Ember.js: there is no route named 'new-table' - ember.js

Here are my routes definition:
Router.map(function() {
this.resource('servers', { path: '/' }, function() {
this.resource('server', { path: '/servers/:serverid'}, function () {
this.resource('databases', { path: '/databases' }, function () {
this.resource('database', { path: '/:databaseid'}, function () {
this.resource('catalogues', { path: '/catalogues' });
this.resource('eventtriggers', { path: '/eventtriggers' });
this.resource('extensions', { path: '/extensions' });
this.resource('schemas', { path: '/schemas' }, function () {
this.resource('schema', { path: '/:schemaid' }, function () {
this.resource('tables', { path: '/tables' }, function () {
this.route('new-table', function () {});
this.resource('table', { path: '/:tableid' });
this.resource('replication', { path: '/replication' });
And the code used to generate link to new-table route goes as follows:
{{#link-to 'new-table' schema.database.server.id schema.database.id schema.id}}
And this gives me the error mentioned in this question's topic. However when I replace this.route call to this.resource everything works fine. So what am I doing wrong here? I'm using ember 1.13.2.

A resource defines the main entry point of a link-to. So if you create a resource new-table you can access it via new-table in the link-to helper. Routes on the other hand are children of a resource or another route, they should be prefixed with their parent route or resource. So in the example you gave, you can link to the new-table route by using tables.new-table.


Ember JS - routing from resourse to route

i'm trying to update and ember project from version 2.x to version 3.x, and one of my first issue is that in the route file i get this.resouce is not defined. i belive this was deprecated. the code looks like this :
this.route('objects', function () {
this.route('search', { path: '/' }, function () {
this.resource('objects.items', { path: '/:search_id' }, function () {
this.resource('objects.item', { path: '/item/:item_id'}, function () {
this.route('general', { path: '/' });
this.route('tab', { path: '/tab/:tab' });
i've tried to simply change the resource to route and give resetNameSpace: true attribute, but didn't help. also i've tried various combinations, but without luck.
anyone with experience can help me redo this routing to be compatible with the latest ember?
As this.resource() is actually an old Ember way of resetting the namespace, the resetNameSpace: true attribute does indeed do the same!
Because you used this.resource('objects.items'), you actually created a resetted namespace where objects was the route.
So your new router would look something like¹:
this.route('objects', function () {
this.route('search', { path: '/'});
this.route('items', { path: '/:search_id'});
this.route('item', { path: '/item/:item_id' }, function () {
this.route('general', { path: '/' });
this.route('tab', { path: '/tab/:tab' });
This way you could still use transitionToRoute("objects.item.general", id).
¹ Notice no resetNameSpace flag is used!

How to set nested route path same level as the parent route?

this.route('browse', { path: '/points' }, function() {
this.route('quiz', { path: '/quiz' });
this.route('learn', { path: '/learn' });
this.route('post', { path: '/post' }, function() {
this.route('star', { path: '/star' });
this.route('marked', { path: '/marked' });
The reason I want to do this is that I would like to share same base template between nested routes and I do not put all these into application template (otherwise I need to place so many condition block in it).
What I want to achive is
browse -> /points
browse.quiz -> /quiz
browse.learn -> /learn
post -> /posts
post.star -> /star
post.marked -> /marked
Try resetNamespace
this.route('browse', { path: '/points' }, function() {
this.route('quiz', { resetNamespace: true });
this.route('learn', { resetNamespace: true });

Ember: object resolving of nested resources

I've recently started using Ember.js with Ember-CLI and I'm pretty excited.
But there are some things that are not clear for me.
Here is my router:
this.resource("authenticated", { path: '/' }, function() {
this.resource("contacts", function() {
this.resource("contact", { path: ':id' });
this.resource("chats", function() {
this.resource("chat", { path: ':id' });
this.resource("settings", function() {
this.resource("setting", { path: ':id' });
The question is - why after 2nd nesting 'resolver' starts finding objects outside of 'authenticated' resource?
For example
But expected
Why is 'authenticated' missed ?
Your authenticated route is not applied in the url because you assigned it's url to the root: { path: '/'}.
You should either change the path to 'authenticated' or remove it all together:
this.resource("authenticated", function() {
Now, however, authenticated is only rendered when a user navigates to my-app/pods/authenticated. If you still want to render authenticated as index, you should prefix your nested resources:
this.resource("authenticated", { path: '/' }, function() {
this.resource("contacts", { path: '/authenticated/contacts' }, function() {
this.resource("chats", , { path: '/authenticated/chats' }, function() {
I hope this helped you.

Adding a new route to an existing Ember.js app, need input

I have an existing Ember app which works great. I need to add a new subroute to the app to allow users to view additional information. My current route looks like this:
Social.Router.map(function() {
this.resource('accounts', { path: '/accounts' }, function(){
this.resource('account', { path: ':account_id'});
with the following URL
The route I'd like to add is this:
So I added a nested route like so:
Social.Router.map(function() {
this.resource('accounts', { path: '/accounts' }, function(){
this.resource('account', { path: ':account_id'}, function(){
this.route('interactions', { path: '/interactions'});
But when that route is accessed I get the following error:
Uncaught Error: assertion failed: The route interactions was not found core.libs.js:2236
Uncaught Error: You cannot modify child views while in the inBuffer state core.libs.js:19298
So I also added an empty InteractionsRoute but that didn't resolve it:
Social.InteractionsRoute = Ember.Route.extend();
Does anyone have input on what might be going wrong?
In addition I'm trying to add a button to the interface which looks like this:
{{#linkTo "interactions"}}# Interactions{{/linkTo}}
Social.Router.map(function() {
this.resource('accounts', { path: '/accounts' }, function(){
this.resource('account', { path: ':account_id'}, function(){
this.route('interactions', { path: '/interactions'});
Like this the URL to interactions is #/interactions
But you wanted this: #/accounts/56/interactions
Therefore you need to remove the preceding slash in the path hook of interactions, otherwise you'll indicate that this route will be accessed from the root.
Social.Router.map(function() {
this.resource('accounts', { path: '/accounts' }, function(){
this.resource('account', { path: ':account_id'}, function(){
this.route('interactions', { path: 'interactions'});
By the way, if you don't declare a path hook the url will be the same as the route name. So you can also use this:
Social.Router.map(function() {
this.resource('accounts', function(){
this.resource('account', { path: ':account_id'}, function(){
Try splitting out your list from the individual record view.
Social.Router.map(function() {
this.resource('account', { path: '/accounts/:account_id' }, function() {
Your route name for interactions should be like this:
Social.AccountInteractionsRoute = Ember.Route.extend();
From the table on http://emberjs.com/guides/routing/defining-your-routes/
If all else fails you could just avoid the nested resources and define the paths for each route.
Social.Router.map(function() {
this.resource('account', { path: '/accounts/:account_id' });
this.resource('account-interactions', { path: '/accounts/:account_id/interactions' });

Routing names with ember.js

I have a router like this
App.Router.map(function () {
this.resource("invoices", { path: "/invoices" }, function () {
this.resource("invoices.show", { path: "/:id" });
this.resource("invoices.update", { path: "/:id/edit" });
and to generate links to the various routes and resources I have this
{{#linkTo "invoices.index"}}Invoices{{/linkTo}}
{{#linkTo "invoices.show" 1}}Invoice{{/linkTo}}
{{#linkTo "invoices.create"}}New invoice{{/linkTo}}
Why do I have to use invoices.show for the name of the show resource and then reference it as invoices.show but I can use create for the route and then reference it as invoices.create?
Ideally my router would be
App.Router.map(function () {
this.resource("invoices", { path: "/invoices" }, function () {
this.resource("show", { path: "/:id" });
this.resource("update", { path: "/:id/edit" });
and it would auto-prefix the resource names since they are nested within the invoices resource. Right?
Yes, the nested resources can stack their names, and you should be able to reference a nested route with dot notation.
However, you will want to do something more like:
this.resource("invoices", { path: "/invoices" }, function () {
// invoices.show
this.resource("show", { path: "/:id" }, function() {
// invoices.show.update
this.route("update", { path: "/edit" });
// invoices.create
since your update operation relies on the object supplied to the show route.
Basically nested elements that rely on the same, or a subset of resources used in a parent route should be defined as resource mappings. Leaf nodes can be defined as basic routes.