What should we call an object declared in a clojure prog? - clojure

When we talk about a clojure (or other lisp) prog, what should we say when refer an object declared in it? For example:
(let [a ...
Of course, if a is a function, we say function a, but what should we say when it's not a function? Form? Data? Symbol? Literal?
Generally, we say those things in other prog language variables or objects.

The let special form creates bindings between symbol(s) and a value.
The official documentation for let actually uses the vocabulary and wording that you are looking for and should use, specifically the Binding Forms section sheds more light to the subject:
The basic idea is that a binding-form can be a data structure literal containing symbols [or just a single symbol] that get bound to the respective parts of the init-expr.

I think the question mixed up two things, or at least didn't make it clear that they're different.
As the other answers so far indicated, "a" is a symbol, which evaluates to something else. So when we talk about a, we could mean the symbol, or the something else. And we could even mean the var that is an intermediary between the symbols and the something else. (See the page linked by Guillermo Winkler for more on the var/symbol relationship, which I'll leave in the background.)
A symbol is never a function, but it can have a function as its value. When you call a function, you are just using its value in a special way. You can even set the values of built-in functions to other values:
(def + -)
WARNING: + already refers to: #'clojure.core/+ in namespace: user, being replaced by: #'user/+
user=> (+ 5 2)
user=> (def - "This used to be the minus function")
WARNING: - already refers to: #'clojure.core/- in namespace: user, being replaced by: #'user/-
user=> -
"This used to be the minus function"
I gave + the value of -, and then made -'s value a string. (Yes, there were warnings, but it worked.) The fact that functions are just values of symbols is a way in which Clojure differs from many other languages. (Scheme is similar. Common Lisp is similar, but in a more complicated way.)
So the symbol is just the symbol. And it usually has a value, which may be a function, or a number, or a string, or a keyword, or anything that can be a value in Clojure--vectors, lazy sequences, lists (which may be Clojure code), or even another symbol (even the same one: (def a 'a).) You could call some of these things data if that's useful in a particular context. It's sometimes reasonable to describe functions as data in Clojure.
(def add-fns [#(+ 1 %) #(+ 2 %) #(+ 3 %)]) ;=> #'user/add-fns
add-fns ;=> [#object[user$fn__1178 0x71784911 "user$fn__1178#71784911"] #object[user$fn__1180 0x45ed957d "user$fn__1180#45ed957d"] #object[user$fn__1182 0x7838c8c5 "user$fn__1182#7838c8c5"]]
add-fns is a vector of functions. What should we call the functions that are elements of the vector? Aren't they data in some sense, if we use them like data? We can map a function over them, or reorder them, for example:
(map #(% 10) add-fns) ;=> (11 12 13)
(map #(% 10) (reverse add-fns)) ;=> (13 12 11)
Each of those expressions takes each function in add-fns and calls it with 10 as its argument, returning the results in a sequence.
Exception: macros don't follow the same rules:
user=> and
CompilerException java.lang.RuntimeException: Can't take value of a macro: ...
Some of the Java interop tricks don't follow the same rules, either.

a is always a symbol, independently of the value bound to it (whether it's a function or a number or anything else)
There's a previous answer on Clojure symbols that may clarify things a little bit more here: Symbols in Clojure
And remember symbols are not the same thing as vars


Use of eval inside macro (global vars unexpectedly resolved)

Recently I came across a use for eval within a macro, which I understand is a bit of a faux pas but let's ignore that for now. What I found surprising, was that eval was able to resolve global vars at macroexpansion time. Below is a contrived example, just to illustrate the situation I'm referring to:
(def list-of-things (range 10))
(defmacro force-eval [args]
(apply + (eval args)))
(macroexpand-1 '(force-eval list-of-things))
; => 45
I would have expected args to resolve to the symbol list-of-things inside force-eval, and then list-of-things to be evaluated resulting in an error due to it being unbound:
"unable to resolve symbol list-of-things in this context"
However, instead list-of-things is resolved to (range 10) and no error is thrown - the macroexpansion succeeds.
Contrast this with attempting to perform the same macroexpansion, but within a local binding context:
(defmacro force-eval [args]
(apply + (eval args)))
(let [list-of-things (range 10)]
(macroexpand-1 '(force-eval list-of-things)))
; => Unable to resolve symbol: list-of-thingss in this context
Note in the above examples I'm assuming list-of-things is not previously bound, e.g. a fresh REPL. One final example illustrates why this is important:
(defmacro force-eval [args]
(apply + (eval args)))
(def list-of-things (range 10 20))
(let [list-of-thing (range 10)]
(macroexpand-1 '(force-eval list-of-things)))
; => 145
The above example shows that the locals are ignored, which is expected behavior for eval, but is a bit confusing when you are expecting the global to not be available at macroexpansion time either.
I seem to have a misunderstanding about what exactly is available at macroexpansion time. I had previously thought that essentially any binding, be it global or local, would not be available until runtime. Apparently this is an incorrect assumption. Is the answer to my confusion simply that global vars are available at macroexpansion time? Or am I missing some further nuance here?
Note: this related post closely describes a similar problem, but the focus there is more on how to avoid inappropriate use of eval. I'm mainly interested in understanding why eval works in the first example and by extension what's available to eval at macroexpansion time.
Of course, vars must be visible at compile time. That's where functions like first and + are stored. Without them, you couldn't do anything.
But keep in mind that you have to make sure to refer to them correctly. In the repl, *ns* will be bound, and so a reference to a symbol will look in the current namespace. If you are running a program through -main instead of the repl, *ns* will not be bound, and only properly qualified vars will be found. You can ensure that you qualify them correctly by using
`(force-eval list-of-things)
instead of
'(force-eval list-of-things)
Note I do not distinguish between global vars and non-global vars. All vars in Clojure are global. Local bindings are not called vars. They're called locals, or bindings, or variables, or some combination of those words.
Clojure is designed with an incremental compilation model. This is poorly documented.
In C and other traditional languages, source code must be compiled, then linked with pre-compiled libraries before the final result can be executed. Once execution begins, no changes to the code can occur until the program is terminated, when new source code can be compiled, linked, then executed. Java is normally used in this manner just like C.
With the Clojure REPL, you can start with zero source code in a live executing environment. You can call existing functions like (+ 2 3), or you can define new functions and variables on the fly (both global & local), and redefine existing functions. This is only possible because core Clojure is already available (i.e. clojure.core/+ etc is already "installed"), so you can combine these functions to define your own new functions.
The Clojure "compiler" works just like a giant REPL session. It reads and evaluates forms from your source code files one at a time, incrementally adding them the the global environment. Indeed, it is a design goal/requirement that the result of compiling and executing source code is identical to what would occur if you just pasted each entire source code file into the REPL (in proper dependency order).
Indeed, the simplest mental model for code execution in Clojure is to pretend it is an interpreter instead of a traditional compiler.
And eval in a macro makes no sense.
a macro already implicitely contains an eval
at the very final step.
If you use macroexpand-1, you make visible how the code was manipulated in the macro before the evocation of the implicite eval inside the macro.
An eval in a macro is an anti-pattern which might indicate that you should use a function instead of a macro - and in your examle this is exactly the case.
So your aim is to dynamically (in run-time) evoke sth in a macro. This you can only do through an eval applied over a macro call OR you should rather use a function.
(defmacro force-eval [args]
(apply + (eval args)))
;; What you actually mean is:
(defn force-eval [args]
(apply + args))
;; because a function in lisp evaluates its arguments
;; - before applying the function body.
;; That means: args in the function body is exactly
;; `(eval args)`!
(def list-of-things (range 10))
(let [lit-of-things (range 10 13)]
(force-eval list-of-things))
;; => 45
;; so this is exactly the behavior you wanted!
The point is, your construct is a "bad" example for a macro.
Because apply is a special function which allows you to
dynamically rearrange function call structures - so it has
some magic of macros inside it - but in run-time.
With apply you can do quite some meta programming in some cases when you just quote some of your input arguments.
(Try (force-eval '(1 2 3)) it returns 6. Because the (1 2 3) is put together with + at its front by apply and then evaluated.)
The second point - I am thinking of this answer I once gave and this to a dynamic macro call problem in Common Lisp.
In short: When you have to control two levels of evaluations inside a macro (often when you want a macro inject some code in runtime into some code), you need too use eval when calling the macro and evaluate those parts in the macro call which then should be processed in the macro.

Is there a canonical way to name variables that would otherwise cause name collisions?

Say I'd like to name a variable seq, referring to some kind of sequence.
But seq is already a function in clojure.core, so if I try to name my variable seq, the existing meaning of seq will be overwritten.
Is there a canonical way in Clojure to name a variable that would otherwise have a name collision with a default variable?
(e.g., in this case, my-seq could be used, but I don't know whether that would be standard as far as style goes)
There is no "standard" way of naming things (see the quote and the related joke).
If it is a function of only one thing, I often just name it arg. Sometimes, people use abbreviations like x for a single thing and xs for a sequence, list, or vector of things.
For small code fragments, abbreviating to the first letter of the "long" name is often sufficient. For example, when looping over a map, each MapEntry is often accessed as:
(for [[k v] some-map] ; destructure key/val into k & v
Other times, you may prefix it with a letter like aseq or the-seq.
Another trick I often use is to add a descriptive suffix like
(yes, there is a Clojure function name).
Note that if you did name it seq, you would create a local variable that shadowed the clojure.core/seq function (it would not be "overwritten"). I often just "let it slide" if the scope of the shadowing is limited and the name in question is clear & appropriate (key and val are often victims of this practice). For name, I would also probably just ignore the shadowing of clojure.core/name, since I rarely use that function.
Note that you can shadow your own local variables. This is often handy to coerce data in to a specific format:
(defn foo
; assume we need a sorted vector with no duplicates
(let [items (vec (sort (set (items))))]
By shadowing the original items argument, we ensure the data is in the desired form without needing to come up with two good, descriptive names. When this technique doesn't quite fit, I often fall back to the suffix trick and just name them items-in and items or similar.
Sometimes a suffix indicating type is valuable, when multiple representations are required. For example:
There are many other possibilities. The main point is to make it clear to the reader what is happening, and to avoid creating booby traps for the unaware.
When in doubt, add a few more letters so it is obvious to a new reader what is happening.
You won't override clojure.core/seq. You will be simply shadowing the var seq with your local bindings or vars. One can always use fully qualified name to use core seq.
;; shadow core seq
(def seq [1 2 3])
WARNING: seq already refers to: #'clojure.core/seq in namespace: user, being replaced by: #'user/seq
=> #'user/seq
;; local binding
(defn print-something [seq]
(prn seq)
(prn (var seq)))
=> #'user/print-something
;; use fully qualified name
(clojure.core/seq "abc")
=> (\a \b \c)
(print-something "a")
=> nil
(prn seq)
[1 2 3]
=> nil
(var seq)
=> #'user/seq
But, its not a clean practice to shadow clojure.core vars as it might lead to buggy code. It does more harm than good if any. I usually name vars based on code context, like employee-id-seq, url-seq etc. Sometimes, it okay to use short names like x or s if usage scope is limited. You can also see clojure.core implementation to find more examples.
A good guide: https://github.com/bbatsov/clojure-style-guide#idiomatic-names
I also recommend clj-kondo plugin

Function symbol and local variables

The code below prints 10 as expected.
(def x 10)
(let [y 30] (eval (symbol "x")))
The code below generates an exception:
(let [y 20] (eval (symbol "y")))
Unable to resolve symbol: y in this context
which is expected (but confusing!). According to the documentation, symbols defined by let do not belong to any namespace and so can not be resolved through namespace mechanism.
So the question is: what should be an equivalent of function symbol for local variables.
I thought that Clojure compiler internally calls function symbol for each identifier to "intern" it, but as the example above shows it is not the case. Curious what the compiler is actually doing with the local identifiers. I assumed that when I enter x in REPL
is is essentially processed as this:
(deref (resolve (symbol "x")))
but again evidently it is not the case for local variables.
PS: Symbols in Clojure does not cover local variables.
All input to the clojure compiler is read, to form lists, symbols, keywords, numbers, and other readable data (eg. if you use a hash map literal, the compiler will get a hash map).
For example:
user=> (eval '(let [y 20] y))
In this case, we give the compiler a list starting with the symbol let (which resolves to a var macro wrapping a special form).
When you ask "what should be an equivalent of function symbol for local variables", my first thought is that you are misunderstanding what the function symbol is for. The following is equivalent to my initial example:
user=> (eval (list (symbol "let") [(symbol "y") 20] (symbol "y")))
symbol is only incidentally useful for getting a var from a string. In fact this usage is usually a hack, and a sign you are doing something wrong. Its primary purpose is to construct input for the compiler. Writing a form that gets a binding from its lexical scope is best done by writing a function, and having the user pass in the value to be used. History shows us that implicitly using locals in the callers environment is messy and error prone, and it is not a feature that Clojure explicitly supports (though there are definitely hacks that will work, which will be based on implementation details that are not guaranteed to behave properly the next release of the language).

Clojure, why both key and values are using ":"?

(defn explain-defcon-level [exercise-term]
(case exercise-term
:fade-out :you-and-what-army
:double-take :call-me-when-its-important
:round-house :o-rly
:fast-pace :thats-pretty-bad
:cocked-pistol :sirens
If I understand correctly, usually key has colon and value does not.
What is the purpose here?
Words starting with : are keywords. Keywords act as known values like enums in some languages. You could also use strings as you might do in Python or JavaScript, but keywords have some nice features.
In this case, if the function receives e.g. the known keyword :round-house, it will return the known value :o-rly. Some other code in turn knows what :o-rly means. You might as well use strings, if the code calling explain-defcon-level would expect it to return strings.
The keywords:
Can look themselves up in a map (def m {:abba 1 :beef 2}) .. (:abba m) => 1
Are easy to stringify (name :foo) => "foo"
Are easy to make from strings (keyword "bar") => :bar
Are performant: fast to compare and don't waste memory
: is just a reader form for creating keywords.
Keywords in clojure are data structures, just like symbols, strings or numbers.
Keywords are used as keys in hashmaps because they implement IFn for invoke(), allowing you to write things like (:mykey my-map) instead of (my-map :mykey) or (get my-map :mykey).
Generally, you could use any data structure as a hashmap key:
(def my-map
{ {:foo :bar} 1
{:bar :baz} 2 })
(my-map {:foo :bar}) ; 1
You can think of clojure code as consisting of a lot of symbols in s-expressions. When the reader parses these expressions, it has to resolve the symbol to a value. Some of these symbols are self evaluating i.e they will evaluate to themselves. for example, the symbol "Hello world" is a string symbol, which evaluates to itself. the number 123 is also self-evaluating and will evaluate to the number 123.
Other symbols need to be bound to a value. If you just had the symbol fred it needs to be bound to some value i.e. (def fred "Hello world"). If the symbol is the first symbol in a list (s-expression) it must evaluate to a function i.e. (def fred (fn ....) or the shorthand (defn fred [] ....). Note, this is simplifying things a little as you also have macros, but they can be ignored for now - they are special, in fact, often referred to as special forms.
Apart from strings and numbers, there is another very useful self-evaluating symbol, the keyword. It is distinguished by the leading ':'. Keywords evaluate to themselves i.e. :fred evaluates to :fred.
Keywords also have some very nice properties, such as fast comparison and efficient use of space. They are also useful when you want a symbol that represents something, but don't want to have to define (bind) it to something before you use it. In hash maps, keywords are also a function of the hash map, so you can do things like (:mykey maymap) instead of (get mymay :mykey).
In general, every symbol must evaluate to a value and the first symbol in a non-quoted list must evaluate to a function. You can quote lists and symbols, which essentially says "don't evaluate me at this point".
With that in mind, you can use any of these symbols as a value in a clojure data structure i.e. you can have vectors of functions, keywords, strings, numbers etc.
In the example you provide, you want your case statement to return some sort of symbol which you can then presumably use to make some decision later in your program. You could define the return value as a string, such as "You and whose army" and then later compare it to some other string to make a decision. However, You could even make things a bit more robust by defining a binding like
(def a "You and whose army")
and then do things like
(= a return-val)
but it isn't really buying you anything. It requires more typing, quoting, memory and is slower for comparison.
Keywords are often really useful when you are just playing around at the repl and you want to just test some ideas. Instead of having to write something like ["a" "b" "cc"], you can just write [:a :b :c].

How to rename an operation in Clojure?

In my list, addition, the operation + appears as #. How can I make this appear exactly as +? When I eval it, it should also work exactly the same as +.
I guess this would also apply in all kinds of functions in Clojure...
Thanks guys.
The # character is simply not a valid character in symbol names in Clojure (see this page for a list of valid characters) and while it might work sometimes (as it often will), it is not a good practice to use it. Also, it will definitely not work at the beginning of a symbol (actually a literal, you could still do (symbol "#"), though there's probably no point in that). As the Clojure reader currently stands, there's nothing to be done about it (except possibly hacking the reader open to have it treat # (that's '#' followed by a space) as the symbol # -- or simply + -- though that's something you really shouldn't do, so I almost feel guilty for providing a link to instructions on how to do it).
Should you want to alias a name to some other name which is legal in Clojure, you may find it convenient to use the clojure.contrib.def/defalias macro instead of plain def; this has the added benefit of setting metadata for you (and should handle macros, though it appears to have a bug which prevents that at this time, at least in 1.2 HEAD).
And in case you'd like to redefine some built-in names when creating your aliases... (If you don't, the rest of this may not be relevant to you.)
Firstly, if you work with Clojure 1.1 or earlier and you want to provide your own binding for a name from clojure.core, you'll need to use :refer-clojure when defining your namespace. E.g. if you want to provide your own +:
(ns foo.bar
(:refer-clojure :exclude [+]))
;; you can now define your own +
(defn + [x y]
(if (zero? y)
(recur (inc x) (dec y))))
;; examples
(+ 3 5)
; => 8
(+ 3 -1)
; => infinite loop
(clojure.core/+ 3 -1)
; => 2
The need for this results from Clojure 1.1 prohibiting rebinding of names which refer to Vars in other namespaces; ns-unmap provides a way around it appropriate for REPL use, whereas (:refer-clojure :exclude ...), (:use :exclude ...) and (:use :only ...) provide the means systematically to prevent unwanted names from being imported from other namespaces in the first place.
In current 1.2 snapshots there's a "last-var-in wins" policy, so you could do without the :refer-clojure; it still generates a compiler warning, though, and it's better style to use :refer-clojure, plus there's no guarantee that this policy will survive in the actual 1.2 release.
An operation is just a piece of code, assigned to a variable. If you want to rebind an operation, you just rebind that variable:
(def - +)
(- 1 2 3)
# => 6
The only problem here, is that the # character is special in Clojure. I'm not sure whether you can use # as a variable name at all, at the very least you will need to quote it when binding it and probably also when calling it:
(def # +)
# => java.lang.Exception: No dispatch macro for:
Unfortunately, I'm not familiar enough with Clojure to know how to quote it.