I'm trying to get all data related to a particular post like comments, likes, view count, etc in one API call. I can get likes by {post-id}/likes and comments by /{post-id}/comments.
How do I get all this detail in one API call?
I tried to consume Facebook API which need to get the list of who liked my post in my page. Is there any endpoint available in v15.0 (latest) ?
For Example:
If I have a page named "Restaurant" and i have posted a story on that page's feed as "New restaurant on the way to launch" and peoples are liking that post. I want to retrieve who and all liked that post along with the total count. How is it possible ?
Also a question, if a private account is liking that post in that "Restaurant page", how will it be counted too and can we fetch those details too ?
I have tried with the URL, https://graph.facebook.com/101882636084088/feed to get the page feeds and https://graph.facebook.com/{page-id}_{post-id}/likes, but I'm not able to fetch likes.
I also tried, https://graph.facebook.com/{page-id}_{post-id}?fields=likes.summary(true), I'm not getting proper count or who and all liked as response. Have anyone came across this scenario ?
I am getting only limitted number of feeds i.e**(25 feeds**) from my facebook grapg api and is their any option to get more feeds and i mentioned limit=200 in my URL but i am getting only 25.URL is https://graph.facebook.com/v2.2/me/posts?access_token={access_token}&limit=200.Is their any way to get this please suggest me
First get an access token, then retrieve all your feed. Please note that you may need to reiterate the request as the returned content is paginated (that is, ['paging']['next'] element exists inside the answer).
See also the official documentation.
Is there a way to get the "People Talking About This" statistic for a specific post on a Facebook Page ? The Insights API doesn't say it's possible. ( post_storytellers doesn't exist )
'People Talking About This' aggregates various interactions into a single metric including:
liking a Page
posting to a Page’s Wall
liking, commenting on or sharing a Page post (or other content on a page, like photos, videos or albums)
answering a Question posted
RSVPing to an event
mentioning a Page in a post
phototagging a Page
liking or sharing a check-in deal
or checking in at a Place.
As far as i'm aware there's no way to retrieve this value using the graph api without scraping the page directly.
You can however retrieve the total_count for a url which is an aggregation of shares, likes, comments via FQL, for example: https://graph.facebook.com/fql?q=SELECT%20total_count%20FROM%20link_stat%20WHERE%20url='https://www.stackoverflow.com'
more info: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/fql/link_stat
I want to access graph API to get the number of shares for different pages of my website. I can use the GET method to do so but I want to use POST so that I can send more url in a single request. The current implementation I have for GET is
Can anyone please help ?
This is badly documented (I mean I didn't find the information when I looked for it!), but there is way to pass all the parameters to the Graph API through POST method:
in your example, you should POST to http://graph.facebook.com/
with the following DATA:
I'm not sure about the encoding of the POST DATA..in our case, we were just using ids=.....,.....,..... with numeric FB user ids and we didn't need to do any encoding, but you might need some url-encoding
Don't forget the &method=GET or it won't work ! It helped me break the url length limit that was causing bugs on Internet Explorer (I think RFC says 1024 characters, all browsers support much more, IE only ~4096 ) when we were passing too many ids through GET
if you wish to access non-public information, the same trick works with https://graph.facebook.com/ , provided you add &session_token=***** to your query
You can try to run a FQL query to get the stats for multiple urls. Facebook link_stat documentation has an example of how to do this. I'm pretty sure you can't POST to either the FQL query or the graph api you were using though unfortunately. Your FQL query would be:
SELECT url, share_count, like_count FROM link_stat WHERE url IN("http://umairj.com/","http://umairj.com/146/how-to-clear-facebook-shares-cache/")
Here is the url after properly url encoding the query: https://api.facebook.com/method/fql.query?query=SELECT+url%2C+share_count%2C+like_count+FROM+link_stat+WHERE+url+IN%28"http%3A%2F%2Fumairj.com%2F"%2C"http%3A%2F%2Fumairj.com%2F146%2Fhow-to-clear-facebook-shares-cache%2F"%29&format=json
Facebook provides a FQL testing tool to help.
Update: their API documention (see section titled "Delete) mentions you can do an HTTP POST to any of their methods and set the variable method to the method you want. You could try this, although this was designed for delete and put methods not available to javascript clients. It still looks like is all url based so I'm not sure it will take a form encoded parameter like you are looking to do.
I work at Facebook and I've updated our Graph API documentation to document this work around for very large requests:
I'm trying to get some insights on a list of Posts by a Page on Facebook.
To be specific, I want to get the information highlighted in this blog post via the API.
But I can't figure out how, anyone knows how?
As far as I know it's only possible using the "stream" table. So you've got to use FQL to query this data. Using this technique you'll only get the impressions directly. Feedback rate can be calculated by adding #comments and #likes and dividing the result by #impressions. Hope they'll add this to the insights graph api as well.
Refer to https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/#analytics
If you are trying to aggregate multiple pages or a page other than the requesting app then you may need grant read_insights permissions to your application.
Refer to http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/insights/