Constexpr variable evaluation - c++

Here is my code and I need clarification on what's happening:
constexpr int funct(int x){
return x + 1;
int main(){
int x = funct(10);
return 0;
constexpr's allows compile time calculation, and based on my code above, since funct is declared as constexpr, it is allowed to do compile time calculations if the arguments are constants or constexpr's themselves.
The part that I am confused with lies in this part, the int x. Since it is not declared as constexpr, would it mean that int x will get the value at runtime? Does that mean that declaring it to be constexpr int x will mean that int x will get the value at compile time unlike int x ?

It depends on the compiler in question on many counts. What sorts of optimizations that may take place, etc. However, constexpr does not inherently enable compile-time calculations.
Take this code:
#include <cstdio>
constexpr int test(int in)
return in + 25;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
printf("Test: %u\n", test(5));
printf("Two: %u\n", test(10));
Under GCC 4.8.4 on my x86_64 Gentoo box, that actually still makes a call on both counts to the supposedly compile-time "test". The lines I used were
g++ -std=c++11 -Wall -g -c main.cpp -o obj/Debug/main.o
g++ -o bin/Debug/TestProject obj/Debug/main.o
So on the code above, that produces the following machine code:
0x40061c mov edi,0x5
0x400621 call 0x400659 <test(int)>
0x400626 mov esi,eax
0x400628 mov edi,0x4006f4
0x40062d mov eax,0x0
0x400632 call 0x4004f0 <printf#plt>
0x400637 mov edi,0xa
0x40063c call 0x400659 <test(int)>
0x400641 mov esi,eax
0x400643 mov edi,0x4006fd
0x400648 mov eax,0x0
0x40064d call 0x4004f0 <printf#plt>
Where the asm block for "test" is:
0x400659 push rbp
0x40065a mov rbp,rsp
0x40065d mov DWORD PTR [rbp-0x4],edi
0x400660 mov eax,DWORD PTR [rbp-0x4]
0x400663 add eax,0x19
0x400666 pop rbp
0x400667 ret
So, as you can see in that situation, it seems to hold pretty much no effect over how GCC produced that code. Even if you do this, you will still get runtime calculations:
int value = test(30);
printf("Value: %u\n", value);
Where that produces this (the address of test changed slightly due to adding some more code):
0x40061c mov edi,0x1e
0x400621 call 0x40067a <test(int)>
0x400626 mov DWORD PTR [rbp-0x4],eax
0x400629 mov eax,DWORD PTR [rbp-0x4]
0x40062c mov esi,eax
0x40062e mov edi,0x400714
0x400633 mov eax,0x0
0x400638 call 0x4004f0 <printf#plt>
It does, however, produce the expected result if you declare the value itself as constexpr:
constexpr int value = test(30);
printf("Value: %u\n", value);
And the associated code is:
0x400623 mov esi,0x37
0x400628 mov edi,0x400714
0x40062d mov eax,0x0
0x400632 call 0x4004f0 <printf#plt>
So essentially, you're not guaranteed a compile-time calculation if you simply prepend the method declaration with constexpr. You also need to declare your a variable as constexpr and assign to it. Doing such a declaration will actually require the compiler to statically evaluate the result. GCC actually yells at you if you try to do this and "test" isn't declared constexpr:
main.cpp|10|error: call to non-constexpr function ‘int test(int)’|


Why can compiler not optimize out unused static std::string?

If I compile this code with GCC or Clang and enable -O2 optimizations, I still get some global object initialization. Is it even possible for any code to reach these variables?
#include <string>
static const std::string s = "";
int main() { return 0; }
Compiler output:
xor eax, eax
mov edx, OFFSET FLAT:__dso_handle
mov esi, OFFSET FLAT:s
mov edi, OFFSET FLAT:_ZNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEED1Ev
mov QWORD PTR s[rip], OFFSET FLAT:s+16
mov QWORD PTR s[rip+8], 0
mov BYTE PTR s[rip+16], 0
jmp __cxa_atexit
Specifically, I was not expecting the _GLOBAL__sub_I_main: section.
Godbolt link
Even with a simple custom defined type, the compiler still generates some code.
class Aloha
Aloha () : i(1) {}
~Aloha() = default;
int i;
static const Aloha a;
int main() { return 0; }
Compiler output:
xor eax, eax
Compiling that code with short string optimization (SSO) may be an equivalent of taking address of std::string's member variable. Constructor have to analyze string length at compile time and choose if it can fit into internal storage of std::string object or it have to allocate memory dynamically but then find that it never was read so allocation code can be optimized out.
Lack of optimization in this case might be an optimization flaw limited to such simple outlying examples like this one:
const int i = 3;
int main()
return (long long)(&i); // to make sure that address was used
GCC generates code:
.long 3 ; this a variable
push rbp
mov rbp, rsp
mov eax, OFFSET FLAT:i
pop rbp
GCC would not optimize this code as well:
const int i = 3;
const int *p = &i;
int main() { return 0; }
Static variables declared in file scope, especially const-qualified ones can be optimized out per as-if rule unless their address was used, GCC does that only to const-qualified ones regardless of use case. Taking address of variable is an observable behaviour, because it can be passed somewhere. Logic which would trace that would be too complex to implement and would be of little practical value.
Of course, the code that doesn't use address
const int i = 3;
int main() { return i; }
results in optimizing out reserved storage:
mov eax, 3
As of C++20 constexpr construction of std::string? Per older rules it could not be a compile-time expression if result was dependant on arguments. It possible that std::string would allocate memory dynamically if string is too long, which isn't a compile-time action. It appears that only mainstream compiler that supports C++20 features required for that it at this moment is MSVC in certain conditions.

c++: is there a way to ensure the compiler that calling twice the same const method gives the same result?

I am puzzled with the following 2 simple snippets:
#include <vector>
struct A{
int foo(int i) const {return v[i];}
std::vector<int> v;
int f(const A &a, int i) {
int j;;;
return j;
which gives the assembly code:
movsxd rax, esi
mov rcx, qword ptr [rdi]
mov eax, dword ptr [rcx + 4*rax]
#include <vector>
struct A{
int foo(int i) const;
std::vector<int> v;
int f(const A &a, int i) {
int j;;;
return j;
which gives:
push rbp
push rbx
push rax
mov ebp, esi
mov rbx, rdi
call _ZNK1A3fooEi
mov rdi, rbx
mov esi, ebp
add rsp, 8
pop rbx
pop rbp
jmp _ZNK1A3fooEi # TAILCALL
In the first case, the compilers 'sees' the internal of the function foo and get that he does not have to call it twice. In the second case, it just has its declaration, and it seems that it cannot assume that it can call the function just once, whereas the function is const... Why is that? Is this an aliasing problem between i and the internal of the function foo? If this is an aliasing problem, how can I ensure the compiler not to worry about that?
The fact that the member function is const-qualified does not mean that the function does not have any side effects. Without seeing function definition, the compiler cannot be sure that the function doesn't output something into a file, doesn't send something over the network, etc. Thus, in general, calling the same member function only once may not produce results equivalent to calling it twice (despite the function being const-qualified).
Edit: To answer the original question: currently, there is no standard way to mark a function as having no side effects. Some compilers may support custom attributes, such as [[gnu::pure]] and [[gnu::const]], but this is not standard.

What exactly happens when I use the return value of a void function (by casting a function pointer)?

When I run the following program, it always prints "yes". However when I change SOME_CONSTANT to -2 it always prints "no". Why is that? I am using visual studio 2019 compiler with optimizations disabled.
#define SOME_CONSTANT -3
void func() {
static int i = 2;
i += j;
void main() {
if (((bool(*)())func)()) {
else {
EDIT: Here is the output assembly of func (IDA Pro 7.2):
sub rsp, 18h
mov [rsp+18h+var_18], 0FFFFFFFEh
mov eax, [rsp+18h+var_18]
mov ecx, cs:i
add ecx, eax
mov eax, ecx
mov cs:i, eax
add rsp, 18h
Here is the first part of main:
sub rsp, 628h
mov rax, cs:__security_cookie
xor rax, rsp
mov [rsp+628h+var_18], rax
call ?func##YAXXZ ; func(void)
test eax, eax
jz short loc_1400012B0
Here is main decompiled:
int __cdecl main(int argc, const char **argv, const char **envp)
int v3; // eax
if ( v3 )
return 0;
This expression takes a pointer to func, casts the pointer to a different type of function, then invokes it. Invoking a function through a pointer-to-function whose function signature does not match the original function is undefined behavior which means that anything at all might happen. From the moment this function call happens, the behavior of the program cannot be reasoned about. You cannot predict what will happen with any certainty. Behavior might be different on different optimization levels, different compilers, different versions of the same compiler, or when targeting different architectures.
This is simply because the compiler is allowed to assume that you won't do this. When the compiler's assumptions and reality come into conflict, the result is a vacuum into which the compiler can insert whatever it likes.
The simple answer to your question "why is that?" is, quite simply: because it can. But tomorrow it might do something else.
What apparently happened is:
mov ecx, cs:i
add ecx, eax
mov eax, ecx ; <- final value of i is stored in eax
mov cs:i, eax ; and then also stored in i itself
Different registers could have been used, it just happened to work this way. There is nothing about the code that forces eax to be chosen. That mov eax, ecx is really redundant, ecx could have been stored straight to i. But it happened to work this way.
And in main:
call ?func##YAXXZ ; func(void)
test eax, eax
jz short loc_1400012B0
rax (or part of it, like eax or al) is used for the return value for integer-ish types (such as booleans) in the WIN64 ABI, so that makes sense. That means the final value of i happens to be used as the return value, by accident.
I always get printed out no, so it must be dependent from compiler to compiler, hence the best answer is UB (Undefined Behavior).

C++: I was solving a question when suddenly I noticed that the code compiled without a return statement

Visual Studios and even Codechef is compiling my code which has a missing return statement.
I was solving some competitive programming question and noticed that my program is compiled without a return statement in a function. I wrote a simple function and didn't mention any return statement and the program is being compiled perfectly.
Here's the code
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int add(int x, int y)
int c = x + y;
int main() {
int a = add(1, 2);
cout << a;
return 0;
I was expecting an error which I didn't get and made me wonder what was wrong with my code(of-course not the above one). And in the program above I'm getting output 0 which I don't understand how?
A function that doesn’t return anything as it was expected to return, has undefined behavior.
Flowing off the end of a value-returning function (except main)
without a return statement is undefined behavior.
That is why you should never ignore warnings. /Wall or /w4 is the flag you need on visual studio.
many compilers store returned value in EAX register which in your case holds the result of the add operation.
so it will report the correct value.
but you should not depend on that in future
here is how vs2019 compile this
int c = a + b;
01001FD8 mov eax,dword ptr [a]
01001FDB add eax,dword ptr [b]
01001FDE mov dword ptr [c],eax
return c;
01001FE1 mov eax,dword ptr [c]
01001FE4 pop edi
01001FE5 pop esi
01001FE6 pop ebx
01001FE7 add esp,0CCh
01001FED cmp ebp,esp
01001FEF call __RTC_CheckEsp (01001294h)
01001FF4 mov esp,ebp
01001FF6 pop ebp
01001FF7 ret

C++ constexpr function in return statement

Why is a constexpr function no evaluated at compile time but in runtime in the return statement of main function?
It tried
template<int x>
constexpr int fac() {
return fac<x - 1>() * x;
constexpr int fac<1>() {
return 1;
int main() {
const int x = fac<3>();
return x;
and the result is
push rbp
mov rbp, rsp
mov DWORD PTR [rbp-4], 6
mov eax, 6
pop rbp
with gcc 8.2. But when I call the function in the return statement
template<int x>
constexpr int fac() {
return fac<x - 1>() * x;
constexpr int fac<1>() {
return 1;
int main() {
return fac<3>();
I get
int fac<1>():
push rbp
mov rbp, rsp
mov eax, 1
pop rbp
push rbp
mov rbp, rsp
call int fac<3>()
pop rbp
int fac<2>():
push rbp
mov rbp, rsp
call int fac<1>()
add eax, eax
pop rbp
int fac<3>():
push rbp
mov rbp, rsp
call int fac<2>()
mov edx, eax
mov eax, edx
add eax, eax
add eax, edx
pop rbp
Why is the first code evaluated at compile time and the second at runtime?
Also I tried both snippets with clang 7.0.0 and they are evaluated at runtime. Why is this not valid constexpr for clang?
All evaluation was done in godbolt compiler explorer.
A common misconception with regard to constexpr is that it means "this will be evaluated at compile time"1.
It is not. constexpr was introduced to let us write natural code that may produce constant expressions in contexts that need them. It means "this must be evaluatable at compile time", which is what the compiler will check.
So if you wrote a constexpr function returning an int, you can use it to calculate a template argument, an initializer for a constexpr variable (also const if it's an integral type) or an array size. You can use the function to obtain natural, declarative, readable code instead of the old meta-programming tricks one needed to resort to in the past.
But a constexpr function is still a regular function. The constexpr specifier doesn't mean a compiler has2 to optimize it to heck and do constant folding at compile time. It's best not to confuse it for such a hint.
1 - Thanks user463035818 for the phrasing.
2 - c++20 and consteval is a different story however :)
StoryTeller's answer is good, but I think there's a slightly different take possible.
With constexpr, there are three situations to distinguish:
The result is needed in a compile-time context, such as array sizes. In this case, the arguments too must be known at compile time. Evaluation is probably at compile time, and at least all diagnosable errors will be found at compile time.
The arguments are only known at run time, and the result is not needed at compile time. In this case, evaluation necessarily has to happen at run time.
The arguments may be available at compile time, but the result is needed only at run time.
The fourth combination (arguments available only at runtime, result needed at compile time) is an error; the compiler will reject such code.
Now in cases 1 and 3 the calculation could happen at compile time, as all inputs are available. But to facilitate case 2, the compiler must be able to create a run-time version, and it may decide to use this variant in the other cases as well - if it can.
E.g. some compilers internally support variable-sized arrays, so even while the language requires compile-time array bounds, the implementation may decide not to.