rankall : returning the correct data frame to rank hospitals on performance - data-mining

this is a solution(not working well) to a coursera problem. I'm trying to rank a data frame containing the names of hospitals based on their performance on 3 different conditions. (I found another to this question at How to subset a row from list based on condition). I think I'm not subsetting right and I don't return the correct data frame at the end. really new to programming and R. thank you for your help.
rankall <- function(outcome, num = 'best'){
data <- read.csv('outcome-of-care-measures.csv', colClasses = 'character')
data[,11] <- as.numeric(data[,11])
data[,17] <- as.numeric(data[,17])
data[17] <- as.numeric(data[,23])
states <- sort(unique(data$State))
conditions <- data[c(11,17,23)]
if(!state %in% states){stop('invalid state')}
if(!outcome %in% conditions){stop('invalid outcome')}
for (i in 1:length(states)){
statedata <-data[data$State == state[i],]
if(outcome == 'heart attack'){column <- (statedata[,11]}
if(outcome == 'heart failure') {column <-(statedata[,17]}
if(outcome == 'pneumonia') {column <- statedata[,23]}
rankedhospitals <- c()
rankcondition <- rank(column, na.last = NA)
if (num == 'best'){num <- 1}
if(num == 'worst'){num <- nrow(rankcondition)}
rankedhospitals[i] <- statedata$Hospital.Name[order(column, statedata$Hospital.Name)[num]]
rankedhospitals <- cbind(rankedhospitals,states[num,2])
return (c('rankedhospitals', 'states'))


Merge multiple lists with different element lengths into a data frame in a function

I have a function to extract rules of Decision Tree
names(iris)[names(iris) == "Sepal.Length"] <- "SL"
names(iris)[names(iris) == "Sepal.Width"] <- "SW"
names(iris)[names(iris) == "Petal.Length"] <- "PL"
names(iris)[names(iris) == "Petal.Width"] <- "PW"
pohon <- rpart(Species ~ ., iris,
control=rpart.control(minsplit = 5, cp=0))
rules.rpart <- function(model){
if (!inherits(model, "rpart")) stop("Not a legitimate rpart tree")
frm <- model$frame
names <- row.names(frm)
ylevels <- attr(model, "ylevels")
ds.size <- model$frame[1,]$n
for (i in 1:nrow(frm))
if (frm[i,1] == "<leaf>")
pth <- path.rpart(model, nodes=as.numeric(names[i]), print.it=F)
ur <- pth[-1]
bb <- rules.rpart(pohon)
My questions is:
How can I convert the output into a single data frame from several lists (different number of lists) with different element lengths?
Why I can't define the output into an object named "bb"? why does bb become NULL when called?

How can I get a table to print under a picture using a loop in a .rmd with word_document?

I am trying to create a .rmd file that takes all of the pictures for a field day and the notes that was taken and create a report. I am able to get the pictures to plot but the no matter what I try the table with the notes does not want to print. Below is the loop I am utilizing:
for(i in 1:nrow(subset_Inventory_data)) {
singlept <- subset_Inventory_data[i,]
picture <- pictureLookup[singlept$GlobalID == pictureLookup$REL_GLOBAL,]
plot(image_read(paste(baseURL,picture$UID,sep = "")) %>%
# image_resize("400x400") %>%
image_rotate(degrees = 90)
#creating table underneath picture
Categories <- c("Latitude", "Longitude", "Road Width", "Conditon", "Lock Present","Additional Notes")
sum_table <- data.frame(Category = character(),
Information = character(),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
sum_table <- rbind(sum_table,Categories,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
colnames(sum_table) <- Categories
sum_table$Latitude <- sprintf("%f",singlept$LAT)
sum_table$Longitude <-sprintf("%f",singlept$LONG)
sum_table$`Road Width` <- paste(singlept$Gate_Width,"feet")
sum_table$Conditon <- singlept$Condition
sum_table$`Lock Present` <- singlept$GlobalID
sum_table$`Additional Notes` <- singlept$General_Notes
ft <- flextable(sum_table)
ft <- fontsize(ft, size = 12)
ft <- autofit(ft)

Outputting the results from bife object to Latex in Rmarkdown?

I'm estimating a fixed-effects probit model using the bife package in R. I'm trying to extract the output into something I can use with either stargazer or texreg so I can output them into a paper using Rmarkdown to create a LaTeX object. I'm aware I can manually extract the coefficients and standard errors, etc., but I'm wondering if there isn't a more efficient way to coerce this object into something that'd work with either package.
Here's a reproducible example:
iris$big <- ifelse(iris$Sepal.Length > median(iris$Sepal.Length),1,0)
output <- bife(big ~ Sepal.Width + Petal.Length | Species, data=iris, "logit")
I think I found an alternative solution for this one, even if it is probably too late
Basically, first, I went on the repository of the package "texreg" and found this function:
extract.bife <- function(model,
include.loglik = TRUE,
include.deviance = TRUE,
include.nobs = TRUE,
...) {
s <- summary(model)
coefficient.names <- rownames(s$cm)
co <- s$cm[, 1]
se <- s$cm[, 2]
pval <- s$cm[, 4]
gof <- numeric()
gof.names <- character()
gof.decimal <- logical()
if (include.loglik == TRUE) {
lik <- logLik(model)
gof <- c(gof, lik)
gof.names <- c(gof.names, "Log Likelihood")
gof.decimal <- c(gof.decimal, TRUE)
if (include.deviance == TRUE) {
gof <- c(gof, deviance(model))
gof.names <- c(gof.names, "Deviance")
gof.decimal <- c(gof.decimal, TRUE)
if (include.nobs == TRUE) {
n <- s$nobs["nobs"]
gof <- c(gof, n)
gof.names <- c(gof.names, "Num. obs.")
gof.decimal <- c(gof.decimal, FALSE)
tr <- createTexreg(
coef.names = coefficient.names,
coef = co,
se = se,
pvalues = pval,
gof.names = gof.names,
gof = gof,
gof.decimal = gof.decimal
So for your example, just apply it on your model and use the function texreg and you may have a Latex-"like" output
tr <- extract.bife(output)
I hope it will help!

Reactive not displaying appropriate graphs with working data filtering

server code:
silver_state <- fread("./Data/silver_state.csv")
silver <- silver_state %>% arrange(total_drug_cost)
state_cast <- reactive({
if(input$sort == "alphabetical"){
silver <- silver
else if(input$sort == "descending"){
silver <- silver_state %>% arrange(desc(total_drug_cost))
silver$nppes_provider_state <- factor(silver$nppes_provider_state,
levels = silver$nppes_provider_state[order(silver$total_drug_cost)])
silver <- silver_state %>% arrange(total_drug_cost)
silver$nppes_provider_state <- factor(silver$nppes_provider_state,
levels = silver$nppes_provider_state[order(silver$total_drug_cost)])
output$compare <- renderPlot({
ggplot(silver) +
geom_bar(aes(x = nppes_provider_state, y = total_drug_cost), position
= position_stack(reverse = TRUE), stat = "identity") +
coord_flip() +
labs(title = "Total Cost of Drugs per State", y = "Total Drug Cost",
x = "State")
The data filtering runs fine on its own however, it is not passing through the inputs correctly? It has to be something surrounding how we are structuring the reactive function. Could it have anything to do with using multiple tabs? Thank you.
state_cast is not used anywhere and shouldn't really exist. It looks like it's being abused as a side-effect-only function. Just move its contents into renderPlot().
Additionally, you have a silver <- silver that doesn't seem to do anything.
I also recommend you use the Reindent Lines and Reformat Code buttons, because the indentation in the state_cast makes it a bit difficult to read.

trying to append a list, but something breaks

I'm trying to create an empty list which will have as many elements as there are num.of.walkers. I then try to append, to each created element, a new sub-list (length of new sub-list corresponds to a value in a.
When I fiddle around in R everything goes smooth:
list.of.dist[[1]] <- vector("list", a[1])
list.of.dist[[2]] <- vector("list", a[2])
list.of.dist[[3]] <- vector("list", a[3])
list.of.dist[[4]] <- vector("list", a[4])
I then try to write a function. Here is my feeble attempt that results in an error. Can someone chip in what am I doing wrong?
countNumberOfWalks <- function(walk.df) {
list.of.walkers <- sort(unique(walk.df$label))
num.of.walkers <- length(unique(walk.df$label))
#Pre-allocate objects for further manipulation
list.of.dist <- vector("list", num.of.walkers)
a <- c()
# Count the number of walks per walker.
for (i in list.of.walkers) {
a[i] <- nrow(walk.df[walk.df$label == i,])
a <- as.vector(a)
# Add a sublist (length = number of walks) for each walker.
for (i in i:num.of.walkers) {
list.of.dist[[i]] <- vector("list", a[i])
> num.of.walks.per.walker <- countNumberOfWalks(walk.df)
Error in vector("list", a[i]) : vector size cannot be NA
Assuming 'walk.df' is something like:
walk.df <- data.frame(label=sample(1:10,100,T),var2=1:100)
countNumberOfWalks <- function(walk.df) {
list.of.walkers <- sort(unique(walk.df$label))
num.of.walkers <- length(unique(walk.df$label))
list.of.dist <- vector("list", num.of.walkers)
for (i in 1:num.of.walkers) {
list.of.dist[[i]] <- vector("list",
nrow(walk.df[walk.df$label == list.of.walkers[i],]))}
Will achieve what you're after.