getElementsByClassName in ClojureScript? - clojure

I want to select several items in
, but can't! How can I get them in CLJS?

Have you tried using (.getElementsByClassName js/document "class-name")?
This will return a HTMLCollection JS object, so if you want to convert it
to a seq, use something like:
(array-seq (.getElementsByClassName js/document "class-name"))
Also, as a side note, if you want to make HTMLCollection ISeqable, which is a little more idiomatic, check out this other post. Why aren't NodeList / HtmlCollection seqable?


How to access clojure reagent atom map variable?

I am new to Clojure and Reagent. Kindly tell how to print the variable first inside the atom variable contacts?
(def app-state
{:contacts [{:first "Ben" :last "Lem" :middle "Ab"}]}))
First of all: the reagent tutorial is a really good place to start. It even gives you examples to solve exactly this problem.
Since reagents atom can be treated just as a regular Clojurescript atom, you can use all your normal sequence operations. Keep in mind that in order to access the current value, you have to dereference the atom via #.If you really just want to access the first :first in your atom:
(:first (first (:contacts #app-state))) or (get (first (get #app-state :contacts)) :first)
Or, if you think it's more readable
(-> #app-state
I guess what you might want to do is define a few functions to make the access more easy such as:
(defn get-contacts!
"Returns the current vector of contacts stored in the app-state."
(:contacts #app-state))
(defn get-first-names!
"Return a vector of all first names in the current list of contacts in the
(mapv :first (get-contacts!)))
Please keep in mind that in reagent (and in general really) you might want to dereference that atom as fiew times as possible, so look for a good place to dereference it and just use regular functions that operate on a simple sequence instead of an atom.
Still, I would really suggest you go read the aforementioned reagent tutorial.
Here is a concise way to access the value that you are looking for using Clojure's (get-in m ks) function:
(get-in #app-state [:contacts 0 :first])
Just as an extra, you may see this often written as
(->> #app-state
(mapv :first)
and it's useful to understand what's going on here.
->> is a macro called thread-last which will re-write the code above to be
(first (mapv :first (:contacts #app-state)))
Thread last is a bit weird at first but it makes the code more readable when lots of things are going on. I suggest that on top of the reagent tutorial mentioned in the other comments, you read this.
#app-state will give you whatever is inside the r/atom and (:first (first (:contacts #app-state))) will return the first element and (println (:first (first (:contacts #app-state)))) will print output to the browser console (so you need to have the developer tools console open to see it).
Note that for println to output to the browser developer tools console you need to have this line in your code:

Assignments and Usage of global Variables in Clojure

I've got the following problem:
I do understand that the concept of functional programming languages do not allow immutable variables, so classic variable assignment and usage like
var foo = bar();
after that in another function...
var baz = funnything(foo);
is not possible (correct me if it is, I'm still trying to get the whole idea and concepts behind functional programming).
I'm trying to play around a bit with Clojure and come to a point where I stuck:
I want to get a webpage and save the DOM into a variable for later usage.
The program starts, a prompt is spawning and the user can enter a URL which he want to fetch.
After the DOM of the website is fetched he can navigate through the DOM by for example getting the title, or all links or whatever.
The Problem:
Because I can't use a construct like
; More or less pseudo-code
(def page nil)
(get-url [url]
(page (browser/get url)))
(println (html/select page [:title])))
I have to use the following construct:
(get-title [url]
(println (html/select (browser/get url) [:title])))
Due to this construct everytime I want to access an element of the site via get-title, get-links or whatever I have to download the whole webpage whenever the user is entering one of those methods on the command prompt.
Do I miss something here? Are there classical assigments in Clojure? Am I doing the complete thing wrong and should study a whole lot more functional programming concepts before getting hands-on and learning-by-doing?
You are misunderstanding assignment in clojure.
(page (browser/get url))
is not equivalent to: page = browser/get(url), it is equivalent to page(browser/get(url)).
I think you don't really need a global variable, just composable functions. Your example could look something like this:
(defn get-title [url]
(let [page (browser/get url)]
(println (html/select page [:title]))))
That and using memoize, like Joost mentioned, if you want to cache the return values of broser/get.
You can easily cache the value of (browser/get url) so you don't have to refetch the page every time you want to examine a property of it. See clojure.core/memoize. But that will only solve part of the problem.
In your particular case, your program requires some sort of global (or session scoped), mutable, concept of "the current page" or at least, "the current url", since that is what you're expecting your user to enter and modify. Clojure provides multiple constructs for managing mutable state.
Since you're only dealing with one page at a time, this is probably best modeled by using atoms. See and!

ClojureScript: How to add method via prototype to JS Object?

I'm trying to add some functionality to an existing JavaScript system. To be then used from JavaScript again (as opposed to within the ClojureScript namespace). Perhaps this isn't possible?
Here's a simplification of what I want to do:
// JavaScript = function() {
return "bar";
# CoffeeScript
String::foo = ->
I want to be able to run my script above, and then call it from elsewhere in the code.
I've tried messing with extend-type and defprotocol, along with export, but nothing seemed to expose my foo function.
It's possible that this was a design decision and ClojureScript isn't going to work for me here, but I just wanted to make sure I wasn't overlooking something.
It can be done like so:
(set! (.-foo (.-prototype js/String)) (fn [] "bar"))
Or you can use .. sugar:
(set! (.. js/String -prototype -foo) (fn [] "bar"))

Clojure: reload from string

EDIT: is what I want basically load-string?
In Clojure, if I do:
(require :reload '
then Clojure looks for src/foo/bar.clj, and reloads it.
Now, I want to do something like this:
(reload-from-string ' STR)
the semantics of this would be: reload namespace ', but instead of compiling src/foo/bar.clj, compile STR instead.
How do I define reload-from-string?
I need to hot reload code on a server that is running an Clojure application. I don't want to have to continuously shuffle files back & forth to the server (either via scp, sftp, or fuse/sshfs) in order to reload. Thus, I would prefer to just pass it a string.
You can use read-string and then eval. Keep in mind the risks though. An advantage of splitting them up is you can whitelist what is present in the resulting list before evaling it.
You probably want to bind *read-eval* to false also.

What is the idiomatic way to capture prints to *out* from a Clojure function?

For example, the prxml function prints XML to *out*. I would like to instead capture this output as a String. Here is the typical usage from a REPL:
user> (prxml [:p "Test"])
I'd instead like to do:
(def xml (capture-out (prxml [:p "Test"])))
I made up the capture-out function, but I suspect something like it exists, only I'm having trouble finding it in the API or mailing list.
I just discovered the with-out-str from this great blog post detailing XML processing in Clojure.
So the correct implementation of my example is:
(def xml (with-out-str (prxml [:p "Test"])))
More generally, if you look at the source for with-out-str you can see how to dynamically bind *out* to any stream using binding. This works for dynamically setting the value of any existing var.