A sharp in URL parameter - web-services

If you can help me I will be very grateful.
My problem is i send a request via google chrome like that :
and whene i test the url he return :
user = user1
sscc= null
Because the # is an special caracter
any proposition ?
Thanks a lot.

Yes # is a fragment identifier. To ensure its interpreted as part of a query string you must URL encode it (to %23) - You should be doing this as routine for all query string values.


how to request last segment of url in Flask

I feel like the answer is simple, yet I can't seem to figure it out. I have a URL:
And I'm trying to use just the "5" in my code as that is the ID for the current fight in the SQL table. So far, I've tried
fight = Fight.query.filter_by(id=request.path).first()
However that returns:
Is there any way I can use "request" to target just the 5? Thank you in advance!
You should include a variable, current_fight_id, in your route definition. You can then access that variable in your view function.
def fight_route(current_fight_id):
print(current_fight_id) # use variable in route
Alternatively, you could use the approach you're using but modify the string that's returned. If you have a string:
endpoint = "fight_card/fight/5" # returned by your current code
You can access the five (current_fight_id) with:
current_fight_id = endpoint.split("/")[-1] # grab the segment after the last "/"
request.path would give you: /fight_card/fight/5. Then, you can split('/') to get a list of the parts.

how to obtain a regular expression for validation email address for one domain ONLY?

I am struggling with writing a regex for validating email address for only one domain.
I have this expression
But the issue is that for example hello#gmail.com.net is valid and I only want to be only valid for only one domain. So hence I do not want hello#gmail.com.net to be valid.
Help is needed. Thank you!
try this [A-Z0-9a-z._%+-]+#[A-Za-z0-9-]+\.[A-Za-z]{2,64}.
In your regex is a dot in the allowed characters behind the #.
You can use something like:
Regex Demo
I found this regex for Swift:
It has an extra backslash.
I found it here: http://emailregex.com/
I know you already accept an answer but this idea just cross my mind. You can use URLComponents to split the email address into user and host and validate each component separately:
func validate(emailAddress: String) -> Bool {
guard let components = URLComponents(string: "mailto://" + emailAddress),
let host = components.host else
return false
return host.components(separatedBy: ".").count == 2
print(validate(emailAddress: "hello#gmail.com")) // true
print(validate(emailAddress: "hello#gmail.com.net")) // false
print(validate(emailAddress: "hello")) // false
Your requirement has a big flaw in it though: valid domains can have two dots, like someone#bbc.co.uk. Getting a regex pattern to validate an email is hard. Gmail, for example, will direct all emails sent to jsmith+abc#gmail.com to the same inbox as jsmith#gmail.com. The best way is to perform some rudimentary check on the email address, then email the user and ask them to click a link to confirm the email.
You can try with below pattern.
for Eg.

RequestVerificationToken is not idetifying/or getting assigned to variable by JMeter in a ASP MVC 5 Project

I am currently in a need of a Load test for a web-solution, which requires for a user authentication in Homepage (Welcome Page).
When I seek for the POST SignIn parameters which are passing along with the login credentials using FireBug in FireFox,
i found out that Password, TenantName, UserName, __RequestVerificationToken are the parameters which are passing along with their values for a successful login.
I needed to simulate this process using the JMETER.
Therefore i have made a HTTP REQUEST (Visit Login Page) to Navigate to the page using JMETER, which successfully work.
Within the HTTP REQUEST (Visit Login Page) I have added a Regular Expression Extractor, to Extract the token,
since it is necessary to pass the token along with the sign in.
Reg Expression : input name="__RequestVerificationToken" type="hidden" value="([A-Za-z0-9+=/-\ _]+?)"
Template : $1$
Match No. : 1
Default Value : (blank)
And I have added a separate HTTP Request (Login to Web) for signin along with the Parameters as follows;
Password : ${Password}
TenantName : ${TenantName}
Username : ${Username}
__RequestVerificationToken : ${REQUEST_VERIFICATION_TOKEN}
But When I Run it, under the View Results Tree,
the Response Data is generating as "The anti-forgery token could not be decrypted..."
When i check for the Request displays under View Result Tree,
it displays as
POST data:
Where in the Request I realized the value for the RequestVerificationToken is not getting initialized.
I was searching for a solution through blogs for two days, where ultimately without a proper assistance I tend to post this question over here.
This is one reference link which is usefully for a extent, from which i used :
Can someone assist me of Why the RequestVerificationToken is not extracting properly, or getting initialized to the variable?
( Ps : please be kind enough to assume that I'm a beginner in JMeter, to be honest, when you are providing your precious reply )
In Regular expression '-' has a meaning & it has to be escaped properly if it is expected in your __RequestVerificationToken value.
So, the correct regular expression would be
input name="__RequestVerificationToken" type="hidden" value="([A-Za-z0-9+=/\-\_]+?)"
I created a temp variable & verified above regular expression. It works fine. If it does not work for you, Please provide the HTTP response if possible.

Mapping urls in routes.py

I am using web2py and builing a REST api and have one of my URLs set up like this:
routes_in (
('/myapp/something/{?P<id>.*)/myfunction', /myapp/default/myfunction/\g<id>')
routes_out = (
('/myapp/default/myfunction/\g<id>', '/myapp/something/{?P<id>.*)/myfunction')
If my app is setup this way my function is not even entered into and I get an invalid request if I remove the id argument from the url that my url is being mapped to i.e. remove g<id> from above, I enter my function but the argument is not being captured.
I cannot change the structure of the URL as per my requirements and I am not sure how to go about this.
I would appreciate any pointers.
The above does work in web2py I found that some other area of my code was breaking.

Regular expression for validating url with parameters

I have been searching high and low for a solution to this, but to no avail. I am trying to prevent users from entering poorly formed URLs. Currently I have this regular expression in place:
This does a check to make sure the user is using http or https in the URL. However I need to go a step further and validate the structure of the URL.
For example this URL: http://mytest.com/?=test is clearly invalid as the parameter is not specified. All of the regular expressions that I've found on the web return valid when I use this URL.
I've been using this site to test the expressions that I've been finding.
Look I think the best solution for testing the URL as :
var url="http://mytest.com/?=test";
Make 2 steps :
1- test only URL as :
use pattern :
var pattern1= "^(http:\/\/www.|https:\/\/www.|ftp:\/\/www.|www.){1}([0-9A-Za-z]+\.)([A-Za-z]){2,3}(\/)?";
2- split URL string by using pattern1 to get the URL query string and IF URL has Query string then make test on It again by using the following pattern :
var query=url.split(pattern1);
var q_str = query[1];
var pattern2 = "^(\?)?([0-9A-Za-z]+=[0-9A-Za-z]+(\&)?)+$";
Good Luck,
I believe the problem you are having comes from the fact that what is or is not a valid parameter from a query string is not universally defined. And specifically for your problem, the criteria for a valid query is still not well defined from your single example of what should fail.
To be precise, check this out RFC3986#3.4
Maybe you can make up a criteria for what should be an "acceptable" query string and from that you can get an answer. ;)