application, then basically no - it's not a feature specified by the language.
There are interpreters for subsets of C++ (e.g. CInt, Ch and UnderC) - they may be able to run your C++ program if it's a relatively simple one. Alternatively, some can be embedded within a compiled C++ program to allow some run-time source code evaluation, but with limited access to and ability to change the pre-compiled code and its variables.
It's also possible for a running program to invoke the compiler and dynamically load/link a resultant library, but this is a very unusual practice and not without performance, security and interoperability issues:
creating a new process for the compiler, compiling and linking is a relatively resource-hungry and slow operation, but once the library's linked the new code can be executed at normal out-of-line function call speeds
the usual issues with executing an external process
ensuring the path and compiler executable name can't be changed by malicious inputs to the program
that no malware is substituted for or infecting the compiler
on-the-fly source code doesn't contain statements like system(), exec(), unlink() calls, abuse network connectivity, chew unwarranted CPU/memory/descriptors etc.
the pre-compiled C++ program can't be modified or easily/deeply probed by the newly linked code, so the main mechanisms for new behaviour must have been designed in to the pre-compiled application already: expectations for newly accessible variables, functions, and factory methods / virtual dispatch.
If you actually need something more limited, like the ability to evaluate mathematical expressions or logical predicates, possibly expressed in a C++-source style, perhaps reading or setting some of your values, then various more limited and specialised libraries and embedded interpreted are available. There are even libraries for creating such parsers, such as the boost spirit library.
Finally, interpreters for other languages - Lua, Ruby, Python, Perl, TCL etc. - may be embedded in the C++ application, sporting various approaches to interoperability and security.
You can use system():

Why are generated binaries so large?

Why are the binaries that are generated when I compile my C++ programs so large (as in easily 10 times the size of the source code files)? What advantages does this offer over interpreted languages for which such compilation is not necessary (and thus the program size is only the size of the code files)?
Modern interpreted languages do typically compile the code to some manner of representation for faster execution... it might not get written out to disk, but there's certainly no guarantee that the program is represented in a more compact form. Some interpreters go the whole hog and generate machine code anyway (e.g. Java JIT). Then there's the interpreter itself sitting in memory which can be large.
A few points:
The more sophisticated the commands in the source code, the more machine code operations might be required to execute them. Thus, higher level language features tend to have a higher ratio of compiled-code to source code. That's not necessarily a bad thing: think of it as "I only have to say a little about what I want done and it infers all those necessary steps". The challenge in programming is to ensure they are necessary - that requires good library and program design.
The compiler often deliberately decides to trade some executable size for faster expected execution speed: inline vs out-of-line code is part of this compromise, though for small functions neither may be consistently more compact.
More sophisticated run-time environments (e.g. adding support for C++ exceptions) can involve a bit of extra code that runs when the program first starts to construct the necessary environment for that language feature.
Libraries feature may not be comparable. As well as the sort of add-on libraries you're very likely to have had to track down yourself and be very aware of using (e.g. XML, PDF parsing, OpenGL), languages often quietly use supporting libraries for what seem like language features and functions. Any of these can be suprisingly large.
For example, many interpreters just expose the C library's printf() statement or something similar, while for output formatting C++ has ostream - a more complex, extensible and type-safe system with (for better or worse) persistent state across function calls, routines to query and set that state, an additional layer of customisable buffering, customisable character types and localisation, and generally a lot of small inline functions that can lead to smaller or larger programs depending on the exact use and compiler settings. What's best depends on your application and memory vs performance goals.
Inbuilt language statements may be compiled differently: a switch on an integer expression and have 100 case labels spread randomly between 1 and 1000: one compiler/languages might decide to "pack" the 100 cases and do a binary search for a match, another to use a sparsely populated array of 1000 elements and do direct indexing (which wastes space in the executable but typically makes for faster code). So, it's hard to draw conclusions based on executable size.
Typically, memory usage and execution speed become increasingly important as the program gets larger and more complex. You don't see systems like Operating Systems, enterprise web servers or full-featured commercial word processors written in interpreted languages because they don't have the scalability.
Interpreted languages assume an interpreter is available while compiled programs are in most cases standalone.
Take a trivial case: Suppose you have a one line program
print("hello world")
what does that "print" do? Surely it's clear that your asking some other code to do some work? And that code isn't free, the sum total of what needs to run is much more than the lines of code you write. In more realistic programs you exploit many sophisticated libraries managing windows and other UI features, networks, databases and so on. Now whether that code is bundled into your application or loaded from DLLs or is present in the interpreter it's got to be somewhere.
There are plenty of trades-off between compilation and interpretation, and intermediate solutions such as Java's compilation/byte-code interpreatation approach. For example, you might consider
the run-time cost of interpreting the source every time you run versus running the compiled code
the portability advantages of interpreters - you need to compile separate versions of an app for different platforms.
Usually, programs are written in higher level languages, for these programs to be executed by the CPU, the programs have to be converted to machine code. This conversion is done by a Compiler or an Interpreter.
A Compiler makes the conversion just once, while an Interpreter typically converts it every time a program is executed.
Interpreted programs run much slower than compiled programs because the interpreter must analyze each statement in the program each time it is executed and then perform the desired action, whereas the compiled code just performs the action within a fixed context determined by the compilation(which is the reason for presence of large sized binary files).
Another disadvantage of Interpreters is that they must be present in the enviornment as additional software to run the source code.

Call C/C++ code from a Fortran 77 code

I'm trying to make a Fortran 77 wrapper for C++ code. I have not found information about it.
The idea is to use from functions from a lib that is written in C++ in a Fortran 77 progran.
Does anyone know how to do it?
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory developed a tool called Babel for integrating software written in multiple languages into a single, cohesive application. If your needs are simple you can probably just put C wrapper on your C++ code and call that from Fortran. However, if your needs are more advanced, it might be worth giving Babel a look.
Calling Fortran from C is easy, C from Fortran potentially tricky, C++ from Fortran may potentially become ... challenging.
I have some notes elsewhere. Those are quite old, but nothing changes very rapidly in this sort of area, so there may still be some useful pointers there.
Unfortunately, there's no really standard way of doing this, and different compilers may do it slightly different ways. Having said that, it's only when passing strings that you're likely to run into major headaches. The resource above points to a library called CNF which aims to help here, mostly by providing C macros to sugar the bookkeeping.
The short version, however is this:
Floats and integers are generally easy -- an integer is an integer, more or less.
Strings are hard (because Fortrans quite often store these as structures, and very rarely as C-style null-terminated arrays).
C is call-by-value, Fortran call-by-reference, which means that Fortran functions are always pointer-to-value, from C's point of view.
You have to care about how your compiler generates symbols: compilers often turn C/Fortran symbol foo into _foo or foo_ or some other variant (see the compiler docs).
C tends not to have much of a runtime, C++ and Fortran do, and so you have to remember to link that in somehow, at link time.
That's the majority of what you need to know. The rest is annoying detail, and making friends with your compiler and linker docs. You'll end up knowing more about linkers than you probably wanted to.