Writing to Django-mapped tables from outside the project - django

Is there anything specifically that I should do or refrain from doing? The only thing I have found so far is that I should create the tables initially using Django's ORM.
I haven't found any resources specific to this topic which makes me think the answer is either very obvious or that this isn't done much, which probably means it's a bad idea.
Details: I have a standalone C# program that reads a file and exports the data to a PostgreSQL database. I would like to make a website where users can upload these types of files and query the data generated by the program. I really like python and I have done a number of projects with it (but not Django), and my experience with C# and .NET so far has been fairly negative. I have also done the Django tutorial, some of Tango, and I'm reading Two Scoops of Django, all of which make me think I will like working with Django.


Design of data storage C++ application (maybe relational database)

I need to store and load some data in a C++ application. This data is basically going to end up as a set of tables as per a relational database.
I write the data to tables using something like csv format, then parse them myself and apply the database logic I need in my C++ code. But it seems stupid to reinvent the wheel with this and end up effectively writing my own database engine.
However, using something like a MySQL database seems like massive overkill for what is going to be a single user local system. I have tried setting up a MySQL daemon on my Windows system and I found it rather complex and possibly even impossible without admin privileges. It would be a serious obstacle to deployment as it would need each user's system to have MySQL set up and running.
Is there a reasonable middle ground solution? Something that can provide me with a simple database, accessible from C++, without all the complexities of setting up a full MySQL install?
NB. I have edited this question such that I hope it satisfies those who have voted to close the question. I am not asking for a recommendation for a tool, or someone's favourite tool or the best tools. That would be asking which database engine should I use. I am asking for what tools and design patterns are available to solve a specific programming problem - i.e. how can I get access to database like functionality from a C++ program, without writing my own database engine, nor setting up a full database server. This is conceptually no different to asking e.g. How do I print out the contents of a vector? - it's just a bigger problem. I have described the problem and what has been done so far to solve it. My understanding from the On Topic Page is that this is within scope.
You can try sqlite.
Here are some simple code examples: https://www.tutorialspoint.com/sqlite/sqlite_c_cpp.htm

Is it an efficient method to use a framework to code a single interactive webpage in python?

This is an open source contributor project for Wikidata's Chronic Pain project.
I would like to create a webpage that :
Have inputboxes where the user select several wikipedia page titles (with suggestions)
Can also take these parameters via the URL
Get items metadata from Wikidata.
Makes a SPARQL request to gather scholarly articles.
Render data from Wikidata and Wikipedia, linking to various wiki pages.
The webpage will be hosted on Wikimedia fundation server. I have access to a linux container as well as a Jupyter Notebook (not sure this one is suitable for this project). It has to be coded in Python 3 since I will use Pywikibot framework to interact with Wikidata.
I'm new to programming so that I don't really know what is the best approach. I heard that it was difficult to code webpages in Python without using a framework like Django. However this page is very simple so that it may not be the most efficient to deploy Django for this ?
NB : your question is bordering on "primarily opinion based" (which doesn't mean it's a bad question by itself but that answers might be more, well, opinions than hard facts).
This being said, "a single interactive page" doesn't mean the server code behind is just loading a static html file and sending it to the client. For example, the main UI part of our product is, technically speaking, "a single interactive page", but this "single" page is full react app and is backed by a dedicated API with a dozen entry points, which the dispatch to a whole load of backend code including database access, celery tasks etc. It would of course be technically possible to code all this with only pure wsgi or even plain old cgi code, but well, it could also be possible to write it directly in C or even assembly and no one would ever consider this a viable solution.
To make a long story short: do not even waste your time trying to code this project with plain wsgi (and let's not talk cgi), you will end up reinventing the squared wheel and everyone will hate you for this (stakeholders because you'll never deliver a robust, working product in due time and budget, and other devs because they'll now have to port the whole darn thing to a stable, mature and maintained framework). Now if Django appears to be overkill for this project there are much lighter frameworks like flask. Actually both are the "industry standard" and safe choices.

Django and Neo4j without Neo4Django

I'm build a Django app with Neo4j (along with Postgres), I found this Django integration called neo4django, I was wondering if it's possible to use neo4restclient only, like, what would be the disadvantages of not using Neo4django? Does using neo4-rest-client only, give me more flexibility?
When I was creating my models with Neo4Django, it seemed that there is no difference between modeling a graph db and relational db. Am I missing anything?
You can absolutely go ahead with neo4j-rest-client or py2neo, without using neo4django. In the same way, you can use any other database driver you'd like any time using Django, any REST client, etc.
What'll you lose? The model DSL, the built-in querying (eg, Person.objects.filter(name="Mohamed")), the built-in indexing, and the Lucene, Gremlin and Cypher behind that. Some things will be much easier- like setting an arbitrary property on a node- but you'll need to learn more about how Neo4j works.
You'll also lose some of the shortcuts Django provides that work with neo4django, like get_object_or_404() and some of the class-based views that work with querysets.
What'll you gain? Absolute power over the DB, and an easier time tweaking DB performance. Though neo4django isn't nearly as good a lib as some traditional ORMs in the Python sphere, the trade-off of power vs provided ease is similar.
That said, the two can work together- you can drop down from neo4django to the underlying REST client nodes and relationships anytime. Just use model_instance.node to get the underlying neo4j-rest-client node object from a model, and from neo4django.db import connection to get a wrapped neo4j-rest-client GraphDatabase.
On whether you're missing something: neo4django was written to re-use a powerful developer interface- the Django ORM- so it should feel similar to writing models for Postgres. I've written a bit about that odd feeling in the past. I think part of the problem might be that the lib doesn't highlight the graph terminology new graph-interested devs expect- like traversals and pattern matching- and instead dresses those techniques in Django query clothing.
I'd love your thoughts, or to know anything you'd like the library to do that it isn't doing :) Good luck!

What's a good open source django project to learn from?

What is a good django open source app that I can learn from? Something that follows best practices, and covers the majority of features and isn't overly complicated?
This would depend on your current level of knowledge of python and django.
If you are just starting to use django, I suggest you take a look in django documentation. It is well specified and clear. If you have some project in mind, start working on it while looking up for best practices about specific parts. For python coding style try to follow the pep 8 style guide.
If you already have done some work with django there are many sites lie these:
What I do nowdays is look into django contrib apps (admin, auth, comments, flatpages), which are built based on the rest of django. This gives the best ways on how to write my apps.
Following the django comments framework (object independent), I am working on an app django-valuate (object independent attachment of ratings, likebuttons etc. through template tags)
These are some of my views. I have also starred this question, as I would like to know about some different perspectives and if mine are sound.
I've found djangobb (www.djangobb.org) to be a complete application, production quality and relatively simple. I use it as a base for my application which has nothing to do with forums and bb.
cloc output: only 3000 lines of python code in 30 files, another 2900 lines of templates html
I do not think there would be any one specific app that would cover all/most features of Django since the concept of the Django app itself is to perform specific/related functionality.
Having said that, a popular Django app is django-registration. Its popularity stems from the obvious requirement of most webapps to have User authentication and also its extremely easy to integrate with a Django project.
The best approach perhaps would be to keep trying the tons of open source Django apps available on the net. You can browse through http://www.djangopackages.com/ and http://www.django-apps.com/ to start getting your hands dirty.
snipt.net, a code sharing site:
Review Board, a code review web app
rietveld, another code review on app engine, by GVR himself. You need to know a bit of Django before digging into this source code since the Django models don't work on App Engine, GAE db model is used instead.

How to create a little database with search function and pdf download / upload

I'm trying to code a small program for my friend's company. They build metal cabinets and every cabinet is made out of several parts. So when a customer tells them they need a new cabinet, they tell them the single part numbers. My friend needs now a little tool/database where he can look after those part numbers and if there is an entry, he can download the corresponding blueprint (saved as PDF). Of course the program needs also a function to create a new entry and uploading a PDF file with this entry.
The program needs only to be installed local on one windows machine.
Now I need to know if there is maybe a special way to solve this. It would be helpful if someone could give me some keywords, so I can google it and figure out how to begin :)
I have basic skills in C++ and Java and willing to learn new stuff :)
Have used sqlite for database applications and found it to have a lot of functionality and speed. It lacks all the advanced database admin stuff but for single user/embedded databases its ideal. I use it over MySQL because of a significant performance improvement.
It has a Java interface via java.sql.Connection.
I think this is a good opportunity to try something else than C++/Java. In your case I would go for Ruby on Rails and for example the PaperClip extension (http://thoughtbot.com/community/) (haven't used PaperClip myself, though). Ruby on Rails is kind of made for this type of problem.