Constant and Overloaded Constructor - c++

I have a class that is primarily used to "structuralized" buffer. One client generally use to write and the other used to read. For the writing, there are default values that the class would set, but for read, it should leave it alone.
class Formatter
//! Used by writer
Formatter( unsigned char* Buffer ) :
m_Buffer( Buffer )
Buffer[ 0 ] = 1; //say this is the format
//! Used by reader
Formatter( const unsigned char* Buffer ) :
m_Buffer( Buffer )
//...Other methods returns pointer to structure
unsigned char* m_Buffer;
The problem here is that it is easy for a reader to make the mistake by passing in a non-const buffer.
//..assume pBuffer is non-const
//We really want to read
const Formatter myFormatter( pBuffer );
//We really want const Formatter myFormatter( const_cast<const unsigned char*>(pBuffer) );
I can't really think if a nice way to prevent user from making this mistake, without having the user being explicit.
Anyone know of a nice trick?
Thanks in advance.

struct writer_access {};
Formatter( writer_access, unsigned char* Buffer ) :
here we tag the constructor with different semantics with a tag. Accidental use should be nearly impossible. You call it by passing (writer_access{}, pbuff)

Two tricks come to my mind:
Make Formatter abstract and provide subclasses of it, one for reading, one for writing:
class ReadFormatter : public Formatter {
ReadFormatter(const unsigned char*);
class WriteFormatter : public Formatter {
WriteFormatter(unsigned char*);
Create two static member functions for the two tasks:
static Formatter ReadFormatter(…) { … }
static Formatter WriteFormatter(…) { … }
IMO subclassing would be the better way.


What's the most idotomatic way of declaring two constructors with the same args?

As an example lets say I have a class called File. Now file can be opened as binary or text. My constructor is currently File(const char*filename). Let's suppose the implementation of open is completely different binary and text. How the heck do I construct this?
I thought about using a static function but I don't want to return a pointer. I could pass in a pointer but I rather not allow a class be constructed without actually initializing it.
I was thinking about having an enum or bool in the constructor but it feels 'wrong' to me (and the way I may do this). I could have a different class name for binary and text and have both inherit a base implementation (or the other implementation) even though the only difference is the constuctor.
What's the most idiomatic way of doing this in C++?
Add a flag
enum class open_mode
File(const char* filename, open_mode mode);
or use a tag
struct binary_tag { };
struct text_tag { };
File(const char* filename, binary_tag);
File(const char* filename, text_tag);
Two idiomatic ways are a factory function (nothing forces you to return a pointer), or tag dispatching (which is used in the standard library, for example in std::variant).
// Factory functions
struct File {
static File openText(char const *filename);
static File openBinary(char const *filename);
// Tag dispatching
struct open_as_binary_t {} constexpr open_as_binary;
struct open_as_text_t {} constexpr open_as_text;
struct File {
File(char const *filename, open_as_binary_t);
File(char const *filename, open_as_text_t);
I could have a different class name for binary and text and have both
inherit a base implementation (or the other implementation) even
though the only difference is the constuctor.
Yes, in general, I can propose to use the polymorphism.
It is always clean, easy maintainable, extensible and understandable. Very flexible.
The best for creating something could be the factory design pattern.
class File{ protected: File(); ... }; // make constructor protected!
class BinFile : public File;
class TextFile : public File;
Then you could use it in the ordinary way:
File *f = new BinFile;
File *f = new TextFile;
Place all common stuff in class File
Implement any specific functionality per child class.
Then you could engage some factory method like:
File * OpenFile( String pathToFile, "TextFile" );
File * OpenFile( String pathToFile, "BinFile" );
In general, in this way, the code is very flexible.
Why not even simpler:
File(const char *filename,const char *mode)
And simply call with myFile = File("log.txt","rt");

const correctness for configuration structures

I have a configuration file which gets read in, parsed and put into structures at the beginning of my programs run time.
The problem I am having is that I want these structures to be constant since the values in them should not change during the programs lifespan.
Currently I am doing the following:
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable: 4510) /*-- we don't want a default constructor --*/
#pragma warning(disable: 4610) /*-- we don't want this to ever be user instantiated --*/
typedef struct SerialNode {
void operator=(SerialNode&);
const char* const port;
const char* const format;
} SerialNode;
#pragma warning(pop)
typedef std::map<const char*, const SerialNode*, MapStrComp> SerialMap;
SerialMap SerialConfig;
/*-- so we don't fall out of scope --*/
SerialNode* global_sn;
SerialNode local_sn = {port, format};
global_sn = new SerialNode(local_sn);
SerialConfig[key_store] = global_sn;
This works fine. However my problem is that now I am dealing with more complicated configuration data which requires me to pull a structure back out of the list, modify it and then put it back.
Obviously I can't modify it, so the solution would be something like:
SerialNode* global_sn;
SerialNode* old_sn = SerialConfig[key_store];
SerialNode local_sn = {port, format, old_sn->old_data, old_sn->more_old_data};
global_sn = new SerialNode(local_sn);
SerialConfig[key_store] = global_sn;
delete old_sn;
But this strikes me as bad programming practice. Is there is a better way to achieve what I'm going for which doesn't require such a hacked looking solution?
For reference, I'm using Visual Studio 2010
As always, the best thing you can do is not re-implement something that has already been written. There are a large number of libraries and frameworks that will help with serialization for c++:
Boost Serialization
Protocol Buffers
Capn' Proto
Ideally the serialization framework you choose will exactly recreate the data graph that you are trying to store. Regardless of whether you have done any fixup, your goal will likely be to only provide const access to the global configuration data. Just make sure that mutators (including non const pointers) are not exposed via a header file.
The simple answer is what Thomas suggest, but correctly done (that is, not causing undefined behavior):
Create a mutable configuration object but pass it to the rest of the components by constant reference. When you create (and where you maintain) the real object you can change it, but the rest of the application won't be able to modify the config. A common pattern I have used in the past was:
class SomeObject {
Configuration const & config;
SomeObject(Configuration const & config) : config(config) {}
void f() {
if (config.someParam()) { ...
// ...
void loadConfiguration(Config & config) { ... }
int main() {
Configuration config;
loadConfiguration(config); // config is a non-const &, can modify
SomeObject object(config); // object holds a const&, can only read
// ...
This is not an answer to your question, just some observations to your code.
You don't need the typedef struct SerialNode { ... } SerialNode;, this is a c idiom. In c++, you just write struct SerialNode { ... }; and use SerialNode as a type name.
If you want to prevent a default constructor, make it private as you already do with the assignment operator
class SerialNode {
SerialNode &operator=(SerialNode&);
Don't use char* members, use std::string instead. C++ strings are much easier and safer to use than plain char pointers and the associated heap allocation.
Same goes for the map key; if you use std::string as a key, you don't need MapStrComp anymore, because std::string already provides an appropriate comparison.
Probably nicer is to wrap the whole thing in a singleton class:
class Config {
static Config const& get() { return *config; }
static void load();
SerialNode const* operator[](const char*);
static Config* config;
SerialMap map;
void Config::load() {
config = new Config();
// put things into it
Disclaimer: not tested, and haven't used C++ in a while, so there might be some syntax errors :)

Subdata (substring-like?) of a shared_ptr

I have a data buffer stored in a shared_ptr<void>.
This buffer is organized in several encapsulated layers so that I end up with:
- Header 1 | Header 2 | Data
(Actually it's an Ethernet packet where I decapsulate the layers one after the other).
Once I read Header 1, I would like to pass the rest of the packet to the next layer for reading, so I would like to create a pointer to :
- Header 2 | Data
It would be very easy with a raw pointer, as it would just be a matter of pointer arithmetic. But how can I achieve that with a shared_ptr ? (I use boost::shared_ptr) :
I cannot create a new shared_ptr to "first shared_ptr.get() + offset" because it makes no sense to get the ownership to just Header 2 + Data (and delete would crash eventually)
I do not want to copy the data because it would be silly
I want the ownership on the whole buffer to be shared between the two objects (ie. as long as the parent object or the one which requires only Header 2 needs the data, the data should not be deleted).
I could wrap that up in a structure like boost::tuple<shared_ptr<void>, int /*offset*/, int /*length*/> but I wonder if there is a more convenient / elegant way to achieve that result.
I would recommend encapsulating the layers each in a class that knows how to deal with the data as though it were that layer. Think each one as a view into your buffer. Here is a starting point to get you thinking.
class Layer1{
Layer1(shared_ptr<void> buffer) : buffer_(buffer) { }
/* All the functions you need for treating your buffer as a Layer 1 type */
void DoSomething() {}
shared_ptr<void> buffer_;
class Layer2{
Layer2(shared_ptr<void> buffer) : buffer_(buffer) { }
/* All the functions you need for treating your buffer as a Layer 2 type */
void DoSomethingElse() {}
shared_ptr<void> buffer_;
And how to use it:
shared_ptr<void> buff = getBuff(); //< Do what you need to get the raw buffer.
// I show these together, but chances are, sections of your code will only need
// to think about the data as though it belongs to one layer or the other.
Layer1 l1(buff);
Layer2 l2(buff);
Laying things out this way allows you to write functions that operate solely on that layer even though they internally represent the same data.
But, this is by no means perfect.
Perhaps Layer2 should be able to call Layer1's methods. For that you would want inheritance as well. I don't know enough about your design to say whether that would be helpful. Other room for improvement is replacing the shared_ptr<void> with a class that has helpful methods for dealing with the buffer.
can you just use a simple wrapper?
something like this maybe?
class HeaderHolder : protected shared_ptr<void> {
// Constructor and blah blah
void* operator* () {
offset += a_certain_length;
return (shared_ptr<void>::operator*() + offset);
By the way, I just used a simple wrapper that I reproduce here if someone ever stumbles on the question.
class DataWrapper {
DataWrapper (shared_ptr<void> pData, size_t offset, size_t length) : mpData(pData), mOffset(offset), mLength(length) {}
void* GetData() {return (unsigned char*)mpData.get() + mOffset;}
// same with const...
void SkipData (size_t skipSize) { mOffset += skipSize; mLength -= skipSize; }
void GetLength const {return mLength;}
// Then you can add operator+, +=, (void*), -, -=
// if you need pointer-like semantics.
// Also a "memcpy" member function to copy just this buffer may be useful
// and other helper functions if you need
shared_ptr<void> mpData;
size_t mOffset, mLength;
Just be careful when you use GetData: be sure that the buffer will not be freed while you use the unsafe void*. It is safe to use the void* as long as you know the DataWrapper object is alive (because it holds a shared_ptr to the buffer, so it prevents it from being freed).

C++ Set MIL Question

I am trying to initialize a set with more than one member in my member initialization list and I am not sure about the syntax. The ** is where I am getting my syntax error (without the ** of course). Thanks. Here is an example:
class myClass_t
public: // FUNCTIONS
// Constructor
BaseClass_t( IDD_BASEPAGE ),
**mCapabilities( 1, 2 ),
mDevice( mCapabilities )
// Destructor
private: // DATA
fdx::myDevice_t mDevice;
std::set<int> mCapabilities;
}; // end of class
} // end of namespace
If you can use the Boost Assign library, the thing you ask for is easy:
#include <boost/assign/list_of.hpp>
I've just tested it on MSVC8 and it works fine.
There is no such constructor available in set with which you can insert the elements. You need to explictly call set::insert method in the body of the constructor. i.e. you need to do mCapabilities.insert(1);mCapabilities.insert(2);.
The set, like a standard containers, provides a constructor that takes an iterator range as input to construct the collection.
So you cannot directly put the elements that you want to insert into the constructor but you can have a static array and use that to initialise he members:
class myClass_t {
static int const m_init_values[];
static unsigned const m_init_size;
int const myClass_t::m_init_values[] = { 1, 2 };
unsigned const myClass_t::m_init_size =
sizeof m_init_values / sizeof m_init_values[0];
Note that you need to define the static constant outside of the class, as shown here.
Now you can use these values in your constructor:
: BaseClass_t(IDD_BASEPAGE)
, mCapabilities(&m_init_values, &m_init_values + m_init_size)
, mDevice( mCapabilities )
{ }
A last remark: your formatting is very space consuming, and consequently requires a lot of scrolling to read the code. You should ask yourself whether the spurious delimiter comments and redundant line breaks really help readability. It’s usually advisable not to have to scroll to read one connected piece of code.
set<int>::set() doesn't accept the arguments you have mentioned. To see the possible ways of constructors, you can refer to the set constructor example.

C++ design - Network packets and serialization

I have, for my game, a Packet class, which represents network packet and consists basically of an array of data, and some pure virtual functions
I would then like to have classes deriving from Packet, for example: StatePacket, PauseRequestPacket, etc. Each one of these sub-classes would implement the virtual functions, Handle(), which would be called by the networking engine when one of these packets is received so that it can do it's job, several get/set functions which would read and set fields in the array of data.
So I have two problems:
The (abstract) Packet class would need to be copyable and assignable, but without slicing, keeping all the fields of the derived class. It may even be possible that the derived class will have no extra fields, only function, which would work with the array on the base class. How can I achieve that?
When serializing, I would give each sub-class an unique numeric ID, and then write it to the stream before the sub-class' own serialization. But for unserialization, how would I map the read ID to the appropriate sub-class to instanciate it?
If anyone want's any clarifications, just ask.
-- Thank you
Edit: I'm not quite happy with it, but that's what I managed:
If someone has the time to look at it and suggest any improvements, I'd be thankful.
Yes, I'm aware of the factory pattern, but how would I code it to construct each class? A giant switch statement? That would also duplicade the ID for each class (once in the factory and one in the serializator), which I'd like to avoid.
For copying you need to write a clone function, since a constructor cannot be virtual:
virtual Packet * clone() const = 0;
Which each Packet implementation implement like this:
virtual Packet * clone() const {
return new StatePacket(*this);
for example for StatePacket. Packet classes should be immutable. Once a packet is received, its data can either be copied out, or thrown away. So a assignment operator is not required. Make the assignment operator private and don't define it, which will effectively forbid assigning packages.
For de-serialization, you use the factory pattern: create a class which creates the right message type given the message id. For this, you can either use a switch statement over the known message IDs, or a map like this:
struct MessageFactory {
std::map<Packet::IdType, Packet (*)()> map;
MessageFactory() {
map[StatePacket::Id] = &StatePacket::createInstance;
// ... all other
Packet * createInstance(Packet::IdType id) {
return map[id]();
} globalMessageFactory;
Indeed, you should add check like whether the id is really known and such stuff. That's only the rough idea.
You need to look up the Factory Pattern.
The factory looks at the incomming data and created an object of the correct class for you.
To have a Factory class that does not know about all the types ahead of time you need to provide a singleton where each class registers itself. I always get the syntax for defining static members of a template class wrong, so do not just cut&paste this:
class Packet { ... };
typedef Packet* (*packet_creator)();
class Factory {
bool add_type(int id, packet_creator) {
map_[id] = packet_creator; return true;
template<typename T>
class register_with_factory {
static Packet * create() { return new T; }
static bool registered;
template<typename T>
bool register_with_factory<T>::registered = Factory::add_type(T::id(), create);
class MyPacket : private register_with_factory<MyPacket>, public Packet {
//... your stuff here...
static int id() { return /* some number that you decide */; }
Why do we, myself included, always make such simple problems so complicated?
Perhaps I'm off base here. But I have to wonder: Is this really the best design for your needs?
By and large, function-only inheritance can be better achieved through function/method pointers, or aggregation/delegation and the passing around of data objects, than through polymorphism.
Polymorphism is a very powerful and useful tool. But it's only one of many tools available to us.
It looks like each subclass of Packet will need its own Marshalling and Unmarshalling code. Perhaps inheriting Packet's Marshalling/Unmarshalling code? Perhaps extending it? All on top of handle() and whatever else is required.
That's a lot of code.
While substantially more kludgey, it might be shorter & faster to implement Packet's data as a struct/union attribute of the Packet class.
Marshalling and Unmarshalling would then be centralized.
Depending on your architecture, it could be as simple as write(&data). Assuming there are no big/little-endian issues between your client/server systems, and no padding issues. (E.g. sizeof(data) is the same on both systems.)
Write(&data)/read(&data) is a bug-prone technique. But it's often a very fast way to write the first draft. Later on, when time permits, you can replace it with individual per-attribute type-based Marshalling/Unmarshalling code.
Also: I've taken to storing data that's being sent/received as a struct. You can bitwise copy a struct with operator=(), which at times has been VERY helpful! Though perhaps not so much in this case.
Ultimately, you are going to have a switch statement somewhere on that subclass-id type. The factory technique (which is quite powerful and useful in its own right) does this switch for you, looking up the necessary clone() or copy() method/object.
OR you could do it yourself in Packet. You could just use something as simple as:
( getHandlerPointer( id ) ) ( this )
Another advantage to an approach this kludgey (function pointers), aside from the rapid development time, is that you don't need to constantly allocate and delete a new object for each packet. You can re-use a single packet object over and over again. Or a vector of packets if you wanted to queue them. (Mind you, I'd clear the Packet object before invoking read() again! Just to be safe...)
Depending on your game's network traffic density, allocation/deallocation could get expensive. Then again, premature optimization is the root of all evil. And you could always just roll your own new/delete operators. (Yet more coding overhead...)
What you lose (with function pointers) is the clean segregation of each packet type. Specifically the ability to add new packet types without altering pre-existing code/files.
Example code:
class Packet
typedef bool ( * HandlerType ) ( const Packet & );
/* Note: Initialize handlers to NULL when declared! */
static HandlerType handlers [ MAXIMUM_PACKET_TYPES ];
static HandlerType getHandler( int thePacketType )
{ // My own assert macro...
UASSERT( thePacketType, >=, FIRST_PACKET_TYPE );
UASSERT( handlers [ thePacketType ], !=, HandlerType(NULL) );
return handlers [ thePacketType ];
struct Data
// Common data to all packets.
int number;
int type;
int foo;
} statePacket;
int bar;
} pauseRequestPacket;
} u;
} data;
bool readFromSocket() { /*read(&data); */ } // Unmarshal
bool writeToSocket() { /*write(&data);*/ } // Marshal
bool handle() { return ( getHandler( data.type ) ) ( * this ); }
}; /* class Packet */
PS: You might dig around with google and grab down cdecl/c++decl. They are very useful programs. Especially when playing around with function pointers.
c++decl> declare foo as function(int) returning pointer to function returning void
void (*foo(int ))()
c++decl> explain void (* getHandler( int ))( const int & );
declare getHandler as function (int) returning pointer to function (reference to const int) returning void