C++ Eigen lib - eig(A,B) function computation time - c++

I just wanted to ask if someone could tell me the reason behind why my eig function computation time is different for the same size of matrices?
I am performing a lot of eig(A,B) operations on 4x4, 4x4 matrices to get eigenvalues and eigen vectors.
It happens 557 * 4 * 267 times.
std::pair<MatrixXcd, VectorXd> eig(const MatrixXcd& A, const MatrixXcd& B)
Eigen::GeneralizedSelfAdjointEigenSolver<MatrixXcd> solver(A, B);
MatrixXcd V = solver.eigenvectors();
VectorXd D = solver.eigenvalues();
return std::make_pair(V, D);
for (int t = 0; t < 557; t++)
for(int sig = 0; sig < 4; sig++)
for(int f = 0; f < 267; f++)
// calculation of Xi and Xfs
mRt = mXfs * mXfs.adjoint();
mRj = mXfi * mXfi.adjoint();
eValVec = eig(mRt, mRj);
For t<=7 eig computes 4 * 267 iterations in around 3 sec.
For t>7 it suddenly becomes really fast and computes 4 * 267 iterations in ~0.1 sec.
I checked for sure that its eig that slows my program by commenting other parts of code and leaving only that function. I always use 4x4 matrices.
I guess important notice might be that all values or Rj matrix in t<=7 equals 0. So its like:
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
While Rx has always values. After t>7 Rj also gain non zero values and computation becomes faster. So eig function might have problem to deal with zeros? I don't change anything related to eig function - only numbers in 4x4 matrices I insert to it changes. Still computation time differs. And this lag never happens after.
Do anyone have idea how could I fix it/debug it or make it more stable? I am doing processing in real time and 3 sec is quite too long for me.


Low performance – Patch Match. Image Processing on GPU (CUDA)

I have a performance problem: CPU and GPU performances are almost the same.
The Problem I Dealing with is PATCH MATCH. I Have 2 Matrices. I want to find where is the maximum similarity between the big matrix and the small one.
The Matrices has Binary values 0/1 (Black and White).
When I am checking a match between a small matrix to a big one with i5 CPU, it takes 30ms (using multithreading).
When I am checking a match between a small matrix to a big one in a Ge-force GT 730, it takes also 33ms.
I would expect that The GPU will work faster in at least 1 magnitude of order. I pretty disappointed from my current results.
I have two matrices:
1) Big - 300000 (300 rows, 1000 columns)
2) Small 50000 (50 rows, 1000 columns)
The comparing process is done by dividing the big matrix into 250 sub matrices and then comparing each one to the small matrix, then find highest similarity.
The Similarity criterion is the sum of corresponding black pixels on both matrices (the small and the sub-big) divided by the sum of black pixels on sub-big.
I did the last task using the following CUDA code:
__global__ void matCompare_cuda (uint8_t *D_SUB , uint8_t *D_SMALL , float *D_RSLTS , unsigned int step, int numOfIndentations ,int SUB_size, int SMALL_size)
int i = 0 , j = 0 , success = 0, sumZero = 0;
int tid = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;
int LoopIndex = ( tid * step );
if (tid < numOfIndentations)
for ( j = 0 ; j < (SMALL_size) ; j++)
i = j + LoopIndex;
if ( D_SUB[i] == 0 )
if ( D_SMALL[j] == 0 )
if ( success > 0 && sumZero > 500)
D_RSLTS[tid] = 100*((float)success / sumZero) ;
The Kernal launch:
int numOfIndentations = 300-50 //[ (big.row) - (small.row)]
int numBlock = 16;
int threadNumber = numOfIndentations/numBlock;
matCompare_cuda<<< numBlock , threadNumber >>> ( D_SUB , D_SMALL , D_RSLTS , step, numOfIndentations, SUB_size, SMALL_size );
The Cpu Code:
for (i=0; i < (pixelNum) ; i++)
if (SUB[i]==0)
sumDots = sumDots +1;
if (SMALL->Image[i]==0)
success = success + 1;
if (success>0)
if (sumDots>500)
Do you see any improvement that can be done in the GPU code?
A few things.
Try to avoid the if's if possible. You can write here:
sumZero += (1 - D_SUB[i])
success += (1 - D_SUB[i]) * (1 - D_SMALL[j])
However I don't think you're going to see a huge difference here. I see two reasons.
One is that there's overhead in invoking cuda. The data needs to be copied to the graphic card and back. That eats some of the speedup you get. Not sure how much it is, but since the run-time is so short it could play a role. I hope you didn't time the compilation of the kernel and other one-time things (take them out by running the code in a loop and ignoring the first few iterations).
Second your big matrix is too small and your small matrix is too big. Because the small matrix is so big (1000 columns) I'm guessing it plays really well with the CPU cache lines. If the small matrix were smaller you would have to go to the next line more often which would increase the chances of breaking the cache line. The gpu uses rectangles for caching so it wouldn't be a problem. If the big matrix were to be bigger you would also increase the amount of computation required so the GPU would start to get ahead.

boost::ublas how to get determinant of int matrix?

I found the function that calculates the determinant of boost::ublas matrix:
template<typename ValType>
ValType det_fast(const ublas::matrix<ValType>& matrix)
// create a working copy of the input
ublas::matrix<ValType> mLu(matrix);
ublas::permutation_matrix<std::size_t> pivots(matrix.size1());
auto isSingular = ublas::lu_factorize(mLu, pivots);
if (isSingular)
return static_cast<ValType>(0);
ValType det = static_cast<ValType>(1);
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < pivots.size(); ++i)
if (pivots(i) != i)
det *= static_cast<ValType>(-1);
det *= mLu(i, i);
return det;
This function works fine, but only with non-integer types (it works fine with float and double). When I try to pass the same matrix but with type of int, I received compilation error:
Check failed in file c:\boost\boost_1_58_0\boost\numeric\ublas\lu.hpp at line 167:
singular != 0 || detail::expression_type_check (prod (triangular_adaptor (m), triangular_adaptor (m)), cm)
unknown location(0): fatal error in "BaseTest": std::logic_error: internal logic
It is the bug of boost or my function is wrong?
What change I could do for avoid this error?
Of course this is not a bug, since checks like this one is all over uBLAS. I guess this is because most of its operations would make no sense for non-float types.
You can disable type checks using
before includes. But think twice! Take a look at example
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/numeric/ublas/matrix.hpp>
#include <boost/numeric/ublas/lu.hpp>
namespace ublas = boost::numeric::ublas;
template<typename ValType>
ValType det_fast(const ublas::matrix<ValType>& matrix)
// create a working copy of the input
ublas::matrix<ValType> mLu(matrix);
ublas::permutation_matrix<std::size_t> pivots(matrix.size1());
auto isSingular = ublas::lu_factorize(mLu, pivots);
if (isSingular)
return static_cast<ValType>(0);
ValType det = static_cast<ValType>(1);
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < pivots.size(); ++i)
if (pivots(i) != i)
det *= static_cast<ValType>(-1);
det *= mLu(i, i);
return det;
int main()
ublas::matrix<int> m (3, 3);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < m.size1 (); ++ i)
for (unsigned j = 0; j < m.size2 (); ++ j)
m (i, j) = 3 * i + j;
std::cout << det_fast(m) << std::endl;
It is obvious that matrix m is singular, and if you change type from int to double functions returns zero. But with int it returns -48.
Also, you can create ublas::matrix<int> without any errors and assign it to ublas::matrix<float>. So one way to correctly calculate determinant is to overload det_fast and remove define statement.
int det_fast(const ublas::matrix<int>& matrix)
return (int)det_fast(ublas::matrix<float>(matrix));
Take a look at the table, where average time is time of full determinant calculation (for int with copy operation) of 5 program runs.
size | average time, ms
| int float
100 | 9.0 9.0
200 | 46.6 46.8
300 | 156.4 159.4
400 | 337.4 331.4
500 | 590.8 609.2
600 | 928.2 1009.4
700 | 1493.8 1525.2
800 | 2162.8 2231.0
900 | 3184.2 3025.2
You might think that for int it is faster, but it's not true. In average for more runs I'm sure that you will get slight acceleration with float (I guess about 0-15 ms, which is time measure error). Also if we measure copy time we will see, that for matrix size less than 3000 x 3000 it is near zero (it is also about 0-15 ms, which is time measure error). For larger matrices copy time increases (for example for 5000 x 5000 matrix it is 125 ms). But there is one important note! Copy time is less than 1.0% of all determinant calculation for int type matrix and it is greatly decreasing with size grow!
All of this measures were made for a program compiled with Visual Studio 2013 in release configuration with boost version 1.58. Time were measured with clock function. CPU is Intel Xeon E5645 2.4GHz.
Also perfomance mostly depends on how your methods will be used. If you're going to call this function many times for small matrices than the copy time may become significant.

how to construct block diagonal matrix

In Matlab, this function blkdiag construct block diagonal matrix. For example, if I have
a = [ 2, 2;
2, 2]
Then blkdiag(a,a) will return this output
>> blkdiag(a,a)
ans =
2 2 0 0
2 2 0 0
0 0 2 2
0 0 2 2
Is there an alternative in Eigen Library for blkdiag? The size of the big matrix varies which means classical approaches won't work. I mean to directly construct a matrix like the aforementioned output.
A simple function like
MatrixXd blkdiag(const MatrixXd& a, int count)
MatrixXd bdm = MatrixXd::Zero(a.rows() * count, a.cols() * count);
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
bdm.block(i * a.rows(), i * a.cols(), a.rows(), a.cols()) = a;
return bdm;
does the job.
If the argument sub-matrix a can be fixed-size or dynamic-size or an expression then the following is a better choice
template <typename Derived>
MatrixXd blkdiag(const MatrixBase<Derived>& a, int count)
MatrixXd bdm = MatrixXd::Zero(a.rows() * count, a.cols() * count);
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
bdm.block(i * a.rows(), i * a.cols(), a.rows(), a.cols()) = a;
return bdm;
Your problem is already solved! Just see the eigen documentation for topleftcorner and bottomrightcorner in http://eigen.tuxfamily.org/dox/classEigen_1_1DenseBase.html#a6f5fc5fe9d3fb70e62d4a9b1795704a8 and http://eigen.tuxfamily.org/dox/classEigen_1_1DenseBase.html#a2b9618f3c9eb4d4c9813ae8f6a8e70c5 respectively.
All you have to do is assign a matrix to those places, more or less like this:
//Assuming A is the result and has the right size allocated with zeroes, and a is the matrix you have.
same for bottom right corner, unless you want to flip matrix (try methods .reverse() and .transpose() to get the desired flip effect) a before copying it there.
You can also try the .block() function for better handling of the matrices.

Advice on CUDA algorithm to sum columns of a matrix [duplicate]

Windows 7, NVidia GeForce 425M.
I wrote a simple CUDA code which calculates the row sums of a matrix.
The matrix has uni-dimensional representation (pointer to a float).
The serial version of code is below (it has 2 loops, as expected):
void serial_rowSum (float* m, float* output, int nrow, int ncol) {
float sum;
for (int i = 0 ; i < nrow ; i++) {
sum = 0;
for (int j = 0 ; j < ncol ; j++)
sum += m[i*ncol+j];
output[i] = sum;
Inside the CUDA code, I call the kernel function sweeping the matrix by rows. Below, the kernel call snippet:
dim3 threadsPerBlock((unsigned int) nThreadsPerBlock); // has to be multiple of 32
dim3 blocksPerGrid((unsigned int) ceil(nrow/(float) nThreadsPerBlock));
kernel_rowSum<<<blocksPerGrid, threadsPerBlock>>>(d_m, d_output, nrow, ncol);
and the kernel function which performs the parallel sum of the rows (still has 1 loop):
__global__ void kernel_rowSum(float *m, float *s, int nrow, int ncol) {
int rowIdx = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;
if (rowIdx < nrow) {
float sum=0;
for (int k = 0 ; k < ncol ; k++)
s[rowIdx] = sum;
So far so good. The serial and parallel (CUDA) results are equal.
The whole point is that the CUDA version takes almost twice the time of the serial one to compute, even if I change the nThreadsPerBlock parameter: I tested nThreadsPerBlock from 32 to 1024 (maximum number of threads per block allowed for my card).
IMO, the matrix dimension is big enough to justify parallelization: 90,000 x 1,000.
Below, I report the time elapsed for the serial and parallel versions using different nThreadsPerBlock. Time reported in msec over an average of 100 samples:
Matrix: nrow = 90000 x ncol = 1000
Serial: Average Time Elapsed per Sample in msec (100 samples): 289.18.
CUDA (32 ThreadsPerBlock): Average Time Elapsed per Sample in msec (100 samples): 497.11.
CUDA (1024 ThreadsPerBlock): Average Time Elapsed per Sample in msec (100 samples): 699.66.
Just in case, the version with 32/1024 nThreadsPerBlock is the fastest/slowest one.
I understand that there is a kind of overhead when copying from Host to Device and the other way around, but maybe the slowness is because I am not implementing the fastest code.
Since I am far from being a CUDA expert:
Am I coding the fastest version for this task? How could I improve my code?
Can I get rid of the loop in the kernel function?
Any thoughts appreciated.
Although I describe a standard rowSum, I am interested in the AND/OR operation of rows which have (0;1} values, like rowAND/rowOR. That said, it doesn't allow me to exploit the cuBLAS multiply by 1's COL column vector trick, as suggested by some commentators.
As suggest by users other users and here endorsed:
FORGET ABOUT TRYING TO WRITE YOUR OWN FUNCTIONS, use Thrust library instead and the magic comes.
Since you mentioned you need general reduction algorithm other than sum only. I will try to give 3 approaches here. kernel approach may have the highest performance. thrust approach is easiest to implement. cuBLAS approach works only with sum and have good performance.
Kernel Approach
Here's a very good doc introducing how to optimize standard parallel reduction. Standard reduction can be divide into 2 stages.
Multiple thread blocks each reduces one part of the data;
One thread block reduces from result of stage 1 to the final 1 element.
For your multi-reduction (reduce rows of mat) problem, only stage 1 is enough. The idea is to reduce 1 row per thread block. For further considerations like multi-row per thread block or 1 row per multiple thread blocks, you can refer to the paper provided by #Novak. This may improve the performance more, especially for matrices with bad shape.
Thrust Approach
General multi-reduction can be done by thrust::reduction_by_key in a few minutes. You can find some discussions here Determining the least element and its position in each matrix column with CUDA Thrust.
However thrust::reduction_by_key does not assume each row has the same length, so you will get performance penalty. Another post How to normalize matrix columns in CUDA with max performance? gives profiling comparison between thrust::reduction_by_key and cuBLAS approach on sum of rows. It may give you a basic understanding about the performance.
cuBLAS Approach
Sum of rows/cols of a matrix A can be seen as a matrix-vector multiplication where the elements of the vector are all ones. it can be represented by the following matlab code.
y = A * ones(size(A,2),1);
where y is the sum of rows of A.
cuBLAS libary provides a high performance matrix-vector multiplication function cublas<t>gemv() for this operation.
Timing result shows that this routine is only 10~50% slower than simply read all the elements of A once, which can be seen as the theoretical upper limit of the performance for this operation.
Reducing the rows of a matrix can be solved by using CUDA Thrust in three ways (they may not be the only ones, but addressing this point is out of scope). As also recognized by the same OP, using CUDA Thrust is preferable for such a kind of problem. Also, an approach using cuBLAS is possible.
APPROACH #1 - reduce_by_key
This is the approach suggested at this Thrust example page. It includes a variant using make_discard_iterator.
APPROACH #2 - transform
This is the approach suggested by Robert Crovella at CUDA Thrust: reduce_by_key on only some values in an array, based off values in a “key” array.
APPROACH #3 - inclusive_scan_by_key
This is the approach suggested by Eric at How to normalize matrix columns in CUDA with max performance?.
APPROACH #4 - cublas<t>gemv
It uses cuBLAS gemv to multiply the relevant matrix by a column of 1's.
Here is the code condensing the two approaches. The Utilities.cu and Utilities.cuh files are mantained here and omitted here. The TimingGPU.cu and TimingGPU.cuh are maintained here and are omitted as well.
#include <cublas_v2.h>
#include <thrust/host_vector.h>
#include <thrust/device_vector.h>
#include <thrust/generate.h>
#include <thrust/reduce.h>
#include <thrust/functional.h>
#include <thrust/random.h>
#include <thrust/sequence.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <iostream>
#include "Utilities.cuh"
#include "TimingGPU.cuh"
// --- Required for approach #2
__device__ float *vals;
template <typename T>
struct linear_index_to_row_index : public thrust::unary_function<T,T> {
T Ncols; // --- Number of columns
__host__ __device__ linear_index_to_row_index(T Ncols) : Ncols(Ncols) {}
__host__ __device__ T operator()(T i) { return i / Ncols; }
struct row_reduction {
const int Ncols; // --- Number of columns
row_reduction(int _Ncols) : Ncols(_Ncols) {}
__device__ float operator()(float& x, int& y ) {
float temp = 0.f;
for (int i = 0; i<Ncols; i++)
temp += vals[i + (y*Ncols)];
return temp;
template<typename T>
struct MulC: public thrust::unary_function<T, T>
T C;
__host__ __device__ MulC(T c) : C(c) { }
__host__ __device__ T operator()(T x) { return x * C; }
/* MAIN */
int main()
const int Nrows = 5; // --- Number of rows
const int Ncols = 8; // --- Number of columns
// --- Random uniform integer distribution between 10 and 99
thrust::default_random_engine rng;
thrust::uniform_int_distribution<int> dist(10, 99);
// --- Matrix allocation and initialization
thrust::device_vector<float> d_matrix(Nrows * Ncols);
for (size_t i = 0; i < d_matrix.size(); i++) d_matrix[i] = (float)dist(rng);
TimingGPU timerGPU;
/* APPROACH #1 */
// --- Allocate space for row sums and indices
thrust::device_vector<float> d_row_sums(Nrows);
thrust::device_vector<int> d_row_indices(Nrows);
// --- Compute row sums by summing values with equal row indices
//thrust::reduce_by_key(thrust::make_transform_iterator(thrust::counting_iterator<int>(0), linear_index_to_row_index<int>(Ncols)),
// thrust::make_transform_iterator(thrust::counting_iterator<int>(0), linear_index_to_row_index<int>(Ncols)) + (Nrows*Ncols),
// d_matrix.begin(),
// d_row_indices.begin(),
// d_row_sums.begin(),
// thrust::equal_to<int>(),
// thrust::plus<float>());
thrust::make_transform_iterator(thrust::make_counting_iterator(0), linear_index_to_row_index<int>(Ncols)),
thrust::make_transform_iterator(thrust::make_counting_iterator(0), linear_index_to_row_index<int>(Ncols)) + (Nrows*Ncols),
printf("Timing for approach #1 = %f\n", timerGPU.GetCounter());
// --- Print result
for(int i = 0; i < Nrows; i++) {
std::cout << "[ ";
for(int j = 0; j < Ncols; j++)
std::cout << d_matrix[i * Ncols + j] << " ";
std::cout << "] = " << d_row_sums[i] << "\n";
/* APPROACH #2 */
thrust::device_vector<float> d_row_sums_2(Nrows, 0);
float *s_vals = thrust::raw_pointer_cast(&d_matrix[0]);
gpuErrchk(cudaMemcpyToSymbol(vals, &s_vals, sizeof(float *)));
thrust::transform(d_row_sums_2.begin(), d_row_sums_2.end(), thrust::counting_iterator<int>(0), d_row_sums_2.begin(), row_reduction(Ncols));
printf("Timing for approach #2 = %f\n", timerGPU.GetCounter());
for(int i = 0; i < Nrows; i++) {
std::cout << "[ ";
for(int j = 0; j < Ncols; j++)
std::cout << d_matrix[i * Ncols + j] << " ";
std::cout << "] = " << d_row_sums_2[i] << "\n";
/* APPROACH #3 */
thrust::device_vector<float> d_row_sums_3(Nrows, 0);
thrust::device_vector<float> d_temp(Nrows * Ncols);
thrust::make_transform_iterator(thrust::make_counting_iterator(0), linear_index_to_row_index<int>(Ncols)),
thrust::make_transform_iterator(thrust::make_counting_iterator(0), linear_index_to_row_index<int>(Ncols)) + (Nrows*Ncols),
d_temp.begin() + Ncols - 1,
thrust::make_transform_iterator(thrust::make_counting_iterator(0), MulC<int>(Ncols))),
d_temp.begin() + Ncols - 1,
thrust::make_transform_iterator(thrust::make_counting_iterator(0), MulC<int>(Ncols))) + Nrows,
printf("Timing for approach #3 = %f\n", timerGPU.GetCounter());
for(int i = 0; i < Nrows; i++) {
std::cout << "[ ";
for(int j = 0; j < Ncols; j++)
std::cout << d_matrix[i * Ncols + j] << " ";
std::cout << "] = " << d_row_sums_3[i] << "\n";
/* APPROACH #4 */
cublasHandle_t handle;
thrust::device_vector<float> d_row_sums_4(Nrows);
thrust::device_vector<float> d_ones(Ncols, 1.f);
float alpha = 1.f;
float beta = 0.f;
cublasSafeCall(cublasSgemv(handle, CUBLAS_OP_T, Ncols, Nrows, &alpha, thrust::raw_pointer_cast(d_matrix.data()), Ncols,
thrust::raw_pointer_cast(d_ones.data()), 1, &beta, thrust::raw_pointer_cast(d_row_sums_4.data()), 1));
printf("Timing for approach #4 = %f\n", timerGPU.GetCounter());
for(int i = 0; i < Nrows; i++) {
std::cout << "[ ";
for(int j = 0; j < Ncols; j++)
std::cout << d_matrix[i * Ncols + j] << " ";
std::cout << "] = " << d_row_sums_4[i] << "\n";
return 0;
TIMING RESULTS (tested on a Kepler K20c)
Matrix size #1 #1-v2 #2 #3 #4 #4 (no plan)
100 x 100 0.63 1.00 0.10 0.18 139.4 0.098
1000 x 1000 1.25 1.12 3.25 1.04 101.3 0.12
5000 x 5000 8.38 15.3 16.05 13.8 111.3 1.14
100 x 5000 1.25 1.52 2.92 1.75 101.2 0.40
5000 x 100 1.35 1.99 0.37 1.74 139.2 0.14
It seems that approaches #1 and #3 outperform approach #2, except in the cases of small numbers of columns. The best approach, however, is approach #4, which is significantly more convenient than the others, provided that the time needed to create the plan can be amortized during the computation.
If this is the extent (summing the rows) of the operations you need to do with this data, I wouldn't expect a sizable benefit from the GPU. You have exactly one arithmetic operation per data element, and for that you are paying the cost of transferring that data element to the GPU. And beyond a certain problem size (whatever it takes to keep the machine busy) you get no added benefit from larger problem sizes, because the arithmetic intensity is O(n).
So this isn't a particularly exciting problem to solve on the GPU.
But as talonmies has indicated, you have a coalescing problem in the way you have crafted it, which will further slow things down. Let's take a look at a small example:
C1 C2 C3 C4
R1 11 12 13 14
R2 21 22 23 24
R3 31 32 33 34
R4 41 42 43 44
Above is a simple pictorial example of a small portion of your matrix. The machine data storage is such that elements (11), (12), (13), and (14) are stored in adjacent memory locations.
For coalesced access, we want an access pattern such that adjacent memory locations are requested from the same instruction, executed across the warp.
We need to think about execution of your code from the standpoint of a warp, that is 32 threads executing in lock-step. What is your code doing? Which elements is it retrieving (asking for) at each step/instruction? Let's take a look at this line of code:
Adjacent threads in the warp have adjacent (i.e. consecutive) values for rowIdx as you have created that variable. So when k = 0, which data element is being asked for by each thread when we try to retrieve the value m[rowIdx*ncol+k] ?
In block 0, thread 0 has a rowIdx of 0. Thread 1 has a rowIdx of 1, etc. So the values being asked for by each thread at this instruction are:
Thread: Memory Location: Matrix Element:
0 m[0] (11)
1 m[ncol] (21)
2 m[2*ncol] (31)
3 m[3*ncol] (41)
But this is not coalesced access! Elements (11), (21), etc. are not adjacent in memory. For coalesced access, we would like that Matrix Element row to read like this:
Thread: Memory Location: Matrix Element:
0 m[?] (11)
1 m[?] (12)
2 m[?] (13)
3 m[?] (14)
If you then work backwards to determine what the value of ? should be, you will come up with an instruction something like this:
This will give coalesced access, but it will not give you the correct answer, because we are now summing matrix columns instead of matrix rows. We can fix this by re-organizing your data storage to be in column-major order rather than row-major order. (You should be able to google that for ideas, right?) Conceptually, this is equivalent to transposing your matrix m. Whether this is convenient for you to do or not is outside the scope of your question, as I see it, and not really a CUDA issue. It may be a simple thing for you to do as you are creating the matrix on the host or transferring the matrix from host to device. But in summary, I don't know of a way to sum the matrix rows with 100% coalesced access, if the matrix is stored in row-major order. (You could resort to a sequence of row-reductions but that looks painful to me.)
It's not uncommon, when we are thinking about ways to accelerate code on the GPU, to consider re-organizing our data storage to facilitate the GPU. This is one example.
And, yes, what I'm outlining here still retains a loop in the kernel.
As an additional comment, I would suggest timing the data copy portions, and kernel (compute) portions separately. I can't tell from your question whether you are timing just the kernel or the entire (GPU) operation, including the data copies. If you time the data copies separately, you may discover that just the data copy time exceeds your CPU time. Any effort put into optimizing your CUDA code will not affect the data copy time. This might be a useful data point before you spend much time on this.

How to optimize this CUDA kernel

I've profiled my model and it seems that this kernel accounts for about 2/3 of my total runtime. I was looking for suggestions to optimize it. The code is as follows.
__global__ void calcFlux(double* concs, double* fluxes, double* dt)
int idx = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
fluxes[idx]=knowles_flux(idx, concs);
//fluxes[idx]=flux(idx, concs);
__device__ double knowles_flux(int r, double *conc)
double frag_term = 0;
double flux = 0;
if (r == ((maxlength)-1))
//Calculation type : "Max"
flux = -km*(r)*conc[r]+2*(ka)*conc[r-1]*conc[0];
else if (r > ((nc)-1))
//Calculation type : "F"
//arrSum3(conc, &frag_term, r+1, maxlength-1);
for (int s = r+1; s < (maxlength); s++)
frag_term += conc[s];
flux = -(km)*(r)*conc[r] + 2*(km)*frag_term - 2*(ka)*conc[r]*conc[0] + 2*(ka)*conc[r-1]*conc[0];
else if (r == ((nc)-1))
//Calculation type : "N"
//arrSum3(conc, &frag_term, r+1, maxlength-1);
for (int s = r+1; s < (maxlength); s++)
frag_term += conc[s];
flux = (kn)*pow(conc[0],(nc)) + 2*(km)*frag_term - 2*(ka)*conc[r]*conc[0];
else if (r < ((nc)-1))
//Calculation type : "O"
flux = 0;
return flux;
Just to give you an idea of why the for loop is an issue, this kernel is launched on an array of about maxlength = 9000 elements. For our purposes now, nc is in the range of 2-6. Here's an illustration of how this kernel processes the incoming array (conc). For this array, five different types of calculations need to be applied to different groups of elements.
Array element : 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... 8955 8956 8957 8958 8959 8960
Type of calc : M O O O O O N F F F ... F F F F F Max
The potential problems I've been trying to deal with right now are branch divergence from the quadruple if-else and the for loop.
My idea for dealing with the branch divergence is to break this kernel down into four separate device functions or kernels that treat each region separately and all launch at the same time. I'm not sure this is significantly better than just letting the branch divergence take place, which if I'm not mistaken, would cause the four calculation types to be run in serial.
To deal with the for loop, you'll notice that there's a commented out arrSum3 function, which I wrote based off my previously (and probably poorly) written parallel reduction kernel. Using it in place of the for loop drastically increased my runtime. I feel like there's a clever way to accomplish what I'm trying to do with the for loop, but I'm just not that smart and my advisor is tired of me "wasting time" thinking about it.
Appreciate any help.
Full code is located here : https://stackoverflow.com/q/21170233/1218689
Assuming sgn() and abs() are not derived from "if"s and "else"s
__device__ double knowles_flux(int r, double *conc)
double frag_term = 0;
double flux = 0;
//Calculation type : "Max"
//no divergence
//should prefer 20-30 extra cycles instead of a branching.
//may not be good for CPU
fluxA = (1-abs(sgn(r-(maxlength-1)))) * (-km*(r)*conc[r]+2*(ka)*conc[r-1]*conc[0]);
//is zero if r and maxlength-1 are not equal
//always compute this in shared memory so work will be equal for all cores, no divergence
// you should divide kernel into several pieces to do a reduction
// but if you dont want that, then you can try :
for (int s = 0;s<someLimit ; s++) // all count for same number of cycles so no divergence
frag_term += conc[s] * ( abs(sgn( s-maxlength ))*sgn(1- sgn( s-maxlength )) )* ( sgn(1+sgn(s-(r+1))) );
//but you can make easier of this using "add and assign" operation
// in local memory (was it __shared in CUDA?)
// global conc[] to local concL[] memory(using all cores)(100 cycles)
// for(others from zero to upper_limit)
// if(localID==0)
// {
// frag_termL[0]+=concL[s] // local to local (10 cycles/assign.)
// frag_termL[0+others]=frag_termL[0]; // local to local (10 cycles/assign.)
// } -----> uses nearly same number of cycles but uses much less energy
//using single core (2000 instr. with single core vs 1000 instr. with 2k cores)
// in local memory, then copy it to private registers accordingly using all cores
//Calculation type : "F"
fluxB = ( abs(sgn(r-(nc-1)))*sgn(1+sgn(r-(nc-1))) )*(-(km)*(r)*conc[r] + 2*(km)*frag_term - 2*(ka)*conc[r]*conc[0] + 2*(ka)*conc[r-1]*conc[0]);
// is zero if r is not greater than (nc-1)
//Calculation type : "N"
fluxC = ( 1-abs(sgn(r-(nc-1))) )*((kn)*pow(conc[0],(nc)) + 2*(km)*frag_term - 2*(ka)*conc[r]*conc[0]);
//zero if r and nc-1 are not equal
flux=fluxA+fluxB+fluxC; //only one of these can be different than zero
flux=flux*( -sgn(r-(nc-1))*sgn(1-sgn(r-(nc-1))) )
//zero if r > (nc-1)
return flux;
Okay, let me open a bit:
if(a>b) x+=y;
can be taken as
if a-b is negative sgn(a-b) is -1
then adding 1 to that -1 gives zero ==> satisfies lower part of comparison(a<b)
x+= (sgn(a-b) +1) = 0 if a<b (not a>b), x unchanged
if(a-b) is zero, sgn(a-b) is zero
then we should multiply the upper solution with sgn(a-b) too!
x+= y*(sgn(a-b) +1)*sgn(a-b)
x+= y*( 0 + 1) * 0 = 0 a==b is satisfied too!
lets check what happens if a>b
x+= y*(sgn(a-b) +1)*sgn(a-b)
x+= y*(1 +1)*1 ==> y*2 is not acceptable, needs another sgn on outherside
x+= y* sgn((sgn(a-b)+1)*sgn(a-b))
x+= y* sgn((1+1)*1)
x+= y* sgn(2)
x+= y only when a is greater than b
when there are too many
then you can re-use it as
..... *tmp*(tmp-1) ....
...... +tmp*zxc[s] .....
...... ......
to decrease total cycles even more! Register accessing can be in the level of terabytes/s so shouldnt be a problem. Just as doing that for global access:
tmpGlobal= conc[r];
...... tmpGlobal * tmp .....
.... tmpGlobal +x -y ....
all private registers doing stuff in terabytes per second.
Warning: reading from conc[-1] shouldnt cause any faults as long as it is multiplied by zero if the real address of conc[0] is not real zero already . But writing is hazardous.
if you need to escape from conc[-1] anyway, you can multiply the index with some absolut-ified value too! See:
tmp=conc[i-1] becomes tmp=conc[abs((i-1))] will always read from positive index, the value will be multiplied by zero later anyway. This was lower bound protection.
You can apply a higher bound protection too. Just this adds even more cycles.
Think about using vector-shuffle operations if working on a pure scalar values is not fast enough when accessing conc[r-1] and conc[r+1]. Shuffle operation between a vector's elements is faster than copying it through local mem to another core/thread.