threading=True with flask-socketio - flask

I have been using flask, and some of my route handlers start computations that can take several minutes to complete. Using flask's development server, I can use and my server will continue to respond to other requests while it's off performing these multi-minute computation.
Now I've starting using Flask-SocketIO and I'm not sure how to do the equivalent thing. I understand that I can explicitly spawn a separate thread in python any time it starts one of these computations. Is that the only way to do it? Or is there something equivalent to threaded=True for flask-socketio. (Or, more likely, am I just utterly confused.)
Thanks for any help.

The idea of the threaded mode in Flask/Werkzeug is to enable the development server to handle multiple requests concurrently. In the default mode, the server can handle one request at a time, if a client sends a request while the server is already processing a previous request, then the second request has to wait until that first request is complete. In threaded mode, Werkzeug spawns a thread for each incoming request, so multiple requests are handled concurrently. You obviously are taking advantage of the threaded mode to have requests that take very long to return, while keeping the server responsive to other requests.
Note that this approach is hard to scale properly when you move out of the development web server and into a production web server. For a worker based server you have to pick a fixed number of workers, and that gives you the maximum number of concurrent requests you can have.
The alternative approach is to use a coroutine based server, such as gevent, which is fully supported by Flask. For gevent there is a single worker process, but in it there are multiple lightweight (or "green") threads, that cooperatively allow each other to run. The key to make things work under this model is to ensure that these green threads do not abuse the CPU time they get, because only one can run at a time. When this is done right, the server can scale much better than with the multiple worker approach I described above, and you can easily have hundreds/thousands of clients handled in this fashion.
So now you want to use Flask-SocketIO, and this extension requires the use of gevent. In case the reason for this requirement isn't clear, unlike HTTP requests, SocketIO uses the WebSocket protocol, which requires long-lived connections. Using gevent and green threads makes it possible to have a potentially large number of constantly connected clients, something that would be impossible to do with multiple workers.
The problem is your long calculation, which is not friendly to the gevent type of server. To make it work, you need to ensure your calculation function yields often, so that other threads get a chance to run and don't starve. For example, if your calculation function has a loop in in, you can do something like this:
def my_long_calculation():
while some_condition:
# do some work here
# let other threads run
The sleep() function will basically halt your thread and switch to any other threads that need CPU. Eventually control will be given back to your function, and at that point it'll move on to the next iteration. You need to make sure the sleep calls are not too spaced out (as that will make the rest of the application unresponsive) or not too closer (as that may slow down your calculation).
So to answer your question, as long as you yield properly in your long calculation, you do not need to do anything special to handle concurrent requests, as this is the normal operating mode of gevent.
If for any reason the yield approach is not possible, then you may need to think about offloading the CPU intensive tasks to another process. Maybe use Celery to have these done as a job queue.
Sorry for the long winded answer. Hope this helps!


Does the grpc async server has a better performance compared to the sync server with a restricted number of threads?

I need to implement a server to which multiple clients can send requests simultaneously. The code processing an individual request might block (with the thread going to sleep) in the middle.
At the moment I am using the C++ GRPC synchronised server. Each time a client sends a request, a new thread is spawned on the server's side. This is a problem since a server can create too many threads simultaneously.
I am considering two solutions to avoid the problem:
1) Use the sync server with the ResourceQuota (e.g. restrict the max number of threads to 10).
2) Use the async server.
Implementing the second solution is considerably more difficult than implementing the first solution. What advantage (if any) the second solution would give compared to the first one? Which solution would give better results in terms of:
The amount of time an individual client needs to wait to get a response to RPC
The resources (memory, threads) used on the server.

why using messaging queue in web applications

When developing my web application using Django, I faced a problem, when I call some functions locally they work correctly, but once i call them over HTTP request they are not executed.
I asked around and i was told to execute them asynchronously outside the request response cycle using celery and a messaging queue server, it worked well, but still I don't understand why i have to execute some tasks asynchronously even when i don't have race condition and there's only one client calling the web service.
This is a big black spot for me because I make it work without really knowing how.
Can anyone explain it to me?
The two main benefits I know of for queue-based systems are:
One, a response can be given to the client without having to wait for work to be done. This lets pages load faster and clients spend less time waiting.
Second, a queue gives you a central location for scheduled jobs that multiple workers can draw from. If a certain component of your application can't keep up with the amount of work there is to do (or if it fails for some reason), you can have other instances of that component doing the work, and there is a single place where all of the work that needs to be done can be found.

How to serve CPU intensive webservice requests in the cloud?

Background: I'm running a webservice in which each request involves a fair amount of computations (up to 10 seconds on a quadcore machine).
Each request can be broken down to about 150 independent (and equally small) subtasks.
What I'm after: l'm looking for a hosting service that allows me to serve these kinds of requests efficiently in a scalable manner.
What I've considered: I've looked into Google App Engine and Rackspace.
It seems to me as if GAE is intended for simple requests, requiering litte resources to process. Problem with something like Rackspace is that I can't tell in advance how many vCPUs I may need (and even if I knew how big future spikes would be, I don't want to sit with, say, 40 servers idling the rest of the time)
Would it be possible to use GAE in the following way:
For each request, split it up into 150 subtasks
Process all subtasks independently by doing 150 concurrent HTTP requests to the same webapp (but through a differrnt method)
Collect the results from the "subresults" and return a response to the original request.
Is there any possibility that Map Reduce for GAE could be of any help?
Is there any other service better suited for this task?
Yes, this is possible. The usual way would be to use Task Queue, possibly via DeferredTask helper class.
1.3 Normal web requests (to frontend instances) are limited to 30s, so doing this in synchronous way is not guaranteed to succeed. Also note that instances are artificially limited to do 10 parallel requests (if multithreading is enabled).
Yes, this is a job for map reduce. But note that map reduce is async - you give it tasks to do and it will be done sometime in the future.
Given the processing you need you might want to look at GAE backends (they are long running with multithrading and come in different sizes). If you need even more processing power, then you might want to look at Compute Engine.
Unless all of these 150 subtasks are read-only activities, trying to run them all in a single thread is just not safe. Web requests are unreliable - people can cancel, hit refresh if it takes too long, close windows in the middle, or just time out due to network issues. The background HTTP requests, likewise, can have a whole mess of problems. The standard solution is to have your front-end code simply build a list of things that need to be done, so it can get back to the user quickly, and have a back-end 'worker' process handle the (potentially unreliable) subtasks. Depending on what your application is doing, you might bounce the user to a "working" screen (like searching for airfare) where they can safely wait for the results to come up, or it might just be stuffed away as a "pending" job (like ordering something from Amazon).
There's countless different ways to handle this basic workflow. If you stick with Google App Engine, they have a "task queue" as part of the platform - providing a simple mechanisms for creating & dispatching background tasks. If you go with Rackspace, their cloud offering is less of a unified platform so you'll have to either roll your own queue or get one to plug into your setup.

System architecture: simple approach for setting up background tasks behind a web application -- will it work?

I have a Django web application and I have some tasks that should operate (or actually: be initiated) on the background.
The application is deployed as follows:
mod_wsgi in daemon mode (1 process, 15 threads).
The background tasks have the following characteristics:
they need to operate in a regular interval (every 5 minutes or so);
they require the application context (i.e. the application packages need to be available in memory);
they do not need any input other than database access, in order to perform some not-so-heavy tasks such as sending out e-mail and updating the state of the database.
Now I was thinking that the most simple approach to this problem would be simply to piggyback on the existing application process (as spawned by mod_wsgi). By implementing the task as part of the application and providing an HTTP interface for it, I would prevent the overhead of another process that is holding all of the application into memory. A simple cronjob can be setup that sends a request to this HTTP interface every 5 minutes and that would be it. Since the application process provides 15 threads and the tasks are quite lightweight and only running every 5 minutes, I figure they would not be hindering the performance of the web application's user-facing operations.
Yet... I have done some online research and I have seen nobody advocating this approach. Many articles suggest a significantly more complex approach based on a full-blown messaging component (such as Celery, which uses RabbitMQ). Although that's sexy, it sounds like overkill to me. Some articles suggest setting up a cronjob that executes a script which performs the tasks. But that doesn't feel very attractive either, as it results in creating a new process that loads the entire application into memory, performs some tiny task, and destroys the process again. And this is repeated every 5 minutes. Does not sound like an elegant solution.
So, I'm looking for some feedback on my suggested approach as described in the paragraph before the preceeding paragraph. Is my reasoning correct? Am I overlooking (potential) problems? What about my assumption that application's performance will not be impeded?
All are reasonable approaches depending on your specific requirements.
Another is to fire up a background thread within the process when the WSGI script is loaded. This background thread could simply sleep and wake up occasionally to perform required work and then go back to sleep.
This method necessitates though that you have at most one Django process which the background thread runs in to avoid different processing doing the same work on any database etc.
Using daemon mode with a single process as you are would satisfy that criteria. There are potentially other ways you could achieve that though even in a multiprocess configuration.
Note that celery works without RabbitMQ as well. It can use a ghetto queue (SQLite, MySQL, Postgres, etc, and Redis, MongoDB), which is useful in testing or for simple setups where RabbitMQ seems overkill.
(Using Celery with Redis/Database as the messaging queue.)

why is the lift web framework scalable?

I want to know the technical reasons why the lift webframework has high performance and scalability? I know it uses scala, which has an actor library, but according to the install instructions it default configuration is with jetty. So does it use the actor library to scale?
Now is the scalability built right out of the box. Just add additional servers and nodes and it will automatically scale, is that how it works? Can it handle 500000+ concurrent connections with supporting servers.
I am trying to create a web services framework for the enterprise level, that can beat what is out there and is easy to scale, configurable, and maintainable. My definition of scaling is just adding more servers and you should be able to accommodate the extra load.
Lift's approach to scalability is within a single machine. Scaling across machines is a larger, tougher topic. The short answer there is: Scala and Lift don't do anything to either help or hinder horizontal scaling.
As far as actors within a single machine, Lift achieves better scalability because a single instance can handle more concurrent requests than most other servers. To explain, I first have to point out the flaws in the classic thread-per-request handling model. Bear with me, this is going to require some explanation.
A typical framework uses a thread to service a page request. When the client connects, the framework assigns a thread out of a pool. That thread then does three things: it reads the request from a socket; it does some computation (potentially involving I/O to the database); and it sends a response out on the socket. At pretty much every step, the thread will end up blocking for some time. When reading the request, it can block while waiting for the network. When doing the computation, it can block on disk or network I/O. It can also block while waiting for the database. Finally, while sending the response, it can block if the client receives data slowly and TCP windows get filled up. Overall, the thread might spend 30 - 90% of it's time blocked. It spends 100% of its time, however, on that one request.
A JVM can only support so many threads before it really slows down. Thread scheduling, contention for shared-memory entities (like connection pools and monitors), and native OS limits all impose restrictions on how many threads a JVM can create.
Well, if the JVM is limited in its maximum number of threads, and the number of threads determines how many concurrent requests a server can handle, then the number of concurrent requests will be determined by the number of threads.
(There are other issues that can impose lower limits---GC thrashing, for example. Threads are a fundamental limiting factor, but not the only one!)
Lift decouples thread from requests. In Lift, a request does not tie up a thread. Rather, a thread does an action (like reading the request), then sends a message to an actor. Actors are an important part of the story, because they are scheduled via "lightweight" threads. A pool of threads gets used to process messages within actors. It's important to avoid blocking operations inside of actors, so these threads get returned to the pool rapidly. (Note that this pool isn't visible to the application, it's part of Scala's support for actors.) A request that's currently blocked on database or disk I/O, for example, doesn't keep a request-handling thread occupied. The request handling thread is available, almost immediately, to receive more connections.
This method for decoupling requests from threads allows a Lift server to have many more concurrent requests than a thread-per-request server. (I'd also like to point out that the Grizzly library supports a similar approach without actors.) More concurrent requests means that a single Lift server can support more users than a regular Java EE server.
at mtnyguard
"Scala and Lift don't do anything to either help or hinder horizontal scaling"
Ain't quite right. Lift is highly statefull framework. For example if a user requests a form, then he can only post the request to the same machine where the form came from, because the form processeing action is saved in the server state.
And this is actualy a thing which hinders scalability in a way, because this behaviour is inconistent to the shared nothing architecture.
No doubt that lift is highly performant but perfomance and scalability are two different things. So if you want to scale horizontaly with lift you have to define sticky sessions on the loadbalancer which will redirect a user during a session to the same machine.
Jetty maybe the point of entry, but the actor ends up servicing the request, I suggest having a look at the twitter-esque example, 'skitter' to see how you would be able to create a very scalable service. IIRC, this is one of the things that made the twitter people take notice.
I really like #dre's reply as he correctly states the statefulness of lift being a potential problem for horizontal scalability.
The problem -
Instead of me describing the whole thing again, check out the discussion (Not the content) on this post.
Solution would be as #dre said sticky session configuration on load balancer on the front and adding more instances. But since request handling in lift is done in thread + actor combination you can expect one instance handle more requests than normal frameworks. This would give an edge over having sticky sessions in other frameworks. i.e. Individual instance's capacity to process more may help you to scale
you have Akka lift integration which would be another advantage in this.