Show/Add an Item from/to Some ComboBoxs in C++ Builder XE8 - c++

I need your help to resolve my 2 problems.
I'm using 3 ComboBoxs (CB). When choosing an item from 1st CB, then an item of 2nd & 3rd CB will automatically come up .
On Delphi, all settings are work so well via "Text" property.
1st CB contains:
2nd CB contains:
3rd CB contains:
Below is my code on Delphi :
procedure TForm.1stCBChange(Sender: TObject);
if 1stCB.Text = 'Google' then begin
2ndCB.Text := '';
3rdCB.Text := '8888';
end else
if 1stCB.Text = 'Yahoo' then begin
2ndCB.Text := '';
3rdCB.Text := '9999';
The problem is that on C++ Builder XE8, it's not work properly via "Text" property. On the other words, the 2nd & 3rd CB's item is not shown via "Text" property.
void __fastcall TForm::1stCBChange(TObject *Sender)
if (1stCBChange->Text == "Google")
2ndCB->Text = "";
3rdCB->Text = "8888";
if (1stCBChange->Text == "Yahoo")
2ndCB->Text = "";
3rdCB->Text = "9999";
So to make it works, I have to use "ItemIndex" property.
void __fastcall TForm::1stCBChange(TObject *Sender)
if (1stCBChange->ItemIndex == 0)
2ndCB->ItemIndex = IntToStr(0);
// or 2ndCB->ItemIndex = 0;
3rdCB->ItemIndex = IntToStr(0);
if (1stCBChange->ItemIndex == 1)
2ndCB->ItemIndex = IntToStr(1);
3rdCB->ItemIndex = IntToStr(1);
I've tried some ways, but not works, e.g. 2ndCB->Items->Objects[1] = (TObject*) new String(""); or 2ndCB->Items->AddObject("",2ndCB); so on and on...
So my question: how to make it works on C++ Builder XE8 via "Text" option really like on Delphi ?
Thank you very much for your help.

About your first problem: you probably don't have the same Style property on the Combobox in Delphi and C++Builder. Setting it to csDropDown allows you to specify the Text, but csDropDownList doesn't.
Now, ItemIndex is an integer property, so the call to IntToStr is not needed. It shouldn't even compile, as you can't assign text to an integer variable, and in XE5 at least it doesn't. If it works later it must be because there is an operator int() or similar for UnicodeString, although I didn't find it on the latest documentation.
About your second issue: Add() adds the passed string to the end of the list. If you want to insert the string in a specific position, then you need to call Insert() which asks you for the position to insert it, in your case it would be 0. This, of course, assumes the StringList is not sorted.
Here is the Documentation for TStrings:


Create stored procedure from x++

Got myself into trouble today trying to create a stored procedure from ax.
Here is a simple example:
static void testProcedureCreation(Args _args)
MyParamsTable myParams;
SqlStatementExecutePermission perm;
str sqlStatement;
LogInProperty Lp = new LogInProperty();
OdbcConnection myConnection;
Statement myStatement;
ResultSet myResult;
str temp;
select myParams;
sqlStatement = #"create procedure testproc
as begin
print 'a'
//sqlStatement = strFmt(sqlStatement, myStr);
perm = new SqlStatementExecutePermission(sqlStatement);
myConnection = new OdbcConnection(LP);
info("Check username/password.");
myStatement = myConnection.createStatement();
myResult = myStatement.executeQuery(sqlStatement);
while (
temp = myResult.getString(1);
if (strScan(temp, 'Error', 1, strLen(temp)) > 0)
throw error(temp);
To be honest, in my real example I am using BCP and some string concat with a lot of | ' and "".
Anyway, here is what I got:
For a couple of hours I kept changing and retrying a lot of things and, a good thought came into my mind.
"Let's try with a much easier example and check the results!"
OK, no luck, the results were the same, as you can see in the pic above.
But for no reason, I tried to :
exec testproc
in my ssms instance and to my surprise, it worked. My small procedure was there.
It would be so nice if someone could explain this behavior and maybe what should be the correct approach.
This Q/A should provide an answer.
How to get the results of a direct SQL call to a stored procedure?
executeQuery vs executeUpdate

How do I query multiple IDs via the ContentSearchManager?

When I have an array of Sitecore IDs, for example TargetIDs from a MultilistField, how can I query the ContentSearchManager to return all the SearchResultItem objects?
I have tried the following which gives an "Only constant arguments is supported." error.
using (var s = Sitecore.ContentSearch.ContentSearchManager.GetIndex("sitecore_master_index").CreateSearchContext())
rpt.DataSource = s.GetQueryable<SearchResultItem>().Where(x => f.TargetIDs.Contains(x.ItemId));
I suppose I could build up the Linq query manually with multiple OR queries. Is there a way I can use Sitecore.ContentSearch.Utilities.LinqHelper to build the query for me?
Assuming I got this technique to work, is it worth using it for only, say, 10 items? I'm just starting my first Sitecore 7 project and I have it in mind that I want to use the index as much as possible.
Finally, does the Page Editor support editing fields somehow with a SearchResultItem as the source?
Update 1
I wrote this function which utilises the predicate builder as dunston suggests. I don't know yet if this is actually worth using (instead of Items).
public static List<T> GetSearchResultItemsByIDs<T>(ID[] ids, bool mustHaveUrl = true)
where T : Sitecore.ContentSearch.SearchTypes.SearchResultItem, new()
Assert.IsNotNull(ids, "ids");
if (!ids.Any())
return new List<T>();
using (var s = Sitecore.ContentSearch.ContentSearchManager.GetIndex("sitecore_master_index").CreateSearchContext())
var predicate = PredicateBuilder.True<T>();
predicate = ids.Aggregate(predicate, (current, id) => current.Or(p => p.ItemId == id));
var results = s.GetQueryable<T>().Where(predicate).ToDictionary(x => x.ItemId);
var query = from id in ids
let item = results.ContainsKey(id) ? results[id] : null
where item != null && (!mustHaveUrl || item.Url != null)
select item;
return query.ToList();
It forces the results to be in the same order as supplied in the IDs array, which in my case is important. (If anybody knows a better way of doing this, would love to know).
It also, by default, ensures that the Item has a URL.
My main code then becomes:
var f = (Sitecore.Data.Fields.MultilistField) rootItem.Fields["Main navigation links"];
rpt.DataSource = ContentSearchHelper.GetSearchResultItemsByIDs<SearchResultItem>(f.TargetIDs);
I'm still curious how the Page Editor copes with SearchResultItem or POCOs in general (my second question), am going to continue researching that now.
Thanks for reading,
You need to use the predicate builder to create multiple OR queries, or AND queries.
The code below should work.
using (var s = Sitecore.ContentSearch.ContentSearchManager.GetIndex("sitecore_master_index").CreateSearchContext())
var predicate = PredicateBuilder.True<SearchResultItem>();
foreach (var targetId in f.Targetids)
var tempTargetId = targetId;
predicate = predicate.Or(x => x.ItemId == tempTargetId)
rpt.DataSource = s.GetQueryable<SearchResultItem>().Where(predicate);

Linq query not matching hrefs

I'm trying to write out all matches found using a regex with the code below:
var source = "<Content><link><a xlink:href=\"tcm:363-48948\" xmlns:xlink=\"\">Read more</a></link><links xlink:href=\"tcm:362-65596\" xmlns:xlink=\"\"/></Content>";
var tridionHref = new Regex("tcm:([^\"]*)");
var elem = XElement.Parse(source);
XNamespace xlink = "";
if (tridionHref.IsMatch(elem.ToString()))
foreach (var Id in elem.Elements().Where(x => x.Attribute(xlink + "href") != null))
Console.WriteLine(Id.Attribute(xlink + "href").Value); //For testing
Id.Attribute(xlink + "href").Value = Id.Attribute(xlink + "href").Value.Replace("value1", "value2"); //Just to show you an example
My console window outputs tcm:362-65596 but not tcm:363-48948. It looks like the code doesn't see the value of xlink:href inside my <a> tag as an attribute? Can anyone point me in the right direction? I need to match ALL instances of tcm:([^\"]*).
The problem is you are not looking in the right place. Your elem.Elements is looking at the link element and the links element. Only one of these has the attribute that you are looking for. You'll need to select the elements you want to check more precisely before looking for the right attribute.
I've got it working. I didn't need a regex I just needed to get the Descendants instead inside my for loop. foreach (var Id in elem.Descendants().Where(x => x.Attribute(xlink + "href") != null))

Using Conversion Studio by To-Increase to import Notes into Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009

Currently, I'm using Conversion Studio to bring in a CSV file and store the contents in an AX table. This part is working. I have a block defined and the fields are correctly mapped.
The CSV file contains several comments columns, such as Comments-1, Comments-2, etc. There are a fixed number of these. The public comments are labeled as Comments-1...5, and the private comments are labeled as Private-Comment-1...5.
The desired result would be to bring the data into the AX table (as is currently working) and either concatenate the comment fields or store them as separate comments into the DocuRef table as internal or external notes.
Would it not require just setting up a new block in the Conversion Studio project that I already have setup? Can you point me to a resource that maybe shows a similar procedure or how to do this?
Thanks in advance!
After chasing the rabbit down the deepest of rabbit holes, I discovered that the easiest way to do this is like so:
Override the onEntityCommit method of your Document Handler (that extends AppDataDocumentHandler), like so:
AppEntityAction onEntityCommit(AppDocumentBlock documentBlock, AppBlock fromBlock, AppEntity toEntity)
AppEntityAction ret;
int64 recId; // Should point to the record currently being imported into CMCTRS
ret = super(documentBlock, fromBlock, toEntity);
recId = toEntity.getRecord().recId;
// Do whatever you need to do with the recId now
return ret;
Here is my method to insert the notes, in case you need that too:
private static boolean insertNote(RefTableId _tableId, int64 _docuRefId, str _note, str _name, boolean _isPublic)
DocuRef docuRef;
boolean insertResult = false;
if (_docuRefId)
docuRef.RefCompanyId = curext();
docuRef.RefTableId = _tableId;
docuRef.RefRecId = _docuRefId;
docuRef.TypeId = 'Note';
docuRef.Name = _name;
docuRef.Notes = _note;
docuRef.Restriction = (_isPublic) ? DocuRestriction::External : DocuRestriction::Internal;
insertResult = true;
error("Could not insert " + ((_isPublic) ? "public" : "private") + " comment:\n\n\t\"" + _note + "\"");
return insertResult;

Changing SQL Provider from SQLOLEDB.1 to SQLNCLI.1 causes app to fail when accessing data via stored procedure

I'm supporting a legacy app written in MFC/C++. The database for the app is in SQL Server 2000. We bolted on some new functionality recently and found that when we change the SQL Provider from SQLOLEDB.1 to SQLNCLI.1 some code that is trying to retrieve data from a table via a stored procedure fails.
The table in question is pretty straightforward and was created via the following script:
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[UAllergenText](
[TableKey] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[GroupKey] [int] NOT NULL,
[Description] [nvarchar](150) NOT NULL,
[LanguageEnum] [int] NOT NULL,
FK_UAllergenText_UBaseFoodGroupInfo] FOREIGN KEY([GroupKey])
REFERENCES [dbo].[UBaseFoodGroupInfo] ([GroupKey])
Bascially four columns, with TableKey being an identity column and everything else is populated via the following script:
INSERT INTO UAllergenText (GroupKey, Description, LanguageEnum)
VALUES (401, 'Egg', 1)
with a long list of other INSERT INTO's that follow the one above. Some of the rows inserted have special characters (like accent marks above letters) in their descriptions. I had originally thought that the inclusion of the special characters was part of the problem but if I completely clear out the table and then repopulate it with just the single INSERT INTO from above that has no special characters, it still fails.
So I moved on...
The data in this table is then accessed via the following code:
std::wstring wSPName = SP_GET_ALLERGEN_DESC;
_variant_t vtEmpty1 (DISP_E_PARAMNOTFOUND, VT_ERROR);
_variant_t vtEmpty2(DISP_E_PARAMNOTFOUND, VT_ERROR);
_CommandPtr pCmd = daxLayer::CDataAccess::GetSPCommand(pConn, wSPName);
pCmd->Parameters->Append(pCmd->CreateParameter("#intGroupKey", adInteger, adParamInput, 0, _variant_t((long)nGroupKey)));
pCmd->Parameters->Append(pCmd->CreateParameter("#intLangaugeEnum", adInteger, adParamInput, 0, _variant_t((int)language)));
_RecordsetPtr pRS = pCmd->Execute(&vtEmpty1, &vtEmpty2, adCmdStoredProc);
//std::wstring wSQL = L"select Description from UAllergenText WHERE GroupKey = 401 AND LanguageEnum = 1";
//_RecordsetPtr pRS = daxLayer::CRecordsetAccess::GetRecordsetPtr(pConn,wSQL);
if (pRS->GetRecordCount() > 0)
std::wstring wDescField = L"Description";
daxLayer::CRecordsetAccess::GetField(pRS, wDescField, nameString);
nameString = "";
The daxLayer is a third party data access library the application is using, though we have the source to it (some of which will be seen below.) SP__GET_ALLERGEN_DESC is the stored proc used to get the data out of the table and it was created via this script:
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[spRET_AllergenDescription]
-- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here
#intGroupKey int,
#intLanguageEnum int
-- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from
-- interfering with SELECT statements.
-- Insert statements for procedure here
SELECT Description FROM UAllergenText WHERE GroupKey = #intGroupKey AND LanguageEnum = #intLanguageEnum
When the SQL Provider is set to SQLNCLI.1, the app blows up at:
daxLayer::CRecordsetAccess::GetField(pRS, wDescField, nameString);
from the above code snippet. So I stepped into GetField, which looks like the following:
void daxLayer::CRecordsetAccess::GetField(_RecordsetPtr pRS,
const std::wstring wstrFieldName, std::string& sValue, std::string sNullValue)
if (pRS == NULL)
wstrFieldName, L"std::string", L"Missing recordset pointer."))
tagVARIANT tv = pRS->Fields->GetItem(_variant_t(wstrFieldName.c_str()))->Value;
if ((tv.vt == VT_EMPTY) || (tv.vt == VT_NULL))
sValue = sNullValue;
else if (tv.vt != VT_BSTR)
// The type in the database is wrong.
wstrFieldName, L"std::string", L"Field type is not string"))
_bstr_t bStr = tv ;//static_cast<_bstr_t>(pRS->Fields->GetItem(_variant_t(wstrFieldName.c_str()))->Value);
sValue = bStr;
catch( _com_error &e )
wstrFieldName, L"std::string"), e.Description())
wstrFieldName, L"std::string", L"Unknown error"))
The culprit here is:
tagVARIANT tv = pRS->Fields->GetItem(_variant_t(wstrFieldName.c_str()))->Value;
Stepping into Fields->GetItem brings us to:
inline FieldPtr Fields15::GetItem ( const _variant_t & Index ) {
struct Field * _result = 0;
HRESULT _hr = get_Item(Index, &_result);
if (FAILED(_hr)) _com_issue_errorex(_hr, this, __uuidof(this));
return FieldPtr(_result, false);
Which then takes us to:
inline _variant_t Field20::GetValue ( ) {
VARIANT _result;
HRESULT _hr = get_Value(&_result);
if (FAILED(_hr)) _com_issue_errorex(_hr, this, __uuidof(this));
return _variant_t(_result, false);
If you look at _result while stepping through this at runtime, _result's BSTR value is correct, its value is "Egg" from the "Description" field of the table. Continuing to step through traces back through all the COM release calls, etc. When I finally get back to:
tagVARIANT tv = pRS->Fields->GetItem(_variant_t(wstrFieldName.c_str()))->Value;
And step past it to the next line, the contents of tv, which should be BSTR="Egg" are now:
tv BSTR = 0x077b0e1c "ᎀݸﻮﻮﻮﻮﻮﻮﻮﻮﻮﻮﻮﻮ㨼㺛帛᠄"
When the GetField function tries to set its return value to the value in tv.BSTR
_bstr_t bStr = tv;
sValue = bStr;
it unsurprisingly chokes and dies.
So what happened to the value of BSTR and why does it only happen when the provider is set to SQLNCLI.1?
For the heck of it, I commented out using the stored procedure in the topmost code and just hard coded the same SQL SELECT statement that the stored procedure uses and found that it works just fine and the value returned is correct.
Also, it's possible for users to add rows to the table through the application. If the application creates a new row in that table and retrieves that row via stored procedure, it also works correctly unless you include a special character in the description in which case it correctly saves the row but blows up again in the exact same way as above upon retrieval of that row.
So to summarize, if I can, rows put into the table via the INSERT script ALWAYS blow up the app when they are accessed by stored procedure (regardless of whether they contain any special characters). Rows put into the table from within the application by the user at runtime are retrieved correctly via stored procedure UNLESS they contain a special character in the Description, at which point they blow up the app. If you access any of the rows in the table by using SQL from the code at runtime instead of the stored procedure it works whether there is a special character in the Description or not.
Any light that can be shed on this will be greatly appreciated, and I thank you in advance.
This line might be problematic:
tagVARIANT tv = pRS->Fields->GetItem(_variant_t(wstrFieldName.c_str()))->Value;
If I read it right, ->Value returns a _variant_t, which is a smart pointer. The smart pointer will release its variant when it goes out of scope, right after this line. However, tagVARIANT is not a smart pointer, so it won't increase the reference count when it is assigned to. So after this line, tv might point to a variant which has effectively been released.
What happens if you write the code like this?
_variant_t tv = pRS->Fields->GetItem(_variant_t(wstrFieldName.c_str()))->Value;
Or alternatively, tell the smart pointer not to release its payload:
_tagVARIANT tv = pRS->Fields->GetItem(
It's been a long time since I coded in C++, and reading this post, I don't regret moving away!